ProCurve MSM7xx
ProCurve 5400zl Switches
Controllers CLI
Installation and Getting Started Guide
Reference Guide
HP ProCurve MSM7xx Controllers
Trademark Credits
Windows NT®, Windows®, and MS Windows® are US
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Hewlett-Packard Company
8000 Foothills Boulevard
Roseville, California 95747-5552
In this Contents section, new to 5.3.x contexts and commands are preceded with an asterisk
“*” and formatted in green like this:
* new context
* new command
1 Introduction
Products covered...................................................................................................1-2
File transfer...................................................................................................................1-8
2 CLI commands
arping ......................................................................................................................2-2
iperf .........................................................................................................................2-2
nslookup .................................................................................................................2-2
ping ..........................................................................................................................2-2
ps .............................................................................................................................2-3
traceroute ...............................................................................................................2-3
Enable context..............................................................................................................2-4
reboot device..........................................................................................................2-4
iperf .........................................................................................................................2-4
ping ..........................................................................................................................2-4
arping ......................................................................................................................2-5
end ...........................................................................................................................2-5
show interfaces......................................................................................................2-6
* show ip.................................................................................................................2-6
show satellites........................................................................................................2-6
show users..............................................................................................................2-7
controlled network................................................................................................2-8
Config context ..............................................................................................................2-9
certificate binding..................................................................................................2-9
end ...........................................................................................................................2-9
reboot device........................................................................................................2-10
username ..............................................................................................................2-10
interface ip............................................................................................................2-11
virtual ap ...............................................................................................................2-11
* mac list...............................................................................................................2-12
ipsec policy...........................................................................................................2-12
ip http port............................................................................................................2-13
web allow..............................................................................................................2-14
web access interface gre ....................................................................................2-15
clock ......................................................................................................................2-18
ntp protocol..........................................................................................................2-19
ntp server..............................................................................................................2-19
ntp server..............................................................................................................2-21
config-update operation......................................................................................2-21
config-update time...............................................................................................2-21
config-update uri..................................................................................................2-22
config-update weekday.......................................................................................2-22
snmp-server trap syslog-severity .......................................................................2-23
snmp-server ..........................................................................................................2-23
snmp-server chassis-id........................................................................................2-23
snmp-server contact............................................................................................2-24
snmp-server location...........................................................................................2-24
snmp-server port..................................................................................................2-24
snmp-server readonly..........................................................................................2-24
snmp-server trap..................................................................................................2-25
soap-server ...........................................................................................................2-28
soap-server allow.................................................................................................2-29
soap-server ssl......................................................................................................2-30
soap-server ssl with client certificate ...............................................................2-30
firmware-update automatic................................................................................2-32
firmware-update time..........................................................................................2-32
firmware-update weekday..................................................................................2-33
ip name-server......................................................................................................2-33
ip name-server dynamic......................................................................................2-33
access controller..................................................................................................2-35
discovery protocol...............................................................................................2-36
service controller ap authentication refresh-rate............................................2-37
key chain...............................................................................................................2-43
radius-server client..............................................................................................2-44
active-directory check attribute ........................................................................2-45
active-directory domain......................................................................................2-45
active-directory group.........................................................................................2-46
show active-directory..........................................................................................2-46
radius-server client..............................................................................................2-46
igmp proxy............................................................................................................2-48
* rf-id aeroscout...................................................................................................2-48
end .........................................................................................................................2-49
* authorize_net transaction key ........................................................................2-52
noc authentication...............................................................................................2-53
ipass id ..................................................................................................................2-54
access-list .............................................................................................................2-55
mac-address .........................................................................................................2-57
fail page.................................................................................................................2-57
goodbye url...........................................................................................................2-57
login page..............................................................................................................2-58
welcome url..........................................................................................................2-60
Default Session profile context ................................................................................2-61
end .........................................................................................................................2-63
end .........................................................................................................................2-65
access list..............................................................................................................2-65
bandwidth level....................................................................................................2-66
* egress vlan.........................................................................................................2-66
end .........................................................................................................................2-70
access-controlled virtual ap ...............................................................................2-71
active .....................................................................................................................2-71
username ..............................................................................................................2-74
end .........................................................................................................................2-75
duplex ...................................................................................................................2-75
speed .....................................................................................................................2-75
interface vlan........................................................................................................2-75
end .........................................................................................................................2-77
duplex ...................................................................................................................2-77
speed .....................................................................................................................2-77
interface vlan........................................................................................................2-77
ip address mode...................................................................................................2-79
ip address..............................................................................................................2-79
ip nat......................................................................................................................2-80
end .........................................................................................................................2-80
pppoe mtu.............................................................................................................2-81
pppoe unnumbered .............................................................................................2-81
passive-interface ..................................................................................................2-82
router rip...............................................................................................................2-82
end .........................................................................................................................2-84
ip address..............................................................................................................2-84
passive-interface ..................................................................................................2-84
router rip...............................................................................................................2-84
end .........................................................................................................................2-86
active .....................................................................................................................2-86
credentials ............................................................................................................2-86
interval ..................................................................................................................2-86
egress unauthenticated.......................................................................................2-88
guest-mode ...........................................................................................................2-88
max-association ...................................................................................................2-89
vlan ........................................................................................................................2-89
transmit key..........................................................................................................2-90
wireless filters......................................................................................................2-91
mac authentication..............................................................................................2-95
active .....................................................................................................................2-97
fast authentication...............................................................................................2-98
qos .........................................................................................................................2-98
html redirection .................................................................................................2-100
end .......................................................................................................................2-103
security ...............................................................................................................2-103
end .......................................................................................................................2-105
ip address............................................................................................................2-105
ip address mode.................................................................................................2-105
vlan name............................................................................................................2-106
ip default-gateway .............................................................................................2-106
ip nat....................................................................................................................2-106
end .......................................................................................................................2-107
radius-server key 2 ............................................................................................2-108
radius-server realm............................................................................................2-109
end .......................................................................................................................2-110
active ...................................................................................................................2-110
gateway ...............................................................................................................2-110
ip address............................................................................................................2-111
peer ip address...................................................................................................2-111
end .......................................................................................................................2-112
active ...................................................................................................................2-112
authentication ....................................................................................................2-112
cipher ..................................................................................................................2-112
incoming nat.......................................................................................................2-113
interface ..............................................................................................................2-113
local id.................................................................................................................2-113
peer id .................................................................................................................2-113
peer ip address...................................................................................................2-114
preshared key.....................................................................................................2-114
Syslog destination context ......................................................................................2-115
active ...................................................................................................................2-115
logging facility....................................................................................................2-115
name ....................................................................................................................2-115
end .......................................................................................................................2-116
level .....................................................................................................................2-116
level .....................................................................................................................2-116
process ................................................................................................................2-117
process ................................................................................................................2-117
active ...................................................................................................................2-118
end .......................................................................................................................2-118
ip nat....................................................................................................................2-118
passive-interface ................................................................................................2-119
router rip.............................................................................................................2-119
Keychain context......................................................................................................2-120
end .......................................................................................................................2-120
key .......................................................................................................................2-120
end .......................................................................................................................2-121
key-string ............................................................................................................2-121
end .......................................................................................................................2-122
daily restriction..................................................................................................2-122
online time limit.................................................................................................2-123
start time.............................................................................................................2-123
* end....................................................................................................................2-125
* password .........................................................................................................2-125
* security ............................................................................................................2-125
* community ......................................................................................................2-126
* end....................................................................................................................2-126
* port ...................................................................................................................2-126
* receiver ............................................................................................................2-126
* user...................................................................................................................2-126
* version .............................................................................................................2-126
end .......................................................................................................................2-127
active ...................................................................................................................2-128
end .......................................................................................................................2-130
execute action....................................................................................................2-130
ap group ..............................................................................................................2-130
ap name...............................................................................................................2-130
contact ................................................................................................................2-131
location ...............................................................................................................2-131
execute action....................................................................................................2-132
end .......................................................................................................................2-132
group name.........................................................................................................2-132
virtual ap binding...............................................................................................2-132
execute action....................................................................................................2-133
end .......................................................................................................................2-133
end .......................................................................................................................2-134
provisioning discovery......................................................................................2-134
inherit 8021x.......................................................................................................2-137
inherit untagged stp...........................................................................................2-138
end .......................................................................................................................2-141
location aware....................................................................................................2-141
process ................................................................................................................2-142
process ................................................................................................................2-142
level .....................................................................................................................2-142
level .....................................................................................................................2-143
end .......................................................................................................................2-143
inherit ..................................................................................................................2-143
end .......................................................................................................................2-144
inherit ..................................................................................................................2-144
interface ..............................................................................................................2-144
ip assignation .....................................................................................................2-144
vlan ......................................................................................................................2-144
vlan ......................................................................................................................2-145
static ip................................................................................................................2-145
provisioning local mesh port............................................................................2-145
end .......................................................................................................................2-147
dns name.............................................................................................................2-147
inherit ..................................................................................................................2-147
discovery provisioning......................................................................................2-148
ip address............................................................................................................2-148
ip provisioning ...................................................................................................2-148
transmit power...................................................................................................2-150
autochannel skip................................................................................................2-151
station distance..................................................................................................2-151
spectralink view.................................................................................................2-153
end .......................................................................................................................2-153
inherit ..................................................................................................................2-153
end .......................................................................................................................2-155
inherit ..................................................................................................................2-155
security ...............................................................................................................2-156
security mode.....................................................................................................2-156
dynamic mode....................................................................................................2-156
mesh id................................................................................................................2-157
active ...................................................................................................................2-157
end .......................................................................................................................2-157
inherit ..................................................................................................................2-158
name ....................................................................................................................2-158
end .......................................................................................................................2-159
inherit ..................................................................................................................2-159
* end....................................................................................................................2-160
* active................................................................................................................2-160
* dot1x authentication......................................................................................2-160
* ingress traffic type..........................................................................................2-161
* mac authentication.........................................................................................2-162
* priority .............................................................................................................2-162
* priority lookup................................................................................................2-163
* vlan ...................................................................................................................2-163
* end....................................................................................................................2-164
* entry .................................................................................................................2-164
Alphabetical list of commands
In this alphabetical list, new to 5.3.x commands are preceded * authentication server radius 2-160
by an asterisk “*” and formatted in green like this: authentication server radius 2-90
* command 2-xxx
* authorize_net installation id 2-51
access-list 2-55
beacon interval 2-152
active 2-110
bridge protocol ieee vlan 2-138
active 2-112
certificate 2-9
active 2-115
certificate binding 2-9
active 2-118
certificate ipsec ca 2-35
active 2-128
certificate ipsec local 2-35
active 2-157
certificate ipsec revocation 2-35
* active 2-160
certificate revocation 2-9
active 2-71
certificate ssl 2-36
active 2-86
chargeable user identity 2-72
active 2-97
cipher 2-112
ap group 2-130
config-update uri 2-22
ap name 2-130
config-update weekday 2-22
arp 2-5
config-version 2-43
arping 2-2
controlled network 2-8
arping 2-5
country code 2-146
authentication 2-112
credentials 2-86
* dhcp public ip subnet 2-9
* dynamic vlan 2-161
distance 2-149
force centralize data 2-88
dot11 2-149
html authentication 2-95
duplex 2-75
* ingress traffic type 2-161
duplex 2-77
inherit 2-143
inherit 2-159
layer3 mobility 2-98
interface 2-113
location 2-131
interface 2-144
location aware 2-141
interface ip 2-11
logging destination 2-22
interval 2-86
login url 2-58
ip address 2-105
logo 2-58
ip address 2-111
* mac authentication 2-162
ip address 2-148
mac authentication 2-95
ip address 2-79
mac authentication accounting 2-94
ip address 2-84
mac authentication accounting radius profile 2-94
ip assignation 2-144
* mac list 2-12
ip default-gateway 2-106
mac-address 2-57
ip name-server 2-33
matches 2-116
ip nat 2-106
maximum input packets 2-61
ip nat 2-118
maximum output octets 2-62
ip nat 2-80
maximum output packets 2-62
ip provisioning 2-148
maximum total packets 2-62
ipass id 2-54
message 2-142
iperf 2-2
mode 2-113
iperf 2-4
multicast rate 2-150
key 2-120
nat limit port range 2-80
key-string 2-121
nat one-to-one 2-67
l3subnet 2-139
noc access interface gre 2-54
noc access interface vlan 2-54
qos 2-98
nslookup 2-2
radius nas id 2-155
passive-interface 2-119
radius-server authentication port 2-107
passive-interface 2-82
radius-server client 2-44
passive-interface 2-84
radius-server client 2-46
* password 2-125
radius-server deadtime 2-108
password 2-73
radius-server force-nas-port-to-vlanid 2-109
peer id 2-113
radius-server host 2-108
ping 2-2
radius-server name 2-108
ping 2-4
radius-server nasid 2-109
* port 2-126
radius-server profile 2-35
* priority 2-162
* remember delay 2-51
process 2-117
remote configuration 2-36
process 2-117
remote ip address 2-111
process 2-142
renew user profile subscription 2-42
process 2-142
* rf-id aeroscout 2-48
ps 2-3
security psk 2-156
service controller ap authentication credentials 2-37
snmp-server access vpn 2-27
* show ip 2-6
soap-server access lan 2-30
snmp-server 2-23
station distance 2-151
subscription plan name 2-123
syslog 2-135
top 2-3
traceroute 2-3
* user 2-126
username 2-10
username 2-74
* version 2-126
virtual ap 2-11
vlan 2-144
vlan 2-145
* vlan 2-163
vlan 2-89
wpa-psk 2-91
Chapter 1: Introduction
About this guide ...........................................................................................................1-2
Products covered...................................................................................................1-2
File transfer...................................................................................................................1-8
About this guide
Products covered
This guide covers the following products:
Model Part
MSM710 Access Controller J9328A
MSM710 Mobility Controller J9325A
MSM730 Access Controller J9329A
MSM730 Mobility Controller J9326A
MSM750 Access Controller J9330A
MSM750 Mobility Controller J9327A
MSM760 Access Controller J9420A
MSM760 Mobility Controller J9421A
MSM765 Mobility Controller J9370A
In the online help and this manual, Colubris product names have been changed to their
equivalent HP ProCurve product names.
Note SOAP and SNMP MIBs retain the Colubris naming so you do not need to change your existing
SOAP and MIB usage.
The Colubris Networks product names and their corresponding new HP ProCurve product
names are as follows:
About this guide
Important terms
The following terms are used in this guide.
Term Description
AP Refers to any HP ProCurve Networking MSM3xx or MSM4xx
Access Point.
service controller Refers to any HP ProCurve Networking MSM7xx Controller,
including both Access Controller and Mobility Controller
VSC, Virtual ap, VAP These terms are used interchangeably to refer to VSC (Virtual
Service Community).
Typographical conventions
Command syntax
Command syntax is formatted in a monospaced font as follows:
Example Description
web admin kickout Items in plain text must be entered as shown.
ip http port <number> Items in italics and enclosed in < > are parameters for
which you must supply a value. In this example, you
must supply a value for <number>.
HP ProCurve Networking support
Example Description
end [force] Items enclosed in square brackets are optional. You
can either include them or not. Do not include the
brackets. In this example you can either include
“force” or omit it.
firewall mode (high|low|none) Items enclosed in parenthesis and separated by a
vertical line indicate a choice. Specify only one of the
items. In this example, you must specify ’high’, ’low’, or
Management tool
When referring to the management tool interface, the Main menu name is presented first
followed by a right angle-bracket and then the sub-menu name, as in Network > Ports.
Double angle brackets >> separate elements that appear in the Network Tree from main
menu and sub-menu references, as in Service Controller >> Status.
Online documentation
Online documentation
For the latest documentation, visit the HP ProCurve Networking manuals Web page at:
Connectivity and login credentials for SSH connections use the same settings as defined for
the management tool manager on the Service Controller >> Management > Management
tool page.
Entering strings
SSH connections to the CLI can be made on any active interface. Support for each
interface must be explicitly enabled under Security.
The login credentials for SSH connections are the same as those defined under Manager
account. By default, both username and password are set to admin.
Note SSH logins always use the local manager username and password, even if Administrative
user authentication is set to use a RADIUS server. (The Administrative user
authentication option is not available on all models.)
Entering strings
When entering a value that contains spaces, you must enclose it in quotation marks. For
example, if the command syntax is:
ssid <name>
Context hierarchy
Context hierarchy
CLI commands are grouped into functional contexts. The following table show the context
hierarchy and the command used to switch from the parent context:
Sample CLI session
CLI# config
CLI(config-if-ip)# no ip nat
CLI(config-if-ip)# end
CLI(config)# end
CLI# quit
File transfer
In some cases you may need to transfer files (certificates or configuration) to the service
controller. Commands that have this capability typically include <uri> or <url> in their
parameter list.
Note When you enter the commands discussed here, the files are transferred immediately.
>login: admin
>password: ****
>put my-root-certificate.pem
In the CLI, use the local://<filename> parameter in the URL. Replace <filename> with the
filename you used to transfer using SFTP. For example:
CLI(config)# certificate ipsec ca local://my-root-certificate.pem
Chapter 2: CLI commands
CLI commands
CLI commands
View context
Path: View
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
arping [ -AbDfhqUV] [ -c <count>] [ -w <deadline>] [ -s <source>] -I <interface>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
iperf -c host [-t time]
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
nslookup [ -option authentication ] [ <host-to-find> | - [< server> ]]
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ping <host> [-c <count>] [-s <length>] [-q]
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Quits the CLI.
show license
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show license (eula | gpl | other)
Displays license information.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Displays all running processes.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
traceroute [-n] [-r] [-v] [-m <max_ttl>] [-p <port#>] [-q <nqueries>] [-s
Show the hosts that are traversed to reach the specified IP address.
CLI commands
Enable context
Path: View > Enable
reboot device
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
reboot device
show certificate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show certificate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
iperf -c host [-t time]
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ping <host> [-c <count>] [-s <length>] [-q]
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
arping [ -AbDfhqUV] [ -c <count>] [ -w <deadline>] [ -s <source>] -I <interface>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
arp [-evn] [-H <type>] [-i if] ?- [<hostname>] arp [-v] [-i if] -d <hostname>
[pub] arp [-v] [-H <type>] [-i if] -s <hostname> <hw_addr> [temp] arp [-v] [-H
<type>] [-i if] -s <hostname> <hw_addr> [<netmask> <nm>] <pub> arp [-v] [-H
Displays and modifies the Internet-to-Ethernet address translation tables used by the address
resolution protocol.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
rcapture [<a>] [<b>] [<c>] [<d>] [<e>] [<f>] [<g>] [<h>]
Refer to Linux documentation for a complete description of this command and its options.
show arp
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show arp
Show the ARP table.
show bridge
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show bridge
Show bridge information.
CLI commands
Show DNS cache entries. Specify a serial number to display detailed information.
show interfaces
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show interfaces
show ip
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show ip
show ip route
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show ip route
Show all IP routes.
show satellites
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show satellites [<deviceid>]
Show current satellites of this access point.
CLI commands
Display client station log. Enter the MAC address to display more details for a specific client
show users
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show users [<filter>]
Show all users of this service controller.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Switches to the config context.
CLI commands
controlled network
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
controlled network (ap | group | base) [<name>] [<mac>]
CLI commands
Config context
Path: View > Enable > Config
Sets the default lease time for the DHCP public IP subnet pool.
Enable DHCP server IP Address pool for Access Controller public IP subnet functionality.
no dhcp public ip subnet
Disable DHCP server IP Address pool for Access Controller public IP subnet functionality.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
certificate (authority | local) <uri> <certname> [<password>]
certificate binding
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
certificate binding (web-management | html-auth | soap | eap) <certname>
certificate revocation
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
certificate revocation <uri> <certname>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
factory settings
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
factory settings
interface ethernet
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface ethernet (port-1|port-2)
reboot device
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
reboot device
show certificate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show certificate
Generates a list of CLI commands that can be used to define the currently loaded configuration.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
username <user> <password>
CLI commands
interface ip
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface ip (lan | wan)
Switches to the specified IP interface context.
interface gre
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface gre <name>
Switches to the specified GRE interface or creates a new GRE interface with the specified name.
no interface gre <name>
virtual ap
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
virtual ap <name>
Creates a new VAP (VSC) profile or switches to the existing VAP (VSC) context with the specified
no virtual ap <name>
subscription plan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
subscription plan <name>
Add a new subscription plan.
no subscription plan <name>
Delete a subscription plan.
CLI commands
mac list
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
mac list <name>
ipsec policy
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ipsec policy <name>
Switches to the specified IPSec policy or creates a new IPSec policy with the specified name.
CLI commands
ip http port
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip http port <number>
Sets the port number to use for HTTP access to the service controller.
<number> Port number. Range: 1 - 65535.
HTTP connections made to this port are met with a warning and the browser is redirected to the
secure web server port. By default. this parameter is set to port 80.
ip https port
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip https port <number>
Sets the port number used for HTTPS access to the service controller.
<number> Port number. Range: 1 - 65535.
Send a trap when the SSL certificate has expired. A trap is sent every 12 hours.
no snmp-server trap certificate-expired
Send a trap when the SSL certificate is about to expire. A trap is sent every 12 hours starting 15
days before the certificate expires.
no snmp-server trap certificate-expires-soon
CLI commands
Stops a new administrator from logging in until an existing administrator logs out.
web allow
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
web allow <ip address>/<mask>
Adds an address to the list of hosts that can access the management tool.
no web allow <ip address>/<mask>
Removes the specified address from the list of hosts that can access the management tool.
<address> IP address.
</mask> Subnet mask in CIDR format. Specifies the number of bits in the mask.
CLI commands
Enables access to the management tool via the specified GRE tunnel.
no web access interface gre <name>
Disables access to the management tool via the specified GRE tunnel.
CLI commands
dhcp mode
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dhcp mode (server | relay | none)
Sets whether the service controller operates as a DHCP server or DHCP relay agent.
dhcp server
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dhcp server lan
CLI commands
Do not listen for DHCP requests from centralized access-controlled client stations.
dhcp relay
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dhcp relay <primary-ip-address> <[secondary-ip-address]>
Sets the primary and secondary DHCP server for the relay.
CLI commands
Do not listen for DHCP requests from centralized access-controlled client stations.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
clock <time> <date>
CLI commands
clock timezone
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
clock timezone <gmtdiff>
ntp protocol
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ntp protocol (ntp | sntp)
ntp server
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ntp server
Enable this option to have the service controller periodically contact a network time server to
update its internal clock.
no ntp server
Set parameters of the rule defining the beginning of daylight savings time.
CLI commands
<day> Day of the month. Range 1 - 31.
<weekday> Weekday. Valid values are: "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat".
<month> Month. Valid values are: "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug",
<following-date> Rule of the form: The first [Weekday] on or after the [Day]th of [Month] at
<preceding-date> Rule of the form: The first [Weekday] on or before the [Day]th of [Month]
at [Time].
Set parameters of the rule defining the end of daylight savings time.
<day> Day of the month. Range 1 - 31.
<weekday> Weekday. Valid values are: "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat".
<month> Month. Valid values are: "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug",
CLI commands
<following-date> Rule of the form: The first [Weekday] on or after the [Day]th of [Month] at
<preceding-date> Rule of the form: The first [Weekday] on or before the [Day]th of [Month]
at [Time].
ntp server
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ntp server <index><host>
config-update automatic
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
config-update automatic
The service controller can automatically download the configuration file from a local or remote
URL (restore). It is also possible to upload the current configuration to a given URL (backup).
config-update operation
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
config-update operation (restore | backup)
Sets the type of operation that will take place at the preset time.
config-update time
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
config-update time <time>
Sets the time of day when the scheduled configuration operation (backup or restore) will take
CLI commands
<time> Time as hh:mm:ss. For example: 15:44:00.
config-update uri
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
config-update uri <uri>
Sets the URI where the service controller will download or upload the configuration file.
no config-update uri
config-update weekday
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
config-update weekday (everyday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday |
Sets the day when the scheduled configuration operation (backup or restore) will take place.
logging destination
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
logging destination <name>
CLI commands
Set the severity level of syslog messages that will trigger a trap.
no snmp-server trap syslog-severity
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server allow
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server allow <ip address>/<mask>
Adds a host to the list of IP address from which access to the SNMP interface is permitted.
no snmp-server allow <ip address>/<mask>
Removes a host from the list of IP address from which access to the SNMP interface is permitted.
<address> IP address.
</mask> Subnet mask in CIDR format. Specifies the number of bits in the mask.
snmp-server chassis-id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server chassis-id <name>
Specifies a name to identify the service controller. By default, this is set to the serial number of the
service controller.
no snmp-server chassis-id
CLI commands
snmp-server contact
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server contact <email>
snmp-server location
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server location <name>
snmp-server port
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server port <port number>
Sets the port the service controller will use to respond to SNMP requests.
<port number> SNMP port number. Range 1 - 65535.
snmp-server readonly
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server readonly <community>
CLI commands
snmp-server readwrite
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server readwrite <community>
Sets the read-write community string.
no snmp-server readwrite
Deletes the read-write community string.
snmp-server trap
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server trap
Enables support for SNMP traps.
no snmp-server trap
Disables support for SNMP traps.
Sets the password required by the remote host that will receive the trap.
no snmp-server trap community
Deletes the password required by the remote host that will receive the trap.
CLI commands
Send a trap each time an SNMP request fails to supply the correct community name.
snmp-server version 1
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server version 1
Enable version 1
no snmp-server version 1
Disable version 1
snmp-server version 2c
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server version 2c
Enable version 2c
no snmp-server version 2c
Disable version 2c
snmp-server version 3
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server version 3
Enable version 3
no snmp-server version 3
Disable version 3
CLI commands
<name> Specifies the name of the VLAN.
CLI commands
snmp-server user
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
snmp-server user <name>
Creates a new SNMP user or switches to the SNMP user context with the specified user name.
no snmp-server user <name>
Creates a new SNMP notification receiver or switches to the SNMP notification receiver context
with the specified IP address.
no snmp-server notification receiver <host>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
soap-server allow
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
soap-server allow <ip address>/<mask>
Adds a host to the list of IP address from which access to the SOAP interface is permitted.
no soap-server allow <ip address>/<mask>
Removes a host from the list of IP address from which access to the SOAP interface is permitted.
<address> IP address.
</mask> Subnet mask in CIDR format. Specifies the number of bits in the mask.
CLI commands
soap-server port
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
soap-server port <port number>
Sets the port the service controller will use to respond to SOAP requests.
<port number> SOAP port number. Range 1 - 65535.
soap-server ssl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
soap-server ssl
Enable the use of client certificate with SSL for SOAP server.
no soap-server ssl with client certificate
Disable the use of client certificate with SSL for SOAP server.
CLI commands
Send a trap when a user establishes a VPN connection with the service controller.
no snmp-server trap vpn-connection
Set the severity level of syslog messages that will trigger a trap.
CLI commands
firmware-update automatic
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
firmware-update automatic
The service controller can automatically retrieve and install firmware from a local or remote URL
at preset times. By placing service controller firmware on a web or ftp server, you can automate
When the update process is triggered the service controller retrieves the first 2K of the firmware
file to determine if it is different from the active version. If different, the entire firmware file is
(Different means older or newer. This enables you to return to a previous firmware version if
Configuration settings are preserved during the update unless stated otherwise in the release
notes for the firmware. However, all active connections will be terminated. Users will have to log
firmware-update start
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
firmware-update start
Upload the firmware based on a specified URI. This URI can be set with the command: firmware-
update uri.
firmware-update time
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
firmware-update time <time>
Sets the time of day the scheduled firmware upgrade will take place.
<time> Time as hh:mm:ss. For example: 15:44:00.
firmware-update uri
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
firmware-update uri <uri>
Sets the URI where the service controller will retrieve new firmware.
no firmware-update uri
CLI commands
firmware-update weekday
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
firmware-update weekday (everyday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday |
Sets the day when the scheduled firmware upgrade will take place.
ip name-server
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip name-server <primary> [<secondary>] [<third>]
Sets the primary and secondary DNS servers overriding dynamically assigned ones.
<primary> IP address of the primary DNS server.
<secondary> IP address of the secondary DNS server.
<third> IP address of the third DNS server.
ip name-server cache
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip name-server cache
Once a host name has been successfully resolved to an IP address by a remote DNS server, it is
stored in the cache. This speeds up network performance, as the remote DNS server now does not
ip name-server dynamic
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip name-server dynamic
CLI commands
no ip name-server dynamic
ip name-server interception
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip name-server interception
Intercepts all DNS requests from users and relays them to configured servers.
no ip name-server interception
ip name-server switch-on-servfail
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip name-server switch-on-servfail
ip name-server switch-over
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip name-server switch-over
ip name-server logout-info
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip name-server logout-info <host> <ip address>
Sets the shared secret used to communicate with the service controller.
no access controller shared secret
Sets the shared secret used to communicate with the access controller.
The service controller will only accept authentication/location-aware information from satellites
CLI commands
radius-server profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server profile <name>
Creates a new RADIUS profile or switches to the RADIUS context with the specified profile name.
no radius-server profile <name>
access controller
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access controller
certificate ipsec ca
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
certificate ipsec ca <uri>
CLI commands
certificate ssl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
certificate ssl <uri> <password>
Loads a new SSL certificate using the URI.
session profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
session profile <name>
Switches to the session profile context.
no session profile <name>
Remove a session profile.
remote configuration
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
remote configuration (radius)
discovery protocol
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
discovery protocol
CLI commands
Overwrite the device-id field of information packets (the service controller serial number is not
no discovery protocol device-id
Do not overwrite the device-id field of information packets (use the service controller serial
When the RADIUS authentication source is selected, this option specifies the RADIUS username
and password assigned to the service controller.
no service controller ap authentication credentials
Disables AP authentication.
Sets the file to use for authentication of controlled access points. This must be an ASCII file with
one or more MAC addresses in it. Each address must appear on a separate line.
Sets the RADIUS profile to use for authentication of controlled access points.
Specifies the interval at which the service controller retrieves authentication list entries from the
selected authentication source(s).
CLI commands
CLI commands
Sets the bandwidth rates (Tx minimum, Tx maximum, Rx minimum, and Rx maximum) for traffic
classed as High.
CLI commands
Sets the bandwidth rates (Tx minimum, Tx maximum, Rx minimum, and Rx maximum) for traffic
classed as Low.
Sets the maximum transmit and receive rates on the Internet port in kbps.
These settings enable you to limit the total incoming or outgoing data rate on the Internet port. If
traffic exceeds the rate you set for short bursts, it is buffered. Long overages will result in data
being dropped. To utilize the full available bandwidth, the transmit and receive limits should be
set to match the incoming and outgoing data rates on the Internet port.
<transmit> Sets the maximum transmit rate in kbps.
<receive> Sets the maximum receive rate in kbps.
About bandwidth control
Bandwidth rates for each level are defined by taking a percentage of the maximum transmit and
receive rates defined for the Internet port. Each bandwidth level has four rate settings:
Transmit rate - guaranteed minimum: This is the minimum amount of bandwidth that will be
assigned to a level as soon as outgoing traffic is present on the level.
Transmit rate - maximum: This is the maximum amount of outgoing bandwidth that can be
consumed by the level. Traffic in excess will be buffered for short bursts, and dropped for
sustained overages.
Receive rate - guaranteed minimum: This is the minimum amount of bandwidth that will be
assigned to a level as soon as incoming traffic is present on the level.
Receive rate - maximum: This is the maximum amount of incoming bandwidth that can be
consumed by the level. Traffic in excess will be buffered for short bursts, and dropped for
sustained overages.
Bandwidth levels are arranged in order of priority from Very High to Low. Priority determines
how bytesToWrite bandwidth is allocated once the minimum rate has been met for each level.
Free bandwidth is always assigned to the higher priority levels first.
Assigning traffic to bandwidth levels
User traffic is assigned to a bandwidth level on a per-VAP (VSC) basis.
Management traffic (RADIUS, SNMP, management tool admin sessions) is assigned to
All traffic assigned to a particular bandwidth level shares the allocated bandwidth for that
CLI commands
Sets the bandwidth rates (Tx minimum, Tx maximum, Rx minimum, and Rx maximum) for traffic
classed as Normal.
Sets the bandwidth rates (Tx minimum, Tx maximum, Rx minimum, and Rx maximum) for traffic
classed as Very High.
ip route gateway
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip route gateway<destination>/<mask> <gateway> <[metric]>
firewall mode
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
firewall mode (high|low|none)
CLI commands
user profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
user profile <name>
dot1x reauth
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dot1x reauth
Sets the 802.1X reauthentication interval. Client stations must reauthenticate when this interval
Enable this option to allow client stations to remain connected during re-authentication. Client
traffic is blocked only when re-authentication fails.
CLI commands
Disabled this option to block client traffic during re-authentication and only activate traffic again
if authentication succeeds.
dynamic key
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dynamic key
Specifies how often (in minutes or hours) that the group (broadcast) key is changed for 802.1X
and WPA.
key chain
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
key chain <name>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
config-version <string>
CLI commands
radius-server client
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server client
CLI commands
show radius-server
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show radius-server
active-directory domain
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
active-directory domain <domain>
Set the AD Windows domain.
no active-directory domain
Reset the AD Windows domain.
CLI commands
active-directory group
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
active-directory group <name>
active-directory join
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
active-directory join <username> <password>
show active-directory
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
show active-directory
Display Active Directory settings.
radius-server client
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server client <ip address>/<mask> <secret>
user tracking
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
user tracking
CLI commands
no user tracking
CLI commands
igmp proxy
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
igmp proxy
rf-id aeroscout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
rf-id aeroscout
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ads presentation
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ads presentation
Enable this option to permit wireless client stations that are using a static IP address to connect to
the service controller, even if they are on a different subnet.
no station allow any ip address
CLI commands
This option enables users to access the wireless network without reconfiguring their networking
settings. For example, by default the service controller creates the wireless network on the subnet If a client station is pre-configured with the address, it will still be able to
connect to the service controller without changing its address, or its settings for DNS server and
default gateway.
When enabled, all users are automatically granted access when the RADIUS server is down or
no station free access
Once the RADIUS server is available again, free user sessions remain active until the user logs out.
Enables support for client stations that are configured to use a proxy server for HTTP and HTTPS,
without requiring users to reconfigure their systems.
no station http proxy support
Disables support for client stations that are configured to use a proxy server for HTTP and
The service controller continuously polls authenticated client stations to ensure they are active. If
no response is received and the number of retries is reached, the client station is disconnected.
<interval> Specify how long to wait between polls.
<retries> Specify how many polls a client station can fail to reply to before it is
This feature enables the service controller to detect if two client stations are using the same IP
address but have different MAC addresses. If this occurs, access is terminated for this IP address
Changing these values may have security implications. A large interval provides a greater
The initial query is always done after the client station has been idle for 60 seconds. If there is no
answer to this query, the settings for Interval and Retries are used to control additional retries.
CLI commands
system accounting
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
system accounting
remember delay
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
remember delay <number>
Length of time to remember users. Users who return later than this delay interval, are presented
with the login page instead of being re-authenticated.
worldpay installation id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
worldpay installation id <string>
Set the payment response password for the WorldPay payment service.
authorize_net installation id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
authorize_net installation id <string>
CLI commands
Disables the frameset for ads presentation, causing ads presentation to only use ads-page.
authentication http
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
authentication http <number>
Specifies the port number the service controller will use to provide standard HTTP access to the
management tool.
HTTP connections made to this port are met with a warning and the browser is redirected to the
secure web server port. By default this parameter is set to port 80.
authentication https
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
authentication https <number>
Specifies the port number the service controller will use to provide secure access to the
management tool (HTTPS). By default this parameter is set to port 443.
CLI commands
noc allow
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
noc allow <ip address>/<mask>
Adds an IP address or subnet to the list of destinations that the service controller will accept user
login authentication requests from when NOC authentication is active.
no noc allow <ip address>/<mask>
Removes the specified IP address or subnet from the list of destinations that the service controller
will accept user login authentication requests from when NOC authentication is active.
When the list is empty, authentication requests are accepted from any address.
noc authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
noc authentication
secure login
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
secure login
sslv2 authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
sslv2 authentication
CLI commands
Adds the specified VLAN to the list of interfaces that authentication requests are accepted on.
no noc access interface vlan <name>
Removes the specified VLAN from the list of interfaces that authentication requests are accepted
Adds the specified GRE tunnel to the list of interfaces that authentication requests are accepted
no noc access interface gre <name>
Removes the specified GRE tunnel from the list of interfaces that authentication requests are
accepted on.
ipass id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ipass id <name>
ipass name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ipass name <name>
Specifies the WISPr abort login url assigned to the service controller.
no wispr abort login url
Deletes the WISPr abort login url assigned to the service controller.
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access-list <index> <rule>
CLI commands
Subnet address. Include the network mask as follows: address/subnet mask For example:
Use the keyword all to match any address.
Use the keyword none if the protocol does not take an address range (ICMP for example).
<port> Specify a specific port to check or a port range as follows:
none: Used with ICMP (since it has no ports).
all: Check all ports.
1-65535[:1-65535] - Specify a specific port or port range.
<account> Specify the name of the user account the service controller will send billing
information to for this rule. Account names must be unique and can be up
to 32 characters in length.
<interval> Specify time between interim accounting updates. If you do not enable this
option, accounting information is only sent when a user connection is
terminated. Range: 5-99999 seconds in 15 second increments.
use access-list
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
use access-list <listname>
Specifies the name of the access list to use for unauthenticated stations (list disappears once
no use access-list unauth
Do not use an access list for unauthenticated stations (list disappears once authenticated).
config file
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
config file <url>
CLI commands
Specifies the URL that points to an SSL certificate that will replace the default certificate on the
service controller.
no https ssl certificate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
mac-address <macaddr> [<username>] [<password>]
When the MAC authentication option is enabled (in a VAP (VSC) profile), you can define local
macaddr MAC address of the device as 12 hexadecimal numbers, with the values ’a’
to ’f’ in lowercase. For example: 0003520a0f01.
username Username assigned to the device.
password Password assigned to the device.
fail page
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
fail page <url>
Specifies the URL of a new fail page.
no fail page
No new fail page. Use default.
goodbye url
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
goodbye url <url>
Specifies the URL of a goodbye page.
no goodbye url
No goodbye page.
CLI commands
Specifies the URL of the IPass login page. The service controller will automatically redirect users
with IPass client software to this page.
no ipass login url
login page
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
login page <url>
Specifies the URL of the new login page.
no login page
No new login page. Use default.
login url
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
login url <url>
Specifies the URL of a remote login page.
no login url
No remote login page.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
logo <url>
Specifies the URL of a new logo.
no logo
No new logo. Use default.
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
messages <url>
Specifies the URL of the certificate from the certificate authority (CA) that issued the NOC
no noc ssl ca-certificate
No CA certificate.
Specifies the URL of the certificate issued to the application on the remote web server that will
send user info to the service controller for authentication.
no noc ssl certificate
No certificate.
session page
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
session page <url>
Specifies the URL of a new session page.
no session page
No new session page. Use default.
transport page
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
transport page <url>
Specifies the URL of a new transport page.
no transport page
No new transport page. Use default.
CLI commands
welcome url
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
welcome url <url>
No welcome page.
CLI commands
Sets the default accounting interim update interval (in seconds) for all users that do not have a
specific interval set in their profile.
no accounting interim update
idle timeout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
idle timeout <number>
Sets the default idle time out for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their profile.
no idle timeout
Sets the maximum input limit in octets for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their
no maximum input octets
Sets the maximum input limit in packets for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their
no maximum input packets
CLI commands
Sets the maximum output limit in octets for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their
no maximum output octets
Sets the maximum output limit in packets for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their
no maximum output packets
Sets the maximum total limit in octets for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their
no maximum total octets
Sets the maximum total limit in packets for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their
no maximum total packets
nat one-to-one
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
nat one-to-one
Enables one-to-one NAT support for all users that do not have a specific value set in their profile.
no nat one-to-one
CLI commands
session timeout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
session timeout <number>
Sets the default session timeout for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their profile.
no session timeout
public ip subnet
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
public ip subnet
Enables the use of the public IP subnet for IP Addressing for all users that do not have a specific
value set in their profile.
no public ip subnet
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
smtp redirection
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
smtp redirection
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access controlled
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access controlled
access list
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access list <name>
Sets the default accounting interim update interval (in seconds) for all users that do not have a
specific interval set in their profile.
use accounting interim update
Use attribute.
no use accounting interim update
CLI commands
bandwidth level
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
bandwidth level (very-high | high | normal | low)
egress vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress vlan <number>
idle timeout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
idle timeout <number>
Sets the default idle time out for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their profile.
use idle timeout
CLI commands
intercept traffic
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
intercept traffic
Turn on legal traffic interception.
no intercept traffic
Turn off legal traffic interception.
use intercept traffic
Use legal traffic interception.
no use intercept traffic
Do not use legal traffic interception.
nat one-to-one
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
nat one-to-one
Enables one-to-one NAT support for all users that do not have a specific value set in their profile.
no nat one-to-one
CLI commands
session profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
session profile <name>
termination action
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
termination action (logout | reauthenticate)
CLI commands
public ip subnet
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
public ip subnet
Set profile to use the public IP subnet for IP Addressing once authenticated.
no public ip subnet
CLI commands
Use this context to modify settings for a specific user in the local user list.
access controlled
password gadbois
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
access controlled
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access controlled
access-controlled profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access-controlled profile <name>
access-controlled virtual ap
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access-controlled virtual ap <name>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
control method
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
control method (subscription | endtime | none)
egress vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress vlan <number>
Set the VLAN tunnel ID.
use egress vlan
Use the VLAN tunnel ID.
no use egress vlan
Do not use the VLAN tunnel ID.
end time
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
end time <time>
Set expiration time: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
idle timeout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
idle timeout <number>
Sets the idle timeout for this user.
no idle timeout
This user never times out.
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
password <secret>
regular profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
regular profile <name>
regular virtual ap
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
regular virtual ap <name>
session timeout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
session timeout <number>
subscription plan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
subscription plan <name>
CLI commands
no subscription plan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
username <name>
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760
duplex (auto | half | full)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760
speed (auto | 10 | 100)
interface vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface vlan <id>[-<id2>]
Switches to the specified VLAN interface or create a new VLAN interface with the specified ID.
no interface vlan <id>[-<id2>]
<id2> VLAN ID. When specified, this is the last value in a range.
CLI commands
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760
duplex (auto | half | full)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760
speed (auto | 10 | 100)
interface vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface vlan <id>[-<id2>]
Switches to the specified VLAN interface or create a new VLAN interface with the specified ID.
no interface vlan <id>[-<id2>]
CLI commands
CLI commands
This context provides commands for configuring various IP-networking related settings.
ip address mode
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address mode (dhcp | pppoe | static | none)
ip address
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address <ip address>/<mask>
</mask> Subnet mask in CIDR format. Specifies the number of bits in the mask.
CLI commands
ip nat
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip nat
Reserves a range of TCP and UDP ports for each user starting at port 5000.
no nat limit port range
All outgoing traffic for the user is mapped within the range. Applications that set an incoming port
(Active FTP, for example) may choose a port that is outside of the allocated port range. If you
enable this feature you should not assign static NAT mappings in the range 5000 to 32768.
Determine the size of the range to use per user, this will limit the number of user authentication
supported if too high.
Specifies an ID to identify the service controller to a DHCP server. This parameter is not required
by all ISPs.
no ip address dhcp client-id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
pppoe auto-reconnect
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
pppoe auto-reconnect
The service controller will automatically attempt to reconnect if the connection is lost.
CLI commands
no pppoe auto-reconnect
The service controller will not automatically attempt to reconnect if the connection is lost.
pppoe mru
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
pppoe mru <bytes>
Changes to this parameter should only be made according to the recommendations of your ISP.
Incorrectly setting this parameter can reduce the throughput of your Internet connection.
<bytes> Maximum size (in bytes) of a PPPoE packet when receiving. Range: 500 -
1500 bytes.
pppoe mtu
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
pppoe mtu <bytes>
Changes to this parameter should only be made according to the recommendations of your ISP.
Incorrectly setting this parameter can reduce the throughput of your Internet connection.
<bytes> Maximum size (in bytes) of a PPPoE packet when transmitting. Range: 500
- 1500 bytes.
pppoe unnumbered
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
pppoe unnumbered
Adds a static NAT mapping which routes the specified incoming traffic to the specified IP address
on the internal network.
tcp | udp Selects the protocol that the mapping will operate on.
<visible-port> The protocol port number that the incoming traffic uses.
CLI commands
<internal addr> IP address of the device on the internal network that traffic will be routed
<internal-port> The protocol port number that the incoming traffic will be mapped to.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Sets RIP to operate in passive mode (listen for routing broadcasts to update the routing table, but
do not broadcast own routes).
no passive-interface
Sets RIP to operate in active mode (listen for routing broadcasts to update the routing table, and
also broadcast own routes).
router rip
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
router rip
Enable RIP.
no router rip
Disable RIP.
CLI commands
ip address alternate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address alternate <ip address> [<ip address>]
Assigns an alternate IP addresses to the Internet port. The address must be valid on the Internet.
no ip address alternate <ip address> [<ip address>]
The service controller uses these addresses to support its one-to-one NAT feature. The service
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address <ip address>/<mask>
</mask> Subnet mask in CIDR format. Specifies the number of bits in the mask.
ip address management
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address management <ip address>/<mask>
</mask> Subnet mask in CIDR format. Specifies the number of bits in the mask.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Sets RIP to operate in passive mode (listen for routing broadcasts to update the routing table, but
do not broadcast own routes).
no passive-interface
Sets RIP to operate in active mode (listen for routing broadcasts to update the routing table, and
also broadcast own routes).
router rip
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
router rip
Enable RIP.
CLI commands
no router rip
Disable RIP.
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Use a RADIUS server to fetch configuration information for the public access network.
no active
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
credentials <username> <password>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interval <number>
Sets the intervals at which the service controller will retrieve configuration information from the
RADIUS server.
CLI commands
Virtual AP context
This context provides commands for configuring Virtual AP profiles (VAP (VSC)s).
By default one profile exists with the name "". This is the default profile and cannot be deleted.
The following example shows how to add a new VAP (VSC) with egress mapped to an existing
CLI(virtual-ap)# end
virtual ap name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
virtual ap name <name>
access control
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access control
Sets this profile to use the services of the service controller’s access control mechanism for
authentication and control of client sessions.
no access control
CLI commands
Force centralization of wireless client traffic when the AP is L2 connected to the LAN port of the
service controller.
no force centralize data
ingress interface
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ingress vlan <name>
Sets the specified interface as the ingress interface traffic will be accepted on.
This command takes a selector as its input. A selector is used to differentiate traffic, and decide
which parameters should be used to select the VAP (VSC) this user/traffic applies to.
egress unauthenticated
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress ( unauthenticated | authenticated | intercepted ) ( default | vlan <vlan
name> | gre <gre-name>)
Sets the output interface that this profile forwards data traffic to.
unauthenticated This is any traffic from client stations that have not attempted to be
authenticated by the service controller. For example, a client station that
fails to authenticate via 802.1x is not considered to be unauthenticated.
authenticated This is any traffic from client stations that have been authenticated by the
service controller and given access to the public access interface.
intercepted Traffic from specific users can be intercepted and redirected. To enable
traffic interception for a specific user, you must specify the appropriate
setting in the their RADIUS account. See the Management and
Configuration Guide for details.
default Sends traffic without specifying a specific interface. The interface that is
used will be selected by the routing module based on the traffic destination
<vlan-name> Sends traffic tagged with the VLAN ID defined for the specified VLAN
<gre-name> Sends traffic on the specified GRE tunnel.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
max-association <stations>
Sets the maximum number of clients stations that can associate with this VAP (VSC).
<stations> Number of client stations. Range: 1 - 255.
ssid name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ssid name <name>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
vlan <id>
encryption key 1
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
encryption key <key> <value>
CLI commands
ascii ASCII keys are much weaker than carefully chosen hex keys. You can
include ASCII characters between 32 and 126, inclusive, in the key.
However, note that not all client stations support non-alphanumeric
characters such as spaces, punctuation, or special symbols in the key.
transmit key
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
transmit key <key number>
Sets the key the service controller will use to encrypt transmitted data. All four keys are used to
decrypt received data.
<key number> Transmit key number. Range: 1 -4.
dot1x authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dot1x authentication (local | radius | active-directory)
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
wpa-psk <key>
IEEE802dot1x authenticated users will be presented with the Session page and the Welcome page
after a successful authentication.
no dot1x session page
IEEE802dot1x authenticated users will NOT be presented with the Session page and the Welcome
page after a successful authentication.
wireless filters
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
wireless filters
Enables the wireless security filters which only allow traffic to flow between the service
controller and a specific upstream device (such as a service controller).
no wireless filters
Do not limit traffic flow between the service controller and an upstream device.
This prevents wireless users from accessing resources on the backbone LAN that interconnects
CLI commands
Sets the MAC address of the upstream device to send traffic to.
no wireless filters mac <mac>
Deletes the MAC address of the upstream device to send traffic to.
Use this command to define custom security filters for incoming wireless traffic. Filters are
addition of a few -specific placeholders. These placeholders can be used to refer to specific MAC
addresses and are expanded by the service controller when the filter is activated. Once expanded,
the filter must respect the pcap syntax. The pcap syntax is documented in the tcpdump man page:
%a - MAC address of the access controller.
Use this command to define custom security filters for outgoing wireless traffic. Filters are
addition of a few -specific placeholders. These placeholders can be used to refer to specific MAC
addresses and are expanded by the service controller when the filter is activated. Once expanded,
the filter must respect the pcap syntax. The pcap syntax is documented in the tcpdump man page:
%a - MAC address of the access controller.
CLI commands
CLI commands
mandatory authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
mandatory authentication
Specifies the name of the RADIUS profile to use for MAC-based authentication.
no mac authentication radius profile
CLI commands
Sets MAC-based authentication to use the local user list to validate the MAC addresses of client
no mac authentication local
mac authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
mac authentication
html authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
html authentication
Sets RADIUS accounting for HTML users to use the specified RADIUS profile.
no html authentication accounting radius profile
CLI commands
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
data rate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
data rate (a | b | g | bg | n) <rate>
public forwarding
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
public forwarding (any | 802.1x | none | ipv6)
CLI commands
fast authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
fast authentication
layer3 mobility
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
layer3 mobility
Adds the specified profile to the list of IP QoS profiles in effect for this VAP (VSC).
<profile-name> Name of an existing IP QoS profile.
Clears the list of IP QoS profiles currently in effect for this VAP (VSC).
Removes the specified profile from the list of IP QoS profiles in effect for this VAP (VSC).
<profile-name> Name of an existing IP QoS profile currently in the profile list for this VAP
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
qos ( 802.1p | very-high | high | normal | low | diffsrv | tos | default | vap0
CLI commands
no qos
Four traffic queues are provided based on the WME standard. In order of priority, these queues
1: Voice traffic
2: Video traffic
3: Best effort data traffic
4: Background data traffic
Each QoS priority mechanism maps traffic to one of the four traffic queues. Client stations that do
not support the QoS mechanism for the profile they are connected to are always assigned to queue
Important: Traffic delivery is based on strict priority (per the WME standard). Therefore, if
excessive traffic is present on queues 1 or 2, it will reduce the flow of traffic on queues 3 and 4.
802.1p Traffic from 802.1p client stations is classified based on the VLAN priority
field present within the VLAN header. When this mechanism is selected,
the service controller will advertise WME capabilities, enabling WME
clients to associate and take advantage of them. This setting has no effect
on legacy clients.
Note: To support 802.1p, the wireless profile must have a VLAN assigned to
it, which means that client station traffic is forwarded onto the LAN port
vap0 to vap3 Allows a specific priority level to be specified for all traffic on a VAP (VSC)
profile. This enables client stations without a QoS mechanism to set traffic
priority by connecting to the appropriate SSID.
If you enable this priority mechanism, it takes precedence regardless of the
priority mechanism supported by associated client stations. For example,
if you set SSID-based low priority for a profile, all devices that connect to
the profile have their traffic set at this priority
Mapping to the traffic queues is as follows: vap0 or very-high=queue 1,
vap1 or high=queue 2, vap2 or normal=queue 3, vap3 or low=queue 4
diffsrv Differential services is a method for defining IP traffic priority on a per-hop
basis. The Differential Service bits are defined in RFC2474 and are
composed of the six most significant bits of the IP TOS field. These bits
define the class selector code points which the CN320 maps to the
appropriate traffic queue. (default setting)
tos The IP TOS (type of service) field can be used to mark prioritization or
special handling for IP packets.
CLI commands
wmm advertising
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
wmm advertising
html redirection
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
html redirection
local nas id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
local nas id <nasid>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
bandwidth (very-high | high | normal | low)
CLI commands
location-aware group
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
location-aware group <name>
dhcp relay
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dhcp relay <primary-ip-address> <[secondary-ip-address]>
Sets the primary and secondary DHCP server for the relay.
no dhcp relay
Resets the primary and secondary DHCP server for the relay.
CLI commands
dhcp server
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dhcp server
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Include the RADIUS Framed-Protocol attribute in Access Request packets. The value for this
attribute is PPP (1).
no radius-framed-protocol-attribute
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
security (none | wep | 802.1x [wep | static-wep] | wpa (psk | radius) [ v1 | v2
] )
CLI commands
No wireless security.
This option enables support for wireless users with WEP client software.
This option enables support for wireless users with 802.1X client software.
The service controller supports 802.1x client software that uses EAP-TLS,
Enables the use of dynamic WEP keys for all 802.1X sessions. Dynamic key
rotation occurs on key 1, which is the broadcast key. Key 0 is the pairwise
Support client stations using static WEP keys.
This option enables support for wireless users with WPA client software.
Enables support for a preshared key:
The service controller obtains the MPPE key from the RADIUS server. This
is a dynamic key that changes each time the user logs in and is
authenticated. The MPPE key is used to generate the TKIP keys that
Specify which version of WPA to use. None will use both versions (mixed
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Config > Internet interface > VLAN interface
View > Enable > Config > LAN interface > VLAN interface
This context provides commands for configuring Virtual LANs (VLANs). In this context, VLANs
can be added or edited.
For example, to create a new VLAN interface named "hongkong" on the LAN port with VLAN id 88,
do the following:
CLI(config)# interface lan
CLI(if-lan)# interface vlan 88
CLI(if-vlan)# vlan name hongkong
CLI(if-vlan)# ip address mode dhcp
CLI(if-vlan)# no nat
CLI(if-vlan)# end
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address <ip address>/<mask>
</mask> Subnet mask in CIDR format. Specifies the number of bits in the mask.
ip address mode
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address mode (dhcp | static | none)
CLI commands
vlan name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
vlan name <name>
ip default-gateway
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip default-gateway <ip address>
ip nat
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip nat
CLI commands
RADIUS context
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Sets the authentication method to use when communicating with the RADIUS server.
For 802.1x users, the authentication method is always determined by the 802.1x client software
and is not controlled by this setting.
If traffic between the service controller and the RADIUS server is not protected by a VPN, it is
recommended that you use either EAP-MD5 or MSCHAP V2, if supported by your RADIUS Server.
(PAP, MSCHAP V1 and CHAP are less secure protocols.)
Specifies the port to use for RADIUS authentication. By default, RADIUS servers use port 1812.
<number> Authentication port number. Range: 1 - 65535
CLI commands
radius-server deadtime
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server deadtime <seconds>
Sets the retry interval for access and accounting requests that time-out.
If no reply is received within this interval, the service controller switches between the primary
and secondary RADIUS servers (if defined). If a reply is received after the interval expires, it is
<seconds> Retry interval. Range: 2 - 60 seconds.
radius-server host
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server host <primary>[<secondary>]
radius-server key 2
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server key <primary>[<secondary>]
radius-server message-authenticator
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server message-authenticator
radius-server name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server name <name>
CLI commands
radius-server nasid
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server nasid <id>
Sets the network access server ID you want to use for the service controller.
By default, the serial number of the service controller is used. The service controller includes the
radius-server timeout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server timeout
radius-server timeout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server timeout <number>
radius-server force-nas-port-to-vlanid
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server force-nas-port-to-vlanid
radius-server realm
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius-server realm (regex | text)
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
gateway <ip address>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
range <start-range> <end-range>
permanent leases
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
permanent leases <ip address> <macaddr> <uid>
CLI commands
end force
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
end [force]
Quits the GRE context.
gre name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
gre name <name>
Renames the current GRE interface.
ip address
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address <ip address>/<mask>
Set the local tunnel IP address and mask.
peer ip address
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
peer ip address <ip address>
Sets the GRE peer IP address.
remote ip address
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
remote ip address <ip address>
Sets the remote tunnel IP address.
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Enables policy.
no active
Disables policy.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
authentication (x509 | psk)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
cipher aes
dns domain
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dns domain <names>
dns server
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dns server ( <ip address> | none )
CLI commands
no dns server
incoming nat
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
incoming nat
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface (lan | internet)
local id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
local id (ip-address <ip address> | host <name> | email <address> | dn <dn>)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
mode (main | aggressive) (tunnel | transport)
peer id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
peer id (ip-address <ip address> | host <name> | email <address> | dn <dn>)
CLI commands
peer ip address
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
peer ip address (<ip address>| any )
Set the peer ip address for this policy.
preshared key
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
preshared key <secret>
Sets the preshared key.
no preshared key
Removes the preshared key.
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
logging facility
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
logging facility (local0 | local1 | local2 | local3 | local4 | local5 | local6 |
Sets the facility that is used when logging messages to a syslog server.
<facility> Available facilities are: local0 - local7.
logging host
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
logging host (tcp | udp) <addr> [<number>]
Sets the remote address, the connection protocol and port of current syslog remote destination.
logging prefix
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
logging prefix <string>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
name <name>
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
level (lower | higher) (debug | info | notice | warning | error | critical |
alert | emergency)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
matches (any | all) filters
All three log file filters (message, process, and level) are combined to filter the log according to
this setting.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
no message
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
message (matches | notmatches) <regex>
Use this filter to include log messages. Use a regular expression to define the match criteria for
the log file message field.
no message
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
process (matches | notmatches) <string>
Use this filter to include log messages according to their process name.
no process
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Config > PPTP client interface
This is the PPTP client context.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip nat
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip nat
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Only listen to RIP, never send.
no passive-interface
Send and listen for RIP.
router rip
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
router rip
Enables RIP for this interface.
no router rip
Disables RIP on this interface.
CLI commands
Keychain context
Path: View > Enable > Config > Keychain
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
key <number>
Enter new key.
no key <number>
Delete key with given ID.
CLI commands
Keys context
Path: View > Enable > Config > Keychain > Keys
Edit a key, as part of a keychain.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
key-string <name>
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
daily restriction
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
daily restriction <from> <to>
end time
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
end time <datetime>
Sets the amount of time allocated after the first login by a user.
use initial login time allocation
CLI commands
start time
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
start time <datetime>
public ip reservation
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
public ip reservation
Enables public IP address reservation.
no public ip reservation
Disables public IP address reservation.
public ip subnet
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
public ip subnet
Set profile to use the public IP subnet for IP Addressing once authenticated.
CLI commands
no public ip subnet
CLI commands
access level
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access level (read-only | read-write)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
password <password>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
security (md5-des | sha-aes)
user name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
user name <name>
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Config > SNMP notification receiver
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
community <community>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
port <number>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
receiver <host>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
user <name>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
version (1 | 2c | 3)
CLI commands
Contains information about attributes to send when a user is related to an Active Directory group.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access controlled
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access controlled
access-controlled profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access-controlled profile <name>
access-controlled virtual ap
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
access-controlled virtual ap <name>
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress vlan <number>
Set the VLAN tunnel ID.
use egress vlan
Use the VLAN tunnel ID.
no use egress vlan
Do not use the VLAN tunnel ID.
regular profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
regular profile <name>
regular virtual ap
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
regular virtual ap <name>
CLI commands
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
execute action
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
execute action (synchronize | accept-suspicious | accept-product | rediscover)
ap group
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ap group <name>
Change the AP group (must Synchronize).
ap name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ap name <name>
Change the current AP name.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Switch to generic configuration context.
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
contact <name>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
location <name>
product type
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
product type (map-320 | map-330 | map-625 | map-630 | msm410 | msm317 )
Set the product type of the AP that you are about to pre-configure. Some legacy product names
are still used. They correspond to HP ProCurve Networking product names as follows:
CLI commands
execute action
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
execute action (synchronize | accept-suspicious | accept-product | rediscover)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Switch to generic configuration context.
group name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
group name <name>
Change the current group name.
virtual ap binding
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
virtual ap binding <vapprofile>
CLI commands
execute action
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
execute action (synchronize | accept-suspicious | accept-product | rediscover)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface wireless
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface wireless <number> [<product>]
Switch to the wireless interface context.
provisioning connectivity
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
provisioning connectivity
Switch to provisioning connectivity context.
provisioning discovery
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
provisioning discovery
Switch to provisioning discovery context.
radius profile
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius profile <profile>
CLI commands
switch port
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
switch port <name>
Switch to the ethernet port context.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Switch to syslog context.
Sets the IP address or hostname of the the RF Manager Server to connect to.
Name Specify the IP address of the the RF Manager Server or its hostname. If a
hostname is specified, the service controller must be able to resolve it via
DNS, that is, an entry must be created on the network DNS server that
points to the IP address of the RF Manager Server.
sensor server id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
sensor server id <id>
Sets the method the service controller will use to communicate with the RF Manager Server.
id Connect using the Server ID of the RF Manager Server.
ip Connect using the IP address or hostname of the RF Manager Server.
For these methods to work, the following must be true:
The service controller must be able to reach the RF Manager Server via a network connected
to port 1 or port 2. For example, you should be able to ping the RF Manager Server IP address
from the service controller.
CLI commands
If there are any firewalls between the service controller and the RF Manager Server, then TCP
and UDP ports 3851 must be open bidirectionally.
If using the hostname option, an entry must be created on the network DNS server that points
to the IP address of the RF Manager Server.
If using the Server ID option, support for multicast traffic must be enabled on all routers and
switches connected between the service controller and the RF Manager Server.
inherit sensor
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
inherit sensor
dynamic key
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dynamic key
Specifies how often (in minutes or hours) that the group (broadcast) key is changed for 802.1X
and WPA.
dot1x reauth
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dot1x reauth
CLI commands
Sets the 802.1X reauthentication interval. Client stations must reauthenticate when this interval
Enable this option to allow client stations to remain connected during re-authentication. Client
traffic is blocked only when re-authentication fails.
no dot1x reauth terminate
Disabled this option to block client traffic during re-authentication and only activate traffic again
if authentication succeeds.
inherit 8021x
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
inherit 802.1x
Enable the bridge spanning tree protocol to prevent undesirable loops from occurring in the
network that may result in decreased throughput.
no bridge protocol ieee
CLI commands
CLI commands
inherit l3subnets
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
inherit l3subnets
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
l3subnet <vlanid> <ipsubnet> <ipnetmask>
CLI commands
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Controlled Network AP Group > Virtual AP Binding
Configuration for VAP Bindings
egress vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress vlan
egress vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress vlan <number>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
location aware
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
location aware <name>
CLI commands
Syslog context
Path: View > Enable > Controlled Network AP > Controlled Network > Syslog
View > Enable > Controlled Network AP Group > Controlled Network > Syslog
View > Enable > Controlled Network Base Group > Controlled Network > Syslog
Set basic configuration for entity’s logging.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
message (matches | notmatches) <regex>
Use this filter to include log messages. Use a regular expression to define the match criteria for
the log file message field.
no message
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
process (matches | notmatches) <string>
Use this filter to include log messages according to their process name.
no process
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
level (lower | higher) (debug | info | notice | warning | error | critical |
alert | emergency)
CLI commands
no level
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
matches (any | all) filters
All three log file filters (message, process, and level) are combined to filter the log according to
this setting.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Controlled Network AP > Controlled Network > Provisioning connectivity
View > Enable > Controlled Network AP Group > Controlled Network > Provisioning connectivity
View > Enable > Controlled Network Base Group > Controlled Network > Provisioning connectivity
Set basic configuration for entity’s provisioning connectivity.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface (port1 | local-mesh)
interface provisioninig
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
interface provisioninig
ip assignation
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip assignation (static | dhcp)
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
vlan <id>
static ip
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
static ip <ip> <netmask> <gateway>
Set the static IP address.
CLI commands
country code
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
country code <code>
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Controlled Network AP > Controlled Network > Provisioning discovery
View > Enable > Controlled Network AP Group > Controlled Network > Provisioning discovery
View > Enable > Controlled Network Base Group > Controlled Network > Provisioning discovery
Set basic configuration for entity’s provisioning discovery.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dns name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dns name <name>
dns provisioning
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dns provisioning
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
dns server
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dns server <ip>
Add a DNS server to the list.
no dns server <ip>
Delete a DNS server from the list.
discovery provisioning
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
discovery provisioning
Enable discovery provisioning.
no discovery provisioning
Disable discovery provisioning.
ip address
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip address <ip>
Add an IP address to the list.
no ip address <ip>
Delete an IP address from the list.
ip provisioning
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ip provisioning
Enable IP provisioning.
no ip provisioning
Disable IP provisioning.
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Controlled Network AP > Controlled Network > CN Wireless interface
View > Enable > Controlled Network AP Group > Controlled Network > CN Wireless interface
View > Enable > Controlled Network Base Group > Controlled Network > CN Wireless interface
Configuration for controlled-mode wireless interfaces.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dot11 <mode> <frequency>
Sets the wireless mode and the frequency the service controller will operate at.
<mode> Sets the transmission speed and frequency band. The available options are
determined by the wireless card installed in the service controller, and may
a: Selects 802.11a providing 54 Mbps in the 5 GHz frequency band.
b: Selects 802.11b providing 11 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz frequency band.
g: Selects 802.11g providing 54 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz frequency band.
bg: Selects 802.11b + 802.11g providing 11 and 54 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz frequency band.
n: Selects 802.11n.
an: Selects 802.11n + 802.11a, on the 5Ghz frequency band.
gn: Selects 802.11n + 802.11g, on the 2.4Ghz frequency band.
bgn: Selects 802.11n + 802.11g + 802.11b, on the 2.4Ghz frequency band.
<frequency> Sets the operating frequency by specifying a number in GHz or by
specifying a channel number. The frequencies that are available are
determined by the radio installed in the service controller and the
choose a frequency that differs from other wireless access points operating
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
distance (small | medium | large)
CLI commands
If you have installed multiple service controllers, reducing the receiver sensitivity of the service
controller from its maximum will help to reduce the amount of crosstalk between the wireless
stations to better support roaming clients. By reducing the receiver sensitivity, client stations will
be more likely to connect with the nearest access point.
transmit power
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
transmit power (DB | max)
multicast rate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
multicast rate (1 | 2 | 5.5 | 6 | 9 | 11 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 36 | 48 | 54)
This is a fixed rate, which means that if a station is too far away to receive traffic at this rate, then
the multicast will not be seen by the station. By rasing the multicast rate you can increase overall
throughput significantly.
Enable this option to have the service controller automatically determine the best operating
no dot11 automatic frequency
Specify how often the frequency setting is re-evaluated when automatic frequency selection is
CLI commands
Sets the interval at which the transmit power setting is re-evaluated when automatic power
selection is enabled.
antenna bidirectionnal
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
antenna bidirectionnal (diversity | main | auxiliary)
Sets the antenna to transmit and receive on. Select diversity to transmit and receive on both
diversity In this mode both antennas are used to transmit and receive. The service
controller supports both transmit and receive diversity.
main Transmit and receive on the main antenna only.
aux Transmit and receive on the aux antenna only.
antenna gain
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
antenna gain <number>
Used only for Radar detection, records gain (in 5GHz band) of external antenna installed on
device. Does not affect output power.
autochannel skip
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
autochannel skip <chan>
Adds the specified channel to the list of channels that are not allowed to be selected by the Auto
Channel algorithm.
station distance
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
station distance (0km | 5km | 10km | 15km | 20km | 25km | 30km | 35km)
Fine tunes internal timeout settings to account for the distance that wireless links span. For
normal operation, the AP is optimized for links of less than 1 km.
CLI commands
This is a global setting that is useful when creating wireless links to remote sites. However, it also
applies to all wireless connection made with the radio, not just for wireless links. Therefore, if you
are also using the radio to serve local wireless client stations, adjusting this setting may lower the
performance for clients with marginal signal strength or when interference is present.
(Essentially, it means that if a frame needs to be retransmitted it will take longer before the actual
retransmit takes place.)
beacon interval
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
beacon interval <value>
rts threshold
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
rts threshold <value>
dot11 mode
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dot11 mode (monitor | ap+wds | ap-only | wds-only | sensor)
radio active
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radio active
CLI commands
no radio active
spectralink view
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
spectralink view
Enable the use of spectralink view.
no spectralink view
Disable the use of spectralink view.
Select the 802.11n channel extension. Applicable only in the 2.4 GHz band with a 40 MHz channel
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
no inherit
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Controlled Network AP > Controlled Network > RADIUS Profile
View > Enable > Controlled Network AP Group > Controlled Network > RADIUS Profile
View > Enable > Controlled Network Base Group > Controlled Network > RADIUS Profile
Basic per entity RADIUS Profile configuration.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius nas id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radius nas id <nasid>
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Enables wireless security.
no security
Disables wireless security.
security mode
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
security mode (wep | tkip | ccmp)
Set the security mode.
security psk
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
security psk <secret>
Sets the PSK secret.
no security psk
Clears the PSK secret.
security wep
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
security wep <key>
Sets the WEP key.
no security wep
Deletes the WEP key.
dynamic mode
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dynamic mode (master | alt-master | slave)
CLI commands
mesh id
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
mesh id <id>
allowed downtime
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
allowed downtime <number>
minimum snr
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
minimum snr <number>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
CLI commands
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
name <name>
radio active
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
radio active (radio1 | radio2)
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Controlled Network AP > Controlled Network > Local mesh provisioning profile
View > Enable > Controlled Network AP Group > Controlled Network > Local mesh provisioning
View > Enable > Controlled Network Base Group > Controlled Network > Local mesh provisioning
Configuration for local mesh provisioning profile.
accept connection
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
accept connection
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
multiple radio
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
multiple radio
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Controlled Network AP > Controlled Network > Switch port
View > Enable > Controlled Network AP Group > Controlled Network > Switch port
View > Enable > Controlled Network Base Group > Controlled Network > Switch port
Switch port configuration.
Note The commands in this context are used to perform configuration of the Ethernet switch built
| into the MSM317 Access Device.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dot1x authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dot1x authentication
CLI commands
no dot1x authentication
dynamic vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
dynamic vlan
egress rate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress rate <(128k|256k|512k|1m|2m|4m|8m|16m|32m)>
Set the maximum rate at which this port will accept egress traffic.
use egress rate
ingress rate
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
ingress rate <(128k|256k|512k|1m|2m|4m|8m|16m|32m)>
Set the maximum rate at which this port will accept ingress traffic.
use ingress rate
CLI commands
mac authentication
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
mac authentication
port name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
port name <name>
Change the port name.
port type
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
port type (tagged | untagged)
Configure the port type.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
priority (low | medium | high | very-high)
CLI commands
priority lookup
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
priority lookup (diffsrv | 802.1p | any)
quarantine vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
quarantine vlan <number>
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
vlan <number>
CLI commands
Path: View > Enable > Config > List of MAC addresses
Use to modify a list of MAC addresses.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
Go to previous context.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
entry <mac>
Adds a new entry to the list.
no entry <mac>
Removes the entry from the list.
list name
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
list name <string>
Change the current list name.
ProCurve 5400zl Switches
Installation and Getting Startd Guide