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Name: Amanda Wilbanks February 13, 2020

Ogletree Elementary School/4th Grade/ 12 students

30 minute lesson

Passing in Volleyball, Lesson 1

National Standard:
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical
activity and fitness.

Standard 4:  The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

Alabama Content Standard:

4-1.14: Demonstrate volleying a ball using a two hand overhead and underhand technique, sending it upwards towards a target.

4-2.3: Combine concepts of speed, direction, and force with skills in small group activities.

4-3.2: Actively engage in physical education class, both with teacher direction and independently.

4-4.1: Exhibit safe and responsible behavior in partner and small group situations.

3 Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, the student will:

1. Demonstrate underhand and overhead volleyball passing technique using learning cues
2. Describe how much force is needed to pass the volleyball to the wall
3. Participate in all activities and exhibit safe and responsible behavior

Academic Language Demands

Vocabulary: Bump, set, pass, forearms, flat thumbs, finger pads, triangle hands
Language Function: Describe
Syntax: The students will answer questions relating to vocabulary and technique

Start: “When I say go…”
Stop: “Freeze!”
Equipment: When I say freeze, the ball should be on the ground, your body should be still, and your mouth should be closed.
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

Set Induction: Good Morning! We are going to learn about passing in volleyball. Who 1-2 None SSSSSS What are two ways you
can tell me two ways you can pass in volleyball? (bump/ underhand, set/ overhead) mins SSSSSS can pass in volleyball?
Right! Let’s look at this word wall. On the left, you will see bumping and on the right T (bump/ underhand, set/
you will see setting. Let’s focus on bumping right now. The steps that we need to Students are overhead)
remember are listed on this side with pictures for you to look at. If you need a seated and
reminder of what you should look like while bumping the ball, you can look back at listening.
these pictures and the cues on the board.
Task 1: Bump Cues and Practice 3-5 12 balloons S S S S What happens to the
When passing underhand we are going to bump the ball. To bump you will bend your mins balloon if you bump it
knees and elbows, keep your hands together with your thumbs flat, use your S S S S with your thumbs
forearms to bump the ball, and push through your legs to create force. Let’s crossed? (It goes a
practice. Stand up, bend your knees and extend your arms, bend your elbows slightly S S S S different direction)
and make a thumbs up with one hand. Wrap your other hand around the fist and lay
your thumbs flat. (Make sure everyone has the position correct) Perfect! We are How can you make sure
ready to try bumping! When I say go, everyone will pick up a balloon and begin the balloon goes where
bumping it to yourself. Focus on your form and make sure you are holding your arms T you want it to go? (Aim
correctly and bending your knees. Go. Students are using your forearms and
spread out in have thumbs straight)
Extensions: When I give you a thumbs up that means you are using the correct form personal space.
and I want you to try bumping it to yourself while moving around the room. Bump the
balloon then move to where the balloon goes to bump it again.

Refinements: If you are struggling with bumping while standing, sit down and focus
on having your elbows slightly bent, thumbs flat, and volleying with your forearms.
Task 2: Bumping to the Wall 5 12 S S S S S S If your forearms are
We are now going to practice bumping to the wall. You will toss the ball up to yourself mins volleyballs S facing towards the wall
and bump it to the wall, catch it, then do it again. Watch me do it first. (demonstrate) 12 balloons S which way will the ball
Are you going to bump continuously or bump it then catch it? (bump then catch it) 12 poly S T go? (towards the wall)
Right! When I say go, you can go to a poly spot and begin. Go. spots S
S If your forearms are not
Extensions: When you feel comfortable bumping to the wall, take a step back, after 3 S aligned with your target,
successful passes to the wall, take another step back. You can also aim for a specific Students are on a where will the ball go?
spot on the wall and try to hit that spot each time. Once you have done both of these poly spot facing the (somewhere other than
things, try to bump the volleyball continuously without catching it between bumps. wall. your target)
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

Refinements: If you are having trouble, move closer to the wall or switch to using a
Task 3: Set Cues and Practice 3-5 12 balloons S S S S What part of your hand
When passing overhead, we are going to set the ball. Everyone look at the word wall, mins should you use when
the things to remember and pictures are on the right side. To set you will bend your S S S S setting the ball? (finger
knees and your elbows and have your arms extended above your head. Your pads)
thumbs and pointer fingers should be together making a triangle. Use your finger S S S S
pads to push the ball away and push through your legs to create force. If you need a
reminder of these things, look back at the word wall. Let’s practice, stand up and get
in set position. (make sure everyone has the position correct) Perfect! Let’s practice
setting! When I say go, pick up a balloon and set it to yourself. Focus on using the T
correct form. Go. Students are
spread out in
Extensions: When I give you a thumbs up that means you are using the correct form personal space.
and I want you to try to move around while setting the balloon.

Refinements: If you are struggling with this, sit down and focus on using your finger
pads to push the balloon up
Task 4: Setting to the Wall 5 12 S S S S S S How can you make
When I say go, go back to the same poly spot you were on and toss the ball up to mins volleyballs S enough force to get the
yourself, set it to the wall then catch it and do it again. Make sure you remember to 12 balloons S ball all the way to the
use your finger pads to push the ball. Go. 12 poly S T wall? (push through your
spots S legs and elbows)
Extensions: When you feel comfortable setting the ball to the wall, take a step back S
after every 3 successful passes. You can also aim for a specific spot on the wall. Once S
you have done both of these things, try to set the ball continuously to the wall Students are on a
without catching it. poly spot facing the
Refinements: If you need a little help, move closer to the wall or switch and use a
Closure: 1-2 None SSSSSS What part of my hand
Great job! Today we started with the basics of bumping and setting and have started mins SSSSSS should I use when
to build on that. Throughout this learning segment, we will keep build your volleyball T setting? (finger pads)
passing knowledge. To review today, I am going to say a statement and I want you to Students are
give me a thumbs up if the statement is true and a thumbs down if the statement is seated and
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

false. Ready? Underhand passing is called bumping (thumbs up). Right, everyone listening.
should have their thumbs up. Next, the ball should hit my hands when bumping.
(thumbs down) Good job, the ball should hit your forearms when bumping. Last one,
when setting I should use my palms to pass (thumbs down). That’s right! What part of
my hand should I use when setting? (finger pads) Good job. Everyone did great today!
Learning Needs Category Supports, Accommodations, Modifications for this lesson
Learning Disability (IEP) Cues listed on word wall so they can read them and understand them
more clearly. Read and repeat learning cues throughout lesson.

Equipment List:
12 volleyballs, 12 balloons, 12 poly spots

Name: Amanda Wilbanks February 14, 2020

Ogletree Elementary School/4th Grade/ 12 students
30 minute lesson

Passing in Volleyball, Lesson 2

National Standard:
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical
activity and fitness.

Standard 4:  The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Alabama Content Standard:
4-1.14: Demonstrate volleying a ball using a two hand overhead and underhand technique, sending it upwards towards a target.

4-2.3: Combine concepts of speed, direction, and force with skills in small group activities.

4-3.2: Actively engage in physical education class, both with teacher direction and independently.

4-4.1: Exhibit safe and responsible behavior in partner and small group situations.

4-4.2: Give informative feedback respectfully to peers.

3 Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, the student will:

4. Demonstrate volleyball passing skills from a pass
5. Identify the differences and similarities between the two types of passes
6. Cooperate with others and respectfully give feedback to classmates

Academic Language Demands

Vocabulary: Bump, set, pass, forearms, flat thumbs, finger pads, triangle hands
Language Function: Describe
Syntax: Students will answer questions using vocabulary
Discourse: Students will complete a cognitive assessment using the vocabulary and learning cues

Start: “When I say go…”
Stop: “Freeze!”
Equipment: When I say freeze, the ball should be on the ground, your body should be still, and your mouth should be closed.
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

Set Induction: Good Morning! Yesterday we started our learning segment on passing 1 min None SSSSSS Which type of pass is
in volleyball. Who can raise their hand and tell be the two types of passes that we SSSSSS overhead? (set)
learned about? (bump and set) Right! So far we have bumped and set to the wall. T
Today, we are going to continue practicing these skills, but with partners. Remember Students are
since we are working with partners, we are going to be encouraging and help our seated and
partners remember the learning cues from the word wall. Let’s also be careful to only listening.
pass to our partner when they are paying attention so that no one gets hit with a ball.
Task 1: Partner Toss and Bump 3-5 6 S S What are the learning
When I say go, you will get a partner and go to a poly spot standing across from each mins volleyballs S S cues for bumping/
other. If you are standing on an orange poly spot, you will start with the volleyball. 12 poly S S T underhand passing?
Those standing on an orange poly spot will toss the ball to their partner and they will spots S S (knees and elbows bent,
bump it back. The person who tossed it will catch the volleyball and toss it again and S S hands together, thumbs
the person on the green poly spot will bump it back. Toss 3 times then switch and the S S flat, use forearms to make
person on the green poly spot will be the one tossing the ball. Do not toss the ball contact with the ball)
until your partner is in position ready to bump. When they are ready with knees bent, Students are
hands together, and thumbs flat you can toss the ball. If you need a reminder of the standing on a poly
learning cues, look back at the word wall. _______ (student name) is going to help spot across from
me demonstrate by tossing the ball and watch as I bump back. Good, thank you ____ each other.
(student name). Go to a poly spot and begin.

Extensions: After each successful bump, take one step back from your partner.

Refinements: Move closer together if you are struggling with getting the ball all the
way to your partner.
Task 2: Partner Toss and Set 3-5 6 S S What are the learning
Now, we are going to work on the other type of passing. Who can raise their hand mins volleyballs S S cues for setting? (knees
and remind me what that is? (setting) Good job! Remember when we set we keep our 12 poly S S T and elbows slightly bent,
knees and elbows slightly bent, eyes on the ball, make a triangle with our hands and spots S S eyes on the ball, make a
use our finger pads to push the ball. This time the person on the green poly spot will S S triangle with your hands,
toss first. Toss the ball to your partner and they will set it back. Catch the ball then S S and use finger pads)
toss it again. Do this 3 times the switch and the person on the orange poly spot will
toss 3 times. Go. Students are
standing on a poly
Extensions: After each successful set, take one step back from your partner. spot across from
each other.
Refinements: Move closer together if you are struggling to get the ball to your
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

Task 3: Bump or Set Continuously with a Partner 3-5 6 S S How should you be
Everyone is doing a great job bumping and setting from a pass. We are going to move mins volleyballs S S T standing to be ready to
on to bumping and setting back and forth. You can decide if you want to bump or set 12 poly S S pass the ball? (knees bent,
the volleyball back to your partner. You and your partner do not have to do the same spots S S eyes on the ball)
type of pass, focus on getting comfortable with passing it back and forth using the S S
learning cues from the word wall. When I say go, begin passing back and forth with
your partner. Go! Students are
standing on a poly
Extensions: When I say go, you will have 30 seconds to see how many times you can spot across from
pass the volleyball back and forth with your partner without the ball hitting the each other.
ground. Remember to keep control of the ball, you will have more successful passes
that way. Ready, set, go! (Give the students 30 seconds then see who had the most
passes out of each partner group). Now, take a step back from your partner after each
successful pass.

Refinement: You can let the ball bounce then bump it back if you need to or you can
catch your partners pass then bump or set it back.
Task 4: Cognitive Assessment on the Differences and Similarities in Passing 3-5 12 S S S S What is one thing that is
I am going to hand you a piece of paper with a Venn diagram on it where you will be mins Cognitive S S S S only related to bumping?
describing the difference between a set and a bump. When you get it, please read the assessment S S S S T (underhand)
instructions and begin working on it. Work on this individually and raise your hand if sheets Students are What is one thing that can
you need help. Put your hand on your head when you are done and I will come collect 12 pencils spread out in go in the column for
the papers. personal space. relating to both? (keeping
eyes on the ball, knees
and elbows bent,
volleyball passes)
Closure: 1 min None SSSSSS
Great job today! I have seen a lot of improvement already! Today we went from SSSSSS
volleying to a wall to bumping and setting from a pass. Next class we will work on the T
next steps to passing in volleyball! Have a great day today! Students are
seated and

Learning Needs Category Supports, Accommodations, Modifications for this lesson

Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

Learning Disability More time allotted on their assessment and thorough explanation

Equipment List:
12 volleyballs, 6 orange poly spots, 6 green poly spots, 12 cognitive assessment sheets, and 12 pencils

Name: Amanda Wilbanks February 18, 2020

Ogletree Elementary School/4th Grade/ 12 students
30 minute lesson
Passing in Volleyball, Lesson 3

National Standard:
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical
activity and fitness.

Standard 4:  The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

Alabama Content Standard:

4-1.14: Demonstrate volleying a ball using a two hand overhead and underhand technique, sending it upwards towards a target.

4-2.3: Combine concepts of speed, direction, and force with skills in small group activities.

4-3.2: Actively engage in physical education class, both with teacher direction and independently.

4-4.1: Exhibit safe and responsible behavior in partner and small group situations.

3 Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, the student will:

7. Demonstrate underhand and overhead passing skills in a dynamic environment
8. Identify the direction of a pass and respond accordingly
9. Engage in all activities and work well with classmates

Academic Language Demands

Vocabulary: Bump, set, pass, forearms, flat thumbs, finger pads, triangle hands
Language Function: Describe
Syntax: Students will answer questions using vocabulary

Start: “When I say go…”
Stop: “Freeze!”
Equipment: When I say freeze, the ball should be on the ground, your body should be still, and your mouth should be closed.
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

Set Induction: Good Morning! You all have worked very hard on your bumping and 1-2 None SSSSSS What are some ways
setting skills in the past two lessons. Who can tell me one of the learning cues from mins SSSSSS you can move to get to
the word wall? (student answers with learning cue). Good! Now, can someone else Students are sitting the ball? (move
use that learning cue in a sentence? (students uses learning cue in a sentence) Today, and listening. forwards, backwards, or
we are going to build on those skills by working on moving to the ball. In volleyball, a to the side)
pass may not come directly to you, therefore you will need to move to get to the ball
so you can pass it.
Task 1: Bumping and Setting to the Wall Depending on Direction 5 min 12 S S S S S S When the ball is coming
We will start practicing moving to the ball by passing to the wall like we did in lesson volleyballs above your head, should
one. Let’s think for a moment, if the ball is coming off of the wall over your head, S you bump or set? (set)
which pass should you use, set or bump? Right, we would want to set the ball
because when you remember the word wall, that is the overhead pass. What about S If the ball is coming too
when the ball is coming in lower? Right, you will bump it back because bump is the close to you, how can
underhand pass. Remember you can take as many steps forward, backwards or S you move to be able to
sideways if you need to to get under the ball and pass it back to the wall. When I say volley the ball? (take a
go, you will find a spot on the wall and practice this(demonstrate). Remember the S step back then volley)
learning cues from the word wall, look back at it if you need a reminder. Go.
Extensions: You can move farther away from the wall and continue.
Refinements. If you are struggling with moving to the ball, move closer to the wall and S
pass it more lightly to start. Students will be
facing the wall
Refinement: Use a foam ball if the volleyball is too bouncy bumping or setting
depending on
Psychomotor Assessment: I will be coming around to see if you are using the learning direction.
cues from the word wall during this activity! (Using the psychomotor assessment, if
the student performs using that cue all 3 times they get green, if they get it 1 or 2 of
the times they get green, and if they do not use that cue at all they get red. Explain
the results to the student after assessing them. Have the students describe how they
can correct or improve that mistake.)

Task 2: Set or Bump Depending on Direction with a Partner 5-7 6 S S How should your
We are going to continue working on these skills by working with a partner now. mins volleyballs S S thumbs look when
Remember, when working with a partner we want to be encouraging and safe. Make 6 orange S S bumping the ball? (flat)
sure you are aware of others space! For this activity, you will be bumping or setting poly spots S S
depending on where the ball is. So, if your partner passes the ball and it’s high, what 6 green S S When your partner
will you need to do? (set). Right, when setting we need to make a triangle with our poly spots S S passes the ball high,
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

hands and use our finger pads to push the ball upwards. Try to keep the ball up, Students are how should you pass the
remember to move around to get to the ball. When I say go, find a poly spot across standing across ball back? (Set)
from a partner and begin. Go. from a partner,
students on one
Extensions: When you and your partner are able to hit it back and forth 4 times, the side on orange poly
person with the orange poly spot can take a big step back. spots, other side on
green poly spots.
Refinement: If the volleyball is too hard or bouncy, you can use a foam ball.
Task 3: Passing in a Group 5 min 2 S S Should you use a lot of
Now, let’s use these skills in a dynamic environment. We are going to make two volleyballs S S force or a little force if
circles and practice passing to others in the group. You will need to bump or set S S you are passing the ball
depending on the direction of the ball. Make sure you are ready to receive the ball by to the person across the
keeping your knees bent and arms ready. The goal is to try to keep the ball up while S S circle from you? (A lot of
using correct bumping and setting form. When I say go, those on an orange poly spot S S force)
will make a circle and everyone on a green poly spot will make another circle. Keep S S
one ball for the group and roll the others to the wall. Go.
Students are
Extensions: See if you can keep it up for 5 times passes; Now try to get 10 passes. standing in a circle
Also, your group can make your circle bigger after having 10 successful passes. passing to each
Refinements: Move closer to the people in your group so you can focus on making
good passes instead of hitting it harder.
Closure: 1-2 None SSSSSS What made passing in a
Great job everyone! I can see such a great improvement in your use of the learning mins SSSSSS group more difficult?
cues from lesson one to now. You started working in groups today, tomorrow we will Students are sitting
practice passing over a net! and listening.
Learning Needs Category Supports, Accommodations, Modifications for this lesson
Learning disability Individual demonstration and explanation of each task.

Equipment List:
12 volleyballs, 6 orange poly spots, 6 green poly spots

Name: Amanda Wilbanks February 19, 2020

Ogletree Elementary School/4th Grade/ 12 students
30 minute lesson

Passing in Volleyball, Lesson 4

National Standard:
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical
activity and fitness.

Standard 4:  The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

Alabama Content Standard:

4-1.14: Demonstrate volleying a ball using a two hand overhead and underhand technique, sending it upwards towards a target.

4-2.3: Combine concepts of speed, direction, and force with skills in small group activities.

4-3.2: Actively engage in physical education class, both with teacher direction and independently.

4-4.1: Exhibit safe and responsible behavior in partner and small group situations.

3 Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, the student will:

1. Demonstrate volleyball passing skills in a dynamic environment
2. Describe the technique used to pass over a net
3. Identify their key features as a teammate and work cooperatively with others

Academic Language Demands

Vocabulary: Bump, set, pass, forearms, flat thumbs, finger pads, triangle hands
Language Function: Describe
Syntax: Students will answer questions using vocabulary
Discourse: Describe they’re key features as a partner/ teammate and explain how they were helpful

Start: “When I say go…”
Stop: “Freeze!”
Equipment: When I say freeze, the ball should be on the ground, your body should be still, and your mouth should be closed
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

Set Induction: Today is the last day of our volleyball learning segment, everything you 1-2 None SSSSSS What are two learning
have learned so far builds up to today’s lesson! I know that as you have become mins SSSSSS cues for bumping?
more confident in your volleying skills, it is easy to forget the learning cues we began Students are (thumbs flat, use your
with. Who can remind me of 2 learning cues for bumping? (thumbs flat, use your sitting and forearms)
forearms) Right! What about 2 learning cues for setting? (use your finger pads, knees listening.
and elbows bent) Good! Remember to use those learning cues while we practice What are two learning
passing today! cues for setting? (use your
finger pads, bend your
knees and elbows)
Task 1: Partner Toss Lead Passes 5-7 6 S S When bumping the
When passing in a volleyball game, the ball may not come right to you every time. In mins volleyballs S S volleyball to the left of
this activity we are going to practice moving to the ball. You will be working with the 6 orange S S your partner, what side
same partner as last class, across from each other on poly spots. The person on the poly spots S S should your arms be
orange poly spot will start with the ball and they will bump or set it to the left or right 6 green S S angled towards? (left)
of their partner. Try to pass it 2 feet away from your partner. The person on the green poly spots S S
poly spot will move whichever way the ball was passed and pass it back to their Students are Can someone
partner. Watch me (demonstrate with a student) Do this three times then switch and standing across demonstrate angling their
let the person on the green poly spot bump it to the left or right of their partner. from a partner, arms to the left? (Have a
What color poly spot is starting with the ball? (orange) How many times should you students on one student stand up and
pass back before switching? (3) Right! When I say go, you and your partner can go to side on orange demonstrate)
a poly spot and begin. Remember when bumping to angle your arms the way you poly spots, other
want the ball to go and when setting to use your finger pads. Go! side on green poly
Extensions: Move farther away from your partner so you have to use more force. If
you feel comfortable with this, pass it back and forth continuously while still passing
to the side of your partner.

Refinements: Move closer to your partner if needed. You can also tell your partner
which direction you are going to pass the ball by pointing that direction before
Task 2: Volleying Over a Net 5-7 3 volleyball S | S If you hear a slapping
I think you are ready to start passing over a net! The goal of this activity is to get mins nets S | S sound when setting the
comfortable with passing over a net, we are NOT trying to “score points” by passing 6 volleyball, what part of
the ball where your partner cannot pass it back. I want you to focus on making good volleyballs S | S your hand are you using?
passes to your partner. If the ball comes high, you need to set the ball back to your S | S (palms)
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

partner. So if the ball comes low, what do you need to do? (bump). Remember to
move to the ball. You need to keep your eyes on the ball at all times so you can be S | S What part of your hand
ready to pass it back! Focus on using the learning cues we have been using since the S | S should you be using when
first lesson to make good passes. Look back at the word wall if you need to! If you see setting so that you won’t
that your partner is doing something incorrectly or if you see a way they can improve, Students are hear a slapping sound?
you can kindly give your partner feedback and help them! When I say go, you will standing across (finger pads)
stand across the net from your partner. Two partner groups will share a net so you the net from their
will need to be aware of your classmates and make sure to be careful. Be partner and If the ball is coming
encouraging to your partner and other classmates! Go! sharing a net with towards your upper arm,
another partner what should you do to
Extensions: See how many times you can pass back and forth without the ball hitting group. move so that you can use
the ground. If you want a challenge, try to set the ball to yourself then bump it over your forearms to bump
the net. the ball? (take a step
Refinements: Stand closer to the net with your partner or you can begin be catching
the ball then passing it back.

Affective Assessment: (At the end of this activity) I am handing out a worksheet for
you to assess yourself as a partner. You will need to answer each question honestly
based off the activity you just finished. Write your name on the back and when you
are done put your hand on your head and I will collect your papers.
Task 3: Keep it Up Challenge 5 min 3 volleyball S | S Which type of passing is
We are going to have a challenge to see which partner group can keep the ball up the nets S | S easiest way for you to
longest! One partner group at each net will go at the same time and the other group 6 pass? (bump/set)
at that net will help keep count and make sure they are following the learning cues. If volleyballs S | S
your partner group is on the right side of the net, then your group will go first. S | S What do you think is the
Everyone get ready! Remember to keep your eyes on the ball and to keep count! Go! most important learning
S | S cue we have talked about
Extension: How many passes can you get within 1 minute. I’ll set a timer, keep count S | S when doing a challenge?
of how many successful passes you make. Students are (eyes on the ball/ knees
standing across bent and ready)
Refinement: Move closer to the net and make softer passes. the net from their
partner and
sharing a net with
another partner
Task/Learning Experience Time Equipment Organization Assessment

Closure: 1-2 none SSSSSS What did you learn in this

Great job today! This was the last part of our passing learning segment! I have seen so mins SSSSSS learning segment?
much improvement from each and every one of you. You should all be proud of Students are
yourselves! We started with the very basics and build up to where you should be sitting and What was your favorite
ready to play a beginner level game! Keep practicing your volleying skills! Have a great listening. part of this learning
day! segment?
Learning Needs Category Supports, Accommodations, Modifications for this lesson
Learning Disability Individual demonstrations, read assessment and assist during, allot
more time for assessment.

Equipment List:
3 volleyball nets, 6 orange poly spots, 6 green poly spots, 6 volleyballs

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