07.2 Pres ROSATOM VVER Design PDF
07.2 Pres ROSATOM VVER Design PDF
07.2 Pres ROSATOM VVER Design PDF
Alexander Renev
Chief Technology Officer on VVER
JSC Rusatom Overseas
October, 2016
meeting Fukushima requirements
Fundamental safety functions
1 Reactivity control
Prevention of uncontrolled reactor power increase.
Ensuring fast safe shutdown of the reactor, if necessary.
3 Confinement of
radioactive materials
• Prevention of considerable radioactive releases in the
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VVER-1200 Key Technical Parameters
Parameters Value
Installed nominal output per
1198 *
one power unit, MWe
Lifetime, years 60
Efficiency, % gross 37.3
Autonomy, hours 72
Availability factor –
EUR methodology, %
Seismicity: maximum
credible earthquake, peak Up to 0.25g *
ground acceleration
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Active and Passive Safety systems
Active Passive
NP-001-15, 3.5.1:
NPP design shall provide for the protective
safety systems ensuring the reliable emergency
reactor shutdown and confining the reactor in
the subcritical state under operational
occurrences, including design basis accidents.
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Protective safety systems (2/5)
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Protective safety systems (3/5)
HP injection system
• Filling of loss of the primary circuit coolant and heat removal from the reactor core
at small leaks of pipelines of the primary circuit (rupture of pipes by the diameter
of about 100 mm inclusively).
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Protective safety systems (4/5)
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Protective safety systems (5/5)
Hydraulic accumulators
• Supply the reactor with boric acid solution at any, requiring it
operation, initial event (including leaks causing a dependent failure of
one of system channels) taking into account one single failure,
independent from the initial event, in one of the channels.
• In case of loss of coolant accident supply the reactor with boric acid
solution with concentration no less than 16 g/kg and temperature from
50 to 70°С at pressure in the primary circuit less, than 5,9 Mpa.
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Localizing safety systems (1/6)
3.6.1. The localizing safety systems shall be provided
to confine radioactive substances and ionizing
radiation within the design-specific boundaries in
case of accidents.
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Localizing safety systems (2/6)
Secondary Containment
• reinforced concrete
Primary Containment
• pre-stressed reinforced concrete
• leak tight metal liner
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Localizing safety systems (3/6)
• Primary (internal) containment is a pre-stressed concrete structure with steel liner and is
intended to retain radioactive substances with the purpose to limit their spreading into
environment under beyond design-basis accidents.
• Secondary (external) containment is intended to protect systems and elements of the
reactor compartment against special and environmental and man-made effects including
aircraft crash.
• The both containments provide biological protection against ionizing irradiations.
Spray System
• Reducing pressure and temperature inside the
containment in case of loss of coolant accident
by injecting boron solution into the containment
air with a concentration of 16 g/kg.
• Pressure decrease time down to atmospheric
pressure < 24 h.
• binding of radioiodine contained in the steam
and air of the sealed volume.
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Localizing safety systems (4/6)
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Localizing safety systems (5/6)
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Localizing safety systems (6/6)
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Localizing safetysystems
3.7.1. NPP design shall provide the required support
safety systems to supply the safety systems with
working fluid and energy and to create the required
conditions of their operation, including heat transfer to
the ultimate heat sink.
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Supporting safety systems (3/3)
Emergency electric power supply systems
• Power supply of safety systems
consumers in all NPP operational
modes, including the case of power
supply loss from operational and
reserve sources.
NP-001-15: Control safety systems shall automatically perform their
functions if the NPP design conditions occur.
Systems (components) intended for initiation of the safety systems
and for monitoring and control of them in the course of
performance of their functions. Control safety systems shall be designed so as to
eliminate the possibility of their disconnection by the operational
personnel during 10-30 min after their automatic actuation, but not
to interfere with correct actions of the operator in emergency
conditions envisaged by the operating regulations, emergency
operating procedures, guideline for management of beyond design
basis accidents.
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Spent Fuel Pool retention
Backup system for water supply to spent fuel pool using motor
7th BDBA power supply train
Mobile diesel
AP001 S
pump unit
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Severe accidents management systems
3.1.3. Specific technical tools shall be provided in
the NPP design that ensure management of beyond
design accidents.
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Passive heat removal system (1/2)
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Passive heat removal system (2/2)
Passive heat removal system (wet type)
1 Emergency Heat Removal Tanks (EHRT)
outside the containment; heat is removed by
boiling of water in EHRTs at atmospheric
pressure for both PHRS-SG and PHRS-C.
2 Steam lines.
3 Condensate pipelines.
4 PHRS-SG valves.
5 Heat exchangers of containment heat
removal system PHRS-C, it is a separate
system but uses the same EHRTs.
6 Steam generators.
7 Cutoff valves (valve in steam line belongs
to PHRS-SG).
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Hydrogen recombination system
• Local peak
concentration at
any time in dry
air condition –
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Corium retention and cooling system
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