Section Solutions #6

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CS106B Handout #27S

Winter 07-08 February 20, 2008

Section Solutions #6
Problem 1: The Philosophy of Objects and Classes
a) In discussing objects and classes, it helps to be clear on our terminology. A class
involves two different roles for programmers. The first role is the implementer of the
object: the programmer who designs and writes the object. The second role is the client: a
programmer who uses the object in writing code. Although we’ll usually talk as if there is
one client who is distinct from the one implementer of an object, there can be more than
one person implementing an object and more than one client of that object. Also, it could
be that the implementer and the client are the same person. In any of these cases, it is
important to keep these two roles distinct. And these roles are both different from the
user, the person using the program or application that the client and the implementer
helped to create.

A C++ class has two parts, an interface and an implementation. The interface (the class
declaration) is the list of functions and data types that the client can use in their code, and
a concise explanation of how to use those functions and data types. The implementation
provides the functionality. The client can use the data types to declare variables, but the
client should never read or change the private data stored in the structure by directly
accessing its fields. By writing code that reads or sets explicit fields or any way depends
on the underlying implementation of the object, the client is “breaking the wall”— the
separation between the interface and the implementation.

In C++, the public and private keywords are used to discriminate between an object’s
public data and methods, and its private data and methods. This allows the implementer
of an object to enforce the wall of abstraction at compile time. Even if a client knows that
the number of elements in the stack is stored in an integer field named “size”, if they
attempt to directly access a class’s private field like this:

stack.size = 0;

the compiler will generate an error. Instead, the client should call the public method
stack.size() to retrieve the number of elements in the stack.

If we didn't specify the fields in a class as private, a misbehaving client could change the
values of the internal data. However, the implementer is relying on the data having
certain values and being changed in a way that the implementer can control by providing
methods that the implementer has carefully thought out. If the client changes data out
from under the implementer, the client can mess up the implementation of the class. Also
if the implementer would like to change the implementation, the client who breaks the
wall could end up with code that doesn't even compile now or has bugs lurking all over it
due to changes in the class implementation.
b) The use of classes gives the implementer great freedom: freedom to change the
implementation, fix bugs, re-design the data structure, substitute more efficient
algorithms, etc. all without disturbing the client. The client would not want to have to go
back and rewrite their code just because the implementer felt like speeding up the

Another main advantage of an object is that it hides a lot of detail for the client. Clients
can use the object without thinking much about how it is implemented. The class is
written and debugged once, and it can be used again and again without reinventing the
wheel. The client is free to solve bigger and more interesting problems. Also, many
programmers can work together in a fairly organized way, without being involved with
the details of each other’s work.

c) a. Allowing for width and height public data members would essentially allow the
client to break the wall of abstraction, as this exposes underlying implementation of the
Rectangle class. In addition, if the implementer wanted to change the implementation (i.e.
only store coordinates instead of having width/height variables), the client’s code would
immediately break.

b. While having getWidth()/getHeight() member functions protect the integrity of

internal data, it forces the client to do the (2 * getWidth() + 2 * getHeight())
perimeter calculation that the Rectangle class is supposed to provide.

c. The state of the object can be easily messed up as a public perimeter data member
can be unexpectedly changed by anyone at any time, not just when the rectangle changes
size. While this does not expose implementation, it does not enforce any constraints on
the integrity of the data the class provides to the client, and thus defeats the purpose of
data encapsulation.

d. A getPerimeter() member function allows for the calculation to be done on the

implementation side, as well as enforcing one-way access of the perimeter value. This is
the best option.

Problem 2: A simple class

class Rectangle {
Rectangle(int x, int y, double width, double height);

double getPerimeter();
double getArea();

void translate(int dx, int dy);

void scale(double factor);

void print();

int x, y;
double width, height;
//perhaps some more functions or data…

Note that since the constructor has picked the same variable names as our instance
variables, we will have to use the this syntax to set up our initial state, like so:

Rectangle::Rectangle(int x, int y, double width, double height) {

this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->width = width;
this->height = height;

Problem 3: Function Pointers and Templates

template <typename ElemType>
ElemType FindMax(Vector<ElemType> &v, int (cmpFn)(ElemType, ElemType)
= OperatorCmp)
ElemType max = v[0];
for(int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++)
if(cmpFn(max, v[i]) < 0)
max = v[i];
return max;

struct Car {
string name;
int weight;
int numAirbags;

int CarCompare(Car first, Car second)

int diffAirbags = first.numAirbags - second.numAirbags;
if(diffAirbags == 0)
return first.weight - second.weight;
return diffAirbags;

int main()
Vector<Car> cars;

// assume variables have been initialized here

Car safestCar = FindMax(cars, CarCompare);

cout << << endl;

return 0;

Problem 4: Templatized Functions

template <typename ElemType>

void Filter(Queue<ElemType> & q, bool (predFn)(ElemType))
int size = q.size();
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
ElemType currValue = q.dequeue();

Because we go through the entire queue and when we keep elements we stick them on the
back, by the time we’re done the queue is in the original order (minus the removed

Problem 5: More Templatized Functions

template <typename ElemType>
void RemoveDuplicates (Vector<ElemType> & v, int (compFn)(ElemType,
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
for(int k = v.size()-1; k > i; k--)
if(compFn(v[i], v[k]) == 0)

int CompareIntAbsolute(int first, int second)
first = abs(first);
second = abs(second);
if(first < second) return -1;
else if(first > second) return 1;
else return 0;

RemoveDuplicates(v, CompareIntAbsolute);

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