Muthoot Finance - HDFC Sec 2017
Muthoot Finance - HDFC Sec 2017
Muthoot Finance - HDFC Sec 2017
Muthoot Finance Ltd
Industry CMP Recommendation Add on Dips to band Sequential Targets Time Horizon
BFSI Rs. 447 Buy at CMP and add on declines Rs. 412-418 Rs. 506 & Rs. 546 2-3 quarters
We had issued Stock Note dated 19th May 2016 at the then CMP of Rs. 218 and had recommended to buy at CMP and add
on dips to Rs. 196-204 with price targets of Rs. 243 and Rs. 258. Both the targets were met in the month of June 2016 and
BSE Code 533398 the stock recently made a high of Rs. 439.30 on 5th June 2017. Refer:
NSE Code MUTHOOTFIN We now review the developments in the
company and provide our updated view on the stock.
Bloomberg MUTH IN
Company Description
CMP as on 09 Jun 17 447.10
Muthoot Finance Ltd is India’s largest, niche gold finance company with an AUM of ~Rs273 bn in March 2017.
Eq. Capital (Rs cr) 399.54 Headquartered in Kochi (Kerala), the company is majority owned by the Muthoot family (73.7% stake as of March 2017). It
Face Value (Rs) 10 currently has 4,307 branches and presence across 29 states/union territory in the country. However, its footprint is
concentrated mostly in the South with ~62% of the branches. While loans are typically disbursed with tenure of 6-12
Equity Sh. Outs (Cr) 4.00 months, most of the loans are repaid within six months – implying average duration of close to six months for the loans.
Market Cap (Rs cr) 17863
Investment Rationale:
Book Value (Rs) 140.83 Demonetization blues waning away, growth to resume
Avg. 52 Week Vol 875000 Rating upgrade and softer interest rates to bring down cost of borrowing
Strong performance at subsidiaries – derisking dependence on gold loans
52 Week High 452.90
Improving asset quality to keep provisioning requirement at lower levels
52 Week Low 250.00
Increase in NPA
Shareholding Pattern-% (Mar-2017) Gold price fluctuations
Interest rate risk
Promoters 73.71
Overdependence on Gold loans – derisking to reduce dependence slowly.
Institutions 21.66
Financial Summary
Non Institutions 4.63 (Rs Cr) Q4FY17 Q4FY16 YoY (%) Q3FY17 QoQ (%) FY16 FY17 FY18E FY19E
Total 100.0 NII 1150 865 32.9 725 58.5 2542 3346 3369 3851
PPP 885 585 51.2 503 76.0 1479 2184 2177 2558
Research Analyst: Atul Karwa PAT 385 265 45.0 348 10.4 810 1162 1296 1541
EPS (Rs) 9.6 6.6 44.8 8.7 10.4 20.3 29.1 32.5 38.6
[email protected]
P/E (x) 22.0 15.4 13.8 11.6
P/ABV (x) 3.6 2.9 2.6 2.2
RoAA (%) 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.2
(Source: Company, HDFC sec)
Recent updates/triggers
Demonetization blues waning away, growth to resume
The demonetization of currency announced by the Government in Nov-16 impacted the business of the company as a
significant portion of loans and repayments were done in cash. AUM declined sequentially by ~2% in Q3FY17 but picked up
by 1.2% in Q4FY17. For the year, AUM increased 12% yoy to Rs 27279 cr. Management has guided for a minimum growth of
10% in gold loans on a steady state basis and a consolidated growth of 15% in loans.
Interest rates in the system have also come down post demonetisation. Although interest rates have inched up post Dec
2016, they are still lower on a YoY basis. Muthoot Finance will get benefit of these going forward.
Ratings upgrade combined with lower borrowing costs would bring down the overall cost of borrowings and lead to margin
expansion. The full impact of lower cost borrowings will come in H1FY18.
Particulars Q4FY17 Q4FY16 YoY (%) Q3FY17 QoQ (%) FY17 FY16 YoY (%)
Interest Income 1696 1429 18.7 1322 28.3 5640 4801 17.5
Interest Expenses 546 564 -3.2 597 -8.5 2294 2258 1.6
Net Interest Income 1150 865 32.9 725 58.5 3346 2543 31.6
Non interest income 17 22 -23.3 24 -28.8 107 74 44.1
Total Income 1167 887 31.5 749 55.7 3453 2617 31.9
Operating Expenses 282 302 -6.6 246 14.5 1030 1158 -11.0
PPP 885 585 51.2 503 76.0 2423 1459 66.0
Prov & Cont 233 110 111.6 0 NA 268 143 87.7
Profit Before Tax 652 475 37.3 503 29.6 2155 1317 63.7
Tax 268 210 27.5 155 73.1 741 507 46.1
PAT 385 265 45.0 348 10.4 1414 810 74.6
EPS 9.6 6.6 44.8 8.7 10.4 35.4 20.3 74.4
GNPA (%) 2.1 2.9 -82 bps 2.9 -86 bps 2.1 2.9 -82 bps
NNPA (%) 1.7 2.5 -77 bps 2.5 -85 bps 1.7 2.5 -77 bps
(Source: Company, HDFC sec)
Increase in NPA
This risk denotes the possibility of loss due to the failure of any counterparty to abide by the terms and conditions of any
financial contract. This risk is mitigated by a rigorous loan approval and collateral appraisal process, strong NPA monitoring
and collection strategy. This risk is further diminished because the gold jewellery used as collateral for loans can be readily
When gold prices are on up move, GNPA is low and vice versa as shown in the chart above. But the management is of the
view that the gold prices would going forward remain steady and would not be very volatile.
Global and Domestic gold prices have been on an uptrend in the last 6 months
1-GOLD.GOLD 10 GRMS.R.MCX.Rolling - 08/06/17 Trend7
37 T
36 T
35 T
34 T
33 T
32 T
31 T
30 T
29 T
28 T
27 T
26 T
25 T
24 T
23 T
Liquidity Risk
Liquidity management is to ensure sufficient cash flow to meet all financial commitments and to capitalise on opportunities
for business expansion. The nature of business is such that source of funds, primarily proceeds from issue of debentures
and bank loans has longer maturities than the loans and advances given resulting in low liquidity risk.
MFL has utilized one-off recognition of higher income to create a gold price fluctuation provision, excluding which its ABV
would have been higher by ~Rs 6. The company has the highest rating among gold loan companies for short term paper. Its
capital adequacy of 24.9% (March 2017) is well above the regulatory minimum of 15%. The subsidiaries are profitable and
are witnessing strong growth. While we do not assign any value to these businesses yet, they could contribute meaningfully
in years to come.
Gold loan companies even after the recent run up quote at a discount in terms of P/ABV compared to other categories of
NBFCs like Housing finance, Personal/durable finance, micro finance. This is despite the fact that the possibility of NPAs in
this segment is the lowest. While growth in AUM is lesser than those in the other segments, the diversification by these
companies into other segments via subsidiaries could overcome this constraint. Expectation of good monsoon this year
could trigger larger demand for gold loans across the country (especially in the south). We think the gap in the valuations of
gold loan companies could narrow going forward.
We feel investors could buy the stock at the CMP of Rs 447 (2.2x FY19E ABV) and add on declines to Rs. 412-418 band
(2.05x FY19E ABV) for sequential targets of Rs. 506 (2.5x FY19E ABV) and Rs. 546 (2.7x FY19E ABV) in 2-3 quarters.
Financial Statements
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