2.0 Hindu Human Rights Report 2019 3 PDF
2.0 Hindu Human Rights Report 2019 3 PDF
2.0 Hindu Human Rights Report 2019 3 PDF
IndiaFacts Research Group
Hindu Human Rights Report
Email: [email protected]
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Hindu Human Rights Report 2019
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 India’s Neighbourhood ............................................................................................................... 6
2 Legalized Discrimination by all Branches of Government.................................................................... 9
2.1 Government Confiscation and Looting of Hindu Temples.......................................................... 9
2.2 Education Sector: No Level Playing Field and Government Confiscation ................................. 10
2.3 Discriminatory Government Schemes ...................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Central & State Government Schemes which Exclude Hindus ............................................. 12 Central Government .................................................................................................... 13 Bihar ............................................................................................................................ 17 Gujarat ......................................................................................................................... 18 Himachal Pradesh ........................................................................................................ 18 Karnataka..................................................................................................................... 18 Kerala ........................................................................................................................... 19 Tamil Nadu .................................................................................................................. 20 Telangana .................................................................................................................... 20 Uttar Pradesh .............................................................................................................. 21 West Bengal ................................................................................................................. 21
2.3.2 Observations ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.4 Interference of Judiciary in Hindu Traditions and Freedom to Practice ................................... 23
2.4.1 Sabarimala Verdict ............................................................................................................... 23
2.4.2 Diwali Firecracker Ban .......................................................................................................... 24
2.4.3 Jallikattu Ban ........................................................................................................................ 24
2.4.4 Dahi Handi Restrictions ........................................................................................................ 24
3 Persecution of Hindus by Dominant or Ruling Ideologies.................................................................. 26
3.1 Dravidian Extremism ................................................................................................................ 26
3.2 Communist Extremism: Kill with Impunity ............................................................................... 28
3.3 Islamo-Socialist Misrule in Uttar Pradesh: Impunities Galore .................................................. 29
3.4 Christian Extremism.................................................................................................................. 30
3.5 Jammu & Kashmir: No one Committed Pandit Genocide......................................................... 31
3.6 Terrorism .................................................................................................................................. 33
4 Incident Reports................................................................................................................................. 35
4.1 Love Jihad, Violence against Women and Rape ....................................................................... 36
4.1.1 Key Findings ......................................................................................................................... 36
4.1.2 Incident Reports ................................................................................................................... 38
4.2 Islamic Attacks & Communal Clashes ....................................................................................... 53
4.2.1 Key Findings ......................................................................................................................... 53
4.2.2 Incident Reports ................................................................................................................... 53
4.3 Attacks on Hindu Festivals and Places of Worship ................................................................... 59
4.3.1 Key Findings ......................................................................................................................... 59
4.3.2 Incident Reports ................................................................................................................... 59
4.4 Political Violence and Killing of Hindus..................................................................................... 64
4.4.1 Key Findings ......................................................................................................................... 64
4.4.2 Incident Reports ................................................................................................................... 64
4.5 Religious Persecution ............................................................................................................... 70
4.5.1 Key Findings ......................................................................................................................... 70
4.5.2 Incident Reports ................................................................................................................... 70
4.6 Dalit Persecution by Muslims ................................................................................................... 76
4.6.1 Key Findings ......................................................................................................................... 76
4.6.2 Incident Reports ................................................................................................................... 77
5 IndiaFacts Policy Recommendations ................................................................................................. 81
5.1 Eliminate Constitutional Loophole ........................................................................................... 81
5.2 Other Changes .......................................................................................................................... 81
5.3 Hindu Charter—A Plea for Equality .......................................................................................... 82
6 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 87
7 References and Notes ........................................................................................................................ 88
1 Introduction
There is no dearth of Human Rights Reports tackles crimes against majority Whites and
being produced on India like the USCIRF major Christian denominations.4 Similarly,
report1, Amnesty International Report or the official hate crime statistics for England
Human Rights Watch2 report. USCIRF and Wales, include majority Whites and
produces a section on India. The US State Christians5. In contrast, reports on Human
department has its own reports, compiled by Rights in India omit hate crimes against
organizations such as the Amnesty and Hindus altogether or focus exclusively on
Human Rights Watch. However, all these “lower castes” or “minorities.”
reports have one significant omission. They
India has a long history of human rights
focus exclusively on human rights of non-
violations, persecution and subjugation of
Hindus, with the exception of ‘dalits’.
Hindus. Major parts of India were rule be
This excludes a large percentage of the centuries by Muslims and Christians who
human rights violations on the mistaken were the dominant powers. Moreover, the
assumption that rights violations in India can presumed ‘majority religion’ in India i.e.
only take place by the ‘majority’ on the Hinduism, is not a monotheistic doctrinal
‘minority’, which is at odds with system, nor is it institutionalized. It has no
international norms, the history of India, the equivalent of a Church or Pope, or even a
plural nature of Hindu traditions, the doctrine or a singular Holy Book. It consists
brutalities Hindus have suffered from the of innumerable sects, jatis and communities
followers of other religions and of the history that are not a ‘congregation of believers’.
of colonialism and imperialism in India. Thus, the majority-minority concept, born of
the European and Abrahamic experience of
The international norm is to cover human
exclusive religion and monopolistic
rights violations of all without making any
monotheism following a uniform doctrine,
assumptions. For instance, human rights
makes little sense.
reports on several countries like Mexico,
Peru, Bahrain etc. cover human rights Furthermore, there is no sense of exclusive
violations of the majority as well.3 The US salvation in Hinduism, where the “other” is
hate crime database, maintained by the FBI, condemned to hell for their belief. Hinduism
accepts multiplicity of ways. Thus, there is no which may also be considered a dominant
religious basis for persecution of the “other.” minority in a land of minorities.
This is not to refute that various forms of
Rights of all human beings are important, not
violence and discrimination indeed exist in
just certain groups pre-filtered by category.
India, as they do in all human societies, but
The aim of this report on Hindu Human
that this is not related to the idea of ‘majority’
Rights in India is to address these lacunae in
with monopolistic religion as its cause.
the Human Rights discourse, which fail to
Brahmins in Tamil Nadu, for instance, are a track violations against diverse communities,
tiny minority who have faced systematic simply because they are classified as ‘Hindu’.
discrimination from the State, which no
This report documents both systematic and
Human Rights Report tracked. More
episodic violations of human rights including
egregiously, the Pandit community, a
sanctioned discrimination against Hindus by
minority in the state of Jammu and Kashmir
the State. This report is based on a multi- year
faced targeted ethnic cleansing and was also
work by IndiaFacts staff and volunteers to
given short shrift in the Humans Rights
monitor freedom of religion or belief of
discourse. In this sense, India is a land of
Hindus in various parts of India, assess
diverse communities, all a minority and it
violations and progress, analyse India’s
will be difficult to point out any uniform
policies, and develop independent policy
‘majority grouping’. In fact, numbering at
recommendations. The results of IndiaFacts’
nearly 150 million, India may soon have the
research are provided through its findings
largest Muslim population in the world,
and recommendations
1.1 India’s Neighbourhood
In 1947 India was partitioned along religious property destruction, the marginalization of
lines based on the demand for a “separate women, and bans on children participating in
Muslim” state. While India remained secular religious activities or education.
after the partition, Pakistan became a
For example in August 2017, Rohingya
declared Islamic State, limiting rights for
Muslim militants in Myanmar killed around
non-Muslim citizens.
100 Hindu civilians during attacks, according
In 2017 and 2018, religious freedom to an investigation by Amnesty
conditions of Hindus continued to deteriorate International6. Based on interviews
in India and in its neighbouring Islamic conducted there and across the border in
countries where Hindus are a minority. This Bangladesh, as well as photographic
ongoing downward trend often intersected evidence analysed by forensic pathologists, it
with authoritarian practices characterized by was learnt how Arakan Rohingya Salvation
hostility toward dissent, pluralism, Army (ARSA) fighters sowed fear among
independent media, and active civil society, Hindus and Buddhists with these brutal
took place under the guise of protecting attacks. As per Tirana Hassan, Crisis
national security or promoting secularism or Response Director at Amnesty International:
implementing religious code like Islamic
“Our latest investigation on the ground sheds
much-needed light on the largely under-reported
Whether in Hindu majority India, or in human rights abuses by ARSA during northern
Rakhine State’s unspeakably dark recent history,
Hindu-minority Islamic nations like Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Malaysia and In this brutal and senseless act, members of
Indonesia, both Governments and non-state ARSA captured scores of Hindu women, men,
actors targeted Hindus, dissenting members and children and terrorized them before
of majority communities, and nonreligious slaughtering them outside their own villages. The
persons. The most severe abuses included perpetrators of this heinous crime must be held to
mass atrocities, killings, enslavement, rape, account.”7
men abduct and forcibly convert to Islam Bangladesh was witness to severe
about 1,000 women, mostly Hindus. About persecution of minority Hindus with
5,000 Pakistani Hindus are forced every year numerous cases of Hindu temple vandalism,
to leave Pakistan for neighbouring idol desecration, Muslim mob violence, and
democratic India to escape religious attacks of Hindu women. According to
persecution, according to the Pakistan Hindu secretary general of Bangladesh National
Council8. For example, a Hindu Brahmin girl Hindu Mahajote, Gobinda Chandra
Arti Kumari Sharma (19), who was a school Pramanik, there have been 1,792 incidents of
teacher at Qasim Model School, was persecution against people of religious
kidnapped at gun-point on 9th Sep 2017 from minorities in Bangladesh in January to
near her home in Pakistan's Khairpur district November 2018. Of these 1,792 occurrences,
in Sindh, by a Muslim lord Ammer Wassan. 50 took place on religious institutions and
She was forcefully converted to Islam, temples while 2734.81 acres were grabbed by
renamed as 'Mahwish' and married off to a local musclemen.12.
local Muslim boy called Amir Bux. She was
In October 2017, the Purba Para Kali Mandir
forced into signing an affidavit claiming that
in Netrakona district of Mymensingh
she married Bux and converted out of her
Division in northern Bangladesh was
own free will9, 10. In March 2017 in a clear
vandalized by Muslim intruders and four
case of religious discrimination, Hindu
statues, Kali, Radha, Krishna and Jagai-
students were asked to apologize for
Madhai, were desecrated and broken13. In
celebrating Holi in Sindh University,
another incident in December 2017, a
Jamshoro in Pakistan. This was all the more
Muslim mob desecrated idols and vandalized
ironical because the then Prime Minister
a Hindu temple, and went on a rampage in a
Nawaz Sharif had greeted Hindus on the
Hindu neighbourhood apparently because
occasion of Holi and assured them of
police stopped a tafsir mahfil (Islamic
minority rights11. There were numerous cases
discussion) they were attending in College
of abduction, forced conversion and religious
Para area of Alamdanga town, Chuadanga.
discrimination of Hindus reported in both
They took out their frustration on Hindus
Pakistani and international media.
who just happened to be nearby. This strategy
has been used by Muslims to persecute or belief is essential to human dignity and
Hindus for a long time14. human flourishing. Its full protection requires
the freedoms of expression, assembly, and
Among the range of universal,
association; as a result, its expansion also
interdependent human rights, the freedom to
bolsters these other fundamental rights
follow one’s conscience in matters of religion
2 Legalized Discrimination by all
Branches of Government
Article 29 & 30 of India’s constitution like the RTE exemption to the government
discriminates against Hinduism on the basis aided minority schools, to non-Hindus and
of religion. This constitutional loophole dismiss Hindu appeals against discriminatory
allows the state & the central government to laws15,16. Further, India’s dominant
enact discriminatory laws, funding and intellectual narrative and global media
programs which discriminate between support this discriminatory setup. Thus, post-
citizens based on religious identity. This colonial India continues the legacy of
loophole also allows the Supreme Court of colonial rulers and their religions of
India to grant discriminatory exemptions, discrimination against Hinduism.
and anti-Hindu religious schemes like about Rs. 2100 crore i.e. $313m is diverted
funding Madrassas and Churches. In 2002, for non-Hindu purposes17,18,19.
Karnataka state received Rs. 72 crore, from
Article 29 of India’s constitution protects
Hindu temples. It gave Rs. 60 crore to non-
minority places of worship from confiscation
Hindu places of worship and Rs. 10 crore to
and plunder. Though, Hindus are minority in
Hindu temples. Karnataka state also collects
6 states of India, Hindu temples do not enjoy
5% tax from Hindu temples. In Andhra
such protections and are instead being
Pradesh, Tirupati temple alone has revenue of
confiscated, controlled and plundered.
Rs. 2500 crore i.e. $373m. It is alleged that
2.3 Discriminatory Government Schemes
For past 700 years, India was ruled by non- Several state governments also run their own
Hindus. Many rulers promoted and schemes and statutory bodies for non-Hindu
propagated their own non-Hindu faith at cost welfare. In 2011, West Bengal budgeted Rs.
of Hinduism. For instance, India’s Muslim 375 crore i.e. $83m for funding religious
rulers promoted Islam by generously schools of Muslims (Madrasas) alone. About
donating properties to Waqf25. Quite often 79% of Rs. 375 crore was for Madrasa
the property in question was a destroyed teacher salary28. This is ironical that the
Hindu temple or confiscated from Hindu Indian State directly funds religious
owners. Another example is the forced education while it officially calls itself
conversion for 200+ years during inquisition “secular” in the Constitution. This goes
of Goa26. Instead of rectifying past wrongs, directly against the concept of a secular state.
the Government of India has continued
A huge chunk of non-Hindu budget is
colonial policies in perpetuating historic
distributed pro-rata between six religions.
injustices against Hindus. The Central
Under pro-rata, distribution is based on
government of India runs 18 schemes and 7
population percentage. So, Zoroastrians get
statutory bodies for the welfare of non-
almost 0%, Jains get 1.92%, Buddhists get
Hindus. Central government allocated Rs.
3.62%, Sikhs, who predominantly live in
17,232 crore i.e. $3.82 billion to non-Hindu
Punjab get 8.9%, Christians get 11.9% and
schemes in the 12th five year plan 2012-2017.
Muslims get 73.65%. However no pro-rate
This amounts to an annual tax of Rs.
distribution scheme for resources includes
2757.12/taxpayer, most of whom are Hindus.
Moreover, a sizeable section of Christians
and Muslims are tribal and OBC, Eligibility for most welfare schemes, like
17232 crore, non-Hindus also receive equal level. In sharp contrast, eligibility for
benefit from Rs. 40,430 crore i.e. $8.98 “minority” welfare schemes is decided at
billion allocated for welfare of targeted national level. This eligibility criteria
groups like Tribal, SC, OBC, DNT, PwD discriminates against Hindus who form the
receive any assistance from the state since what constitutes a minority is contested.
governments under the pretext of being a Rather we call them what they are —Hindu-
majority at the national level29. Thus these excluding schemes.
schemes are not really “minority” schemes
- 'Nai Roshni' - Scheme for Leadership Total project cost is USD 100 m or INR 650
Development of non-Hindu women Crores. Launched in December 2015, the
• Special Needs scheme aims to benefit the minority youths in
- ‘Hamari Dharohar’ - To preserve rich the age group of 17 to 35 years who are
heritage and culture of non-Hindus. school-dropouts or educated in the
- Waqf Management through: (a) community education institutions like
Central Waqf Council (b) National Waqf Madarsas, by providing them an integrated
Development Corporation (N input of formal education (up till Class VIII
AWADCO) or X) and skill training along with
- Haj Management certification, with a view of enabling them to
seek better employment in the organized
communities. Total Scholarship amounted to Under this scheme stipend of Rs. 1500 per
Rs. 57.60 crore. Out of this, 45,700 students month and Rs. 3000/- per month is provided
have already received the first instalment of to the local and outstation students
scholarship. respectively. 35
women were covered in 2015-16, while Rs. Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ services and other
13.78 Crore were released and 71 thousand equivalent posts under the Central and State
75 women were covered in 2014-1637. Governments including public sector
undertakings, banks, insurance companies
Naya Savera etc. Under the said scheme stipend of Rs.
The Ministry of Minority Affairs implements 1500 per month and Rs. 3000/- per month is
Free Coaching and Allied Scheme under provided to the local and outstation students
which free coaching is given to the non- respectively38. Community –wise details of
Hindu students through empanelled coaching beneficiaries to whom financial assistance
institutions/ organizations for preparation of has been provided during the last three years
various entrance examinations including and the current year are given below:
prelims examinations for recruitment to
Seekho aur Kamao the scheme across the country. So far, the
Ministry has sanctioned Rs. 460.10 crore to
The scheme “Seekho aur Kamao (Learn and
cover 217,454 number of non-Hindu youth
Earn)” is a placement linked skill
under the scheme.39
development scheme, implemented by the
Ministry of Minority Affairs through selected Overall Performance of Central
Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) all Minority Schemes40
over the country. The Government is
• During the last about 3 years, about 2
encouraging the youth from non-Hindu
crore 42 lakh non-Hindu students have
communities to take up employment based
been provided various scholarships.
skills training and the Ministry has extended
• In 2018, more than 1.5 crore students percent in 2014, has gone up to 10 percent
have applied for pre-matric, post-matric, in 2017
merit-cum-means and other various • In 2018’s Civil Services exam, 125 non-
scholarships given by the Ministry of Hindu youth have been selected, out of
Minority Affairs which 52 are from Muslim community
• "Gharib Nawaz Skill Development
Centres" have been established in 100 Bihar41
districts across the country where various § Interest free loan to Muslims: Proposal
courses related to job-oriented skill of Interest free loan scheme of Rs 400
development are being provided crores venture Capital Fund for the
• Courses like “GST Facilitator” and benefit of the Muslims including Bihari
“Sanitary Supervisor” are providing Muslims who are living in or out of Bihar,
employment and employment including NRIs who want to establish
opportunities to non-Hindu youths in a industries in Bihar can avail this interest
large number free loan.
• In last about 3 years, schemes like "Hunar § Education Loan: Maximum loan of Rs.
Haat", "Seekho aur Kamao”, "Nai 250,000/- @ Rs. 50,000/- per year for
Manzil”, "Gharib Nawaz Skill professional and technical courses at a
Development Scheme”, and "Nai low rate of 3% simple interest per annum
Roshni” have succeeded in providing which is refundable in five years after
employment and employment completion of the course.
opportunities to more than 8.5 lakh § Micro Financing Scheme: Loan @
people from non-Hindu communities interest of 3% per annum at a maximum
• In 2018 “Hunar Haat” has been of Rs. 25,000/- is provided to non-Hindus
successful in providing employment and to help them in starting small business /
employment opportunities to more than 3 shops.
lakh artisans and other people associated
In 2017, Bihar government today enhanced
with them
aid to divorced Muslim women from Rs
• Participation of non-Hindus in Central
10,000 to Rs 25,000 with an objective to
Government jobs, which was about 5 provide them employment. Additionally
steps are being initiated for providing Rs 100
crore to Bihar State Minority Financial Rs.10,000/- to Rs.75,000/- per year till
Corporation every year for providing completion of the course
employment to non-Hindu youths under chief § Karnataka Christian Development
minister minority employment loan scheme Parishath47: Karnataka Christian
effective since 2012-13. Loan ranging from Development Parishath was established
Rs 1 lakh to Rs 5 lakh was being given to on 5.11.2011 for over all development of
unemployed non-Hindu youth at 5 percent Christian Community.
interest rate. 42 § Shramashakti48: Non-Hindu artisans
will be financially assisted to improve Gujarat
their Artistic and Technical skill to carry
According to a report, Gujarat has no
on with their trade or for commencing, or
government department for religious
developing small business and with a
minorities, nor is there any separate budget
loan up to Rs.50,000/- (maximum) will
allocation for them.43
be provided at lower rate of interest to Himachal Pradesh improve their business. Out of this
Himachal Pradesh Minorities Finance and amount, 50% of the loan will be
Development Corporation provides the considered as back end subsidy to the
following financial benefits to non-Hindus : beneficiary.
• Term loan scheme at 6% interest rate § Arivu -2:49 For Students of non-Hindu
• Educational loan at 3% interest rate communities who have applied for CET,
NEET Karnataka § Ganga Kalyan Scheme50: In this
§ Swavalambana Margin Money Loan
scheme, irrigation facility is provided to
Scheme : 5% interest rate business loans
small and marginal farmers of Karnataka
§ Arivu Scheme46: Loans at very low
belonging to non-Hindu groups only
interest rate for professional courses like
§ Land Purchase Scheme51: Under this
Medical, Engineering, Dental, Master
scheme, the Corporation will purchase
Degree Courses, Diploma Courses,
the agricultural land and this will be given
Nursing, B.Ed, BBM, BCA, D.Ed, D-
to the poor landless non-Hindu farmers in
pharma, Pharma-D and ITI are provided
the rural areas.
financial assistance ranging from
§ Christian Development Program52: Kerala55
The Government of Karnataka has § CA/ICWA/CS Scholarship
implemented numerous schemes for the § Housing Scheme for Divorced Women
development of Christian community and Widows
such as: § Career Guidance for Minority students
o providing financial assistance for § Fee reimbursement for Private ITI
the Construction of Community students
Halls § Drinking Water Scheme for Minority
o Repairs and Renovation of Concentrated Areas
Churches § Prof. Joseph Mundassery Scholarship
o Funds for providing basic Award for Talented Minority Students
necessities to Orphanages § Multi Sectoral Development Programme
o Old Age Homes (MSDP)
o Providing various Trainings § Kerala State Minority Development
under Skill Development Financial Corporation (KSMDFC)
Programmes § Scholarship for Nursing Diploma
o Providing scholarships and /Paramedical courses
incentives to Christian students. § Scholarship for 3 year Diploma courses
§ Bidaai (Shaadi Scheme)53: Bidaai § Premarital counseling for non-Hindu
Scheme for financial assistance to the Youth
poor non-Hindu women/divorcees and § Establishing a Minority Research
widows belonging to Muslim, Christian, Institute in affiliation with University of
Jain, Buddhist and Parsi community of Calicut
the state for their marriage purpose. § C. H. Muhammed Koya
§ Madrasa Scheme54: Providing drinking Scholarship/Hostel Stipend for Girls
water, lavatories, class rooms, hostels, students
teaching and non-teaching staff, tools & § Civil Service Fee Re-imbursement
equipment required for computer Scheme
education, library, laboratory and other § Cash Award for meritorious Urdu
facilities to Madrasas in Karnataka. students for 10th level
19 Tamil Nadu56 § All entrance and recruitment exams to be
§ Term loan at low interest rate held in Urdu apart from English and
§ The State Government had sanctioned Telugu.
Entrepreneur Development Program § Government recognition to the courses
training to 1000 Muslim Youth with a offered by Jamia Nizamia.
minimum loan assistance of Rs. 25000/-
Economic Schemes58
to each beneficiary after the completion
of EDP training. § Subsidy cum Loan Scheme: Subsidy
Societies for Muslim Youth: TAMCO 80% and loan scheme from 1.00 Lakh to
loan assistance to 470 Muslim Youth for 10.00 Lakhs. This year allocation for this
§ Microfinance loans to non-Hindus at very Youth are given job oriented training and
§ Loans up to Rs 2.50 lakh for youth with than 43747 non-Hindu girls are
100 per cent subsidy and without bank sanctioned grant under this scheme
§ 10 per cent quota in 2BHK scheme and § Preservation & Promotion of Urdu
Language and culture and also West Bengal61
construction of Shaadikhanas. Allocation In West Bengal, Muslims are almost 30% of
is Rs.23.00 Crores. population, and in some districts like Malda
§ Assistance to Christian Minority they are in clear majority being well over
Finance Corporation: Rs.7.00 Crores 80%.
for welfare of Christians. This grant is for
§ Term Loan Scheme: West Bengal
construction/repairs/maintenance of
Minorities' Development & Finance
Churches etc. and Jerusalem Pilgrimage.
Corporation is providing the Term loan
§ Dawath-e-Iftaar and Christmas Feast:
up to Rs. 5 lakh for persons belonging to
Through this Scheme Government
the notified minority communities at 6%.
arranges Dinner to poor Muslims and
§ Micro Finance Direct to SHGs: Small
Christians at the time of their festivals
loans up to Rs. 50,000 per member of Self
and Distribution of 2.00 Lakh Clothes,
Help Group (SHGs) for income
Gift packets for Ramzan and Christmas
generating economic activities provided
directly to SHGs at 7%
(MsDP) - Online Monitoring System category Hindu can avail similar loans at
almost 3x the rates at which Muslims are
getting such facilities.
2.3.2 Observations incomes as do Muslims in many parts of
India. According to Sarvekshana 101 report
Non-Hindus are as much a part of India as are
based on NSSO survey, at Rs 1,757 per
Hindus. But there are a few hard questions
month, Hindu households had the lowest
that need to be asked:
average consumption expenditure in rural
a. Can a Muslim in Kashmir or India. In rural areas, Muslims are at par with
Murshidabad district of West Bengal, Hindus. Christian households were the
which are Muslim majority areas, richest among the three major religions in
really be considered a minority? both rural and urban areas, spending Rs 2,200
b. Should Muslims like Owaisi of and Rs 3,242 per month respectively62. It is
Hyderabad who make open anti- to be noted that the average household MPCE
Hindu statements or Kashmiri stone is a proxy for income and reflects the living
pelters/ separatist sympathizers who standard of a family63.
consider themselves non-Indian be
Yet non-Hindus are beneficiaries of
the beneficiaries of minority
numerous religion-based schemes to the
exclusion of Hindus. It is high time that the
c. Are minority scheme incentivizing
government of India adopts an economic
conversion to Christianity or Islam?
scale and shuns religion based schemes that
Sikhs and Jains who have been classified as create resentment and creates and deepens
minorities have much higher incomes than communal divides in society.
Hindus. Similarly Christians have higher
2.4 Interference of Judiciary in Hindu Traditions and
Freedom to Practice
There have been numerous instances of direct against the Court judgment and lifting of
interference of judiciary into Hindu customs restrictions66 and the infringement of their
and traditions. When it comes to practices of “right to wait” according to tradition67
other religions the Supreme Court often takes
The Hindu tradition is diverse and each
a hands-off position, recently refusing to hear
temple has its own rules. There are also
a petition for entry of Muslim women in
women-only Hindu temples68. The issue at
mosques, for instance64.
Sabarimala was never about “women’s
These interventions were ostensibly made rights.” The deity Ayyappa who is the
under the guise of addressing and correcting presiding lord at Sabaraimala is a Naistika
what the Supreme Court Lords considered Brahmachari and has this taken a vow of
human rights violations within Hindu celibacy. Therefore women of menstruating
society. This civilizing mission is generally age do not visit the residence of this deity and
restricted to Hindus alone. Hindu women have no problem with
observing this practice. Moreover this
2.4.1 Sabarimala Verdict restriction doesn’t apply to the numerous
In September 2018, the Supreme Court other Ayyappa temples across India which
overturned a centuries old Hindu tradition, women visit. However, the Supreme Court of
which restricted the entry of women of a India passed a judgment that all women can
particular age into the Hindu temple of visit Sabarimala and the Communist
Sabarimala.65 This happened despite the government of Kerala used riot police against
petition being filed by an unaffected party, devotees to forcibly get non-Hindu non-
the Young Lawyers Collective, in Delhi, devotee women to enter and desecrate the
rather than devout Hindu women who would temple. Only a small motely group of
Sabarimala issue was framed as one of activists, and communists, were busy in
handi or pot of butter. Catalan castells have Colonial Court of India remains intent on
come to India to learn of the amazing work of civilizing Hindu natives.
the govindas who build the tallest human
The restrictions of Indian Courts are
The Supreme Court in August 2016, upheld a generally aimed at Hindu folk traditions and
Bombay High Court order restricting the use an “essential practice” test. Such a test,
Dahi Handi pyramid participants to over 18 which needs a practice to be justified in
years of age and limiting the height to 20 feet, scripture or ruled “essential” to a religion,
effectively killing the sport.72 After many uses the template of doctrine-driven practice
appeals, and the submission of the State from Abrahamic religions and make little
government, the restriction was changed to a sense for organic folk-based native traditions
minimum age of 14 years by the Bombay which have no such doctrines or “essentials.”
High Court, again much higher than the age This allows rampant interference by the
of children who participate in the Barcelona Courts in Hindu practices while leaving other
event. While Catalan people are allowed to religions protected from interference.
celebrate their sport without restrictions, the
3 Persecution of Hindus by Dominant
or Ruling Ideologies
Several states like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Jammu
& Kashmir, Punjab, etc. are dominated by either race or class or religion based ideology which is
hostile to Hinduism.
of Tamil Nadu police into the killings of Tamil Nadu government gets its highest
Hindu leaders is lethargic, conviction is rare, income from temples. But no one is aware of
media coverage sporadic and the government what is happening to the devotees’ financial
shows no zeal to ensure safety of Hindu offerings and how these offerings are being
leaders and activists84 utilised.
Hundreds of Hindu temples have been As per the trustee of the temple in north
confiscated and are mismanaged by the Chennai “In between this confusion, some of
Tamil Nadu state government under Tamil the HR&CE Department employees are
Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable committing irregularities. The end result is,
Endowments Act XXII of 1959. Today, this temples suffer despite copious offering from
draconian act controls 36,425 temples, 56 devotees.”87
mathas or religious centres, 1,721 specific
Human rights groups often turn a blind eye
endowments and 189 trusts. This
towards Dravidian extremism. Amnesty’s
discriminatory act applies only to Hindu and
Aakar Patel considers Dravidian political
Jain places of worship85. Prominent leaders
parties as inclusive and inoffensive88.
of Dravidian Movement have declared
‘blowing up of the Nataraja Temple by a
cannon’ as the goal of their movement86.
3.2 Communist Extremism: Kill with Impunity
Communists have ruled the states of West are almost non-existent and conviction is
Bengal, Kerala and Tripura for several years. extremely rare. In 1999, BJP Youth leader
Indian communists display prejudice towards Jayakrishnan Master, who was a school
Hinduism and favour Abrahamic religions. In teacher, was killed inside a classroom in front
the 1980s, when the temples in Kerala came of his sixth grade students. One accused
under attack and many idols went missing, Pradeepan was found guilty. Communist
some of the Hindu activists approached EK government gave him an early release from
Nayanar, the then communist Chief Minister jail92. This cycle of killings and counter-
of the State. He scoffed at them and said, killings started in 1968 with the murder of
“What kind of Gods you are worshipping? RSS leader Vadikkal Ramakrishnan93.
Gods who cannot take care of themselves?
How will these Gods ensure your safety?” 89 Apart from this, Maoists operate in more than
12 states in India. It is one of the single
Communists have systematically killed 19 largest terror group in the world with a
Hindu advocates in Kerala between 2006 and strength of 6500 to 9500 armed terrorists. In
200890. In 2012, Communist leader MM the last 30 years, the Maoist terrorism has
Mani proudly announced in a public rally that claimed 17,384 lives. They have a history of
the Communist Party ‘had systematically attacking Hindu temples, ashrams and killing
eliminated political rivals in 1980’s91. Police Hindu practitioners.
protection and investigation of the killings
3.3 Islamo-Socialist Misrule in Uttar Pradesh: Impunities
Till recently, Uttar Pradesh was being ruled Mulayam Singh addressed an anti-George
by the pro-Muslim Socialist Party (SP) Bush protest held by Islamist outfits. This
whose supreme leader had earned the title of protest triggered communal violence killing
‘Mullah’ because he ordered a lethal police four and injuring eight. The violence had
action against Hindu devotees at Ayodhya in started after the Islamist extremists tried to
1990. The death toll in this police action force Hindu traders to shut their shops96.
ordered by Mulayam Singh, who was then During August 2013, Muzaffarnagar riots, a
the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, was at sting operation done by Headlines Today
least 16, with many observers estimating a revealed that Uttar Pradesh Minister Azam
higher death toll between 168 and 40094. In a Khan had ordered the Muzaffarnagar district
January 15, 2016 speech, Mulayam had Police Officers to release Muslims and not
justified his lethal order95. On March 2, 2006, take action against them97.
3.4 Christian Extremism
Predatory proselytization is also a major NLFT murdered Swami Shanti Kali and
threat to Hindus. However, mainstream forcibly closed all 18 branches of Shanti Kali
media does not report such cases of coercive Mission. In May 2000, NLFT killed 25
conversions which often run into tens of Hindus in Bagber massacre. In 2001, NLFT
thousands or lakhs and dub any reporting as killed 16 Hindus, who were preparing for Sun
Hindutva propaganda. On the other hand, a Solstice festival100. It is believed that as many
few handful re-conversion to Hinduism or as 5,000 tribal villagers were forcibly
Ghar Wapsi is blown out of proportion and converted during 1999 to 2001. These
reported by both mainstream media and forcible conversions, sometimes including
international media for days. the use of "rape as a means of intimidation",
have also been noted by academics outside of
Several Christian terror outfits persecute
Hindus in India. Official slogan of National
Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) is In 2009, Manmasi National Christian Army
“Nagaland for Christ”. Its aim is to establish (MNCA), a Christian extremist group
a sovereign monopolistic Christian state. The operating in North East India was charged
group reportedly indulges in kidnapping, with forcing Hindus to convert at gunpoint.
assassination, extortion, forced conversion, Seven or more youths were charged with
and other terrorist activities98, 99. visiting, a Hindu village, armed with guns,
and pressuring residents to convert to
Official aim of National Liberation Front of
Christianity. The militants were seen holding
Tripura (NLFT) is ‘to expand the kingdom of
a gun in one hand and a Bible in another
God and Jesus Christ in Tripura’. Tripura
hand. They also desecrated temples by
government stated that the Baptist church is
painting crosses on the walls with their
backing NLFT. NLFT has put a ban on
celebrating Hindu festivals. In August 2000,
3.5 Jammu & Kashmir: No one Committed Pandit
Nearly all the Human Rights & Religious Jammu and 2% of the population resides in
Freedom organizations gave short shrift to Buddhist dominated Ladakh105. Successive
the plight of the Hindu minority in J&K. central and state governments have
They also misrepresented the problem. For discriminated against Jammu and Ladakh. In
instance, USCIRF 2001 report stated that 1980s, Ladakh Buddhist Association led a
Kashmir is not a religious problem. The only mass movement against discrimination by the
exception being the Human Rights report Government resulting in formation of Ladakh
brought out by the Hindu American Autonomous Hill Development Council106.
Foundation (HAF) that provides a factual Jammu has witnessed several mass protests
over-view of Hindu plight in J&K. against discrimination but discrimination
continues unabated107. There has never been
In April 2018, journalist and author Tavleen
a non-Muslim Chief Minister of the state of
Singh claimed that then Governor Jagmohan
Jammu and Kashmir or one from the Jammu
abetted the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri
or Ladakh region.
Pandits from the Kashmir valley which took
place in 1989/90 and peaked on the night of Current Status
19 Jan 1990103.
The erstwhile BJP-PDP ruled state
This report will not cover Pandit genocide, government of Jammu & Kashmir, continued
confiscation of Hindu properties and its discriminatory policies against Jammu.
destruction of Hindu temples in J&K because Jammu pays 3 times higher tax than Kashmir
HAF has already covered it in detail104. but receives very little in return from the state
Hence, this report is limited to government and central government. In year 2014-15,
discrimination against the Hindu & Buddhist Jammu generated total tax revenue of
minority in J&K. Rs.4127 cr and Kashmir generated total tax
revenue of Rs. 1398 cr108.
Jammu & Kashmir consists of three regions.
55% of the population resides in Muslim In the last 3 years, Rs 2200 cr were spend on
dominated Kashmir Valley, 43% of the tourism development in J&K. Peaceful &
population resides in Hindu-dominated tourist friendly Jammu received Rs 100 cr
and the Kashmir valley, racked by terrorist J&K Medical colleges. Kashmir got 57 seats
violence, received Rs 2100 cr109. and Jammu got 13 seats111.
In 2016, Union ministry of Home affairs In March 2017, Prime Minister Narendra
sanctioned 10,000 SPO jobs for J&K. Modi’s visit to Jammu was greeted with
Kashmir got 8000 jobs and Jammu got 2000 massive protests against discrimination
jobs110. towards Jammu in all spheres like
government allocation of funds, government
In March 2017, Government of India
jobs, development schemes, tourism, power,
increased number of Post Graduate seats in
health and allied sectors112.
3.6 Terrorism
In the last 35 years, about 100,053 Indians Christian tribals as their own people and
died due to terrorism. 99.87% of these terror community116. Maoists oppose propagation
deaths have been due to terrorism with non- of Hinduism but not Christianity. In 2008,
Hindu affiliation113. Maoists created a hit list of 14 Hindu activists
in Odisha. In 2009, Maoists killed Mr.
Terrorist Violence in India
Panigrahi who was on the hit-list117. In 2013,
Terror Ideology Est. Deaths 8 Maoists, including 7 Christians, were found
was no (intelligence) input about ‘Hindu has been noted in the Judicial Inquiry report
terror.’ submitted by retired Supreme Court judge
Justice Nanavati and was also praised by Late
The idea of ‘Hindu terror’ was to implicate
President of India, Gyani Zail Singh who was
the victim. Hindu temples, ashrams, pilgrims,
a Sikh and leader of the rival congress
and train passengers are the prime terror
targets. In 1980s Punjab, Khalistani terrorism
claimed 21000 lives. Terrorists explicitly The year 2017 saw 358 terrorist-related
targeted & killed Hindus including 100s of deaths in Jammu and Kashmir–98% more
passengers, segregated, removed and killed than in 2013 when 181 deaths were recorded.
from buses and trains, but USCIRF 2001 Terrorists succeeded in attacking the
report portrays Hindus as accused in Punjab. Sunjwan Army Camp, where six army
USCIRF 2001 report blames the Hindu personnel, one civilian and three terrorists
“Sangh Parivar” for violence against Sikhs died122. As many as 324 security personnel
during 1984 Delhi riots, while it has been have died at the hands of terrorists over the
documents that Sangh Parivar saved past five years. Terrorists killed 83 security
hundreds of Sikh lives and played a crucial personnel in 2017, a 36% increase from 61 in
role in restoring peace. This well-known role 2013123.
4 Incident Reports
In 2017 and 2018, religious freedom including tribals continue to face severe
conditions of Hindus continued a downward persecution by the majority Christian
trend in India despite India being ruled by a community. Both public and private actors
so-called “Hindu Nationalist” party —the pursued this effort.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). India’s history
A summary of documented instances of
as a multicultural and multi-religious society
various types of such discrimination and
remained threatened by an increasingly
persecution is presented. It is to be noted that
exclusionary conception of Islamic Shariah
these numbers are perhaps a tiny fraction of
and hardline Christian fundamentalism in the
the real number of such incidents, due to
guise of secularism, along with far-Left terror
severe under-reporting of such cases in
groups propped up by an “Urban Naxal”
mainstream media.
2017-2018 Documented Cases
During the year, Islamic groups sought to
Love Jihad, Violence
implement Shariah law in India through against Women and 100
violence, intimidation, and harassment Rape
against Hindus including Dalits. In Muslim- Islamic Attacks &
majority Kashmir and states like West Communal Clashes
Bengal and Kerala where Muslims are a very Attacks on Hindu
large “minority group”, Hindus continue to festivals and places of 25
4.1 Love Jihad, Violence against Women and Rape
4.1.1 Key Findings
Love Jihad is a term used to describe Squads’ to forcibly convert Hindu girls of a
campaigns under which Muslim men target particular disposition in Kerala into Islam.
Hindu women for conversion to Islam by
The ‘Dawa squads’ targeted girls who are
feigning love and often using sexual
graduates, belong to a weaker section within
relationship as a tool for blackmail. Love
the Hindu fold, and are young (between 18
jihad may or may not involve coercion but it
and 28 preferably). The NIA probe has
does involve intent, and, once consummated,
revealed that the "mentor" who persuaded
it may be followed by abusive behaviour
Hindu girls to embrace Islam is a woman
towards the girl. Often this is accompanied
associated with the radical group Popular
by violence and in some cases the women are
Front of India (PFI). 105 out of 130 girls were
murdered for refusal to convert. Love Jihad is
converted not for faith but fake love124.
very much a well-established global
Islamization strategy and majority Hindu
Victims of love jihad are not restricted to
India is one of the largest untapped markets.
Hindus alone. According to the Kerala
There have been numerous documented cases
Catholic Bishops Council, by October 2009
of love jihad in both India and abroad, which
up to 4,500 Christian girls in Kerala had been
however the mainstream media tends to
targeted. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti claimed
ignore. There are also terminological
that 30,000 girls had been converted in
differences – in UK, the term used is
Karnataka alone125,126. In 2005, a pamphlet
was found being distributed to Muslim young
men in Luton, UK, reported on by journalist
In August 2017, English media house Times
Clive Gresswell127:
Now accessed the secret reports, made by the
National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the
“…. We call upon our fellow youth to come and
Kerala Police, which revealed a plot by join us in our mission -universal and global Islam.
Islamists to hunt, convert and exploit Hindu ….. This task is getting easier by the day as the
girls. The investigative agencies found that Sikh and hindu [?] girls are not taught (as is done
Islamist organisations had formed ‘Dawa in Islam) much about their religion at all. They
have a westernized upbringing and the school In November 2017, IndiaFacts was able to
college and university campus is the ideal place obtain a copy of an FIR relating to rape jihad
for our youth to carry out their duties easily in this through their lawyer132. The FIR is
way. …It is easy to take the Sikh girls out on a
newsworthy because it exposes what we
date as they generally like a good drink and from
believe is a fairly typical sequence in Rape
these gradually they can be brought into Islam.
Jihad. This is as follows:
This is not a hard job at all as the Kafir women
they like Moslems. Hardly surprising as we are
- Victim is befriended. [Sometimes a (female)
attractive and intelligent compared with Kafirs. friend who is a collaborator or a (previously
This is common sense and everybody knows. blackmailed) victim may be used for the
Otherwise why would Indian films have so many introduction.]
Moslem actors. There is not a single Hindu or - When there is trust, victim is convinced to
Sikh actor in Pakistani films. We need more funds come to a private place, usually by bunking
desperately to carry on our job and we need school or some other instance where they
volunteers from amongst the youth specially. would fear parental punishment.
Come and join us this weekend and every - Perpetrator rapes victim using physical
weekend – we will be in an area near you.” violence or threat of force.
- Pictures are taken to create shame.
The Supreme Court has taken cognizance of
- Victim is blackmailed using pictures and
the matter and an NIA investigation has been
shame, leading to repeated rapes.
ordered into coerced and systematic - At some point victim is told she must convert
conversion into Islam . Love jihad is to Islam. [Here additional threats, acid
often accompanied by what is known as rape throwing etc, were used.]
jihad. Criminals exist in every community, - Other friends or community members of the
and it is not at all suggested that rapists only perpetrators are sometimes facilitators in this.
come from one community. However - Most often the victim succumbs. It is rarer for
abduction and rape for the purposes of the victim to gather courage to tell her parents
women and girls of backward areas of - Shahabuddin Sheikh of Maheshpur
Jharkhand. The aim is to use marriage as tool married Mala Kora.
to gain control over tribal people’s land, also - Mohammad Maoulvi of Durgapur has
known as “Land Jihad”. More than one married Manika Hembrom.
thousand cases of PFI members marrying
Jamil Sheikh of Kumarpur has married to
tribal women has come to light133.
Jogadih resident Waha Murmu.
A list of some of the recorded love jihad by
In the next section we have documented 100
the members of ISIS-affiliated terrorist
instances of love jihad, religious violence
organization PFI is given below134:
against Hindu women and rapes across India.
- Resident of Anjana village of Muffasil
It is to be noted that these numbers are
Station Area of Pakur, Kabir Haq married
perhaps a tiny fraction of the real number of
Lavli Tudu. FIR registered against Kabir
such incidents, due to severe under-reporting
Haq in the city police station. of such cases in mainstream media.
- Resident of Littipara of Pakur, Aazad
Ansari married Sunita Marandi. Sunita is 2017-2018 Documented Cases
presently the Mukhiya of Kamagheti Love Jihad, Violence
Sharif Khan, had been arrested by the “blasphemous” by certain members of the
Meghwadi police in a robbery case and was Muslim community139.
subsequently remanded in judicial custody
M Durga Devi, a woman constable was
and was lodged at the Arthur Road jail135.
subjected to molestation and assault on 23
A 12 year old girl from Jehanabad, Bihar was Jan by a mob which set fire to Ice House
gang-raped by the principal of Kako police station in Chennai under the cover of
Secondary School Aju Ahmed and three Jallikattu protests. Many in the mob touched
teachers — Atul Rahman, Abdul Bari and her inappropriately and kept hurling
Md Shakaut, when she was alone in the stones.140 Ice House police is opposite Ice
school building136. The girl was mentally House Masjid which is located on Quaid-e-
unsound and did not study in the school. She Millath road, and radical Islamist socio-
would accompany her mother, who was a political outfit TNTJ (Tamil Nadu Towheed
Physical Education teacher in the school, as Jamath) is known to be active in the area.
there was no one to take care of her at
In February 2017, 30-year-old Muhammad
Shafi, was arrested for sexually assaulting
A 21-year-old JNU student who was studying more than 30 Hindu women in Kerala after
second year BA (Honours) was allegedly deceiving them by posing as a Dubai-based
raped by two Afghan nationals in south Hindu NRI surgeon Satish Raghavan. He is
Delhi’s Green Park area as per police reports. also accused of stealing more than Rs. 50
The accused Twaab Ahmad alias Saleem, 27, lakh from the women he trapped, exploited
and Sulaiman Ahmadi, 31, were Afghan and blackmailed using photographs taken141.
nationals living in India on United Nations
In March 2017, in an incident which sent
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
shockwaves through Assam, 8 armed
Bangladeshi infiltrators entered illegally into
Ashu Parihar (Ginni), a Yoga teacher from Indian land at Jaarapata in Karimganj and
Delhi faced multiple rape & death threats, raped a woman and her two daughters. The
and police complaints across the country for intruders reportedly announced that they
allegedly posting a poem on Dhulagarh riots would make this Assam village into a “Sharia
on social media, which was deemed Village”. This gruesome crime has acted as a
trigger for exodus of around 40 Hindu injuries and died on the way to hospital.
families142. However the English media was quick to
blame Hindu mobs and ignored the case of
In April 2017, in a case of gruesome violence
in Meerut, UP, a gang first killed a young
woman Anushka and then killed her mother In May 2017, the Sikar police arrested two
Sumanlata by shooting her. The suspects people and detained a juvenile delinquent for
have been identified as Shoaib, Najish and allegedly gangraping two minor girls.
Javed.143 Another accused is absconding, the police
said. The officials added that the girls were
In Aligarh, Wasim Akram, son of Rahish
forced to regularly meet the accused till their
Khan, was living in a rented house with his
families came to know about it. Police said
sister Huma, and pretended to be Hindus with
that the accused have been identified as
names Basant and Rekha. He entrapped the
Roshan Khan, Shakeel and Saddam.146
Hindu landlord’s underage daughter in a web
of fake love and eloped with her. Later, In Rampur area of Uttar Pradesh, a group of
Wasim threatened the girl’s family members 14 males molested 2 Hindu girls even while
over phone. He was eventually caught by they pleaded to let them go. The prime
Bajrang Dal leaders and handed over to the accused is one Shah Nawaz, who filmed the
police144. incident and put it online. He was arrested
along with Fazil, Bhoora, Qasim and a 16-
In a case of love jihad, a 19-year-old (some
year-old minor. Other accused are Farman,
reports say he is 22) man named Yusuf
Jahan-e-Alam, Saddam and others, all
(resident of Sohi village, Pahasu Police
residents of Kuva Kheda village of
Station area, Bulandshahr district of West
UP) kidnapped an 18-year-old Hindu girl, a
resident of village Fazalpur, also in the An 18-year-old Hindu woman died nearly
Pahasu area. Ghulam Mohammad (aged 45), three weeks after she eloped with a married
a relative of Yusuf, was suspected of being Muslim man from Hussainganj who had
involved in the kidnapping and of knowing three kids, while the police said she died as a
the girl’s whereabouts. In an altercation of the result of severe infection (septicaemia)
issue with the girl’s parents he suffered caused due to excessive consumption of
some medicines, her family has alleged foul molestation and assault – police has filed a
play.148 case against them153.
Twenty two year-old Ibrahim posing as ‘Siva In July 2017, a Muslim man was arrested for
Idiot’ on Facebook tricked a 13-year-old assaulting and grievously injuring two tribal
schoolgirl in Tamil Nadu to elope with him. women who objected to his slaughtering a
He went on to rape her in a friend’s motel149. cow in Biswanath district of Assam. Police
said a group of non-Muslims, including the
In June 2017, a 58-year-old school teacher of
two tribal women, came to Ali’s house and
Changjurai Ilashi Deuri Primary School near
told him to stop slicing the animal. Enraged,
Jamunamukh in Nagaon district, Assam was
Ali allegedly charged at the women with his
raped and killed while on her way to school
machete and injured two women, identified
on 31 May150. At least three persons were
as Bodheswari Goswami, 40, and Bhanti
involved in the crime and two arrests have
Mallick, 42154. However, in their minimal
been made thus far by Nagaon police –
report of this brutal crime, Hindustan Times
Moinul Hoque and Salimuddin151.
manages to peddle their anti-Hindu agenda.
A Hindu girl, who married in South Gujarat The HT article devotes just 205 words out of
town Vapi, filed a complaint against her total 403 towards reporting the murderous
Muslim husband and in-laws. According to attack on two women, and 198 words (almost
complainant, her husband, father-in-law, 50%) are spent on talking about cow
mother-in-law and other relatives of Imran vigilantes, NDA, BJP etc155.
used to force her not only to change her faith
but also put pressure to eat meat and fish A 9th standard Hindu girl who was a resident
which she never had in entire life152. of Kaladhungi police station area was
kidnapped by a Government school teacher
A woman who was a resident of the village
Mobin Khan in Kamaluaganja near Haldwani
Ismailpur was harassed and molested by
town, Uttarakhand. Bajrang Dal workers
some Muslim youths. A scuffle broke out
rescued the girl and handed over the accused
between the Muslim gang and local residents.
to the police156.
Zeeshan, Hussain, Rehan, Rahees, Ahmed,
Sabir, Zahid and Babu were accused of The Kerala High Court has declared the
marriage of a woman as ‘null and void’ in a
case that has seen the bride’s father claiming Delhi and were on a sightseeing tour of
that his daughter was converted to Islam at Odisha160.
the behest of the Islamic State.157
A 13-year-old girl who was allegedly
A 19-year-old domestic help in East Delhi abducted from Delhi returned home and was
was raped by her neighbour, Shahid, who found to be three weeks pregnant. During the
offered her a lift in his car. 2 other men, also investigation a Nikahnama of the missing girl
neighbours of the girl, were involved in this and Iddu Khan was found. During raid at
crime. Police registered a case of gangrape Etah on July 3, one of witness to the
under relevant sections of the IPC at Madhu Nikahnama, Buddhu Khan was held161.
Vihar police station158.
Kerala police arrested Ahmed Nabeel, 24,
Harassing her for the last six months, a 22- and his mother Ramla, 66, of
year-old stalker, Nanhe Khan, alias Adil Chennamangallur a detailed probe into
stabbed a 21-year-old aspiring air hostess, allegations by the Hindu wife of Ahmed
Riya Gautam, ten times near her house in full Nabeel that her husband and mother-in-law
public view in East Delhi’s Mansarovar Park were physical and mental torturing her for
area outside the Peer Wali Gali of Ram refusing to accede to their wish to embrace
Nagar. She later died of her severe injuries. Islam162.
The entire incident was captured on CCTV
A 15 year old girl repeatedly raped by her
neighbour Abdul Gaffar (51) gave pre-
Seven tourists from Hyderabad and Delhi mature birth to a child in a school toilet in
were roughed up and three of their women north-west Delhi’s Mukherjee Nagar on
companions were allegedly molested by a Thursday. Gaffar a native of Bihar later
group of cattle smugglers in the Rayagada admitted to his crime163.
district of Odisha on July 14. They were
In August 2017, a 13-year-old girl was lured
attacked after they reportedly protested the
out of her house by a neighbour while her
beating and torture of the animals by the
father was away working in the fields on 25th
traffickers. Of the seven tourists that included
July. The neighbour along with his friend
friends and their families, three were women.
Zubair, son of Aziz, then dragged the girl into
Three were from Hyderabad and four from
a nearby house and gang-raped her. The girl’s
father, resident of Thana Dehat near Kairana offender”. Despite complaints, no action was
in West UP, got the case registered with taken by the police.168
police who raided the houses of the accused
Police arrested two youth who tried to rape a
on Tuesday and arrested Zubair164.
mother and daughter duo who were on their
A Muslim man, Bapi Hussain pretended to be way back home. The perpetrators had
a Hindu Bapi Mondal and entrapped a Hindu dragged the two into a park near
girl Likha Stradhar from Coochbehar in West Gayathripuram main road, but had fled the
Bengal into a love affair. Later she found out spot as locals came to the rescue of the
that the boy was actually Muslim. She went victims. The accused are Suhail (27) and
missing and her body was later discovered in Aqmal (25), both residents of
a hotel in Bhutan165. Gayathripuram. It is said that a 40-year-old
lady was returning home on Tuesday evening
In a shocking incident from Puducherry
along with her 18-year-old daughter when the
(Pondicherry), 3 Muslim auto drivers out of a
accused started following the two and passed
total of 15 suspects have been arrested for
lewd comments at them169.
raping 4 minor girls166. According to the
report, which appeared in the Tamil daily A 20 year old nursing student working in a
“Dinamalar”, the 4 minor girls were raped by medical centre was raped by a Muslim
the 3 auto drivers and 12 others after locking colleague, Asif and filmed by someone else
them inside a house167. When the complaint in Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh. The
was received by the department of women victim’s family was pressurized to bury the
and child development, the 4 girls were case. On refusal, the victim was fired from
rescued with the help of Odiyansalai police. her job because of political pressure170.
A teacher of Model High School identified as An 18 year old girl, named Rakhi Saha, a
Faizuddin Laskar, in the small town of 12th grade student in Mathura BSS High
Katlicherra in Hailakandi district, Assam School committed suicide on 2nd August in
posted photos with a student in obscene Dharmutola area of Manmad Manikchak
poses. A local channel, DY-365, reported the Thana, Malda, West Bengal. The family
incident and said that Laskar is a “serial blamed her tuition teacher, Sheikh Imran, for
this extreme step as he had been pressuring In September 2017, a 15 year old Hindu
her to marry him171. minor girl was kidnapped by 3 Muslim men
from Shamli town in Western UP and held
In September 2017, a 16-year-old Hindu girl
captive in Panipat in Haryana where she was
in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district
gang-raped by the Muslim men for 4 days.
accused four Muslim men of gang-raping her
Later the assailants left her in an unconscious
for 10 days, trying to force her to eat meat and
state near her hometown. One of the accused
pressuring her to convert. The four Muslim
have been identified as Rehan, a resident of
youths, who were known to her abducted her
at gun point, took her to different places and
repeatedly raped her, forced her to eat meat A Hindu female school teacher, a resident of
they would threaten physical harm173. was gang-raped by a group of 3 Muslim men,
Sheikh Amin, Rashid Naskar and Salim
A Muslim man named Hussain Ali faked
Noskara. The girl was alone in her house
himself as a Hindu named Raja Shukla and
when the incident occurred. The 3 accused
married a Hindu girl by fraud. The man is a
Muslim men already have a list of pending
resident of Kushinagar (village Kurmauta),
theft and other criminal charges against
Uttar Pradesh. In UP the girl discovered that
he was Muslim. She was raped, and was
forced to abort. A procedure was forcefully Mirza Rafiqul Haque, a Kolkata based
done on her to prevent future children. doctor, murdered Chayanika Kumari (30), his
Hussain Ali used to torture her / cut her with girlfriend for refusing to convert to Islam and
blade frequently and also beat her up174. marry him. He then stuffed the body into a
suitcase and left it at the Tata Nagar railway colony in Kharkhauda police station area
station, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand178. Meerut, UP183.
An 18-year-old girl student was physically A gang of Muslim youth in Niwai in Tonk
abused and sexually harassed by a Muslim region of Rajasthan were charged under
student of Jawaharlal Nehru University POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual
(JNU), Shahnawaz Khan (29) a second year Offences) Act for sexually exploiting minor
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) when the girl Hindu girls, and blackmailing them with
refused his advances179. obscene mobile clips184.
In a shocking incident, a 13 year old Hindu A Muslim man who pretended to be a Hindu
girl in Bankura’s Lalbandh area was raped called Bittu, ensnared a Ghaziabad girl into
and killed in front of her 10-year-old brother marriage and then tried to force her into
by Muslim youth Abdul Rauf Khan (19)180. converting to Islam by physically assaulting
her. Later when the girl escaped, came back
A Haridwar girl was trapped in a love affair
to her parents and was getting ready for re-
by a married Muslim man Ubaid ur Rehman
marriage, the Muslim man shared the
(alias Kabir) from Muzaffarnagar who
previous photos and then blackmailed her185.
pretended to be a Hindu. She was sexually
exploited for 2 years with a promise for A college-going girl from Birbhum, West
marriage. Later when the girl discovered that Bengal was photographed nude by a Muslim
he was married and a Muslim, she was man one Sheikh Hafizul, who threatened to
beaten, poisoned and left to die in an upload the photos on the internet. She was
unconscious state near Hanuman chowk181. then repeatedly raped and later set herself on
fire. Suffering 85% burn she succumbed to
Auto rickshaw driver Mohammed Irfan (29)
her injuries and died186.
from UP, and father of 4 (2 daughters), and 2
others gang raped a 21-year-old woman, and In a clear case of Love Jihad a college going
left her near a jungle near Sector 42, Hindu girl from Mangolpuri area Delhi, was
Chandigarh182. befriended by a Muslim youth Imraan who
pretended to be a Hindu called Sonu. Using
A 14-year old disabled girl was held hostage
deceit he locked the girl, raped her and forced
and raped by her neighbour, Haider, in a
her into marriage and conversion and also
poured acid on her hand to remove an “OM” has claimed that her life is in danger after she
tattoo187. got married with a Hindu boy which led to the
couple getting death threats191.
Badre Alam (25), Md Ansar (18) and a minor
youth, molested a 15-year-old in College In December 2017, an 8-year old Hindu
Square-Cooltala area in central Kolkata. The minor girl belonging to a daily wage-labourer
three Muslim youths were apprehended family from Pune’s Kondhwa area, was
charged under sections 12 and 17 of the repeatedly gang raped by Muslim group, the
stringent POCSO Act and IPC sections 354 oldest of whom was 19-year-old Muslim
(molestation), 354A (sexual harassment) and youth Mustafa Abdul Rajaq Mujawar. The
114 (abettor present)188. shocking incident was revealed when the girl
developed rashes on her private parts and fell
Farukh Mondal, a Muslim youth of Usthi,
ill repeatedly192.
South 24-Parganas, West Bengal, uploaded
few morphed photographs of a Class IX In January 2018, a Muslim impostor named
student of the same locality on a social Shadab eloped with an adolescent girl of
networking site. Unable to bear the Baghpat, UP by pretending to be a Hindu
humiliation, the girl committed suicide by named Siddhant Choudhary and a BJP
hanging herself from the ceiling189. worker. A case has been lodged against
Shadab (son of Shekhawat) from Loni, his
According to a report in Dainik Jagran, in a
cousin Shoaib (son of Gaffar) from
clear case of Love Jihad, a 22 year old Hindu
Harchandpur and Aditya from Sirsana. It is
girl Kiran Kumari (22), daughter of Pardeshi
suspected that the accused may have ISIS
Karmali from Bhurkunda in district
Ramgarh, Jharkhand eloped with Aadil
Ansari, son of Asgar Ali. She was pressurized In Sambhal, UP an 8th standard girl was
to convert to Islam by her husband’s family. abducted and raped for 6 days by her Muslim
On refusing to convert, her husband, in laws dance teacher who had had assumed a fake
and others, gang-raped her, slit her throat and Hindu identity. The accused Azad Hussain
dumped her body into the Damodar River had changed his name to Azad Bhardwaj.
which was found in 6th November190. The accused dance teacher abducted the girl
by making false promises of making her a
Jasmi Ismail, a Muslim girl hailing from
‘TV star’194.
Thekkumbhagom in Kollam district, Kerala
The case of a minor 14-year-old Hindu girl repeatedly raped, she was mentally tortured
being abducted by one Raja (aka Asif) and and pressurised to convert to Islam. She was
tortured for over 4 years came to light from forced to wear a burqa198.
Shajapur, Madhya Pradesh. Despite being
A 16-year-old 10th standard student was lured
already married, Asif forcibly married the
by her boyfriend ‘Sonu’ (aka Salman) on
girl after converting her to Islam and
pretext of meeting his parents for marriage,
changing her name to Ayesha. He even
then held captive in a Delhi flat and gang-
poured acid on her hand to remove an OM
raped by the boyfriend and 3 others for 2
days. She was thrashed and even her private
24-year-old Tina Koley (only daughter of a parts were injured. Police arrested two
poor farmer Sambhucharan Koley) of accused – Salman aka Sonu (21), and Imran
Ghoshpur, Polba Police Station area, (22)199.
Hooghly district, West Bengal was molested
A group of Hindu women Sawai Madhopur,
by one Sheikh Hasem Ali who beat her with
Rajasthan on their way to perform Chak
an iron rod, before looting her ornaments and
Pujan, a pre-marriage ritual, were molested &
assaulted by a group of Muslims who
In February 2018 in Bidar in Karnataka, a 19- allegedly objected to music being played as
year-old college student Puja was raped and the procession was crossing a mosque200.
killed by her neighbour Shamsuddin for
In March 2018, in a Tamil reality TV show
repeatedly spurning his advances.
featuring a Muslim actor Jamshad
Shamsuddin lured Puja, a second-year BA
Cethirakath, who goes by the stage name
student, to a forest near Khanapur in Kosam
Arya, hunting for a wife, the anchor asked
village of Bhalk taluk, sexually assaulted and
prospective Hindu brides if they would
murdered her by slitting the throat. He then
convert to Islam. Colors TV faced a lot of
threw her body in the forest197.
opposition for airing such a biased show
A Mumbai High Court Lawyer and daughter openly promoting Love Jihad and
of a retired Army colonel was abducted and challenging India’s secular ideals201.
raped for 1 week Bijnor, UP in an attempt to
A 12th grade girl from Kaliachak in Malda
force her to accept Islam and marry her
district of West Bengal, who had eloped with
Muslim abductor, Faisal. Apart from being
a Muslim man only to get trapped in
prostitution, managed to trick her abductor In May 2018 in Vellore, a 23-year-old MBA
and return home. The accused Rahman student Shabheer was arrested for attempting
Momin has been charged with woman to murder a woman who refused to convert to
trafficking202. Islam and marry him without her parents’
In April 2018, a woman from a village in
Moradabad UP has accused her husband A woman working in a dairy business in
Firasat, whom she married after converting to Jamshedpur, Jharkhand was raped by her
Islam, of pushing her into prostitution after boss Asif Iqbal who also threatened to kill her
forcefully taking her to Kerala. She somehow daughter and upload the woman’s obscene
managed to escape from his clutches and photos on Facebook if she told anyone. Iqbal
returned to her home in UP203. also put pressure on the woman to convert to
Islam and eat beef208.
30-year-old Neetu Sharma was stabbed at
least a dozen times by a man named Anwar A 21-year-old nurse from Delhi was raped by
who owed her Rs 5 lakh she had lent him for one Shakeel under pretext of marriage. He
investment. Police officers believe the duo also made an obscene video of the woman
was in a relationship204. after drugging her, and started blackmailing
her on the basis of that video and threatened
A B.Tech student from Sheesh Mahal area of
to throw acid on her and kill her209.
Haldwani was abducted and forcibly
converted by Uttarakhand Congress Leader Arshad Ali from UP, was sentenced by A
Mehak Khan’s son Danish. Police finally special POCSO (Prevention of Child Sexual
managed to recover the abducted girl and Offence) court in Uttarakhand for 12 years in
Danish Khan from his maternal aunt jail for first abducting and raping a minor girl
Shauzia’s house in Delhi205. (17) and then forcefully converting her to
Islam and marrying her. The incident took
A 24-year old man, Wasim Taj Mohammad
place in 2016210.
Pathan, brutally murdered his wife, Mahima
Mahadeo Vitole (20), in full public view in A woman from Bhurkunda, district Ramgarh,
Gajanan Nagar in Mankapur police Jharkhand, discovered that her Muslim
jurisdiction of Nagpur.206 husband hid his real identity and pretended to
be a Hindu to trap her in a love relationship
and marry her. 12 years after the marriage, he
sold off his wife to his maternal uncle living In June 2018, a shocking incident of love
in Nagpur. The maternal uncle raped the jihad and rape jihad came to light in Rampur,
woman several times after threatening to kill UP. A Hindu girl pursuing a degree course in
her211. Moradabad was first befriended by a Muslim
youth, Sarfaraz Hussain, pretending to be Raj
A Hindu woman from Bareilly, UP found out
Bishnoi. He raped the girl and later had a
that her husband had assumed a fake Hindu
“nikah” with her. Her in-laws started
identity with the name ‘Devender’ to trap her
torturing the girl. They put pressure on her to
in a relationship and married her in a temple
convert, and physically assaulted her. One
as per Hindu rites. Later she found out that he
day Hussain’s father & brother-in-law got
was actually Dilshad, a Muslim man from
some maulvi to the house, and all 3 of them
Jadhopur, Bareilly. Dilshad threatened and
proceeded to gang-rape her. Police has
blackmailed her into staying and also sold off
registered a case against Sarfaraz Hussain
their baby girl for Rs 50,000212.
and his family, including his father Izhar
Cab driver Mohammed Ghulam Rabbani (22) Hussain, mother Shakila, brother Zafar
was arrested by Delhi police for murdering Hussain and 7 others215.
his girlfriend Nandini (22) when she
A 25-year-old banana seller Abdul Samad
threatened to expose his criminal activities.
from Secunderabad in Telangana stabbed an
Rabbani had befriended Nandini by
18-year-old girl under the jaw for refusing to
introducing himself as Neeraj Jha213.
go out with him. An attempted murder case
Sheikh Rafiqul hailing from Bardhaman was registered against the perpetrartor216.
district in West Bengal posted a nude photo
Sajid Ali Ansari (26), an unemployed
of a 10th grader Hindu girl on social media.
engineer strangled his wife, Juhi, to death.
He befriended the girl after introducing
The couple’s children were sleeping in the
himself as Indranil Mukherjee. Rafiqul
room when Ansari killed her. Then along
brought her to his relative’s house at Birbhum
with his 2 brothers Ishteyaque and Hasmat
district under the pretence of outing. The girl
disfigured her face and chopped her body into
was kept captive there for two months and
pieces for disposal217.
physically assaulted. She was drugged and
her nude photos were captured day after day In July 2018, a girl named Subhalagna
by Sheikh Rafiqul214. Chakraborty in West Bengal, was shot dead
by a man named Mohammed Sultan Ali. Her tortured the woman to change her religion –
parents were also beaten by iron rods by the forcing her to watch videos of controversial
accused while trying to save her during the Islamic evangelists and beating her if she did
altercation. Sultan has been arrested by police not follow the verses. The accused also
and parents have said that the accused hid his tonsured the victim’s head after she refused
real name and identity initially218. to marry him221.
5 Muslim youth – Wajid, Shahid, Javed, In a case of social media initiated love jihad,
Shabbar, Hasan –lured and abducted a 15- a 24 year old woman from Jaipur, Rajastha
year-old class 10 student in UP. The parents befriended a Muslim man masquerading as a
of the girl have alleged that their daughter has Hindu man Ishant. They got into relationship.
been illegally and forcefully converted to When she became aware of actual religion
Islam and married to a Muslim youth220. and identity of the man, she tried to break the
relationship but he threatened to defame her
In September 2018, a 27-year-old engineer
by posting her private pictures on Facebook.
was held captive and sexually assaulted for
The man forced the woman’s sister to convert
two-and-a-half months by Andheri resident
to Islam and get married to his younger
Sayyed Amir Hussain. He invited her to his
brother. He also to force her to get into
apartment on June 15 to celebrate the festival
physical relationship with his friend223.
of Bakra-Eid, and sedated the woman by
offering her a sweet dish laced with drugs. A woman from New Delhi‘s Chhatarpur
Then he raped her and shot nude photos and Extension area met a man named Adil Hassan
videos. Hussain physically and mentally Khan through a social media app called Vigo.
Adil has been accused of raping the girl many befriended and raped her. The victim said she
times on false promise of marrying her and married the same man after the accused
cheated her of Rs 14 lakhs. Adil has also been convinced her for marriage. When she got
found to be cheating and duping many girls pregnant, he beat her up and fled
across India using coercion and blackmail. somewhere227.
The accused works in Jammu and Kashmir
A 20-year-old model Mansi Dixit, hailing
from Kota, Rajasthan, was murdered and her
A girl named Jyoti Kumari changed her body stuffed in a travel bag by her 19-year-
religion to marry her lover Mohsin in Ranchi, old boyfriend Muzzamil Sayyed. The two
Jharkhand. After marriage, she was asked by were in Sayyed’s Millat Nagar, Andheri (W),
her in-laws to consume beef, to which she flat when they had an argument, and he hit
denied. Due to this, her husband left her and her on the head with a stool and strangled her
fled225. to death. He then stuffed her body into a
travel bag and called a cab. He left the travel
A girl from Jalandhar, Punjab became friends
bag with Mansi’s dead body in a bush near
with a man called Reshu Malik a resident of
the Mindspace office complex, Malad (W)228.
Bhainsori Sharif, Rampur, Uttar Pradesh
whom she met on Facebook. She fell in love A 32-year-old woman in UP’s Bijnore
with him. She met him in Punab where he district, Rashmi alias Reshma, was earlier
raped her. He also spiked her cold drink that married to a doctor Anurag Jha. She fell in
made her unconscious. She was then gang- love with their driver Shahnawaaz and
raped by 4 other men in his presence. He, married the latter in 2016. Shahnawaz had
then forcefully took her to a Maulana to get sold off her jewellery and when she
her religion converted to Islam. He also force demanded her ornaments back, he and his
fed her beef. The man then raped her many father Ali Nawaaz killed the woman. Police
times during past few years on pretext of arrested the accused driver, Shahnawaaz, and
marrying her226. his father, Ali Nawaaz, for the crime229.
In October 2018, a 24-year-old woman from Sunita, a Hindu woman, accepted Islam and
Alwar in Rajasthan reported that a Muslim became Shaheen Khan to marry Salman
man, Bilal Ahmed who revealed his religious Khan, a stationery dealer in Aminabad, Uttar
identity and posed as a Hindu man Vikas, Pradesh. The couple has a daughter from the
marriage and the victim is pregnant with times. He also forced the girl to sign on some
another child. She has been abandoned by her blank papers233.
husband who has been accused of hitting her
In November 2018, a case of harassment was
and marrying two other women230.
registered by Thane police against a 39-year-
A Muslim man Wahid Khan from Indore, old Muslim doctor following a complaint by
Madhya Pradesh raped a Hindu girl and made his ex-Hindu wife who converted to Islam
her obscene video. He blackmailed her using before marrying. The 37-year-old victim
that video. He then forced her to accept Islam alleged that her husband & in-laws harassed
and married her forcefully. After marriage, her for money and other issues, and also
he used to assault her. After suffering for long forced her & their 2 children to live along
she complained to the police in November with a second wife that he married234.
In Hasanganj police station area of Lucknow,
In Uttarakhand, a minor 8-year-old Hindu a 22-year-old girl was brutally molested &
girl was first forced to watch porn and then thrashed by two Muslim brothers – Ehsan
raped by 5 minor Muslim boys aged 9 to 14. Ansari and Azad Ansari. When the girl’s
The girl was lured with a chocolate to the brother came to her aid, he was also brutally
house of one of the accused as the boys thrashed by the 2 accused and their
planned the rape. The incident occurred in a accomplices235.
village in Sahaspur police station area,
Mysuru Rural Police arrested three men –
around 25 km from Dehradun232.
Imran Pasha, Rehamath Shariff and Mubarak
An 18-year-old Hindu girl working in a Delhi – for sexually harassing a girl atop Chamundi
beauty parlour was drugged and raped by a Hill besides snatching away her mobile
Muslim neighbour, who then blackmailed her phone and a gold chain after threatening
with the rape video to convert to Islam and her236.
marry him. The accused raped her multiple
4.2 Islamic Attacks & Communal Clashes
4.2.1 Key Findings
111 people were killed and 2,384 others were Presented below are 32 documented cases of
injured in 822 communal incidents in the stone pelting, communal clashes and
country in 2017. Union Minister of State for aggressive mob attacks by Islamic groups in
Home Hansraj Ahir said that the highest 2017 and 2018. It is to be noted that these are
number of communal incidents in 2017 were perhaps a fraction of the true numbers of such
reported in Uttar Pradesh where 44 people incidents given the under-reporting in
were killed and 542 others were injured in mainstream media whenever Muslim
195 communal incidents237. community members are perpetrators.
Zindabad” and targeted Hindu police A police team that had gone to nab chain-
personnel of the police station.240 snatchers at the infamous Irani basti in
Ambivali, North East Mumbai was attacked
In February 2017, 65-year-old Singhasan
by a mob of around 25, mostly women, who
Yadav was stabbed to death in Ghaziabad
also tried to set one policeman on fire by
UP, by neighbourhood Muslim youths. The
pouring kerosene on him. In the attack, two
deceased, Singhasan Yadav, was sleeping
policemen including a police sub-inspector
when he was attacked and his throat slit .
and one constable were injured after the mob
pelted stones on them246.
In April 2017, on the eve of Ram Navami,
three Muslim youths identified as Asif Khan,
A series of amateur short videos went viral on
Asif Ali and Mohammed Rehan left abusive
social media showing CRPF jawans being
messages on the profile page of Bajrang Dal
heckled, hit and kicked by a Kashmiri
activist Ajit Padhiari.242 A complaint was
Muslim mob in Nashrullahpora, Budgam.
lodged with the police demanding the arrest
Based on that the CRPF lodged a complaint
of these people. During a subsequent peace
with Jammu and Kashmir Police. The videos
committee meeting to diffuse tension, a
show remarkable restraint shown by CRPF
Muslim mob youths riding nearly hundred
personnel, despite highest provocation. Many
bikes rallied in Puruna Bazaaar area shouting
of the stone pelters were chanting 'Go India,
“Pakistan Zindabaad” and other anti-national
Go Back'.247
slogans. This group is reported to have
targeted shops owned by Hindu traders in In May 2017, a Hindu man Sourav Mondal
Chandan Bazaar area243. The main culprit, was beaten up for marrying a Muslim girl
Asif Ali Khan, happens to be the son of a from Munshidanga village of Domjur Thana
local BJD leader Asghar Ali Khan.244 under Howrah district in West Bengal. He
had met the girl when she was being attacked
During a Ram Navami procession in West
by sexual predators and saved her from their
Bengal, bombs were hurled at the Hindu
clutches. The girls family could not accept
group from within Titagarh Bari Masjid
the match her maternal uncle lodged a
despite RAF presence. The event was not
‘missing person’ FIR in Domjur Thana248.
covered in the mainstream media245.
In June 2017, a dispute that arose due to the rods on the society where over 2000 families
splattering of water on the clothes of a village live251.
youth on the way to his afternoon namaz,
A man identified as Aftab Ahmed tried to
took the shape of a communal confrontation
open the emergency door of an Air Asia flight
in Nasirpur village of New Mandi police
from Delhi to Ranchi minutes before landing,
station, Muzaffarnagar district. Stone pelting
endangering the lives of passengers. He also
and firing were carried out, in which a person
allegedly injured a few passengers and crew
Brajpal and his son Aakash suffered injuries.
members when they attempted to stop him.
In a critical condition, Aakash was referred to
Ahmed was handed over to local police at
Meerut, but he passed away249.
The Purulia town in south-west West Bengal In August 2017, several vehicles were
witnessed clash between two groups over charred and some shops targeted as clashes
social media posts that hurt religious broke out between groups of two
sentiments. According to local residents, a communities in the sensitive Mandvi area.
few persons were injured in the violence. The rioting broke out near Mandvi crossroads
Rapid Action Force [RAF] has been during Ganapati procession253.
deployed in the area.
Communal tension broke out in Pauri
“Tension started brewing about a couple of days Garhwal district’s Satpuli town, after a
back when a member of one community allegedly Muslim man was caught sexually assaulting
posted a comment on social media hurting the a calf. The man was booked under Section
religious sentiments of the other community,” a 377 [of the Indian Penal Code] for unnatural
resident of the area told The Hindu. sexual offences254.
In July 2017, a Muslim mob attacked an A 20-year-old youth was allegedly force-fed
upscale gated residential society Mahagun acid by a group of men after they got into an
Moderne in Noida Sector 78 following argument with him at his shop in South-East
rumors of a maid, Zohra Bibi, being held Delhi's Sangam Vihar. The police arrested
captive after she was caught stealing by her the accused identified as Talib (20) and
employers. The mob indulged in full-blown apprehended a juvenile (15)255.
rioting with stone pelting and vandalism with
A Muslim mob of cattle smugglers in Communal tension erupted near Vishwanath
Nalasopara (West) in Maharashtra severely Mahadev Mandir near Kaliya-Soth dam in
beat up two cow protection volunteers Bhopal when a group of Muslims gathered
belonging to the Bhartiya Gauvansh Rakshan near the temple, erected a tent, proceeded to
and Samvardhan Parishad. The mob took pray (do namaz), cooked non-vegetarian food
them to a nearby dargah and tried to and left the remains strewn near the
strangulate them256. temple260.
A Ganapati procession was attacked with Communal clashes erupted in Agra’s Soro
stones by a Muslim mob in the old city area Katra area in Shahganj over a minor bike
of Vadodra, Gujarat. The situation soon accident in which one Shahid’s son Asif was
snowballed into rioting between Muslims and accidentally hit by one Mahesh’s bike, due to
Hindus which left 10 people injured, which Mahesh was thrashed up. Later a mob
including two jawans of SRP (State Reserve of Muslim men came with guns, rods and
Police)257. wooden sticks (lathis) and smashed up at
least 6 shops and molested women coming
A rampaging Muslim mob pelted stones and
out of a nearby Hanuman temple261.
fired upon police after Friday namaz in Jama
Masjid at Uparkot area of Aligarh, UP. 8 A dairy shop owner, Anuj Shroti, was
people including 6 policemen were injured, assaulted by a dozen-strong armed gang of
two of whom are critical. The mob also pelted Muslims after Anuj and some other
stones on a temple and tried to loot a bank258. shopkeepers objected to obscene remarks by
3 drunk Muslim youth on female
A 25-year-old man Sajjan Singh was stabbed
to death by a group of six Muslims (Saleem,
Imran, Aleem, Abid, Samar and a juvenile) Communal tension broke out in Rae Bareilly
after his elbow accidentally brushed against town, UP after a mobile shop owner Bhole
one of them while they were dancing at a Singh was assaulted by Javed Khan, Usman,
restobar at West Gate Mall in West Delhi's Shibbu and Puttan Khan. Police arrested the
Rajouri Garden area on Sunday night. He was 4 attackers along with the victim Bhole
stabbed more than six times by the accused Singh263.
and the entire incident was recorded in CCTV
In October 2017, a woman, Nandini M (45),
cameras inside the mall .
a software engineer, was attacked brutally
thrashed by a 100-member Muslim mob for the death of Vaishnavi’s father Rakesh
reporting illegal cow slaughter to police and Ruhela in Ghaziabad, UP267.
trying to rescue the animals from the
Hindus in various parts of Kerala faced
slaughterhouse near Tippu Circle in
initimidation and violence as a mass hartal
Bengaluru's JP Nagar. The mob shouted pro-
(strike) called over social media to protest the
Pakistan slogans and pelted stones, concrete
Kathua tragedy, soon descended into
block, boulders and glass bottles at her car
violence. During this “hartal” Hindu shops,
from all sides. She suffered serious
establishments and even temples were
targeted systematically. This attack was
A frenzied Muslim mob viciously attacked carried out by workers of the Popular Front
Hindus with swords during Muharram of India, Jamaat-e-Islami and the Indian
procession in Thakurganj in Bihar. The mob Union Muslim League (a Congress ally).
resorted to stone-pelting also and destroyed CPM cadre provided tacit support to the anti-
Hindu property. They then stormed into a Hindu violence through a sustained
temple, vandalized temple property and Hinduphobic social media campaign over the
assaulted the Brahmin pujari Muralidhar Kathua rape case.268
Sharma and also ransacked his house. Two
In June 2018, the owner of an eatery, Sanjay
police personnel were also severely injured.
Mondal, was shot dead on Sunday evening in
West Bengal for demanding Rs. 190 for a
In February 2018, 23-year-old photographer plate of biryani from four customers269. An
Ankit Saxena’s throat was slit in West FIR was lodged against the accused
Delhi’s Raghubir Nagar by the father of his Mohammad Firoz who was arrested. The
Muslim girlfriend (Shehzadi), as part of a other accused were Raja, Mogri and Salman.
planned attack which also included the girl’s
In September 2018, 28-year-old Neeraj was
mother who instigated it, minor brother and
lynched to death on Tuesday by his
maternal uncle266.
neighbour Ali Sher’s family after a minor
In April 2018, police arrested a Muslim man dispute involving Rs 100. The incident
Sameer (s/o Zarif, resident of Hajipura occurred in Chakathal village, Atrauli police
mohalla) and his wife Vaishnavi for plotting station area, Aligarh district of West UP270.
In October 2018, Hindus of Dhanpura village Sukke Khan) and Shabir’s wife in his
in Haridwar district, Uttarakhand sat on complaint to police272.
hunger strike to protest their harassment by
In December 2018, Joint teams of NIA, UP
Muslims in the area, and to demand security
Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) & Delhi Police
from the Government. There are reports that
busted an ISIS inspired terror module ‘Harkat
around 60 Hindu families have left the village
ul Harb e Islam’ which was allegedly
since 1994 due to similar harassment and
planning to carry out multiple terror attacks
communal tensions271.
at crowded places & iconic spots and
A 17-year-old Hindu youth, Ankit Jatav, was assassinate important individuals. The
stabbed & critically wounded by attackers module was headed by 29-year-old Mufti
while he was asleep alongside his father. The Mohammad Suhail, a maulvi in an Amroha
boy’s father was also attacked when he tried mosque. Other team members were 24-year-
to defend his son. The incident occurred in old Anas Yunus, a civil engineering student
Maukhas village, Mundali police station area, of Amity University, Noida and 20-year-old
Meerut district of UP. The victim’s father has Zubair Malik, a 3rd year DU student273.
named Shabir, Sarfaraz and Rashid (sons of
4.3 Attacks on Hindu Festivals and Places of Worship
4.3.1 Key Findings
Attack on Hindu places of worship and between 1986 and 2006. Kashmiri Pandit
festivals has been an important part of alien claimed that that around 550 temples were
faiths like Christianity and Islam. Mughal damaged during that same period277.
emperor Aurangzeb alone is said to have
According to data released by the Delhi
destroyed anywhere between 5000 to 50,000
police, in 2014 206 Hindu temples, 30 Sikh
temples. Even their users were also wiped
Gurdwaras, 14 Muslim mosques and 3
out; even his own brother Dara Shikoh was
Churches were robbed in Delhi278. In the 25
executed for taking an interest in Hindu
year period between 1992 and 2017, at least
religion; Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur was
1,200 ancient idols from temples in Tamil
beheaded because he objected to Aurangzeb's
Nadu have been stolen and smuggled out279.
forced conversions274.
A group of Muslim boys entered Deoband’s Bengal, there was sever violence which left
ancient Hanuman Temple during Kirtan, one person dead, a DSP’s Arindam Dutta
used abusive language against devotees, Chowdhury hand chopped off, crude bombs
threw away Shri Krishna vigrah and broke thrown and shops belonging to Hindus burnt
the microphone295. down299.
In January 2018, Saraswati Puja was The rioting spread to Asansol in West
scrapped from the Holiday schedule for Bengal’s Paschim Bardhaman, adjacent to
January 2018 by Primary School Board of Jharkhand. Hindus from the area started
West Bengal’s Uttar Dinajpur district. The moving out to “safer locations” and blamed
order was signed by signed by chairman Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for
Muhammad Zahid Alam Arzu & Secretary inaction. One of the migrants said-“We are
Aminul Ahsan296. moving to safer locations. We are taking
our families to the places where the
6 Hindu devotees were injured in stone
population of Muslims is quite less.”300
pelting by a Muslim mob during a Hindu
religious procession for murti visarjan In August 2018, 2 sadhus were brutally
(immersion). The incident occurred in stabbed to death and another injured inside a
Bekobar (South) panchayat, Koderma temple premises in the Bidhuna area of
district, Jharkhand297. Auraiya district of Uttar Pradesh. The
murdered sadhus were brutally tortured and
In March 2018, a Hindu religious procession
their bodies mutilated. The 3 sadhus used to
was attacked by 45 Muslim extremists in
oppose cow slaughter in the area, and it is
Barabanki, UP. The Shiv Baraat procession
believed that this led to the attack on them301.
was being taken to Barabanki’s renowned
Lodheshwar Mahadev Temple when it was In September 2018, UP police revealed that
attacked with bamboo sticks and sharp Ex-councillor Sabir Ali from Etah district, his
weapons. Many Hindus including women son Nadeem and their gang of 6 others –
were injured298. Salman, Ifran, Yaseen, Mustkeem, Naushad,
Afsar – were behind six murders, including
There were several cases of large-scale,
that of two sadhus (Hindu ascetics/monks) in
organized Islamist violence against Ram
Aligarh & nearby areas302.
Navami celebrations across West Bengal,
Bihar and other states. In Raniganj in West
Hindus in Sriniwaspuri, South Delhi, were celebrations after taking due police
first threatened by some Muslim residents not clearance, they were attacked and stones
to organise Ganesh Utsav in the locality. were pelted on them by religious fanatics303.
When Hindus went ahead with their
4.4 Political Violence and Killing of Hindus
4.4.1 Key Findings
There have been numerous cases of political Dal activists and BJP members were attacked
violence and killings of Hindus across India. in politically motivated attacks in various
Most of these cases go unreported in parts of India like West Bengal, Punjab (by
mainstream media. In West Bengal alone, suspected Khalistani supporters), Karnataka,
331 people have been injured (44 of them Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and others. Many
hospitalized) in 139 incidents of violence such Hinduphobic political attacks go
related to panchayat polls in the state, and 1 unreported in mainstream media, and what is
person is missing, according to data supplied presented is perhaps a very small fraction of
by BJP’s National Joint General Secretary304. the actual number of such incidents.
who had suffered grievous burns after and Bengali speaking Hindus to quit Karbi-
political rivals from CPI (M) set fire to his Longri, Kamatapur and Tripura by March 31
house on December 28, succumbed to his or face the “gravest of the grave” situations.
injuries at Jubilee Mission Medical College They were opposed to any attempts to
in Thrissur where he had been admitted with rehabilitate the Hindu Bangladeshis in
60% burns on his body. His brother Kannan Assam.312
and his wife Vimala, who had also suffered
In January 19th, a BJP worker identified as
serious burn injuries in the attack. All the
Ezhuthan Santhosh (52) was hacked to death
three victims were local leaders of the BJP.309
at Andallur near Dharmadom in Kannur.
Controversial Congress leader Ahmed Patel, Santhosh was the former Mukhya Shikshak
a close aide of Sonia Gandhi, publicly of the RSS unit in Andallur and he was also
exhorted people to get Prime Minister Modi the booth president of the BJP there. 313
to an intersection and mete out punishment.
On January 27th, CPM activists barged into
This statement was made in the context of
Neyyattinkara General Hospital in
demonetization of Indian currency a few
Thiruvananthapuram district, and hacked
months back in November 2016310
BJP workers recovering there from an earlier
Amit Sharma, 35, district publicity manager attack314. Crude bombs were hurled at RSS
of Hindu organisation Sri Hindu Takht, near offices in Naruvamoodu and Mattannur,
Jagraon Bridge in Ludhiana, Punjab was shot Kannur district315.
by two motorcycle-borne men. Sharma had
On 24th Jan, RSS activist Sudhir’s studio at
been receiving regular threats from
Chakkarakkal, Kannur was burned by a
Khalistani militants through phone.311
petrol bomb thrown through the back
Three notorious Christian extremist and window316.
Maoist terror groups in Assam and Tripura,
On 30th Jan, RSS Payyannur Thaluk
the People’s Democratic Council of Karbi
Karyavah Sajith was hacked by CPM
Longri (PDCK), the Kamatapur Liberation
workers who barged into an RSS meeting. He
Organisation (KLO) and the National
was admitted in Pariyaram Medical College
Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) on
with severe injuries at head317. On 31st,
Monday delivered a final ultimatum to Hindi
police lathicharged BJP leaders in Kerala BJP leader was attacked around 9 pm, near
during the Kerala Law Academy protest in Olacherikkavu in Kannur Town by a gang of
which many activists were badly hurt318. more than six members.322
In February 2017, Kerala BJP Vice President In Meerut, Western UP, a mob of SP workers
Dr PP Vava was injured in a student protest descended on a police chowki, to try and
at the Kerala Law Academy, forcefully free Nazar Mohammed, a youth
Thiruvananthapuram, and has lost his eye. A who had been arrested by police for
march by BJP activists from Peroorkada to assaulting and molesting a girl student earlier
the law college prompted police to use water that day. SP MLA Ghulam Mohammed tried
cannons, tear gas shelling and a cane to pressurize the police on behalf of the
charge319. attackers 323.
A BJP worker identified as 20-year-old BJP councillor and Dalit leader Srinivas
Nirmal of Nettissery was allegedly hacked to Prasad, popularly known as Kithaganahalli
death by CPM activists during a festival at Vasu, was stabbed to death with sharp
Kokkulangara temple near Thrissur.320 weapons by unidentified assailants at Anekal
in Bengaluru rural district.324
Students Federation of India (SFI) members
allegedly thrashed two Dalit and three OBC In eastern Uttar Pradesh district Balia,
students on University of Hyderabad (UoH) Samajwadi Party workers burnt down the
campus. MA Student Karthik Mulkala houses of villagers to avenge their defeat to
blamed caste prejudices for the “unprovoked Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Most of the
attack’’, saying that they were attacked for villagers had voted for the BJP because of
their political views as they belong to Dalit which the SP workers got enraged and
and OBC communities321. resorted to violence to take revenge. The SP
workers beat up the villagers badly and left
In March 2017, RSS member and BJP
several people seriously injured325.
Kannur mandalam vice president Sushil
Kumar got injured when he was stabbed by 27-year-old Ayan Pattanayak, a poor
an unidentified gang that came on motorbikes shopkeeper and the only son of his aged &
near Kannur Town. According to police, the ailing parents Nandigram, East Midnapore
district, was brutally assaulted by West A newly inaugurated RSS karyalay / sevalay
Bengal police for daring to stand up for his (office) in village Perunthatil of was
right to freely practise his religion. The issue vandalized by CPM cadres331. This particular
is related to a Harinam Sankirtan village has seen RSS office ransacked 17
(congregational devotional singing) program times, 2 swayamsevaks murdered and 3
and a dispute with Muslims who refused to incapacitated332.
dismantle an illegal structure to allow the
In June 2017, Bajrang Dal activists were
program to proceed326.
beaten by Muslim radicals in Chistia district
A bomb was hurled late at the RSS office in of Hazaribagh. About eight people were
Kallachi near Nadapura, Kozhikode district injured in this attack which occurred when
in Kerala. Three RSS workers were injured in Bajrang Dal workers were returning in a bus
the attack and were shifted to Kozhikode’s from a program while shouting slogans of
Government Medical College. 327 ‘Jai Shri Ram’.333
A 35-year-old Bajrang Dal member was Sharath Madivala, an RSS worker and an
found dead on the banks of a beach in owner of a laundry in in the coastal district of
Mangalore town. Police said Suvarna was Dakshina Kannada in Karnataka, died at A J
found on the banks of an estuary on Friday Hospital after a brutal attack by unidentified
afternoon, a day after he went missing while assailants on July 4334. He later died from his
In May 2017, RSS worker Choorakad Biju In August 2017, an RSS worker Vipin was
was hacked to death, allegedly by CPI(M) brutally murdered. Islamists are suspected to
activists, at Payyanur town in Kerala CM be behind the murder. Vipin, 30, a native of
Pinari Vijayan’s home district Kannur. Police Tirur, was attacked near Pulinchode in Tirur
said Biju and his friend Pandaravalappil around 7 am. He was rushed to the
Rajesh were travelling on a motorcycle when government hospital in Tirur where he was
Thalassery in the politically volatile Kannur In January 2018, an ABVP activist, 24-year-
district of Kerala. According to the police, the old Shyam Prasad, was brutally hacked to
condition of Nidesh, who suffered injuries on death on Friday in Kommeri, Kozhikode
his hands and legs was critical and he had district, Kerala. Police has arrested 4 SDPI
been shifted to the Kozhikode Medical activists – Muhammed, Minikkol Salim,
College hospital336. Neeveli Ameer, and Shahim – for the
On 17 October, RSS leader Ravinder Gosai
was shot dead by unidentified men in In February 2018, BJP worker Santosh was
Ludhiana‘s Kailash Nagar in the morning stabbed to death in Bengaluru by Waseem,
when returning home from RSS Shakha. son of Congress block leader Khader, due to
Three Hindu leaders have been murdered in an argument over putting up banners of BJP’s
Punjab this year by unidentified gun-men337. just concluded Parivarthana Rally342.
Four unidentified assailants shot dead Vipina In March 2018, an ABVP activist Ajith was
Sharma leader of Hindu outfit Hindu attacked and hit on the head with stone by SFI
Sangarash Sena in broad day light on 30th student activists, as Kollam east circle
October. The incident which was recorded on inspector and about 50 colleagues looked on.
CCTV shows two turbaned persons shooting The police did not register a case even though
Sharma and investigations are on whether the the violence occurred inside the police
assailants are associated with any hardline/ station343.
Khalistani group338.
In April 2018, a Dalit candidate of BJP, Ajit
In November 2017, Anand (23) an RSS Murmu (35), was hacked to death allegedly
worker was hacked to death, by CPM in an attack by TMC goons outside the BDO
workers at Nenmeni in the temple town of office in Bankura, while a BJP District
Guruvayur in Kerala339. Secretary was thrashed and stabbed inside the
District Magistrate’s office in Birbhum344.
A 50-year-old Dalit BJP worker, Satheesan,
son of Chakkanchath Kunjayyappan of During this poll violence, TMC goons were
Kalamuri, was hacked to death by CPI (M) seen brutally thrashing BJP workers,
activists at Kaipamangalam in Kerala’s including women, who were trying to help
Thrissur district340. their party candidates file their nominations
for upcoming Panchayat elections345. There
were numerous such incidents which came to West Bengal’s Purulia district on Wednesday
light through social media, but was ignored morning, with a note scribbled on his white
by the mainstream media outlets. color T-shirt that said “This is what you
deserve for working for BJP”347.
In May 2018, TMC activist Bappa Sheikh
was arrested for raping the 6-month pregnant Two days after 20-year-old Trilochan
relative of a BJP candidate for the West Mahato was found hanging from a tree in
Bengal Panchayat polls. The BJP candidate’s Purulia’s Balarampur development block,
house was attacked, looted and her 23-year- another BJP activist Dulal Kumar (30) was
old pregnant sister-in-law raped by TMC hanged from a high-tension electrical
activists in Nadia district early on Sunday transmission tower in Dabha village in the
after she refused to withdraw her same area. Kumar had also received death
nomination346. The accused also stole gold threats from local Trinamool Congress
and cash from the victim’s house. activists for his work during the Panchayat
elections in which BJP emerged as the
A 20-year old Dalit BJP worker Trilochan
foremost contender to the ruling TMC348.
Mahato was found hanging from a tree in
4.5 Religious Persecution
4.5.1 Key Findings
32 cases of blatant religious persecution and Some of the category of discriminatory
discriminations against Hindus have been actions include:
presented in this section to illustrate rampant
- Discrimination against Hindu students in
religious persecution of Hindus in India.
Christian schools
Numerous people have been injured and
- Forced conversion to Islam
affected due to state actions, police
- Attack on cow protection squads
crackdowns and discriminatory policies.
- Open Hinduphobia in popular websites
A March 2018 report states that poor Hindu - Illegal construction of mosques in temple
families living in Muslim-majority Panchli lands
Buzurg village in Meerut, UP have been - Attack on activists who oppose overly
forced to flee their village due to harassment loud azaan
by some locals and apathy of local police349.
2017-2018 Documented Cases
Religious Persecution 32
were trying to stop the jeep, and eight gau loudspeakers for Azaan. Terming it as 'forced
rakshaks got injured. One of them was religiousness,' he tweeted:
critical, and shifted to a bigger hospital352.
“God bless everyone. I'm not a Muslim
In April 2017, West Bengal police unleashed and I have to be woken up by the Azaan
a brutal crackdown on devotees taking part in in the morning. When will this forced
religiousness end in India”356
Hanuman Jayanti celebrations in Suri,
His tweets created controversy and he was
attacked on social media and print media for
In Khaspura in Shahganj, Agra (Uttar
speaking his mind against what he referred to
Pradesh) a communal clash broke out over
as “gundagardi”. A Maulvi in West Bengal
construction of a temple gate. The man who
issued a fatwa, offering Rs 10 lakh as reward
was handling the construction of the temple
to anyone who shaved the singer’s head357.
gate was beaten, pushed around by Muslim
community members, and received serious
Within a few days, two man were stabbed in
head injuries. This is a temple dedicated to
Gopalpura, Madhya Pradesh, after one of
lord Shiva and lord Hanuman. Six months
them took to Facebook in support of Sonu
prior, some miscreants stole away the temple
Nigam’s comments on the use of
loudspeakers for Azaan358.
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) In May 2017, in a clear case of anti-Hinduism
officials asked contestants from several Student Federation of India (SFI) in Kerala
countries for a super model crown who were organized a beef festival across Kerala
visiting the Taj Mahal to remove scarves apparently as a protest against central
bearing Hindu religious symbols and words government's rules under the Prevention of
like Jai Shri Ram. Avinash Rana, general Cruelty to Animals363. In the Ernakulam
secretary, Hindu Jagran Manch (Agra), district it was inaugurated by Kadakampally
asked: “Why don’t they stop people wearing Surendran, the Devaswom minister who is in
skull caps from entering?"360 control of many Kerala temples364.
Nadim Malik Kandhlavi of Kandhla in In July 2017, a 14-year-old boy was found
Shamli district was accused of repeatedly murdered in Delhi, with his mother alleging
abusing Hindu gods and goddesses with that he was held hostage and lynched by some
derogatory terms and for the use of extreme Muslim friends. The victim, identified as
profanity on social media targeting Hindu Yogesh Kumar, was found dead under
deities on Facebook. Bajrang Dal Shamli, mysterious circumstances near New Delhi
Uttar Pradesh filed an FIR against the abuser Railway Station last month365.
for online hate speech against Hinduism.361
In Gurugram (Gurgaon), Haryana, a gaushala
Amit Bhardwaj, a resident of Madhavpuram has been demolished in South City 1 area by
in Meerut’s Brahmapuri police station area, HUDA (Haryana Urban Development
married a Muslim woman who converted to Authority) and cows taken forcefully and
Hinduism voluntarily around 10 years back. violently, despite a stay order by Chandigarh
They have 2 children. However Amit was HC. HUDA officials destroyed the place and
threatened by one Maulana Riyazuddin from brutally took away the few remaining cows,
Kharkhuada area of Meerut to either convert without informing where the cows were
to Islam or leave his wife. On refusal being taken to. This modest gaushala
Maulana Riyazuddin had him drugged and maintained mostly abandoned and old cows,
forcibly circumcised. Amit and his family and the care taker family mainly survived on
have been threatened that they will be killed community donations, while taking care of
if they don’t convert.362 these cows366.
Two Muslim teachers accused of forcing the divert funds from the Kateel Durga
only two Hindu students of a government-run Parameshwari Temple to 5 Christian
residential school in Mewat to offer namaz missionary schools370.
have been suspended while another has been
In September 2017, a 31 year old Hindu man
transferred. Action was taken against the trio
and his mother in NTR colony in Kuppam of
after parents of the Hindu students
Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh were
complained to Sharma on July 22. “Other
brutally attacked by eight members of a
students in the school have said the three
Muslim family. The man Upendra was
teachers would ask the two Hindu students to
hacked to death while his mother suffered
abide by Islamic norms and offer namaz. The
grave injuries when steaming hot contents of
teachers also often asked the two Hindu
a vessel were poured on her. Upendra was in
students to convert to Islam,” teacher in-
a romantic relationship with a Muslim girl,
charge Naveen Shakti said367.
and her relatives Ahmathulla, alias Basha,
Artist Suchitra Krishnamoorthi was abused Hamanullah, 31, Rahamathullah, 28, Azad,
online and threatened with sexual violence by 25, and four others, carried out this dastardly
Muslim trolls for her comments protesting attack371.
against use of loudspeakers for Islamic call to
A 57 year old Hindu labourer Manhar Variya
prayer (azaan) before dawn. She shared a
was viciously stabbed to death by his Muslim
graphic containing some of the abuse she had
neighbor Nazir Pathan (35), an autorickshaw
received where she has been abused as randi
driver, at VUDA quarters near Rang Vatika
(prostitute), BJP agent, and ‘harami ke
in Bapod, Vadodra. Nazir, who lived in
aulaad’ (bastard)368.
another block came and started demanding
The Karnataka State government withdrew money from Manhar for Tazia. When Variya
financial grant, given through the Kollur refused to give money, arguments ensued and
Mookambika Temple, to two government- Nazir then stabbed Variya leading to heavy
aided private schools managed by a Hindu blood loss, and escaped the scene of the
trust, the Sri Rama Vidyakendra Trust. The crime372.
trust was led by RSS leader Kalladka
On 16th October, a senior Border Security
Prabhakar Bhat in Bantwal taluk of Dakshina
Force (BSF) officer, deputy commandant
Kannada district . However, it decided to
Deepak Mondal of the 145th battalion, was personalities of Islam and secretary of
brutally and viciously attacked by a group of Madrasa Rahe-Najat Qari Anwar Jamai
cattle smugglers in Belardeppa border post in strongly warned if government did not arrest
the Sipahijala district of Tripura near Rohit, government itself would be
Bangladesh border373. responsible for Muslims retaliation378.
encroachment has being going on since 2011 recruitment of Urdu teachers in a West
and has resulted in several confrontation Bengal school. The incident occurred in
between both communities in the village, Daribhit High School located in Islampur,
which has almost equal population of Hindus Uttar (North) Dinajpur district when an
and Muslims383. arbitrary notice by the school Head Master
for recruitment of Urdu teachers was being
A Hindu man, Kaushik Das, and his Muslim
protested by students and local Hindus as
wife, Sabrina Khatun, got married. But the
there is not a single student of Urdu language
woman’s family started threatening them.
in the school385.
They approached West Bengal police for
security. But instead of providing them There was communal tension in Malda’s
security, West Bengal Police suggested the Koligram after the administration gave
couple to leave the state and go to either permission for a Muharram procession to
Gujarat, Gaya in Bihar or Kashi in Uttar pass through the village, breaking a
Pradesh. The incident occurred in Jangipara longstanding consensus that neither Muslims
police station area under Hooghly district of nor Hindus will be allowed to hold festival
West Bengal384. processions in the village. Hindus are still not
allowed to hold Durga Puja in the village386.
In September 2018, two Hindu students died
in police firing during protests over
4.6 Dalit Persecution by Muslims
4.6.1 Key Findings
Dalits and Muslims officially make up 16% In 2018, a chilling incident came to light from
and 14% of Indian population. Together they a Dalit locality in Uttar Pradesh. Around
are 30% of Indian population and hence in the 1,500 members of the Dalit community in
last few decades there has been a push by Gautam Nagar locality of Naugawan Sadat
political forces to create the myth of “Dalit town, Amroha district have been living under
Muslim Unity” for electoral benefits. This a threat of forced conversion to Islam and
agenda for consolidation is pushed under the increasing Islamization of the area. For
guise of dealing against perceived example, shops in the neighbourhood slowly
“institutionalized discrimination” against changed their address to “Islam Nagar” from
these two communities by Hindu the pre–Independence name of “Gautam
community387. Similar rhetoric was also used Nagar”. “We are left with no other option
during partition of India on religious lines in but to migrate to another locality or
1947, swaying some Dalit Hindus to side convert,” said 70-year-old Dalit resident
with Muslims. However, as the well-known Pitam.
case of Jogendra Nath Mandal, one of the
Below we have presented a 25 cases of hate
central and leading Founding Fathers of
crimes where Dalits were severely persecuted
modern state of Pakistan, Dalits were
by Muslims due to religious bigotry.
severely persecuted in Islamic States carved
out of India388.
2017-2018 Documented Cases
Dalit Persecution by
Despite the political rhetoric, the ground 25
situation is quite different and a large number
of cases of Dalit persecution by Muslims are In many cases entire Dalit villages have been
heard about. However, since the perpetrators affected because of persecution by Muslim
are the Muslim community, a miniscule communities. These 25 cases of course
percentage of these incidents make it to the represent perhaps a very small part of the
mainstream or even regional media. actual number of such incidents, since
majority of such incidents go unreported in
mainstream media.
the punishment ‘just’, an elderly member of Sumitra, a Dalit girl and resident of
the same Prajapat community was asked to Pathanpura Mohalla in Najibabad, was
beat Daulatram with a shoe 11 times, and the abused by one Shakeel (son of Sharif Ahmed)
fine of Rs. 21,000 is said to be deposited in who used derogatory caste slurs. When
the temple.393, 394, 395 Sumitra objected, Shakeel manhandled her.
Later Shakeel and 6 others attacked
In August 2017, a Dalit girl who had gone to
Sumitra’s home and pelted stones and broke
a sewing training centre (silai prashikshan
the window panes. A police complaint was
kendra) near her home on Friday was
kidnapped by a Muslim youth Firoz s/o
Siddique. The incident occurred in village In February 2018, a 27-year-old Dalit man
Chitpur Muri Patti, Rajesultanpur, Ambedkar was mercilessly hacked to death in UP’s
Hathras by a group of Muslim men including
Nagar district, Eastern UP. It is believed that
the abduction of Sunita was planned by Firoz one Aalam. His body was found outside the
the entire incident on her mobile phone and district, Rajasthan. Police registered a case
subsequently put the video on online against the named attackers – Shahrukh,
platforms to shame the girl when she refused Shahil, Safa, Chhapri and Jakir Hussain have
In January 2018, a Dalit girl was abducted by Kanshiram Colony of Kharkhauda Thana in
a Muslim named Junaid living in Delhi. After Meerut, Western UP, was attacked inside her
being forcibly converted to Islam, she was house by 3 Muslim brothers, Azad, Fareed
married to Junaid who had held her captive and Leel, when she refused to convert to
for more than 2 months before she was Islam and marry one of the brothers402.
men including Shakil, Shahid, Mohammad against the increasing frequency of attacks on
Ali and others in UP’s Pratapgarh. The Hindus in the region. This happened in the
Muslim men attempted to rape 2 women and context of Gurjar marriage procession had
a minor girl of the house, and tore off their been attacked by stone pelting and sharp
clothes. When the rape attempt failed, the weapons which left several people injured407.
perpetrators opened fire and attacked the The Gurjars are classified as Other Backward
women with axes & sticks403. Class (OBC) in some of India's States and
UTs; in Jammu and Kashmir and some parts
A 2-year old tribal man, Madhu, was lynched
of Himachal Pradesh are categorised as a
by a mob of locals, led by K Hussain and
Scheduled Tribe.
Abdul Kareem, over the accusation of
stealing 1 kg of rice. The shocking incident In May 2018, a minor 16 year old Dalit girl
happened in Kadukumanna village in was set on fire by a Muslim youth from her
Attappady, near Palakkad in Kerala. Ubaid village Shafi who had been stalking her for
TU, an aide of Mannarkkad MLA N many days and demanding her mobile
Shamsuddin (Muslim League) also took a number. The incident occurred in Fariha
selfie with the man while he was being beaten village, Nizamabad police station area,
to death404. Azamgarh district of UP408.
An 8-month-old baby girl was hacked by a A 30-year-old Dalit man, Vidyaram Katheria
Muslim man, Ayub, at Manjeri in (s/o Vedram) was battered to death by
Malappuram during a rape attempt on the members of the Muslim family living next to
girl’s mother, a Banjara Dalit405. him in Shikohabad, district Firozabad, West
UP. A case was lodged against 7 people – 3
In March 2018, Hindu women belonging to
brothers Pervez, Rohil, Yusuf (sons of Abdul
SC community were stopped from
Hamid) and 4 unnamed persons – for
performing Holika pujan in the village of
Vidyaram’s murder409.
Salamba, Nuh district, Haryana on Thursday
by some Muslim villagers. The women were One Mamud Sheikh represented himself
assaulted, abused with casteist slurs, and their before 2nd year college student Priya Mondol
puja material thrown away406. of Dighirpar area of Falta police station under
South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal
Gurjar community along with several other
using a fake Hindu identity – as a mechanic
Hindu outfits protested in Tonk, Rajasthan
named Rajesh. Mamud Sheikh alias Rajesh In June 2018, a Muslim mob unleashed a
went to Priya’s home and proposed to marry savage attack on a Dalit colony in Azamgarh,
Priya to her parents. Her parents rejected the UP, ostensibly over a minor dispute between
proposal after finding out that he had faked children. The incident occurred in Bakhra
his identity. Later after a quarrel, she secretly village in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh with the
left home and met Mamud Sheikh at mob thrashing whoever crossed their path,
Diamond Harbour station. Family members leaving 10 persons, women & children
of Priya Mondol came to know that Priya included, critically injured. They also
ingested poison & was admitted to Diamond ransacked many houses and destroyed
Harbour hospital at night. Eventually she property412.
expired at midnight410.
A Dalit couple Bajjan Das and Manju Devi
Aslam kidnapped a teenager girl, who and their two minor children were set afire as
belonged to Scheduled caste. He himself as they slept in their house in Bihar’s
Raju and told the girl that he belonged to the Ajamnagar of Katihar district. The two
same caste as she does. He, then, trapped the daughters – five-year-old Priti and three-
girl in love. He abducted her brought her year-old Kiran – died inside the house. Two
from Delhi to Mainpuri in Uttar Pradesh. accused, Abdul Rehman and his wife, were
Police raided his house and rescued the girl picked up by police after preliminary
in November 2018411. investigation413.
5 IndiaFacts Policy Recommendations
5.1 Eliminate Constitutional Loophole
The fountainhead of anti-Hindu policies, Successive governments and court judgments
programs and adjudication is article 29 and have misused the constitutional loophole to
30 of India’s constitution. These articles must create an anti-Hindu system. Elimination of
be made inclusive by replacing the word the loophole will usher equality and equal
“minorities” with “all citizens”. treatment. For instance, an inclusive
constitution, which treats all citizens equally,
Current discriminatory articles in the
will not allow the Supreme Court to
constitution state:
adjudicate draconian laws, like Right to
29. Protection of interests of minorities Education RTE and confiscation of places of
30. Right of minorities to establish and worship, in a discriminatory manner.
administer educational institutions Hinduism is an inclusive system with no ‘us
Recommended inclusive change would vs them’ religion based classification; Hence,
instead state: this ‘majority vs. minority’ classification
rooted in Abrahamic worldview is
29. Protection of interests of all citizens
inappropriate for India. The government
30. Right of all citizens to establish and should do away with discriminatory religion
administer educational institutions based classification and treat all citizens
Poverty has no religion; hence, assistance, if “Prevention and Prohibition of Child
any, needs to be on the basis of poverty level. Conversion Act”.
3. Protection for Hindu minorities. Hindus 6. The Supreme Court has displayed great
are a minority in 31 territories. Especially respect towards Abrahamic faiths. They must
when faced with monopolistic monotheisms display same respect towards Hinduism and
they often face discrimination and violence in end discriminatory adjudication of
these areas and need special protection. On conflicting laws.
the other hand, Hindu traditions have
7. Government must end minority-majority
naturally protected diversity for thousands of
discrimination from all policies, programs
years and no special protections are needed
and welfare schemes.
for “minorities” within them.
8. Protection of popular Hindu festivals and
4. Free Hindu temples.
traditions. The Supreme Court should follow
5. Conversion and proselytization of the principle of “rarest of rare” in interfering
Children. The government must enact with diverse local customs, which add to the
colourful beauty of the Hindu traditions.
State, which is against the spirit of the on majority Hindus, had introduced a Private
equality of citizens irrespective of religious Member’s Bill No. 36 of 1995 in Lok Sabha
identity. To this effect, the group demands to widen the scope of Article 30 of the
that Dr Satyapal Singh’s Private Member’s Constitution by suitable amendment to
Bill No. 226 of 2016 pending in Lok Sabha include all communities and sections of
for amending Articles 26 to 30 of the citizens by substituting the word ‘minorities’
Constitution should be passed forthwith in with “all sections of citizens” therein.
the forthcoming Parliament Session, to
2. A large amount of money comes to Indian
ensure equal rights to Hindus on par with
entities from abroad, a lot of which is from
others in the matters of:
institutions with ties to foreign governments
a. Running educational institutions without and their agencies. This money often drives
undue interference of State; the vested interests of these agencies in India
and often ends up subverting Indian society
b. Removal of Govt control of Hindu temples
and fuelling conflict and separatism. The
and places of worship by restoring their
following official data indicates that
management to Hindu society;
irrespective of political colour of the Central
Govt and despite best efforts of the present
c. Preserving and promoting Hindu heritage
Central Govt to tighten and enforce the law,
and culture;
the quantum of foreign contributions
The group recalled that late Syed continues to rise leading to ever increasing
Shahabuddin, having understood the problem undue foreign interference in our internal
of the Constitutionally imposed disabilities affairs.
While India rightly refuses foreign aid even Constitution (Application to J&K) Order,
in natural disasters not only on grounds of 1954 issued there under, so that the changes
national pride but also because it is capable made to the Constitution with respect to J&K
of generating enough money internally. As such as the discriminatory Article 35A also
there is no free lunch and India is not a beggar get repealed.
Nation, the group urges the Central
5. With about 14 lakh tons of meat/beef
Government to completely ban all sorts of
exported during 2017-18, India has achieved
foreign contributions except those by OCIs in
the shameful distinction of the largest
their personal capacity (in recognition of
meat/beef exporter in the world, quite
their emotional connect with India) by
contrary to Article 48 of the Constitution.
repealing the existing FCRA and enacting a
This has not only skyrocketed the prices of
new Foreign Contributions (Prohibition) Act
meat/beef but has also led to growth of
meat/beef mafia. The group urges immediate
3. In order to protect and preserve the Hindu complete ban on export of all types of
native cultural and religious traditions, meat/beef to lower its prices by increasing its
practices and symbols from unwarranted availability in domestic market while
interference not only by the State and its reducing the adverse impact on the
agencies but also from others, the group environment and eliminating social friction
urges enactment of Freedom of Religion Act and law & order issues.
by the Central Government immediately.
6. Thousands of temples and sacred places of
4. In order to prevent repeat of genocidal Hindus are in desecrated, destroyed or
religious persecution as suffered by the ruinous condition. Further, Veda Pathasalas,
Kashmiri Hindus, the group demands traditional and folk art forms, literature,
immediate; dance, music, painting, sculpture,
architecture etc. which are our intangible
a. Tripartite division of J&K into 3 States of
heritage and the vehicles for sustenance and
Kashmir, Ladakh and Jammu;
transmission of Sanatana Dharma and our
age old culture, are all dying for want of
b. Abrogation Article 370 which is the
patronage and regular livelihood for their
problem of Kashmir, along with repeal of the
practitioners. Therefore, the group while
reminding the Indian State of its a. Withdrawal of the pending Citizenship
civilizational responsibility, urges the Central (Amendment) Bill, 2016;
Government to immediately establish a
b. Amendment of the Constitution by
Central Public Sector Undertaking to be
inserting an enabling Article 11-A in the
styled as Haindava Samskruti
Jeernoddhaarana Nigam (Hindu Culture
Restoration Corporation) with an initial seed
c. Thereafter amend the Citizenship Act,
capital of not less than Rs. 10,000 crores and
1955 by introducing a new Citizenship
an annual grant of similar amount for
(Amendment) Bill, 2018 in the forthcoming
undertaking reconstruction and restoration of
session of the current Parliament itself.
all damaged, desecrated, abandoned and
dilapidated Hindu temples and sacred places; 8. The creation of an equal opportunity
revival, nurturing, patronising and promotion environment for all Indian languages, ending
of Veda Pathasalas, various traditional and the institutionalized discrimination that exists
folk art forms, dance, music, sculpture, today. This will fuel both an economic and
architecture, painting etc. cultural renaissance, since a large part of
India’s population is currently excluded from
7. Expediency in granting refuge and
development and justice due to linguistic
citizenship to peoples of Indic faiths fleeing
discrimination by the State. The Charter as
religious persecution from any country. The
drafted by prominent citizens of India, will
Central Government introduced in Lok Sabha
include specific demands and policy
a Bill in 2016 to amend the Citizenship Act,
suggestions to assist the Government and the
which having been referred to a Select
legislature in ensuring the rights of 800
Committee, is pending. The Bill in its current
million Hindus on par with other sections are
form suffers certain difficulties including its
upheld, as the principles of equality, justice
doubtful constitutional validity. There are
and liberty are essential for the health and
also some genuine concerns expressed by
vitality of our cherished democracy and for
certain people of North Eastern States which
enabling growth of a truly secular and
needs to be addressed. The group therefore
religion-neutral legal, governance and public
urges the Central Government for immediate:
policy regime and polity as envisaged by Dr.
Ambedkar and other founding fathers of our
6 Conclusions
religions. There are 157 Christian majority
countries and 49 Muslim majority countries,
The Hindu Human Rights Report documents
but only 2 countries have a Hindu
a shocking abridgment of religious freedom
majority415. In that sense, Hindus are a global
of Hindus in an unexpected place—the
minority, and a target of aggressive
Hindu-majority country of India.
proselytization by the two dominant
Though Hindus are in a majority, they were religions.
ruled by Christian and Muslim minorities for
India has become a prime target for this, and
hundreds of years before Indian
unfortunately the Indian state, rather than
independence in 1947. Nonetheless,
stepping up to protect its Hindu citizens,
oppressive anti-Hindu laws continue from the
denies them basic equality under the pretext
colonial period and, in many cases, have
of “minority rights.” India has always been
become even more discriminatory. Hindus
plural and welcoming of diversity.
are regularly subjected to religiously-
Discrimination against Hindus and inequality
motivated murder, rape and state-mandated
promoted by the state leads to rising social
tensions, which are in turn blamed on Hindus
The situation is no dissimilar to apartheid era “as a majority.”
South Africa, where coloured peoples,
This strange situation is not sustainable and
though in the majority faced a discriminatory
must change. It is time for India to honour the
regime. Yet, the notion of “protecting
principle of equality of all citizens,
minorities” is used to subvert the principle of
irrespective of religion, and act as a guardian
equality of citizens even when “minorities”
of the ancient Indian culture and civilization,
were the erstwhile ruling class414.
rather than as its enemy.
Two “minority” religions in India are both
former rulers as well as globally dominant
7 References and Notes
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United States Department of State 2016 Human Rights report covers plight of Shia Muslim
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1,792 persecutions on minorities in 11 months in Bangladesh, claims Hindu alliance
A Kali temple in Netrokona district of Bangladesh faces attack from unknown radicals; 4 idols
smashed http://www.newsbharati.com/Encyc/2017/10/27/Netrokona-temple-.html
Mob desecrates Hindu idol after police foil religious discussion
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SHOCKING! Hindu girls are hunted, converted, exploited in Kerala; Islamists’ plan unveiled
– Details here https://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/kerala-love-jihad-national-
Is 'Love Jihad' terror's new mantra? http://news.rediff.com/report/2009/oct/14/is-love-jihad-
Mangalore: Eight Hindu Organisations to Protest Against ‘Love Jehad’
Love Jihad is more than just a Conspiracy Theory http://sankrant.org/2014/08/love-jihad-is-
NIA Says 'Love Jihad' is for Real, Supreme Court Orders Probe Into Kerala Case
NIA to file report on ‘love jihad’ https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/nia-to-file-report-
Christian girls abducted and forced to convert to Islam in spate of horror kidnappings
Hindu Today, Muslim Tomorrow
Modus Operandi of a Rape Jihadist: A Police Filing http://indiafacts.org/modus-operandi-
लव जेहादः शादी क) आड़ म> कुनबा बढ़ा रहा Mितबंिधत पीएफआइ https://m.jagran.com/jharkhand/ranchi-strategy-
Banned Islamist Organisation PFI is Using Marriage as a Tool to Expand in Jharkhand
20-year-old undertrial assaults three women constables at Andheri court in Mumbai
Bihar: Twelve-year-old girl gangraped by principal, three teachers
Bihar: 12-year-old ‘gangraped’ by principal, 3 teachers
JNU student raped by 2 Afghan nationals in Delhi -
Objectionable post on social media: Yoga teacher booked
I was molested by protesters, says Chennai woman cop
Muhammad Shafi from Kerala posed as NRI doctor and sexually assaulted over 30 Hindu
women https://www.hindupost.in/news/muhammad-shafi-kerala-posed-nri-doctor-sexually-
Bangladeshi miscreants stray into Indian soil in Karimganj; rapes three women and flees
Muslim Man Kills A Hindu Girl https://hindi.oneindia.com/news/uttar-pradesh/police-solved-
Love Jihad – Bajrang Dal rescues minor girl kidnapped by Muslim man with fake Hindu
identity https://i2.wp.com/www.hindupost.in/wp-
लड़क) को 'भगाने' म> यवु क क) मदद के शक म> बजु गु : क) पीट-पीटकर हSया
Two arrested, juvenile detained for gangrape of minor girls in Rajasthan
Rampur molestation: Nine suspects arrested, hunt on for remaining five
Woman dies weeks after eloping with married man, foul play alleged
Muslim man posing as Hindu lures and rapes schoolgirl in Tamil Nadu
Assam teacher rape: Police arrest two persons https://www.indiablooms.com/news-
2 Muslims arrested for rape and murder of 58-year-old school teacher in Assam
Muslim husband forcing Hindu wife to convert, eat meat
इTमाइलपरु म> बवाल https://www.amarujala.com/uttar-pradesh/bijnor/crime/bawal-in-ismailpur
Muslim man arrested for assaulting two tribal women who objected to his slaughtering a cow
in Assam http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/assam-police-arrest-man-for-assault-on-
Hindustan Times spins news of man hacking 2 tribal women over cow slaughter in Assam
नाबािलग छाVा का अपहरण कर भाग रहे िशXक को लोग3 ने धनु ा
Kerala High Court nullifies woman’s marriage to a Muslim man after bride’s father raises
Islamic State angle http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/kerala-high-court-hindu-muslim-islamic-
Neighbour rapes teen in moving car in Madhu Vihar; held
Jailbird stalker stabs aspiring air hostess to death in E Delhi
Cow smugglers attack Hyderabad techie and molest women
13-year-old Hindu girl disappears, now 3 weeks pregnant after ‘Nikah’
Love Jihad in Kerala – Husband and Mother-in-law held for torturing Hindu woman to
convert https://www.hindupost.in/news/love-jihad-kerala-husband-mother-law-held-torturing-
Class X student gives birth in school toilet in north-west Delhi
Minor Girl Raped by 2 Neighbours in Kairana, UP – One Accused (Zubair) Arrested
Hindu Girl Falls for Muslim Man Posing as Hindu – Found Dead in Hotel, Man Arrested
3 Muslim Auto Drivers Arrested for Raping 4 Minor Girls near Puducherry – 12 Accused On
The Run https://www.hindupost.in/news/3-muslim-auto-drivers-arrested-raping-4-minor-girls-
Three Muslim Auto Drivers Arrested for Raping 4 Minor Girls near Puducherry
Assam Teacher Takes Intimate Pics With Student And Posts Them Online. Police Takes No
Action https://www.storypick.com/assam-teacher-photoshoot-with-student/
Alert cops nab youth within 24 hrs of rape attempt on mother-daughter
Girl Raped & Video Shot By Muslims in Uttar Pradesh, Family Pressurized To Bury The
Case https://www.hindupost.in/news/girl-meerut-gangraped-muslim-group-family-pressurized-
!"েমর "&াব গৃহিশ.েকর, 0টউশন !থেক বািড় িফেরই মমাি9ক
8 পদে.প ছা=ীর
16 Year old minor Hindu girl gang-raped by 4 Muslim men
अYील हरकत को लेकर दो समदु ाय के लोग आमने-सामने https://www.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/bahraich-
हZसैन अली बन गया था राजा श7ु ला. कुकम: कर के जब छोड़ा तो गभा:शय िकया नाकाम िजस से वो आगे िकसी और से पैदा ना कर पाए कोई
िह^दू स^तान
15 Year old minor Hindu girl gang-raped by 3 Muslim men
Female school teacher in Assam harassed and abused by Muslim colleagues
12 Year old Hindu girl raped by 3 Muslim men in West Bengal
Hindu girl Chayanika Kumari murdered by Muslim boyfriend in Jharkhand
18-year old girl student sexually harassed by Muslim student
13 year old minor Hindu girl raped and killed by Muslim youth
Haridwar girl becomes victim of Love Jihad https://www.hindupost.in/news/chilling-love-
Muslim auto rickshaw driver and others gang rape a 21 year old student
14 year old disabled Hindu girl raped by Muslim neighbor in Meerut
Muslim gang in Rajasthan caught exploiting Hindu girls https://www.patrika.com/jaipur-
Ghaziabad girl becomes victim of Live Jihad https://www.jagran.com/uttar-
Hindu girl repeatedly raped by Muslim man in Bengal and dies
Delhi college girl becomes victim of Love Jihad by Muslim youth Imraan
Minor girl molested by Muslim youths in Kolkata
Class IX student commits suicide after Muslim youth uploads morphed photos on social
media sites https://www.telegraphindia.com/calcutta/student-found-hanging-195700
Muslim man kills 22 year old wife for refusing to convert to Islam
Kerala Muslim Girl Gets Death Threat by Islamist Outfit For Marrying Hindu Boy
8-year old Hindu minor girl repeatedly gang raped by Muslim group -
िफ1म म> काम िदलाने का लालच देकर मिु Tलम लव गaु ने नाबािलग के साथ िकया ये काम https://m.patrika.com/amp-
१४ साल क) लड़क) से धम: बदला िनकाह िकया, मां बनाया, ऐसी है aलाने वाली ये कहानी
আ@া9 যুবতী, ওিস-!ক িঘের িবে.াভ !পালবায়
Spurned man rapes, kills girl in Bidar
हाईकोट: क) वक)ल को बंधक बनाकर दeु कम:, धम: पfरवत:न कर िनकाह क) थी सािजश
Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan https://www.patrika.com/sawai-madhopur-news/two-parties-
Love jihad controversy: Actor Arya's bride hunt in Tamil reality TV faces ire
Friend stabs woman over monetary dispute in Sarita Vihar
After Uttarakhand Cong leader, son arrested for abduction, forcible conversion
Chennai: Spurned lovers assault women with knives
झारखडं : मिहला कम:चारी से दeु कम:, धम: पfरवत:न का बनाया दबाव
पहले िकया iयार का इजहार, िफर बनाया हवस का िशकार, अब वीिडयो बनाकर दे रहा धमक)
बलाSकारी को 12 साल क) सजा अथ:दडं https://www.amarujala.com/uttarakhand/nainital/111522441112-
Cab driver held for killing woman
নJ ছিব !পাK কের !হনLা, !ফসবুকই এখন হOমিক !দওয়ার মাধQম https://ebela.in/state/a-
रामपरु म> लव जेहाद : नाम बदलकर छाVा से दोTती, िफर सामिू हक दeु कम: https://m.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/rampur-
Hyderabad: Banana seller stabs girl for rejecting her
Delhi: Man killed wife, chopped body to dump it
!"িমক সুলতানেক অS িবTাস, বািড়র আপিUেত িবেয় কের িবপদ ডাকেলন তWণী
Nashik man sets trio on fire at home, baby dies
अपjत छाVा का करा िदया धम: पfरवत:न, आSमदाह क) चेतावनी https://www.amarujala.com/uttar-
27-year-old held captive, raped for 2 months
लव िजहाद : दसवk क) छाVा को पहले Mेम म> फंसाया, िफर िकया दeु कम:
मिहला ने पित को दeु कम: और धम: पfरवत:न के िलए ठहराया दोषी https://www.amarujala.com/india-news/women-
दोTती-iयार िफर िजTमानी संबंध, जब धम: पfरवत:न के िलए डाला दवाब तब लड़क) को आया होश
शादी के िलए लड़क) ने बदला धम:, ससरु ाल पहZचं ी तो Mितबंिधत मांस खाने को िदया, इनकार करने पर पित ने छोड़ा
Fugitive Muslim hubby hid his religion to rape me, alleges woman
20-yr-old Mumbai model Mansi Dixit killed, body put in bag, dumped
Doctor’s wife marries driver; later killed by second husband
िजसके िलए घर और धम: छोड़ा उसने गभ:वती हालात म> आठ साल क) बेटी के साथ छोड़ा
रे प के बाद धम:-पfरवत:न कर िनकाह करने का डाल रहा दबाव https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/state/punjab-
Thane: Doctor booked for torturing wife over cooking skills, made her stay with new wife
घर के बाहर खड़ी यवु ती से शोहद3 ने छे ड़छाड़ कर फाड़े कपड़े, भाई का िसर फोड़ा, मचाया तांडव
Three held for sexually harassing girl atop Chamundi Hill https://starofmysore.com/three-
111 killed in 822 communal incidents in 2017: Hansraj Ahir
Here’s A List of Communal Clashes That Mamata’s Bengal Has Witnessed Since Last Year
Communal violence cases up in Bengal: Home Ministry
Jihadi mob attacked police station, torched police vehicles at Deoria in Uttar Pradesh -
Man’s throat slit in sleep, Ghaziabad locality tense
Odisha: Curfew in Bhadrak town after communal violence over Facebook post
Inside Bhadrak: Why a sleepy town in Odisha burnt in communal fire
Odisha: Brief relaxation in Bhadrak curfew, social media websites blocked for 48 hours
Bombs Thrown From Mosque on Ram Navami Procession
Mob attacks 26 cops chasing snatchers, tries to set 1 ablaze
Jawans assaulted in Kashmir: CRPF set to lodge FIR against locals who attacked men
ভীন ধেমর8 তWণীেক িবেয় করায় মার https://i1.wp.com/www.hindupost.in/wp-
Hindu youth shot dead, father critical in communal clash in Muzaffarnagar, UP
West Bengal: Clash between 2 communities triggers tension in Purulia
Row over domestic help turns violent in Noida
Man tries to open emergency door of Air Asia plane
Rioting in Mandvi during Ganapati idol procession, vehicles set ablaze
Communal tension in Uttarakhand town after man caught sexually assaulting a calf
Youth force-fed acid by group of men: 1 nabbed, 1 apprehended
Murder Attempt On Gau Rakshaks In Maharashtra, Taken To Dargah & Strangulated
Rioting in Mandvi during Ganpati idol procession, vehicles set ablaze
Six held for killing man over dance floor brush in W Delhi
भोपाल म> दो समदु ाय3 के बीच तनाव, धािम:क Tथल के पास पकाया नॉनवेज https://www.patrika.com/bhopal-
अ◌ागरा म> सांMदाियक तनाव के बाद $यापाfरय3 का पिु लस के िखलाफ ह1ला बोल https://www.amarujala.com/uttar-
ु ानदार पीटा https://www.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/firozabad-after-beating-
शोहद3 क) दबंगई, दक
ं ा पर दौड़ा Mशासन https://www.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/raebareli-clash-
बाजार म> मारपीट, बवाल क) आशक
Hindu woman animal activist thrashed by frenzied Muslim mob
Violent Muslim mob attacks Hindus and police in Bihar http://www.hindupost.in/news/mob-
Ankit Saxena murder: Girlfriend's mom planned attack, 'created' road rage scene to pull him
out of car, says eyewitness https://www.dnaindia.com/delhi/report-ankit-saxena-murder-
बेटी ने Mेमी से कराई िपता क) हSया, रची थी ये खतरनाक सािजश https://www.amarujala.com/amp/uttar-
A day after violence, Kerala police launch massive hunt in Malappuram
West Bengal Man Shot Dead For Selling Biryani At Rs. 190 A Plate
अलीगढ़ म> मिहला से अभs िटiपणी करने पर यवु क को पीट-पीट कर मार डाला https://m.jagran.com/uttar-
मऊखास मे िबती रािV म> एक िवशेष सuMदाय के यवु को ने एक $यि& का गला रे ता। https://www.amarujala.com/uttar-
NIA busts ISIS-inspired module, arrests 10 people from UP and Delhi
The truth about Aurangzeb https://www.rediff.com/news/2007/feb/16francois.htm
17 temples, dozens of Hindu houses vandalized in Bangladesh
95% of worship places put to commercial use: Survey https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/95-of-
208 Hindu temples destroyed in various acts of vandalism since two decades
In report on church attacks, Bassi told Centre: Theft in 206 temples last year
1,200 ancient idols stolen from Tamil Nadu temples in 25 years: Audit
Powerful Bomb Attack on Shiva Temple in Manipur near International border -
Minority Community Opposes Construction Of Temple Gate In Agra
Attempt to desecrate a temple murti by Islamists in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
West Bengal: Police lathicharge Hindu Jagran Manch’s Hanuman Jayanti procession
Sikh Family Attacked, Gurudwara Vandalized over ‘Anti-Islam’ WhatsApp Message
Why is frequent murti desecration in Hindu temples ignored?
7 pilgrims killed as militants fire on Amarnath yatris in J-K, Modi calls attack dastardly
Jharkhand’s Hazaribagh tense after mentally-ill man ‘vandalises’ temple
Alim and Raka https://www.lokhitexpress.com/?p=44729
Temple Desecrated - Basirhat Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pqxPA_fnYc
Miscreants Desecrate The Well of Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple
कृ eण डोल पर पथराव, छह घायल https://m.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/barabanki-six-injured-in-stone-
Madurai village temple ritual: What do you know about us, our life, asks villagers
Muslim youth vandalizes Hindu Temple in UP http://epaper.jagran.com/epaper/07-dec-2017-
Mितमा िवसज:न के दौरान पथराव से कई लोग घायल https://www.jagran.com/jharkhand/koderma-crime-news-
िशव बारात पर लाठीडंड़3 से हमला, मिहलाओ ं से छे ड़छाड़
Several injured as communal violence rocks Raniganj over Ram Navami rally
Asansol riots: Hindu community migrating after the clashes during Ram Navami
Two Hindu Priests Lynched To Death At Shiv Temple In Aligarh
Former Etah councillor arrested for masterminding six murders
Rattled By Tightening Corruption Noose, Mamata Unleashes Goons on BJP Office
BJP leader Krishna Bhattacharya's house allegedly attacked by TMC workers - ANI News
Kerala CPM Cadres Throw BJP Worker’s 10-Month-Old Baby out of Car
Political Murder Again: Kerala BJP main dies after house burnt down in attack by CPI(M)
workers https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/political-murder-again-kerala-bjp-man-dies-
Ahmed Patel attacks Narendra Modi, says time to choose ‘Chauraha’ and punish PM
Sri Hindu Takht leader shot dead in Ludhiana https://www.hindustantimes.com/punjab/hindu-
KLO, PDCk, NLFT deliver final ultimatum to Hindi, Bengali speaking people
BJP worker hacked to death in Kerala's Kannur
Kerala: Crude bombs thrown at RSS offices in Naruvamoodu and Mattannur; BJP calls for
shutdown https://www.firstpost.com/politics/kerala-crude-bombs-thrown-at-rss-offices-in-
Kerala BJP leader among many hurt in clashes during protest
BJP worker hacked to death by CPM activists in Kerala
University of Hyderabad: Dalit, OBC students say SFI members beat them
BJP leader brutally attacked by gang in Kerala - http://www.mirrornow.in/videos/in-
मेरठ म> मिहलाओ ं से छे ड़खानी, सपाइय3 ने पिु लस को पीटा https://www.jagran.com/news/state-sp-workers-beat-
BJP Councillor Srinivas Prasad Hacked to Death Near Bengaluru -
UP elections 2017: Samajwadi Party goons thrash villagers for voting in favour of BJP
Hindu youth in critical condition after brutal assault by WB police
Kerala: Bomb hurled at RSS office in Kozhikode’s Kallachi, three injured -
Bajrang Dal leader found dead on Karnataka beach http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-
RSS worker beheaded in Pinari Vijayan’s home district; CPM workers arrested
Case against seven CPM activists in Kerala RSS worker death
Bajrang Dal workers assaulted in BJP-ruled Jharkhand for chanting ‘Jai Sri Ram’
Karnataka: Tension brews in Mangaluru as assaulted RSS worker dies
RSS leader Vipin murdered in Malappuram, Kerala – Islamists Suspected
RSS worker brutally attacked by CPIM in Kerala http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-
RSS Leader shot dead in Punjab http://www.hindustantimes.com/punjab/rss-leader-ravinder-
Hindu Leader shot dead in Amritsar https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/amritsar/hindu-
Another RSS worker murdered in Kerala, BJP holds CPM, Islamists responsible
BJP worker succumbs to red terror in Thrissur http://www.dailypioneer.com/todays-
Murder of ABVP activist in Kannur, four SDPI workers arrested
Four arrested for murder of BJP worker in JC Nagar
50 cops look on as SFI workers smash ABVP student's head outside Kollam police station
BJP worker dies in WB after being thrashed, party blames 'TMC goons'
BengalPanchayatElections Violence https://youtu.be/zOImnJdj0Zw
West Bengal panchayat poll: After BJP candidate refuses to withdraw nomination, her
pregnant kin allegedly raped by TMC workers
Shocker | “This Is For Doing BJP Politics From Age 18. Been Trying To Kill You Since The
Vote”, Reads Note Found Near 20 Year Old’s Hanging Body In West Bengal
After Trilochan, Another BJP Activist Hanged In Purulia
पांचली म> दबंग3 क) धमक) से पीिड़त ने िकया पलायन https://www.amarujala.com/uttar-
Man Alleges Death Threats & Forced Religious Conversion By Muslim Gang In Bikaner
8 Gau Rakshaks Fired At & Severely Injured in Panipat, Haryana
Minority Community Opposes Construction Of Temple Gate In Agra, UP; Injures A Hindu
Man https://www.hindupost.in/news/minority-community-opposes-construction-temple-gate-
355 k വ്- സാgാൻ!
വിജാതിയതയുെട ദുരdം - ചാgൻ-ശാjാ
Right To Peace: Sonu Shaves Head, Asks Maulvi To Keep Rs 10 Lakh Ready
Sonu Nigam Azaan row: Two stabbed in Madhya Pradesh for backing singer’s comments
Malappuram, Kerala – Construction of Masjid on Hindu temple land
Taj visitors made to remove scarves with Hindu symbols
Bajrang Dal Shamli (UP) Files Hate Speech Case Against Abuse Of Hindu Deities
धम: पfरवत:न न करने पर मौलाना ने िकया यवु क का खतना https://www.amarujala.com/uttar-
No Fascism in our kitchen: Beef fest at 210 places in Kerala by SFI
My son was lynched by his Muslim friends: Mother of 14-year-old cries for justice
Gaushala in Gurugram Destroyed Despite Court’s Stay Order
Muslim teachers force Hindu boys to offer namaz in Mewat residential school
Temple grants to two schools withdrawn
Muslim Family of 8 attacks Hindu man and his mother
Hindu labourer man Killed by Muslim man over Tazia donation in Vadodra
Senior BSF Officer dies after vicious attack by cow smugglers near Bangladesh border
Jammu students beaten after protesting National Anthem disrespect by Assistant
Commissioner http://www.dailypioneer.com/nation/ruckus-over-national-anthem-in-school.html
Renowned journalist Rohit Sardana receives death threats from Muslims
Muslim scholars strongly condemn blasphemous remarks of anchor Rohit Sardana
Hindu man brutally killed by Muslim neighbor https://epaper.jagran.com/ePaperArticle/19-
Hindutva outfit chief held after attack https://www.telegraphindia.com/states/west-
Mariani TET teacher kills himself after Miscreants in Dhubri make Obscene Video of Wife
n ைவத்த மாணvகxக்y தண்டைன!
yमशानघाट क) जमीन पर कzजा, तनाव https://www.amarujala.com/uttar-pradesh/meerut/15304801414-
িনরাপUা নয়, িভন্ ধম~ যুগলেক পিরচয় লুিকেয় রাজQ ছাড়ার িনদান পুিলেশর!
Call for Dalit-Muslim unity to defeat right wing’s hate-mongering
Resignation letter of Jogendra Nath Mandal
Communal violence, gunfight in Saharanpur village over Ambedkar Jayanti procession; many
hurt https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/meerut/communal-violence-gunfight-in-saharanpur-
Pregnant Muslim woman burnt alive for marrying a Dalit
Dalit man tied to a tree and beaten up
Dalit Man Punished For Objectionable Facebook Post by Joint Panchayat in Muslim Majority
Mewat, Haryana https://www.thelallantop.com/news/mewat-panchayat-ordered-3-months-ban-
ु पर भड़काऊ पोTट, यवु क को 11 जतू 3 और 21 हजार जमु ा:ने क) सजा
फे सबक
सोशल मीिडया पर भडकाऊ पोTट डालने पर महापंचायत का कड़ा कदम, सरे आम लगाए जतू े
Dalit Girl Kidnapped by Local Muslim Youth in Ambedkar Nagar, UP – Family files FIR
Dalit woman raped, video uploaded on net in MP's Agar-Malwa district
जबरन धम: पfरवत:न करा यवु ती से िकया िनकाह https://www.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/mainpuri-mainpuri-
हSया का कोई चyमदीद नहk! https://m.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/hathras-no-eye-witness-to-the-murder-
घर म> घसु कर िकया हमला, यवु क सिहत 3 जने घायल https://www.dainiknavajyoti.in/rajsamand/youth-
Azad along with his brothers Fareed and Leel https://www.patrika.com/meerut-news/woman-
Shakil, Shahid, Mohammad Ali and others https://www.patrika.com/pratapgarh-up-
lynch mob takes selfies, kills Kerala man for 'theft'
होिलका पजू न से रोकने पर लोग3 म> रोष https://www.jagran.com/haryana/mewat-holikapoojanoccurence-
ट3क म> बरात पर हमले के िवरोध म> गजु :र समाज ने िवरोध Mदश:न कर स{पा |ापन
आजमगढ़ : यवु क ने एकतरफा iयार म> दिलत नाबािलग को िजदं ा जलाया https://punjabkesari.com/uttar-
एससी यवु क क) हSया पर हगं ामा https://www.jagran.com/uttar-pradesh/firozabad-tension-in-shikohabad-
राजू बनकर असलम ने बनु ा था iयार का जाल, जािनये िफर 7या हZआ िकशोरी के साथ https://m.jagran.com/uttar-
आजमगढ़ म> दिलत बTती पर समदु ाय िवशेष का हमला, जो जहां िमला उसे वहk पीटा https://www.amarujala.com/photo-
Mahadalit Family Set Afire by Muslim Miscreant over Land Dispute in Bihar