E-Learning in The Philippines
E-Learning in The Philippines
E-Learning in The Philippines
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1 author:
Manuel B. Garcia
Far Eastern University
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Manuel B. Garcia
Doctor in Information Technology Student,
Graduate Studies, University of the East
Program Head, STI College Taft
[email protected]
When combined, education and technology can build Structural Equation Modeling, Filipino College
dynamic teaching and learning experiences that are Students, Technology Acceptance Model, E-Learning
tailored to developing and transforming the educators
and learners needed to power the digital economy. INTRODUCTION
For some reasons, however, there is still a big chunk
of people especially students who aren’t ready yet to The education sphere in the Philippines has been
embrace the technological change in the field of beleaguered with the same issues and difficulties
education. This study aims to determine the factors
particularly on its logistics from the deficiency
affecting students’ e-learning technology acceptance
particularly on Learning Management Systems of instructional resources, facilities and even
(LMS) in the Filipino context. A conceptual model schools to underpaid but overworked teachers.
was proposed based on the Technology Acceptance Nevertheless, Filipino culture still places a high
Model (TAM) which was extended through the value on education; in fact, it is generally viewed
inclusion of Internet Connectivity Experience (ICE), as the great equalizer of opportunities. The rapid
Social Media Influence (SMI), Integrated Multimedia progression of information and communications
Instruction (IMI), System Interactivity (SI) and technology (ICT) brought significant changes in
Perceived Quality Work of Life (PQWL) as the field of education from empowering new
additional predictor values. The constructs were ways for people to learn and work together (e-
determined according to the three-tier use model (3- learning technology for instance) to transforming
TUM) which was characterized to explore users’
teaching and learning processes. While e-
attitudes towards IT at three levels. The target
population in this research was Filipino students from learning environment in the Philippines is still in
colleges that are considered as promoters of e- its embryonic stage, it has already adopted and
learning integration in the educational sphere in the still spearheaded by prominent universities such
Philippines. The collected data from 629 Filipino as University of the Philippines for their UP
college students were analyzed using structural Open University (UPOU), University of Sto.
equation modeling (SEM) technique based on AMOS Tomas for their e-Learning Access Program (e-
methods. Finally, a path model was created to LeAP), De La Salle University for their
examine the relationships between the factors to integration of Sakai educational software
explain students’ adoption of e-learning technology platform and other academic institutions that
from the information systems acceptance point of offer some form of online courses. By
view. As a result, it provided practical and technical
proliferating and integrating e-learning
implications applicable for local and global school
environments that could help educational leaders, technology in the Philippine education system,
educational technologists, educators and learners in the transformation of teaching and learning
their development, implementation, and acceptance process increases the academic achievements of
of e-learning technology like LMS. Filipino college students [1].
LMS – Learning Management System IMI – Integrated Multimedia Instruction SI – System Interactivity
TAM – Technology Acceptance Model PQWL – Perceived Quality Work of Life PU – Perceived Usefulness
3-TUM – Three-Tier Use Model PEOU – Perceived Ease of Use BI – Behavioral Intention
SEM – Structural Equation Modeling ICE – Internet Connectivity Experience SMI – Social Media Influence
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
In view of all this, the global education sector there are also a lot of research papers that
has been attempting to gather more and more extensively studied factors that affect e-learning
information on aspects that persuade students not technology readiness and acceptance in different
just to incorporate e-learning into their setting from neighboring countries such as
educational journey but also confidently warrant Malaysia [10-11], Thailand [12-13], Indonesia
consideration in shaping future e-learning [14-15] to a not so much outside Asia like
developments [2-4]. With the Internet getting Turkey [16] and Sri Lanka [17] up to other
more powerful day by day and along with it are continents like Africa [18] and America [19].
the e-learning environments as one of the direct
beneficiaries, researchers and academicians have Everything considered, this paper aimed to
been extending their studies into advanced examine the factors of the Filipino college
courses and fields such as Engineering [5], students’ behavioral intention to use LMS as part
Mathematics [6], Economics [7], Physics [8], of their education journey from the constructs of
Medicine [9] and many more just to dive deeper integrated multimedia instruction, perceived
into students’ perceptions. Apart from these, quality work of life, system interactivity, internet
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
to have a follow-up using this construct to verify PQWL in determining and predicting work
and test it in the Philippine setting. For this condition varies across individual’s environment,
reason, the following hypotheses are proposed: culture and even country. This extension of
TAM enables a better apprehension of the
H8: System interactivity will have a significant cultural influence on the acceptance of IT.
effect on the perceived usefulness in the Therefore, it is hypothesized that:
perspective of Filipino college students in using
learning management system. H10: Perceived quality work of life will have a
significant effect on the behavioral intention
H9: System interactivity will have a significant towards learning management system acceptance
effect on the perceived quality work of life in the of Filipino college students.
perspective of Filipino college students in using
learning management system. G. Integrated Multimedia Instruction (IMI)
F. Perceived Quality Work of Life (PQWL) In this paper, IMI was described by the
researcher as “the degree to which the
In this paper, PQWL was described by the presentation of course materials is modeled
researcher as “the degree to which a system based on multimedia-based learning”. There has
enables its users to participate more actively been an extensive review of literature that
while enhancing the productivity.” While PQWL integrated multimedia instruction in the
has not been considered within an educational development of e-learning. Al Saiyd and Al
context, various researchers such as Srite & Sayed [47] examined how users perceive the
Karahanna [44], Zakour [45] and Kripanont [46] effectiveness of online course when the system
have used this construct in their respective integrates the multimedia contents of the study
empirical studies. The importance attributed to material. There was also an experiment by
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
Zhang [48] that compared the effectiveness of education field from other countries. Lastly, a
multimedia-based e-learning and a less structural model was estimated using structural
interactive e-learning environment. Overall, the equation modeling (SEM) techniques which
integration of multimedia component in the have been widely used in determining user’s
delivery of the system gave a positive result in technology acceptance [53], [40], [31].
the users’ educational experience. For this
reason, the following hypotheses are proposed: Sampling and Data Collection
H11: Integrated multimedia instruction will have The target population in this research was
a significant effect on the perceived ease of use college students from the Philippines who use
in the perspective of Filipino college students in Learning Management System (LMS) as part of
using learning management system. their education. The researcher focused on
colleges that are considered as promoters of e-
H12: Integrated multimedia instruction will have learning integration in the educational sphere in
a significant effect on the perceived quality work the Philippines. The questionnaires were
of life in the perspective of Filipino college administered through the learning management
students in using learning management system. system used by the schools whereas only
registered Filipino college students chosen using
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY non-probability convenience sampling technique
could answer the online questionnaire. With the
The study used quantitative research design. It help of teachers in their respective schools, a
followed the same three-stage approach used by total of 800 students were invited to the LMS
Abbad, Morris, and Nahlik [40] to identify the group where the questionnaire could be
major factors affecting students’ adoption of an answered. The questionnaire was available on
e-learning system in a university in Jordan. The the LMS from November 6 to 10, 2017. The
first step was to build an initial model based on number of answered questionnaires during the
the combination of the extended TAM and 3- time frame given was 629 indicating 78.6%
TUM. The connection of the constructs was response rate. Since all of the questions are
formed based from the literature review required to be answered, there is no incomplete
presented in the previous section. Secondly, a questionnaire, hence, all 629 answers are
survey consisting of seven sections (ICE, PU, considered as valid preliminary data.
SMI, PEOU, SI, PQWL, IMI & BI; see Table 1)
was created to provide measures of the identified Profile of the Schools
factors followed by a confirmatory factor
analysis (CFA) to further develop the said There were 10 colleges containing 100 students
measures. The CFA was used by the researcher per each invited to participate in the survey.
as the first step of the two-step sequence of the These schools are considered as valid adopters of
identification of the measurement model. Based e-learning technology due to the fact that the use
on the general guidelines suggested by of LMS both inside and outside of the school is
MacCallum [49] and Anderson and Gerbing part of their curriculum. With the help of the
[50], revisions to the model were made whereas professors of each college, the information has
the modifications were done individually to been disseminated to the students easily.
avoid unnecessary effects on the solution. The
CFA was then conducted using AMOS. Data Analysis
It is very important to mention that the baseline The statistical tools used in this research are
used for the survey instrument was based on SPSS 22 and AMOS 18. Both software helps the
various researchers like the e-learning readiness researcher in their own way to determine the
assessment tool [51] specifically created for characteristics of the respondents, information
Philippine higher education institutions, about the goodness-of-fit model and relationship
influence of system characteristics on e-learning among the hypothesis, variable reliability, factor
use [52] and other similar papers under the analysis, path model creation, etc.
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
Philippine setting. The third column shows the indicating that all of the constructs employed in
items deleted during the exploratory factor the study were positively correlated construct,
analysis (EFA) for two possible reasons hence, providing a strong evidence of
encountered during the process: (1) there was a discriminant validity or simply that the statistical
cross loading or (2) the variables were constructs or latent variables are distinct from
unqualified for the factor loading of more than each other allowing a measure to capture some
0.4 based on a statistics book [54]. phenomenon that other measures do not. Since
there is no cross-factor correlation of 0.85 or
As shown in Table 4, the factor correlation higher on the result, it is safe to say that there are
coefficients are ranging from 0.509 to 0.821 no factors that measure the same construct.
Table 4. Factor Correlations.
PU 0.721 -
SMI 0.576 0.685 -
PEOU 0.711 0.759 0.510 -
SI 0.721 0.678 0.509 0.700 -
PQWL 0.698 0.657 0.521 0.699 0.531 -
IMI 0.521 0.624 0.602 0.663 0.592 0.606 -
BI 0.811 0.769 0.821 0.701 0.652 0.532 0.578 -
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
Table 5 shows the data analysis using structural SMI to PU and SMI to BI, although with a
equation modeling with AMOS 18 where all separate relationship, have a connection in
measures are within the desired range values between. Filipino college students couldn’t
indicating a good model fit [55-57]. On the appreciate the usefulness of LMS simply
Table 6, it can be seen the path coefficient of the because that the things that they accomplish on
e-learning technology acceptance of Filipino the system can actually be done in SNS like
college students whereas it showed a significant sharing files such as learning materials and
effect among constructs such as ICE to PEOU (β documents, socializing with other users and
= .519, p < .01), ICE to BI (β = .923, p < .05), creating a group (class) to name some; hence, the
PU to BI (β = .892, p < .01), SMI to PU (β = debate whether SNS can act as LMS. Due to the
.622, p < .01), SMI to BI (β = .970, p < .05), lack of appreciation of the usefulness of LMS,
PEOU to PU (β = .458, p < .01), PEOU to BI (β the BI in adopting it is affected. For a country
= .461, p < .01), SI to PU (β = .638, p < .01), and like the Philippines that is considered as a
IMI to PEOU (β = .431, p < .01). promoter of social media usage, educational
institutions must find a way to make LMS stand
The current study found that internet out from SNS. When there is a fine line between
connectivity experience has a positive LMS and SNS, students will be able to
relationship with perceived ease of use (β = .519, appreciate LMS more as a cutting-edge
p < .01) and behavioral intention (β = .923, p < pedagogy purposely created for education.
.05) supporting H1 and H2 respectively. With
regards to the relationship between ICE and The results also show that system interactivity
PEOU, students can obviously notice the ease of has a positive relationship with perceived
using the LMS when the internet connection is usefulness (β = .638, p < .01) as hypothesized in
fast. Moreover, they are more likely to adopt and H8 but there is no strong evidence that it also
use the system given the high-speed internet influences the perceived quality work of life
which is consistent with the result of the study contrary to H9. The relationship between SI and
conducted by Peltier and Youssef [26]. Both PU clearly revealed the thoughts of Filipino
educational institutions and software vendor can college students in terms of how they appreciate
clearly help with the internet speed issue. First of the usefulness of a system. The interaction
all, colleges and universities may opt with within the system (learner–interface, learner-
enhancing their IT infrastructure, increasing the tool, learner-task, learner-content, learner-
Internet bandwidth and offering consistent and instructor, and learner-student) undoubtedly
reliable Wi-Fi connection for those who are resolves one of the established weaknesses of e-
going to access the LMS outside the computer learning which is the absence of face-to-face
laboratory. In the case of the software vendors, interaction. SI, as an exogenous variable,
reducing the load time of web pages is the key showing a positive influence towards PU is
especially that most people expect a web page to similar to past studies of Wu & Wu [58] and
load in two seconds or less. This can be done by Lee, Hsieh & Chen [59]. On the other hand, the
minimizing HTTP requests, reducing server lack of evidence between the relationship of SI
response time, enabling compression, activating and PQWL only shows that Filipino college
browser caching, minifying resources, students will actively participate, or not, in the
optimizing images, reducing redirects and many platform regardless of the interaction the system
more. Since the Philippines has the slowest has to offer perhaps because the will and
internet speed in the world, ICE will clearly play motivation of their participation relies on
an important role in the e-learning technology personal characteristics and cultural setup [60].
adoption of Filipino college students and maybe Nonetheless, SI is still an important construct as
to other settings with a slow internet connection. it influences PU which influences BI.
Social media influence, as hypothesized in H4 Aside from the lack of evidence in the
and H5, has also an effect to perceived relationship of perceived quality work of life and
usefulness (β = .622, p < .01) and behavioral system interactivity, the same thing can be said
intention (β = .970, p < .05). These relationships, with perceived quality work of life and
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
behavioral intention as well as perceived quality in the learning process can enhance students’
work of life and integrated multimedia academic achievement [61-63].
instruction since their relationships are not
supported by the results of the study contrary to Other hypotheses that were supported by the
H10 and H12. In totality, PQWL did not perform study, H3 and H7, showed the positive
well as a factor which contradicts the results relationship of both perceived usefulness (β =
from the previous findings of Tarhini, Hone, & .892, p < .01) and perceived ease of use (β =
Liu [31]. However, IMI should not be taken for .461, p < .01) to behavioral intention. These
granted as the construct has a positive influence hypotheses were merely a confirmation in the
to PEOU (β = .431, p < .01) as hypothesized in Philippine setting since lots of researchers [64-
H11. Filipino college students take multimedia 67], [40], [36], [31], [15], [16] have already
instruction as a positive element that doesn’t concluded that PU and PEOU are two of the
only make the system easier to use but also strongest determinants of BI. The findings were
enhances their learning. The use of multimedia also supporting previous literature [22], [65],
in the delivery of e-learning technology [36], [15] which stated the positive relationship
undoubtedly needs to be considered by between PEOU and PU (β = .458, p < .01) as
educational institutions especially that many hypothesized in H6. When a system is easy to
research papers prove the use of such integration use, it is also perceived as useful tool.
The International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM) 3(3): 118-130
The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
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The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2017 ISSN: 2410-0439 (Online)
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