Program Evaluation Plan Final

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Ernestine Lee

Professor Regan


Priority Population
Undergraduate UC freshman college students
Wellness Topic
Healthy Eating

Intervention Strategies
Health Education: College students will have a permanent booth with free fruit and for every student that grabs one
walks away with a fact about food that was informed by other students who participate in the campaign and will be
provided a “Eat Healthy” pin. The booth will be open in front of the TUC every Monday & Thursday.

Health Behavior: Enable school-based nutrition classes in recognition of the “Eat Healthy” campaign as a basic freshman
requirement class to increase chances of leading a healthier eating habits throughout college. This class will be based on
the “Eat Healthy” campaign that will be widely recognized and promoted around campus.

Formative Evaluation
The formative evaluation procedures that will be used are; surveys, protocol checklist, key informative interviews.
Surveys: All undergraduate Main Campus UC students will receive a survey from the Eat Healthy Program automatically
in their email once bi-monthly that persist of 5 questions. The questions that will be asked are
1. Have you herd of the Eat Healthy Program at UC? Click; Yes or No
2. Where did you hear about us from? Click options; A-D
3. Have we made a positive impact on your health? Click; Yes or No
4. Would you like to get more involved? Click; Yes or No
5. What can we do to make our program more effective on your behalf? Please type answer in box.
Focus Groups: Focus groups will be held by a program leader (highly involved upper-class man) and program evaluator.
The group invites anyone who clicked yes to question #4 on the survey and those who want to know more or highly
interested in the program’s advancements. We will focus on improvements, goals and outcomes of past ideas.
Key Informative Interviews: The program evaluator will conduct interviews with freshman on the idea of having
implemented class for future freshman and more activity ideas they would participate in and how this could make them
more informative about eating habits in the future.

Summative Evaluation
Impact Indicators include increasing knowledge among health conditions after college & increase involvement among
local nutrition services.
Outcome Indicators include decrease in unhealthy eating habits, decrease in health issues after graduation of UC
student’s food and price reduction in low fat and low sugar items in UC stores and vending machines.

Confounding Variables
Confounding variables that could potentially affect the program are if there’s an increase on freshman’s gaining 15
pounds after program implementation through classroom. This could show the program is ineffective which may
decrease funding for future activities. This variable may be due to the contradicting food in the cafeterias.

A second cofounding variable could be students petitioning the program to be found as unnecessary for their course as
freshman’s. This may be due to the overwhelming expectations to meet ends goals as freshman’s may have coming into

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