The primary motor cortex (M1) located in the frontal lobe controls movement and its map of the body is disproportionate with more space for complex hands/fingers. Other motor regions include the posterior parietal cortex for visual motor commands, premotor cortex for proximal muscle control, and supplementary motor area for complex coordinated movements.
The hemispheres have functional asymmetries with the left controlling the right side of the body and vice versa. The left hemisphere is superior for controlling ipsilateral movement accuracy while the right is superior for spatial tasks, some emotions, and music. Memory lateralization depends on material with the left specialized for verbal and right for nonverbal. The left hemisphere interpreter continuously interprets patterns while the right focuses
The primary motor cortex (M1) located in the frontal lobe controls movement and its map of the body is disproportionate with more space for complex hands/fingers. Other motor regions include the posterior parietal cortex for visual motor commands, premotor cortex for proximal muscle control, and supplementary motor area for complex coordinated movements.
The hemispheres have functional asymmetries with the left controlling the right side of the body and vice versa. The left hemisphere is superior for controlling ipsilateral movement accuracy while the right is superior for spatial tasks, some emotions, and music. Memory lateralization depends on material with the left specialized for verbal and right for nonverbal. The left hemisphere interpreter continuously interprets patterns while the right focuses
The primary motor cortex (M1) located in the frontal lobe controls movement and its map of the body is disproportionate with more space for complex hands/fingers. Other motor regions include the posterior parietal cortex for visual motor commands, premotor cortex for proximal muscle control, and supplementary motor area for complex coordinated movements.
The hemispheres have functional asymmetries with the left controlling the right side of the body and vice versa. The left hemisphere is superior for controlling ipsilateral movement accuracy while the right is superior for spatial tasks, some emotions, and music. Memory lateralization depends on material with the left specialized for verbal and right for nonverbal. The left hemisphere interpreter continuously interprets patterns while the right focuses
The primary motor cortex (M1) located in the frontal lobe controls movement and its map of the body is disproportionate with more space for complex hands/fingers. Other motor regions include the posterior parietal cortex for visual motor commands, premotor cortex for proximal muscle control, and supplementary motor area for complex coordinated movements.
The hemispheres have functional asymmetries with the left controlling the right side of the body and vice versa. The left hemisphere is superior for controlling ipsilateral movement accuracy while the right is superior for spatial tasks, some emotions, and music. Memory lateralization depends on material with the left specialized for verbal and right for nonverbal. The left hemisphere interpreter continuously interprets patterns while the right focuses
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Understanding movement (motor cortex, cognition):
1. The primary motor cortex, or M1, is one of the principal brain areas involved in motor function. M1 is located in the frontal lobe of the brain, along a bump called the precentral gyrus. The role of the primary motor cortex is to generate neural impulses that control the execution of movement. 2. Signals from M1 cross the body’s midline to activate skeletal muscles on the opposite side of the body, meaning that the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, through the corticospinal tract. 3. Every part of the body is represented in the primary motor cortex, and these representations are arranged in a somatotopic manner — the foot is next to the leg which is next to the trunk which is next to the arm and the hand. The amount of brain matter devoted to any particular body part represents the amount of control that the primary motor cortex has over that body part. For example, a lot of cortical space is required to control the complex movements of the hand and fingers, and these body parts have larger representations in M1 than the trunk or legs, whose muscle patterns are relatively simple. This disproportionate map of the body in the motor cortex is called the motor homunculus. 4. Other regions of the cortex involved in motor function are called the secondary motor cortices. These regions include a. the posterior parietal cortex, b. the premotor cortex c. the supplementary motor area (SMA). 5. The posterior parietal cortex is involved in transforming visual information into motor commands. For example, the posterior parietal cortex would be involved in determining how to steer the arm to a glass of water based on where the glass is located in space. 6. The posterior parietal areas send this information on to the premotor cortex and the supplementary motor area. The premotor cortex lies just in front of (anterior to) the primary motor cortex. 7. Premotor cortex is involved in the sensory guidance of movement, and it controls the more proximal muscles and trunk muscles of the body. In our example, the premotor cortex would help to orient the body before reaching for the glass of water. 8. The supplementary motor area lies above, or medial to, the premotor area, also in front of the primary motor cortex. It is involved in the planning of complex movements and in coordinating two-handed movements. 9. The supplementary motor area and the premotor regions both send information to the primary motor cortex as well as to brainstem motor regions. 10. Thus, posterior parietal area premotor cortex and supplementary motor area primary motor cortex corticospinal tract skeletal muscles.
What are the Hemispheric differences of the brain?
Functional asymmetries of the brain: The lateralization of brain function is the tendency for some neural functions or cognitive processes to be specialized to one side of the brain or the other. Superiority of the left hemisphere in controlling ipsilateral movement: One unexpected left-hemisphere specialization was revealed by functional brain-imaging studies. When complex, cognitively driven movements are made by one hand, most of the activation is observed in the contralateral hemisphere, as expected. However, some activation is also observed in the ipsilateral hemisphere, and these ipsilateral effects are substantially greater in the left hemi- sphere than in the right. Consistent with this observation is the finding that left-hemisphere lesions are more likely than right-hemisphere lesions to produce ipsilateral motor problems For example, left- hemisphere lesions are more likely to reduce the accuracy of left-hand movements than right-hemisphere lesions are to reduce the accuracy of right-hand movements. Superiority of the right hemisphere in spatial ability: In a classic early study, Levy (1969) placed a 3D block of a particular shape in either the right hand or the left hand of split- brain patients. Then, she asked them to point to the 2D image that best represented what the 3D block would look like if it were made of cardboard and unfolded. She found a right-hemisphere superiority on this task, and she found that the two hemispheres seemed to go about the task in different ways. The performance of the left hand and right hemisphere was rapid and silent, whereas the performance of the right hand and left hemisphere was hesitant and often accompanied by a running verbal commentary that was difficult for the patients to inhibit. Levy concluded that the right hemisphere is superior to the left at spatial tasks. This conclusion has been frequently confirmed and it is consistent with the finding that disorders of spatial perception tend to be associated with right-hemisphere damage. Specialization of the right hemisphere for emotion: Analysis of the effects of unilateral brain lesions indicates that the right hemisphere may be superior to the left at performing some tests of emotion: for example, in accurately identifying facial expressions of emotion. Although the study of unilateral brain lesions suggests a general right-hemisphere dominance for some aspects of emotional processing, functional brain imaging studies have not provided unambiguous support for this view. Superior musical ability of the right hemisphere: Kimura (1964) compared the performance of 20 right-handers on the standard digit version of the dichotic listening test with their performance on a version of the test involving the dichotic presentation of melodies. In the melody version of the test, Kimura simultaneously played two different melodies—one to each ear— and then asked the participants to identify the two they had just heard from four that were subsequently played to them through both ears. The right ear (i.e., the left hemisphere) was superior in the perception of digits, whereas the left ear (i.e., the right hemisphere) was superior in the perception of melodies. This is consistent with the observation that right temporal lobe lesions are more likely to disrupt music discriminations than are left temporal lobe lesions. Hemispheric differences in memory: The study of the lateralization of memory was one of the first areas of research on cerebral lateralization to lead to this modification in thinking. Both the left and right hemispheres have the ability to perform on tests of memory, but the left hemisphere is better on some tests, whereas the right hemisphere is better on others. There are two approaches to studying the cerebral lateralization of memory. One approach is to try to link particular memory processes with particular hemispheres—for example, it has been argued that the left hemisphere is specialized for encoding episodic memory. The other approach is to link the memory processes of each hemisphere to specific materials rather than to specific processes. In general, the left hemisphere has been found to play the greater role in memory for verbal material, whereas the right hemisphere has been found to play the greater role in memory for nonverbal. The left-hemisphere interpreter: Several lines of evidence suggest that the left and right hemispheres approach cognitive tasks in different ways. The cognitive approach that is typical of the left hemisphere is attributed to a mechanism that is metaphorically referred to as the interpreter—a hypothetical neuronal mechanism that continuously assesses patterns of events and tries to make sense of them. The following experiment illustrates the kind of evidence that supports the existence of a left-hemisphere interpreter. The left and right hemispheres of split-brain patients were tested separately. The task was to guess which of two lights—top or bottom—would come on next. The top light came on 80 percent of the time in a random sequence, but the subjects were not given this information. Intact control participants quickly discovered that the top light came on more often than the bottom one; however, because they tried to figure out the non-existent rule that predicted the exact sequence, they were correct only 68 percent of the time—even though they could have scored 80 percent if they always selected the top light. The left hemispheres of the split-brain patients performed on this test like intact controls: They attempted to find deeper meaning and as a result performed poorly. In contrast, the right hemispheres, did not try to interpret the events and readily learned to maximize their correct responses by always selecting the top light. Anatomical asymmetries of the brain:
The frontal operculum: It is the area of frontal lobe cortex that
lies just in front of the face area of the primary motor cortex; in the left hemisphere, it is the location of Broca’s area.
The planum temporale: it lies in the posterior region of the lateral
fissure; it is thought to play a role in the comprehension of language and is often referred to as Wernicke’s area. Heschl’s gyrus: It is located in the lateral fissure just anterior to the planum temporale in the temporal lobe; it is the location of primary auditory cortex.
Although the area of these locations are irregular in the population
(thereby creating an anatomical asymmetry), but this anomaly did not contribute to functional differences. However, one study did notice that musicians who were able to identify perfect pitch had larger Heschl’s gyrus.