S7 Solution Provider Test S7Pr - Px7
S7 Solution Provider Test S7Pr - Px7
S7 Solution Provider Test S7Pr - Px7
H2 Ni Ti °C
SO4 N3
In a galvanizing shop, the temperatures and the acidic content of the individual containers is controlled,
monitored and archived with analog measured values.
The measured value of an analog channel is to be archived every hour during a shift (8 hours). During
archiving, the date, time, the measured value and status information are to be filed.
This analog value is to be monitored for its lower and upper limit (20% and 80% of the maximum measured
If the limit is exceeded, either too high or too low, it is also to be archived with date, time, measured value
and status.
The Station
PS CPU31x DI 32 DO 32 DI8/DO8 AI 2
Slot-No. --> 1 2 4 5 6 7
I/O adress --> 0..3 4..7 8 304..307
Design In the picture you can see the design of an S7-300 as specified by the customer. This design
is needed for implementing the test program and is termed the test model.
The Simulator
.0 ......... ......... .0
.1 .
......... 1) .
......... .1
.2 . .
......... ......... .2
.3 . .
......... ......... .3 V
.4 . .
......... ......... .4
. .
.5 ......... ......... .5 3)
. .
.6 ......... ......... .6 AI2 AO1 -
15V...+15AI1 AO2
.7 . .
......... ......... .7 V
. . 2)
.0 ......... .........
. . .0
.1 ......... .........
. . .1 AI1 AI2
.2 ......... ......... V
. . .2
.3 ......... .........
. . .3
.4 ......... .........
0815 AI1 AI2 AO1 AO2
.6 ......... .........
. . .6
.7 ......... .........
. . .7
Design For testing the system, the system’s operator uses the simulator depicted above. It is
connected to the modules in slots 4, 5 and 7 of the S7-300 test model by means of a
connector cable.
Addressing For the S7-300 (CPU 312-314), physical addressing is used (fixed slot addressing according
to design topology).
You can see the automatically assigned default module addresses in the picture.
Station Design
4. Create a data block (DB1) that cyclically stores the measured values (channel 0) during a shift.
- The production cycle is 8 hours.
For testing the block, the measuring cycle is to be reduced from hourly (60min) to 6 seconds.
Use the S7-300 CPU’s time interrupt system for triggering the measured value storage.
- Use an array that is created in a data block to store the data.
- During data storage, the date, time, measured value and a status are to be filed.
Status = 0 cyclic data storage in the tolerance range (20 to 80% of the measuring range)
= 1 overflow (>80% of the measuring range)
= 2 underflow (<20% of the measuring range)
- As basis for the data storage, a user-defined data type is to be used.
- The measured value of the analog module’s channel 0 is to be scaled to a process value of 0-200 in the
S7. The scaled value is to be stored in the archive (DB1).
5. Save the measured values when the limits are exceeded (either too high or too low) in a separate
data block (DB2).
- Design the data area for the exceeding of limits for a capacity of 100 entries.
- During data storage, the date, time, measured value and a status are to be filed.
Status = 1 overflow (>80% of the measuring range)
= 2 underflow (<20% of the measuring range)
- As basis for the data storage, a user-defined data type is to be used.
- Write a program for the trigger points for storing the data using an interrupt block rather than a
comparison (because of the module parameter assignments).
- The measured value of the analog module’s channel 0 is to be scaled to a process value of 0-200 in the
S7. The scaled value is to be stored in the archive (DB2).
8. An assignment list is to be completed for the project that contains all the operands used.
9. The blocks are to be documented with at least their block name and a block title.