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5.1 Sa Water flows into a sink as shown in Video V5.1 and Fig. P5.1 at a rate of 2 gallons per minute. Determine the av- erage velocity through each of the three 0.4 in, diameter over- flow holes ifthe drain is closed and the water level in the sink remains constant. Tee Odin, ameter m FIGURE PS5.1 Q, =Q, for the contrel volume indicated, vs 2 gal. ( Lmin. = we Hf = 22 (os) Gae aa es On! 3 rs a o,oonns # 2 i708 QAM wr he = er anaey * A5D 5.2 Various types of attachments can be used with the shop vac shown in Video V5.2. TWo such attachments are shown in Fig. P5.2—a nozzle and a brush. The flowrate is 1 ft/s. (a) Determine the average velocity through the nozzle entrance, V, (b) Assume the air enters the brush attachment in a radial di rection all around the brush with a velocity profile that varies linearly from 0 to V, along the length of the bristles as shown in the figure, Determine the value of V,. O11 A 15 in, @ FIGURE P5.2 @) Q, = G% where Q2 12 Thus, 3 jf A= 9 YVEM= 50 4 Far \, = 45.08 (6) Q, =O, where Q,=/£° and Q,= VA, where Vy = average velocity at (= 4\, and As = 7 Ds hs Thus, tu [r(anten)] <1 2, o V, = 20.486.3 ‘Water flows into a rain gutter on a house as shown in PS.3 and in Video V10.3 at a rate of 0.0040 ft'/s per foot of length of the gutter, At the beginning of the gutter (x = 0) the water depth is zero. (a) If the water flows with a velocity of 1.0 fs throughout the entire gutter, determine an equation for the water depth, h, as a function of location, x. (b) At what location will the gutter overflow” BFIGURE P5.3 (a) For the contret volume shown im the sketch above Qin = Sout z or (0.0040 LPG H) =v Any =(1 B/E AGH) so hh =0.012X (b) Tre guiter will overflow when h= 2 f " So 3 f) = 0,012X 12 and x = 208 fFPe+ | 5.4 Air flows steadily between two cross sections in along, straight section of O.1-m inside-diameter pipe, The static tem- perature and pressure at each section are indicated in Fig. P5.4. Seton (0) Section (2) If the average air velocity at section (1) is 205 m/s, determine P= 77 KPa (aos) pp 45 Pa as) the average air velocity at section (2). 42205 mis B FIGURE P5.4 This analysis /s similar te the one of Example 5.2. For steady tlw befween sections (I)and(z) a“ Assuming that under the conditions of this problem, air behwes as 4n ideal gas we use the ideal gas eguation of state ( &g. +8) % get fee BE (2) 2 &N Combining &%s. 1 and 2 and observing that A, =A, we get v= Go = 077 tela labsy) A40K) (205 2) - CF kea@os JACEK) 5 s-455 , | ‘The wind blows through a 7 ft x 10ft garage door ‘opening with a speed of 5 ft/s as shown in Fig, PS5.5. Deter- rine the average speed, V, of the air through the two 3 ft x 4 ft fis ‘openings in the windows. 264 _ m FIGURE P5.5 For steady incompressible flow Qgange ~ Ravidon * Sanirden or, wr A VtA4 A garage Voormal te ~ Window window Dak” Garage dor v 50 the awewnge speed, V, of the air Hough the two witdlous 1s y= Aiggge Vocal garage hr 76H) (ott) (5 £1) #130" _ 2Airdows 2(3tt)Ct Ht) 5.6 | 5.6 A hydroelectric turbine passes 4 million gal/min through its blades. If the average velocity of the flow in the circular cross-section conduit leading to the turbine is not to exceed 30 ft/s, determine the minimum allowable diameter of the conduit. For incompressible flow through the conduit and turbine conduit turbine Thus onauit “conduit ‘turbine ana d =)/F Bim 2 | G0 Be) ‘condutt FZ Te (30 tt) (603. (es gal) conduit eek ain Co = 4495 tt conduit =5.7 3.7 The cross-sectional area of the test section of a large Water tunnel is 100 ft, For a test velocity of 50 fis, what vol- ume flowrate capacity in gal/min is needed? Q- AV = (oot so tt )(a48 94! Vt Q= (oot so # (7 x % ) s Pin Q= 623 gpm 5-76.8 5.8 A hydraulic jump (see Video V10.5) is in place down- stream from a spill-way as indicated in Fig. P5.8. Upstream of the jump, the depth of the stream i 0.6 ft and the average stream velocity is 18 ft/s. Just downstream of the jump, the average stream velocity is 3.4 ft/s. Calculate the depth of the stream, h, just downstream of the jump. fi (BEG) © 3.1 4 ak — 5-3[e4] contro! volume 5.4 A water jet pump (see Fig. P5.9) in- Ma L. Vg = 6 mis volves a jet cross section area of 0.01 m?, and a Entrained 5 ‘water jet velocity of 30 m/s. The jet is surrounded by ‘entrained water. The total cross section area as- Entained secon) water sociated with the jet and entrained streams is 0.075 m?. These two fluid streams leave the pump thoroughly mixed with an average velocity of 6 m/s through a cross section area of 0.075 m* FIGURE P5.7 Determine the pumping rate (i.c., the entrained fluid flowrate) involved in liters/s. For steady incompressible flow through the contre! volume 2,7 Q,-Q, or VA, + = Ve As Thus a, = WA ZA, «= (g)(0078 mt) - (oy ocr fom Q, = 150 hte Ss 5-75.10 Water enters a cylindrical tank through two pipes at rates of 250 and 100 gal/min (see Fig. P5.10). If the level of the water in the tank For steady and incompressible Flow remains constant, calculate the average velocity Section 2) 81 = of the flow leaving the tank through an 8in- g, . 100 gatimin inside diameter pipe. ese Section ) 37 Q+Q or a by (are) ye “ ease gus iY a) 2 Reine se a OF gal Néo 2) 7 mn 2.23 ft == 5 Section (1) FIGURE P5.10 5.11 At cruise conditions, air flows into a jet engine at a steady rate of 65 Ibm/s. Fuel enters the engine at a steady rate of 0.60 Ibm/s. The average velocity of the exhaust gases is 1500 ft/s relative to the engine. If the engine exhaust ef- fective cross section area is 3.5 ft’, estimate the density of the exhaust gases in Ibm/f? for _ steady flow 5-10 =m +m, or _ BAN = mtm Th - de 3 AY, (3.5 £4") (1900 £t ) = Loan A= 2.0128Siz 5.12 Air at standard atmospheric conditions , js drawn into a compressor at the steady rate of section()) (inlet) 30 m'/min. The compressor pressure ratio, Pea! Paws i 10 to 1, Through the compressor p/p" remains constant with n = 1.4, If the average velocity in the compressor discharge pipe is not to exceed 30 m/s, calculate the minimum dis- charge pipe diameter required. for steady flow 5-115.13 ‘Two rivers merge to form a larger river as shown in Fig. P5.13, Ata location downstream from the junction (before the two streams completely merge), the nonuniform velocity profile is as shown, Determine the value of V. Use the cmbol volume shown within broken lines th the sketch abe. We note that n= Fv anol tam the cmservahon of mass principle we Get mi tm, = m Thus PAY, + PAY, = PAgetY +e AV and Via ATA _(ootnemlsl + (got GHWGE) a Te AGH + A, (oF XotH(0.8)+ (#46 #1) eV < " w “6 “We54 5.14 Oil having a specific gravity of 0.9 is pumped as Secten illustrated in Fig. P5.14 with a water jet pump (see Video V3.6). Section (3) ‘The water volume flowrate is 2 m?/s. The water and oil mix- ture has an average specific gravity of 0.95. Calculate the rate, () in m’/s, at which the pump moves oil, > —_ Water Water an and Dns ak Section (2)° ae oil iso = 0.9) For steady tlow FIGURE P3.14 id ie ”, = 3 or 29 +2%* BY a) Also, since the waky and oil may be considered incompressible Q@,+ @, = & (a) Combining €9s. | and 2 we get 29,+ 2a = f(a, + &,) or Qt 6,0, = s6,(4,+ a) and Q, (I> SG) 5-/35 Air at standard conditions enters. the compressor shown in Fig. PS.1S at a rate of 10 1€/s. It leaves the tank through a 1.2-in-diameter pipe with a density of 0.0035 slugs/ft’ and a uniform speed of 700 fi/s. (a) Determine the rate (slugs/s) at which the mass of air in the tank is increasing or decreasing, (b) Determine the average time rate of change of air density within the tank 1 o.o02st sigs use the contol volume with the broken Lines. (a) Frees the conservation of mass principle we get My. mm = pA - 644, % oor = M1 - Mg > C, a, Coucd “out dunk . D Moye 7 3) baozs Stuy) 7 (12 in.) (99 tt pen Cat Bayo!) ime) iy # DMys . 0.00456 MI tinereasing s Dt (6) Oy = B(PY,,). Vy PL = 0.00456 7 be Dr Dt ° Z - a be 0.00456 hg = 000456 oy 2.2eK 10 slag Dt 20 a fei s Yy5.16 An appropriate turbulent pipe flow ve- locity profile is vau(& where u, = centerline v = local radius, R = pipe radius, and i = unit vector along pipe ine. Determine the ratio of average veloc- (0 centerline velocity u, for (a) n =4; (b) ; (o) n =B; (d) n =10 For any cross section area m= Au = [ev fea A Also Z = 3 TAU Rar AVE a(S ) Thus tor a a (E*)” anror a and R L = a a {OND - 4 Ue 0.7/1 6 0.79/ 8 0. 837 10 0. 866 5-15 uniformly, distributed density, 2 over area A cross section area dA = 2nrdr 2n° 2rP+ antlCTT 2\r) ~ 4a\R The subscript c refers to centerline value. r = local radius, R = pipe radius and T = local tem- perature. Show how you would evaluate the mass flowrate through this cross section area. 5.17 The velocity and temperature profiles nerdy e2(2) 2 (2)" for one circular cross section in laminar pipe fiow =7.J1+5(<) -= of air with heat transfer are The mass Flowvak is . an t= [pV on A For air aching as an ideal gas BS | C” ar | | For @ Circular cross-section area dA = @mnrdr Thus R 2 4 | ae P -f& 2mrr dr | we [iB ul fi] ana for a uniformly Gistribuled static pressure fair Te 5-16518 5.18% To measure the mass flowrate of air through a 6-in.-inside diameter pipe. local veloc- ity data are collected at different radii from the pipe axis (see Table). Determine the mass fiow- rate corresponding to the data listed below. r(in.) Axial Velocity (ft/s) 0 30 0.2 29.71 04 29.39 0.6 29.06 0.8 28.70 1.0 28.31 12 27.89 14 27.82 16 26.90 18 26.32 2.0 25.64 22 24.84 24 23.84 2.6 22.50 2.8 20.38 29 18.45 2.95 16.71 | 2.98 14.66 3.00 0 The mass flowrate is caleulakd with . ul R m - [pe 2mrdr = 2m [wrar % o where As Bin. = 0.00238 ug e fe Us focal axial velocity in ft f rs local radius in jn. and J ardr is evalualed numerically with the trapezoidal rule ‘o with uneguad intervals. The computer program used to solve this problem is liskd on the next page. (con't ) 5-17370 380 300 400 4210 PRINT PRIET PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT DIM U *Inita N= 19 REO PL=4 FOR I READ R I ° FOR I SUN NEXT 1 MDOT = ‘Print PRINT PRINT {SEBO SS ESC UD BDDC HB EIS DARD EIS RE SEMA EDO OP? ts This program computes the macs flow rate #4" 4 for problem 3.18 using the trapezoidal rule 1+" “ei applied to unequal intervals. ax PSO D ESSERE DERE DE RIDES ED EIO HOUSE SSE OE EAE A 199, R«199 e the variables 00288 tx ATCA! 1708 , RCD 0, 30.00, 0.2, 0.4, 29.39, 0.6, 29.06 e 1.0, 4.2, 27.89, 1.4, 27.42 6 1.8, 2.0, 25,64, 2.2, 24.84 4 2.6, 2.8, 20.38, 2.9, 16.71 9°68 2.98,14.66, 3.0, 00.00 te integral using trapezoidal rule 2TO§ SUM CU CI-2) #RCI=1) 40 CD AR CT) RCD -R I-21 RHO ¥ 2! x PI ¥ SUM the results USING "The mass flow rate is ##.#### slugs/s"; MDOT Job bin bo a SSAA BERRA EEDA ASAE IA SIRI ARIA y% Thic program computes the mass flow rate — #% 44 for problem 5.16 using the trapezoidal rule #* ¥¥ applied to unequal intervals. ” SSE OSI nS OSIRIA AISI IIE IIE ‘The mase flow rate is 0.0114 slugs/s s-l8$.19 As shown in Fig. P5.19, atthe entrance to a channel the velocity distribution is uniform with a vel Further downstream the velocity profile is given by u 2y", where w is in f1/s and y is in ft. Determine the value of V, Use the contr/ Volume indicated by the broken lines in the skelch abwe- From the conservation of mass principle a, = ay ft fudA [erm ay ‘ ft = 3/47 ry 46 4 V G75 4)b 2/2 2p *] tet ve 4 2 179 ft 3(0.75) = s =A$.20 5.20 Flow of a viscous fluid over a flat plate ere surface results in the development of a region of Section (1) \u Outer edge reduced velocity adjacent to the wetted surface \e ot as depicted in Fig. P5.20. This region of reduced eas flow is called a boundary layer. At the leading edge of the plate, the velocity profile may be considered uniformly distributed with a value U. ATED All along the outer edge of the boundary layer, the fluid velocity component parallel to the plate surface is also U. If the x direction velocity profile FIGURE P5.20 at section (2) is w_ (x)? uv” \, develop an expression for the volume flowrate through the edge of the boundary layer from the leading edge to a location downstream at x where the boundary layer thickness is 6. From the conservation of mass principle avplied to the flow through the contro! volume Shown in the figure. a ip pada Az for sacompressible, Hlow i =PVLS fy)? a 24, AE)" ) where Lo = width of the plate we have " m é/ aud thus = LUL5 a * 3 5-205.22 How long would it take to fill a cylin- drical shaped swimming pool having a diameter of/0 m to a depth of 1.5 m with water from a garden hose if the flowrate is 1.0 liter/s? . deforming conto! Volume. From application of the conservation of mass principle % the contol volume containing water only as shown tn | the figure we have 2 fede + f Ada =O SI/r aL! Le for incompressible flow a¥_Q=0 at or iy t [er - af a | ° 0 j Thus 2 4-H# 2 RDA _ 2 (om) (1.5m) (1000 Ey) & 4a 4 (LO Liter) (700E or (63 EN GRE) te 32.7 bes 2)5.23 5.23 The Hoover Dam backs up the Colorado River and cre- ates Lake Mead, which is approximately 115 miles long and has a surface area of approximately 225 square miles. (See Video V2.3.) If during flood conditions the Colorado River flows into the lake ata rate of 45,000 cfs and the outflow from the dam is 8,000 cfs, how many feet per 24-hour day will the lake level rise? For the control volyme shown* ~----,---4 ! Fake Thin Mt = Hr {od Big 4 ed Wo! gy water Ope or since ”=e@, control surface Qin - Gout = a (Atateh) =Alake dh 3 * Thus, dh. Qwt~Qin (45,000 - 8,000) 590x166 = awit. ani" (snob <5, ¥ lake 225 mi * (s2s0Hty = s.s0x10° 2: (36006) 26-4) = 0-510, 0.510 fy §-2224 deforming $.24¢ Storm sewer backup causes your basement to flood at contre! Volume that the steady rate of | in. of depth per hour. The basement floor Contains water area is 1500 fi2, What capacity (gal/min) pump would you rent Qor rer to a) keep the water accumulated in your basement at aconstant =“! level until the storm sewer is blocked off, (b) reduce the water 7 accumulation in your basement at arate of 3 in./hr even while the backup problem exists? . flow ost flow in For a deforming contro! volume that contains the wafer over the basemen} floor (see Sketch above), the conservation of mass principle (Eg. 5-17) leads to a ys Zfpdt + [ pV. A dA =O z fe cS , or fr Constant tlaid density and area (A) Adh - @, + Q,, 20 mM dt “ i for part a, ©. | leads fo : Gag = Vin To evaluat Q;,, we use 9.4 With Qayp =P Thus, Adh . (50#) (1 %) ft). yas | ae arr he and 3 | ZI (5 (129 #)(7498 921 V5 = 56 gal Bout *) bo min) = EET, Br For part b, &g.1 yields Qt * ane a, et om ka NOE Ys) Que = 24 “tal25 deformrig control Gesu ——— Blaney i j > 5.25 A hypodermic syringe (see Fig. P5.25) is used to apply a vaccine. If the plunger is moved forward at the steady rate of 20 mm/s and if vac-~ cine leaks pass the plunger at 0.1 of the volume flowrate out the needle opening, calculate the FIGURE P5.25 average velocity of the needle exit flow. The in- side diameters of the syringe and the needle are 20 mm and 0.7 mm. Using a deforming control volume and the conservation of mass principle Cg. §:17) a3 outlined tn Example 5.8, we obfan (see Eg. 8 of Example 5.8) -PAM, + 9% + PAyy = O a Since = constant , Qe * we obtain from &G./ WAY, = AY , ; CGE BR» miter | and a Y= sm 5-245.27 5.27 _Ittakes you 1 min to fill your car's fuel tank with 13.5, gallons of gasoline. What is the approximate average velcoity Of the gasoline leaving the nozzle at this pump? VA 7 Q - (3.5 gal) nosile — nosgl 2 O min (7.99 $e oe) OF Anosse * Tron 7 TCR) assuming a. Otey wrt so oD = (as HRY f of gm 7033 le. 2 Coxhoe) VY = 1/24 Voeppe 5-255.28 5,28 A gas flows steadily through a duct of varying cross section area. If the gas density is assumed to be uniformly distributed at any cross section, show that the conservation of mass prin- ciple leads to aor apne p VA where p = gas density, V = average speed of gas, and A = cross section area, For a steady , one-dimensional fiw, the Conservation of mass principal leads + &%. 5.12 or PAV = constant Thus 4(pav) =0 or do Av+ pAdv+ pdaAV =o a) Dividing &1 by p~AV we obtain 41 Gro =O5.29 5.29 A 10-mm diameter jet of water is deflected by a homogeneous rectangular-block (15 mm by 200 mm by 100 mm) that weighs 6 N as shown in Video V5.4 and Fig. P¥29 Determine the minimum volume flowrate needed to tip the block. From the free body diagram of the block when if is ready fo tip £M, =O, or vy) ' Ry Lp, = Wy where Ry is or Dr w the fore that the water puts efi i | on the block. oJ! ea, re Wha, 60 (Em) 0.90N YO \ control surface A a Dag 0.050m . For the control volume shown the X-component of the momentym equation (up th da Ok cs becomes YeCWA=-Ry on ayer, Thos, Ve [__ 09” = ‘ (999) F(o.0 Hence, Lo Q
0U,A, = 24, An Thus & 4.01) may be exgtsied as fn (tg) = RAL ~ Fa BA or . aD 2 2 B= PA-BAL + (nu) =F, a -R De ~eu te, (,-u,) a7 and g< (18 wri > Goo tt ast ‘el 4a @ ie 7-06. émeues #) we (“4s “ = 352 Ib f= 382 5-285.31 531 A nozzle is attached to a vertical pipe and discharges, Water into the atmosphere as shown in Fig. PS.31. When the discharge is 0.1 m'/s, the gage pressure at the lange is 40 kPa. Determine the vertical component of the anchoring force re~ quired to hold the nozzle in place. The nozzle has a weight of 200 N, and the volume of water in the nozzle is 0.012 m°, Is the anchoring force directed upward or downward? m FIGURE P5.3% The analysis leading to the solution of this problem is similar to the one outlined in Example 5.10. Zncduded in the Contro| Volume are the nozzle and the water in the nozzle at an instant. Application of the verticel or @-dlivech’on component of the Wnear momentum equation CEG. 5-22) Yo the How through this contol volume (ads fo ogee m (v,sin 30°, ) = pA,- BW WB an) Sling Ey./ fo ae yields 4 PA,-We-w, -m (Y sin 30° ) @ For m we use m= PQ For We, we ce w = ¥% x Frm conserveton of mass we obtain @- 8, ye & Ap (con't ) 5-2953) Cton't ) Also we not that Ye a , FG2 becomes & - enh w,-#4,-02(f Stn 30” 2) = (yor ( ee yn E)(er)- WY ~ (0.012?) (4.8 ) (1000 we) ths “MHF (2 20 ms* Vio 5.01 6.012 \| | od - gm _ evel 0.00 m™ Oo dm ana F 4a 7 BOON ZOON-IIT.GN= ON = 482N downwara 5-30| | 1 5.32 Determine the magnitude and direction of the x and y components of the anchoring force required to hold in place the horizontal 180° el- bow and nozzle combination shown in Fig. P5.32, Also determine the magnitude and direction of the x and y components of the reaction force exerted by the 180° elbow and nozzle on the fiow- ing water. FIGURE P5.32 p15 9s: Vy = 5 tus For determining the x and y duection components of the anchoring force & Control volume that contains the elbow, nozzle and water between sections (/ Jand (2) is used. Th Contre! volume and the forces involved are Shown th the sketch above. Application of the y direction component of the linear momentum equation (Eq. §.22) Jeads to c=-9 ay = Replication of the xedirection component of the lincay momentum equation yields ~4eu,A,- upMA, = PA Epa a From the conservation of mass equation m= PUA, = pu a, @ Thus &. | may be expressed as ~p4h, (444) = BAWABA and Fa? Pa A(atu,) #24 + BA, = pa, E Alsé from 4.2 Ay x (eu) +P why OA, (con't) 5-315.32 (con't) (iain) (aaj mays Ae 5 [: fe Gea 5 aff sa) (iz J +(e) Be Fe = 1890 '6 a eo x For defermining the x and y components of the reaction force a control volume that contains only the water between sections (i) anc (2) is used. Application of the y direction component of the stnear momentum equation yields Application of the x dwechon component of the /weay momentum eguation leads to 2 1 2 R= 24, 82 (4+ Bu) + pre 7 4 TF ne nf or contro! volume 6in < es R, = 18% lo vate? for facia Section (2) R, 4 x 12 in. = 5-32[533] Wer ows seo fee es rom the ee ached to the pipe sown in Fig FO23 Tae a peed IS mye I ee ea ans py ae apie, Soom Be ind > use the Contre! volume Shown. Foy the x-component of the force exerted by the pipe on the tee we use the x- component of the linear momentum equation - VEYA, + beg A, =A, BA” BylAnAa)* E OP Ra hilt ka he BA) *B “RATE, ‘2 To get v, we use conservation of mass Q,= AQ, + @ or AV, =A,V, tA; so, = At Aa 2 CBmU(S™%) + (OSM IIS %) jamg ‘ A, dm To estimak Pig, We use Bernoulli's eguetin for How betwen (iandl2) Paese gu Fagase ae J] ? 2 Pp a fi a) {2% 1 As* sory) (om ty CEB) BL (2S) Pray 0(tH) =(2 3) ae Pgege «9,50 Now using GU) we A: 2 [Gesytin fog yin = Canes loesyeor ges) (27500 & Nin) +e or -72 oon: F, $0 = 72,00N <— For re y componant of the tore exer lee by Me pipe on the te we use fey Y Component of Fhe (inter momentum eqrahm fo get Wek 4225, (05 )A0 8 (15 F)(0.3m*) = 67 400N t 7 5-3353H 5.34 Water flows through a horizontal bend and discharges into the atmosphere as shown in Fig. P5.34. When the pressure gage reads 10 psi, the resultant x-direction anchoring force, Fay, Q=?—>} in the horizontal plane required to hold the bend in place is shown on the figure. Determine the flowrate through the bend and the y ‘bend in pl direction anchoring force, F,,. required to hold the wes =0.2 t? lace, The flow is not frictionless. m FIGURE P5.34 A cntel volume that contains the bend aud thewaler within the vend between sections (1) and (2) as shown in the sketch above is used. Application of the x ~ direction component of the linear momentum epuation yields © gage - 4p Q— V, cos #5°p A= pA F + fA oss" a) With ' 2 Eq.! becomes 2 : - Xe _ &pesis A, A, = Raia or ter part Cad -PA, + Fax ree. 3) A A, Qs a ‘You +H) 4 1yyo Ib Q= " 7 slugs Y 1 Io.s' ees 45 ae (a fa X slug. FF Ou tt" * ee) 3 Q= 1.01 te = 5 Coon't 5-34594 Ceon't ) for part (b) we use the y-direction component of the lineay momentum equation to get Foe V, sin 45" 9 - & sin 45° pQ or o ae a sin #8" p A, nd tyt (7.01 ) sings” (1.99 eat é Ib. ) evs Z | Jag, f+ D2 614 Ib Ay (0.01 #4*) 5-355.35 ‘Thrust vector control is a new technique that can be used to greatly improve the maneuverability of military fighter aircraft. It consists of using a set of vanes in the exit of a jet engine to deflect the exhaust gases as shown in Fig, PS.35, (a) Determine the pitching moment (the moment tending to rotate the nose of the aircraft up) about the aircraft's mass center (cg) for the conditions indicated in the figure. (b) By how much is the thrust (Force along the centerline of the aircraft) reduced for the case indicated compared to normal flight when the exhaust is parallel to the centerline? For part (@) we opply the ¢ eg uation that is perpenchcula the aircraft 4 the contents haa, ut Out (20 #4)(is00 $) si 8° +f) 7 stag. FF Mb.s* hom hv. so om iM 66,800 - Hook. ft-lb For port (b) we apply the ymomentury ejuato to the Yup 8 O Mgt Vig in Jo thst — thrush, 670 ork or trast, - torust and thrist eis “ 8° 479. ons ea 1500 ws 1 ef x vere omponent of the moment-of- nomena fo the plane of the sketh of of the conte] volume shonm h get fy = pitchiig moment "a - 4, (300 le ) = pits moment 7 stag At bes? = Pitehing smeratnt hor'zontel component of the linear | cmtents of He Umtro/ volume fo 9t thrust = (cor 07 asd) ma, (i500 €)(wxo-as e'\(6 ) 7 sus. fF 1b. 5* zz4 Io 5-365.36 Y §.36 The thrust developed to propel the jet ski shown in Video V9.7 and Fig. P536 is a result of water pumped through the vehicle and exiting as a high-speed water jet. For the conditions shown in the figure, what flowrate is needed to produce a 300 Ib thrust? Assume the inlet and out- let jets of water are free jets. 3.5 In, damier ute it m FIGURE P5.36 For the control volume indicated the x- component of the momentum vs equation 7 = fu pVindA=ZA becomes ts TT (V, cos30")e- VA, + V5 pla) Ay = Rx surface where we have assumed that £0 on the entire control surtace and that the exiting water jet is horizontal. With m= AV, =eAzVs &.() becomes Ry =m (Va - Vi cos 8) = PVA (Va- Vj cos30") a Also, AM =A,\4 so that y, ~ A = 28? y= 2.405, (2) a Z(3.5in)* | By combining Eqs. (1) and (2)+ R= evrA, (2.60 -cos30") or 300 Ib _ A Y= (94 sla) ( BE 3514) (2,60-c0s30" Al 2275 Thos, QAM = BER) (227 B23 90 5-375.37 5.37 Water is sprayed radially outward over { 180° as indicated in Fig. PS.3 The jet sheet is in the horizontal plane. If the jet velocity at the nozzle exit is20 ft/s, determine the direction and magnitude of the resultant horizontal anchoring force required to hold the nozzle in place. Sections) x FIGURE P5.37 The control volume includes the noz3le and war belueen sectans (1) and (Z) 45 indicated in the sketch above. Application of the Y divecton component of the Linear mementim equakon yields = Sve ViAdA = “5 cs Ay oF pre le Vices OY) ARde = phRYtinn-sino) and Fo=0 4) a Application of the X ditecton companent of the Iinear momentum eguation leads to Ta flarviidn = Fh ar 2 b= fern ayia) bee = phRY, (cts - corm) 4 and Gop fees (8 in.) (29 3 Bea ) ‘A, fe (72) te) fiz *) gf a = 4346 fe 5-385.39 | 5.38 circular plate having a diameter of 300 mms held perpendicular to an axisymmetric hor- izontal jet of air having a velocity of 40 m/s and a diameter of 80 mm as shown in Fig. P5.38. A. hole at the center of the plate results in a dis- charge jet of air having a velocity of 40 m/s and a diameter of 20 mm. Determine the horizontal component of force required to hold the plate | stationary. FIGURE P5.38 a The conbrol volume contains the plate and Foning ar as indicated th the sketd, above. Application of the bavizontal or x direction component of the. linear momentum equation yields -4 ees, + can ~~ fax = we z z 2 p= deuce th ujex (2-22) Ax or Tus 7 fe )s[¢ mn) san i - (v2 (as) 9 (90 "yobs Te a 9.27 N 5-395.37 ° 5.39 A sheet of water of uniform thickness (h = 0.01 m) \ flows from the device shown in Fig, PS.3%. The water enters vertically through the inlet pipe and exits horizontally with a speed that varies linearly from 0 10 10 m/s along the 02m length of the slit, Determine the y component of anchoring force Fay. necessary to hold this device stationary. cS q < ; 10 mis 1] 5 SS ‘ 2 m FIGURE P5.34 A contro] volume that contains the box portion of the device and the water inthe lax as shown in the sketch above is used. Application of the y-direction component of the linear momentum Agation yields ot =, : Rye LeVihan » °\ vi hdx ‘slit The variation of wv with x is linear o¥ ws SOx g Thus Oe a 2 3 OU F=f (GoxSndx > 9 (se) he | ° ° or a 3 FE = (ante Ys0 £Yo.01m) G2) (1 ws* | AY ms 3 3 “kgm and Fy? 66.68 5-¥0540 _| 5.40 The results of a wind tunnel test to de- termine the drag on a body (see Fig. P5.40) are summarized below. The upstream [section (1)] velocity is uniform at 100 ft/s. The static pressures change in the direction normal to the paper. Cal- culate the drag force (reaction force in x direc- tion) exerted on the air by the body per unit length normal to the plane of the sketch. Vp = 100 tis are given by p, = p: = 14.7 psia. The downstream velocity distribution which is symmetrical about the centerline is given by w= 100 ~ 30(1 Py) ly] <3 tt t h = 100 at section « a where wis the velocity in ft/s and Eorneiwl lc of the centerline in feet (see Fi te la on either side of the centerline in feet (see Fig. wGuae san tle P5.42). Assume that the body shape does not the contre! volume Containing aur tnly as Shovin in the Figure 1s Used. Application of the X direction component of the Inear momentum equation leads to aft -U,pUA, + 2 fuputy = or 3ft R= puh- ze] [120 = 30¢1- ae ay a e To determine the distance h° the constrvahion of mass eguation is aeplied between sections (1) and(z)as Follaws aft phy = zf pu dy Thus Se ho* é [pe 30(1- 2) dy or (ey (oss #) 7 HUA) h 5. ft Tnen trom &.} gz (Resta a #)Yentt) ms ine fe) 4? -zZ (Conese sat) (21,10 ft OMT 7) R= 171 tb pr ## of Length normal te the plane of the sketch yt 54S4l 541 The hydraulic dredge shown in Fig. P5.41 is used to dredge sand from a river bottom. Estimate the thrust needed from the propeller to hold the boat stationary. Assume the spe- cific gravity of the sand/water mixture is SG = 1.2. WFIGURE P5.41 Using The comtrl volume showm by the broben Jine in the “sketch, above we use the horizontad or x component of the linear momentum eguatin fe get FeaQA Mage 6, (69), TE vy, yeas" Where sectim / is where flaw enkrs fhe contro! volume verbally and section 2 is where Flr leaves he contro! Vokeme at an angle of 30° from the horizontal directa | tivecti Note that there is no horizontal dicection near momentum Flow at section ;. 2 Aas (s4 sep Mit) 1_Att) (30 # 20 es) emai ) Fe Shug 7 f= 65016 5-42S42 5.42 — Water flows vertically upward in a cir- | cular cross section pipe as shown in Fig. P5.42. At section (1), the velocity profile over the cross section area is uniform. At section (2), the ve- ke locity profile is ‘a R-1\". ~ eo vew (RS2 Ri where V = local velocity vector, w, = centerline ( 7 F hW pF h velocity in the axial direction, R = pipe radius, andr = radius from pipe axis. Develop an expres- sion for the fluid pressure drop that occurs be- tween sections (1) and (2). section “nh FIGURE P5.42 The analysis for this problem is similar yo the one of Example 5.13, The control volume contains the Fluid only between sections (/)and(2) a5 indicated tn the sketch. Application of the vertical or @ component of the linear momentum equation leads to -w, pw, A, + Papert = rh hate -W, Thus ue R-R = f -ew + pam a fe ( st) eae oy +w, ti) The weight of ra water in the ae volume may be wr, W, = gah The value of Wy may be obtained tram the conservation of mass equation as Follows, Pah, = ie (% 1) 'errar w= WA (2) an {"(et) rar. 4 To evaluate the tntepral f Ce r)irdy we substitute Rer Rg (3) & (con't) 5-435,42 | (con't) and. on : = 4g [Ce Rr) fede = [tenn Rae » He (s) Combining Es. 2 and S we obtnin a, = ‘e a” Thus trom &. 1 R 2 B-p = & = pure egg (Ce) 2geh (6) CG Hy To evaluate the integral S@ ery rdr we use ef. Zandt. Thus, ° , ” * #9 p> RV" idy = - j-w)Rde = t4R {® rdr fa ‘) fa 0 1 and &%.6 becomes R; 2 2 I ie he clea! gph Rs TR Note that in contrast + the result of Example 5.13, only a very smal! portion of the pressure drop is cue 1 @ change sn the momentum tow between sections | and 21m this case, P-RF + 0.02pu)," + gph 5-44EXE] §.43 Ina laminar pipe flow that is fully de- veloped, the axial velocity profile is parabolic, average velocity, 7, with the axial direction mo- mentum flowrate calculated with the nonuniform velocity distribution taken into account. that is, v=u[i-()] = as is illustrated in Fig. P5.43. Compare the axial direction momentum flowrate calculated with the i FIGURE P5.43 The axial direction momentum flowrate based on a unitorm velocity protile with uz is ME uipiz x, uniform A= pvaR The axial direction momentum flowrate based on the non- unitorm parabolic, velocity protile is (Ope [onnre- pur pert eH a) ME 2 PET “atom 3 To obtain a relationship between G aud Ug we use the conservation of mass equation, as follows veo epee Thus a= Me Zz and 4 pik = # ME ME me = F fa ee uniform idan54+ %5.44 — For the pipe (6-in.-inside diameter) air fiow data of Problem 5.(B, calculate the rate of flow of axial direction momentum. How large would the error be if the average axial velocity were used to calculate axial direction momentum flow? The vate of flow of axial director momentum, ME, , i calculakd with tJ R ME, = wemrdr = 20, edi Le @ [ wrrar where = 0.00239 *lug P tg a = focal velocity, tf ( trom Table of Problem 5.18 ) r= focal radius, in. ( from Table of Problem 5.18 ) R= ppe vadius, 3 in, The integral SL urdr Vs evalualed by numerical sntegra hon Using the trapezeidal rule wilh unesna) inkrvals. The computer progvam used tor this purpose /'s Listd on the next page. The result of numerical tniegration and solution of 9.1 is ME = 2.284 pare Tre average aqniel velocity, V, cam also be used to approximate the momentum Hor, ME, , with TE, = pV"A a eel Ms wien Vo ms. Mie eee - 2448 pA paRe (40280 89) C80)” - #7Cj2 ny Thus, 2 5 # B= (0.00238 Fs )(04-4 fy 1 (39) 2 0,278 slag fr * Re x) i aces 2 in: s 7g) Mu percent error sn opproximating the momontum flaw with average velocity is Me - slug ft slug ft (%e ay 7 oz 2g - 0.284 2) igo) Me (0.284 #13.f) Ee Can't) 5-465-44 | (con't) 200 210 20 1g 140 150 160 270 190 200 10 220 220 240 250 260 44 momentum flow rate for pro cus PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT Sea GOS IB BE Si LDO ooiobeispiabe bBo ee ‘ope Thie program computes the axial-direction 1%" ‘<4 momentum flow rate for problem 5.44 using ++" “yk the trapezoidal rule applied to unequal #%" ‘e intervals ne SSIS IBIAS DDE DODACI ORISSA II AAAS BEIIODE DE DIM UCSD, RAD ‘Initialize the variables w= 19 REO PI FOR I READ Rit oo2se » ATNCDD 170 ¥ >, UCD cb 7 i3t 20.71, 0 ° 2e.31, 1 4, 26.32, 2 2 1h6e, 3 7 integral using trapezoidal 2708 SUMS CU CT=2) “2aR I-29 4U C1) SAR CD) RET IOR 2 4 SUM SUES Soo CRSA ea adaE ESS UBSE OEE ogre computes the axial-direction 14 nem 5.44 using #4 yh the trapezoidal rule applied to unequal — ** intervals ro JRE GO OS DEO IE SEASIDE ODDIE OK ey 0.284 slug: ft direction momentum flowS45 Consider unsteady flow in the constant diameter, hor: izontal pipe shown in Fig. P5.45. The velocity is uniform throughout the entire pipe, but it is a function of time: V = uu) i, Use the x component of the unsteady momentum equation to determine the pressure difference p, — p. Discuss how this result is related to F, = ma, Using the control volume shown 1” the sketch and applyag the x component of the unsteady tnear momenture Ojuatiom fo The Contents of this CV we get 2 frud¥ + (puirnda = ZF, at wy cs 2 (euz 08) 0’ 100A, = RABAT P42A, = puUsA, assuming U,= ly at every vastant Fo = 0 assurnng te chionless How % Thus, mass iin CV taeal 44 ip cceleOlee for Gnd “An et St 4 5-485.46 5.46 The propeller on a swamp boat produces a jet of air_having a diameter of 3 ft as illusirated in Fig. PS. The ambient air temperature is 80°F, and the axial velocity of the Flow is 85 fUs relative to the boat, What propulsive forces are produced by the propeller when the boats stationary and when the boat moves forward with a constant velocity of 20 fUs? 3 ft diameter @ FIGURE P5.46 For the statlmary boat the horizowty! compment of the hineow omentum eguation applied to the conrds of the Conprat volume shown ry the Skekh above yields Fane © GM) PAM, shee Ye ae (2% Kt (ar BY) al Alege) Yarust \RTAG (533 File \/sy'e) 4 (223 bet 3 ft yew le 2.2 ett) E 27 b trust For the boat moving fornend with a speed of 20 ft, the Same Contat volume shown in the skekh above is used, however, the relative velrvity W is now pnporlard. Fim the horizontal Conporect of the. linear mamtrham eguater we get Foam = C= Wh) =A, (om) = me wlio) For the moving bak w,= 95 ft and w,=20 and so F =: 84.2 Yorust =547 A free jet of fluid strikes a 5.47. Of the total flow, a portion is de is not deflected. The horizontal and vertical c needed to hold the wedge stationary are F and ¢ as shown in Fig. mr apomeremaindet (01 u s of force Free jet spectively. he \ Gravy snegend ed speed eas constant. De wi eat a (2) The horizon | and vertical Components of the linear momentum egration are applied to the conkers of fhe Cont! volume shown to get ° ~ Yeu a, +% KA, +h cos PKA, =- F, 2) -Ysmnz0' oA, =F, (2) 5 ni be However View eh =a So OG. ()and(2) come. Vo (A,7 Ag cos 30° A) =~ Fy V2¢ Ay 517 30° = FL and . 3) Ae A, +3 tos 30°- Ay ¢ A 4, sm 30° From conservation of mass we get QA,
[email protected]
& or Av =AVvtrayv ot () 40" Ais Ait Ay Combating Ege. (Z) ancl (4) We ger 4, At A, cas 70° AAs Az (00s30 ~! 0.27 % As £14 30° Ay 50 30 The negahve sign dicater that Fis down rather far up as Shown ty the skelelr 5-505.48 5.418 Water flows from a two-dimensional open channel and is diverted by an inclined plate as illustrated in Fig. PS. When the velocity at section (1) is 10 ffs, what horizontal force (per unit width) is required to hold the plate in position? At section (1) the pressure distribution is hydrostatic, and the fluid acts as a free jet at section (2). Neglect friction. m FIGURE P5.48 A control volume that contains most of the plake and the Water being tumed by the plate as shown in the sketch above is used. Application of +he horizontal x- direction component of the linear momentum erpation yields =ViPVA\ + Vysin20’ pV A, = -Fagt £ ¥h, A, ay From conservation of mass we obtain Vek Me BY Thus, ey el toy unit width Veh, + (BMY sine phz -F + iy or Fax = £3,h, +r gh, - ( pv sind phe Then RR 4 Mb AB) aCe ££) (isu | fee 4 f+) camera (90 tar (123, and Faye? HB$.50 $50 A vertical. circular cross section jet of sectiyn(2) air strikes a conical deflector as indicated in Fig. PS.50. A vertical anchoring force of 0.1 N is re- quired to hold the deflector in the place, Deter- mine the mass (kg) of the deflector. The mag- nitude of velocity of the air remains constant. v= 30 ms FIGURE P5.30 To determine the mass of the conica/ deflector we use the stationary, non determing Contra] volume shown in the sketch above. Application of the vertical A/rectén Component of | the Vinear momentum eguation CEG. 5.22) 7 the cmknts of | this contro] volume yields | mV, + U cos 30°) = -F Ww, 1 a Cone or | = = Ss ° °) hone ne G = CNY, 05 30 = AY (y-ne0s20)- £0) | However | yr% | and | 7 | Thus &%.1 can be exgressech as = C ge y C-yes3)- A cone or G2 4 a Crm) (30 glee (ho Jt0s ni] O48 (981 HOG8 £) Ee and = 08 Mone 9Sol Water flows from a large tank into a dish as shown in Fig. P5.51. (a) If at the instant shown the tank and the water in it weigh W, Ib, what is the tension, 7, in the cable supporting, the tank? (b) If at the instant shown the dish and the water in it weigh Wz b, what is the force, F2, needed to Support the dish? Fw port 2 we apply Me verfrta! componert of the I/ntar momentum eghaton 4y the conknt ot Contr volume A, CY, % get Yet Aut = TM, Ta get wine of Mus we enply Bernoulli's esnahen fo the flow trom the bree sutra of lhe water in (he tank +o the tank out? fo get Vout = V29% = / @(322 # No #) Then frm &%.4) we get y Stas. ft 16.5” T= Ww 98 lb For part (a) ve appl, he vertical component of the Ineow meme rhum equation to the umknts of CY, to get ) Vinto inte = E-M @ To get ven eee Bernovlli's equation between ee surlace of a ft w4 and woley in Tank to ee Surtan of wake ia dish 7 get Vinte = |/ 29 Cythy) = 2(22.2# (wt ri2h) = 3768 ave - . . VAs For pa, we use from tonsortater of mass, 014 27 OF Pay ut %, vp dank So frm 2g (2) wt get 2 2 hh # 0.4 Ft) [1 les = F-W, (276 teylar eg fost)” 2 (ety) = oh anc Fy = + 14-7ib 5-535.52 552 Air flows into the atmosphere from nozzle and strikes a vertical plate as shown in Fig. P5.52. A horizontal force of ZN is required to hold the plate in place. Determine the pst reading on the pressure gage. Assume the flow to be incom- g pressible and frictionless. a rea = 0.01 m? m FIGURE P5.52 To determine the static qage pressure at stahen (i) we First consider the frictonless and incompressible flow of air from (1) te (2). The Bemoulli equation for this flow is 1 9946, Bee BO 0) g z ef We note that V, ard Vz ave linked by the continuity Conservation of mass) equation Qi=@, or AY, = Alva om Combining Eqs. |and% we obtain A 2 2 Poy (= ‘.) =~ () z To determine v, We use the linear womentim equation for the Flow fon (2) 4003). Fey the embed volume sketched above the linear momentum principle yields ~VaeV, Az = -9N er ana5.52 | Con't) Now, with Eq. 3 . low, wil Eg. (ts ‘e 4) eels or (a ean seer 3) 7%) 3 pouty it) (or and P= 1820N = 1820 Pa = 1.62 ‘Pa a mt ——=| $-555.54 S514 Two water jets of equal size and speed strike each other as shown in Fig, PS.54. Determine the speed, V, and di- rection, 6, of the resulting combined jet. Gravity is negligible. @ FIGURE P5.54 For the control lume shown in the sketch above the linear momentum equation for the x and y duections ave, for the x direction Va ev, h, + (Vc OD QVA =O a) and for the y direchon ~VQV,A, +(v sine) eVA =O (2) Also for conservation of mass we have (3) PVA, + PVA, - PVA = 0 From qs. | and 2 we get > Vakz 2 O80 _ oto WA, one 2 30 a2 7 2 (out & = cot Vike = cot [0 #) G |. 4s° Vi AL (lofty a8) Now, combining qs. 2 and 3 we get -ViA, + V4iN® (V,A,+V, AL) = © Sy ov via 2 MA uv sind (V,%,+VsAa) lofty Cutt) Oa — (Sinus? J [(1o ) resf +(10 ) paler ] 5-565.55 5.55 Assuming frictionless, incompressible, ‘one-dimensional flow of water through the hor- Section (3), section 2) izontal tee connection sketched in Fig. 5.55 , ee estimate values of the x and y components ofthe @2=) | oa force exerted by the tee'on the water. Each pipe 10 m/s has an inside diameter of 1 m. PAT FIGURE PS. 55 We can use the x and y components of the linear momentum eguation ( &%. 5.22) fo determine the x and y component of the reaction force exerted by the Water on the tee. For the contro! volume Contaming water th the tee, bg. §.22 leads to 2 R= PAAR, = REP + YoR, a and el a Ry RU BD UPAR @) The reaction forces in Egs. lama ave achrally exerted by the tee on the water in the contre! volume. The reaction of the water On the tee js equal th magnitede but opposite in dwection Conservation of mass (Ey. 5.4) leads to > 2 a 3 Ry =, @, =~ 4 TO som = oz) Elm) = 5:25 2 Ale A 5 BY TD = (6M) Tm) 2 4.712 mm By ; ¥ oo 4 5 ther &, ‘5.248 yey ( ) 5733 7, ia 7 lim) and 4 . 2 & jo % aa 2 fF) = 12.73” z 7 lam)* a a (con't ) $-57S55 Can't J Because the How is incompressible and frictionless we assume that Bernoulliz equation Cb. 5:74) Vs valid thrvghont the contr volume. Thus 2 2 fr 5% Bop (yk) = wth + on Bfew tng ie ee) BR = 137 kPa Also Ly 5 zy 4 2 y) (0 hl Bent A/ GK) = 200 He + Ore) bs ere (x * j RA OS or p= 195.3 Rie with &-1 . 2 (20600 N\T lp (6 vm 85) fan, myf/% ). e R (om A) mr CES OME \ (raw eimai and the x-dirtchin Compment of Sorce exerted by the wale on the tee is _/85 #N. With &.2 : Ry (95, 300 2 FE Gm) — (3200 8) (my «(e733 2 Yon 3) 52 or + (6.733 m)(a99 4g Notte WG nN Ry = 45, $00 =~ 4.2K cy 5 ee and the y-direction component of torce exerted by the water on or the tee is + 45.9 RN. 5-583.56 5. Water is added to the tank shown in Fig. P5.56 through 2 vertical pipe to maintain a constant (water) level. The tank is placed on a horizontal plane which has a frictionless surface, Determine the horizontal force, F, required to hold the tank stationary. Neglect all losses. Nae set ates 2625 ma? Frictioness suracey . = FIGURE P5.56 Applying the x-dnechon componert of the linear momentum equation to the contents of the contol volume sketched above we get VeVi hy - VoeVak, = F “ Using Bernoulli's equation +o describe the frictionless flow from the constant water surface level to the flow leaving ot stations (1) and (2) we obtain Va= y29ho (2) (>) and Vi y2gh, Combining Eas. 1,2 ands we get Fz 2ghedy~ heh, or FE =2(aai S)(ents ) Cr m)(6U5 met) (1 mn \(crsomet) > ——— > "UL (eco ae" (oe at nck 5-595.57 Water flows steadily into and out of a tank that sits on frictionless wheels as shown in Fig. P5.57. Determine the di- ameter D so that the tank remains motionless if F = 0. Applyrig the hevizenta! component of He lintar momentum eguobon to the contents of the contro! Vilume shown i the skekh we get: f VevV.a dn = ZF cS 7 _VieYA,- Yeh, + %P%A, =? 2 and _ wrens 7 Ces we o. a Since v,=%, =|fagn we obtain Vat ad 4D” w Fron the conservation of mass eration we get Q, = a, + or Va =v, D +d" Again, Fit. Vz, 2%, = \fagh We get Vid = yb 4 d* @ Lookin, at Os. (1) and (2) toythinr we Cone lude @) cannot be satiched If yoy &% BE) Chu be satisfied eg.6) Can be sakshed ee 6) Canned be setithed 4.0) tan be sakshed wik b20 FO Cam be satithed with 220 (2) So eV, end 0-0 hy must lee set Se that 6 ye Vegh = 5-60s of each is atmospheric. and the flow is incompressible. The contents of each device is not known. When released. which ‘The four devices shown in Fig. P5.58 rest on ftiction: devices will move tothe right and which tothe left? Explain Jess wheels, are restricted to move in the x direction only anc me are initially held stationary. The pressure at the inlets and outlets. of y Bh _ 2) +} ca: 7k we apply he horizontal 9 \ it = t A J} component of the linear momentum eguation to the contents of the control volume oft peste) (broken lines) and determne the (;) & am Tome sense of the anchoring fora. F,- aye If — & in the direction © Shown in the sketches, motion will be to the left. Tf Ee Jn a direction opposite to that shown, the mohon is fy the right. ZF 6,20, there is 0 horizontal motion. For sketch (a) “Meu Aa, -Yeya = F, Since Fis to the left, motion js fo the right. Po sketch (b) -VPUA, + Keka, oF and from conservation of waass PVA, =P uA, and since v,>v,, then fF ix to the VeFt ancl mation is to Me right. For sketd, (c) (nok: flow is mnt CVat (1) -Veva
) We use te Bemoulli equation again to oblain the Following equation far the stagnation tube deceleration 2 BR + Me Fetes (a) Rar Pair For the manometer, we obtain with the equation of hydrstatics Paim + h h - vos mano Waler mano Air ee 3 (Ss) With P= » we get by cambiring Egs. + and 5 Pate V2 Prva ( Baste) (er Rair Coon't > 5-655.62 (con't ) Combining Eqs. 12,3 and & we obtain Rye 2 hvna vo (See walker ) 9 Tdi +005 30°) Raw or p= 267m Cor Hy) (ain Fv 60590") aed) 12 ine yy 4 and R= 296 This ig the foe exerled hy the vane onthe Flomng air The fore exerted by Hu flowing air exerts on the vane is equat in mognitade bict opposite in direction (tothe right) 5-665.65 5.65 A 3-in.-diameter horizontal jet of water control contre! strikes a flat plate as indicated in Fig. P5.65. De- Volume te Value termine the jet velocity if a 10-Ib horizontal force i is required to: (a) hold the plate stationary; (b) 4 = 10 | = 10m allow the plate to move at a constant speed of 10 ote h ft/s to the right, - The contro! volume shown in the sketch ts used. The stationary plate case is considered Hist. Application of the horizontal or xX- direction component of te Mihear momentum eguation ylelds =u puh, = -Fax or (2s) (le Fax ero F ! Thus fob) z L9# Slugs pia & in). —S ) (2 B) fag B Stag FF , andy, = (02 # stethneg? 7 ae When the plate moves to the right with a speed, U=10 #t, the x-direction component of the linear momentum equation yields -(u,-U)p (u- UV) A, F or as a Ue (fax) + (ae 1 5, “ e AX : ## «Gh ry + : yo tt = 20.2% moving plate 5-675.66 | Sse A Pen va edn tren ce anh gal cross-sectional jet of water symmetrically as indicated in Fig. evolu volume. 5.66 and Video V5.4, The jet leaves the nozzle with a veloc- < ity of 100 ft/s. Determine the x direction component of an- choring force required to (a) hold the vane stationary, (b) con- fine the speed of the vane to a value of 10 ft/s to the right. ‘The fluid speed magnitude remains constant along the vane ) 1 surface. 45 4s 7 @ ® FIGURE PS.£6 (aTo determine He x-diiection component of anchoring farce reguired to held the vane stationary we use the stationory cantrol velume Shown above. and the x- diechin compenent of The lintor montntium equation (Eg. 5-22). Thus, B= myn yeosys*) =PAY, Cgrtenrte) = 0 TL. U(Grgasts) fg = Cor tay Cris C00 $) 02 FI elep cre J, ) NB 7 or and 6 ~ Hs (h) To determiie the X-driection component of anchoring tree reguired 7 confine the vane to a constant speed of (0 Ere the right we use 4 control volume moving to the right with a sted of /0 Pg and the x- divection component of the lintar momentim equation toy a translating contral volume Cég. 5-294). Thus, > o) Ee eAw, (we Wees ts¢) = eh Ww, (W, * We costs’) a We note that ‘a t= ptt Wwe v- wtt = 100 won get Thus, &g.1 leads to deer tk a =(0a0 stage) Cn > Go wet report £y) z FAS 4 U2 ey = 146 Me F #6 16 5-68$67 5.67 How much power is transferred to the moving vane of Problem 5.66? Power = EV , where from Problem £.66 Fa =1¥60 Thos, (ide 1b) C10 ) eee ~ 2.65 hp Keer £4.1b = s hp 5-675.68 5.68 Water enters a rotating lawn sprinkler through its base at the steady rate of 16 gal/min as shown in Fig. P5.6B, The exit cross section area of each of the two nozzles is 0.04 in.? and the flow leaving each nozzle is tangential. The radius from the axis of rotation to the centerline of each noz- zle is 8 in. (a) Determine the resisting torque required to hold the sprinkler head stationary. (b) Determine the resisting torque associated with the sprinkler rotating with a constant speed of a 500 rev/min. (¢) Determine the angular velocity 16 savin of the sprinkler if no resisting torque is applied. gS FIGURE P5.68 Nozzle exit area = 0.08in2 “R stationan contrel Volume This is stmifar to Example §.17. (a) To determme the resisting Torgue reguiied te hold the sprinkler head stationary we use the moment -ok momentum fergue equation (&%. §.50). Thus, = 1, Toate = 772%, = 2OR%, w Por Vg, we use y et oe 47 & = M 8 rape 2 (0.04 nV wee 1 (60 2. 7 in. a EB a BCS) Vu = 6417 EF With Eg. we obtain = 94 alle ge _ Waa La i) nats (7-46 wi )(eo 2 J h2 ta and a . FFM Cua te 2.96 Io (b)To determine the resisting torgue associated With sprinkler speed of 500 rev we use Eg./ afain. Howevey, with rofahion we hae min ye W-U, (2) er 2 For Wwe use a. (6 S(t 6417 5566] (con't) Thus with 2% we have : He f Vy = 647 Et - 34.9 F = 2926 and with &%./ we ebyam i x le = (94 sg (ib $4! XE in 09-26 F Mie) ay --a—=7 coe rs " Sshatf (re eV BOB) fe? r= 35 FA Shaft = (To dekermine the angular velocity of the sprinkler If no resishag is applied we use the Combination of €s. | and 2 torgue 10 obfath usm, or ff in. w= Ww, 2 7 ENB) 96.3 08 K C8 i.) ‘ The rotor speed, M, is thus W 2 (47 rad) Con)» 920 188 ° “(20 rad ) _” rev — 5-715.69 i peosZ] Note ext aren nema Five liters/s of water enters the rotor shown in Video : relative velelty = 18 vm V5.5 and Fig. P5.69 along the axis of rotation. The cross- sectional area of each of the three nozzle exits normal to the relative velocity is 18 mm?, How large is the resisting torque required to hold the rotor stationary? How fast will the rotor spin steadily if the resisting torque is reduced to zero and (a) 8 = 0°, (b) 8 = 30", () 6 = 60"? ore and oh cy m FIGURE P5.69 To determine the tongue required 1 hod the voter stationary we use the moment of- momentum torgue eguation (4.5.50) Yo obtain Tonate = up up OO a We note that mapa (2) and a Vour = @) ‘out Anesyle cuit Combining Es. 1,2 and 3 we get rw LR tay 005 8 oy ‘shaft F Anzzte exit To determine the rotor angular velocity associated with 3ero shatt torgue we again use the moment of - momentum trpue eguation (&%. 5-50) to obtain, this time with rotahon, = " Ce - Toate 7 Sat WY guy 8 8 = Coup. ) Zo) We note that hep > "our @) and woe @ ” out F Anos exit (con't )569 (con't) Combining 435.256 and 7 we get a tose - @ Tynafe * 2eby CE ‘ne +”) me Q@) Fon 62 0° we use op # ae Crate * ibers . or “oes ‘hee “) Z aN (18 mm) = 23/ M Tat) © =” From Eg. 8 we obtain tr Thay =? ; we BOO _ & tke) (es0*)(1000 2) 7 FA, be, tose oat wt 3 lemm*)(:900 (8 YO5m) =" for @> 0" we use bg. 4 % get r . (0% BIE (He yes s0ty(o00 aera Shale D 2 . (90 ay (s)he) Tanase = 200 Mm From 9-6 we obmin fr Tay > 2 CPE) bas 0°)(000 = . C18 mm) (006 VENA. m) (C) For @ 2 60° we use &.¥ Yo get - (94 9) G Her )"(0.5m )Ceas bo*) (1008 me) 998 BG tery oSm) Ces 0°) (OE) Gy oa iL — =F g wes r shaft ex (14% te2F (3) (17mm) ov = Mm Spa fe 7 LE” Frm & 5.8 we bubun tv T= ° _ CS YA) (c0s 608) (1000 2) = 92.5 rad Cliamanfioce in 5m)5.7 871 the direction shown in Fig. P5.7/. The inner radius, r3, of the blade row is 2 ft, and the outer radius, ris 4 ft. The absolute velocity vector at the turbine rotor entrance makes an angle of 20° with the tangential direction. The inlet blade angle is 60° relative to the tangential direction. The blade outlet angle is 120°. The flowrate is 20 ft*/s. For the flow tangent to the rotor blade surface at inlet and outlet, determine an appropriate con- stant blade height, b, and the corresponding power available at the rotor shaft. ‘A water turbine whee! rotates at the rate of 50 rpm in Section (1) Since m FIGURE P5.7/ Q= 27rbe, then the blade height, b, is determined with = a) 207 Ie, The shaft power, Wepeee , is ablarate! with the moment of -mementum net out power equation C&%.5.53)- Thus, Woy = (GN, 7 Ue.) = PQCU%,tUY,) net out ” “ow and the use of “#" or “~" with U Vg, depends on whether Yo, To determine the value of VR, we use the velcity triangle at section (1). Thus, we have 15 opposite to or in the same direction as U, respectively es +Uu (3) tan zo* However U, =5w (con't)57] Gon't) thus a leads to ap tad enw GF (50 rom y(27 rep gsi ft es) i) ~ eneet) — Gains ~ ima’) © e) With &q.1 we obten 2 b= @o#) = 0.0825 ft 2m(4#4)( 965! Ht) For the blade velocities wn £g.2 we get Uzhw< (4 #4) (50mm) (27 4) _ on gy FE 1 fay 5 e = (aH wi rad U, = hw e att) (5orpm) ( 27 me) - aay tt 605. F tin : For Va, we use the velocity triangle at section(;) obtain Vy, = ee 2 ee ” Yan 20° tan 20° + For Vg, we construct the sechon (2) velocity triangle sketched below Vg, not te scale ) uo, and we realize that ° Vor * Vga tan 30° - U (4) From Cy of mass Ya? Man . aula) > = (651 1 +) = asf Gon't ) §-75SH. @on't) 50 with Eqy.4 we obtain (193 ft ten 30° 10.47 fF = 0.673 tt 5 F 5 Yaa ~ Finaly with &9, 2 we oblin Wat, = (oor ary fe fF Yeon gest) tow goer) Or ; 4 = 21x10" F4lb Wrath AS = net out ang 18x10" fl Woratt ~ ZF 2326 hp net out 550 fle Shp 5-76FIZ 5.72 An incompressible fluid flows outward through a blower as indicated in Fig. P5.72. The shaft torque involved, Ts, is estimated with the following relationshi Tan = thor where rit = mass flowrate through the blower, r; = outer radius of blower, and V;2 = tangential ‘component of absolute fluid velocity leaving the blower. State the flow conditions that make this formula valid FIGURE PS.7Z The tlow conditions that make Crate = 5 Mea a Valid may be identified by comparing €3./ With tye axial component of &%. 5-42. These Conditions are a. statonary and ren - deforming contol volume (see stekh above) b. steady -th- the- mean Flow ce. negligible Shear stress torgue with vespect te» axis of relation ad %,-0 « no torgue with respect te axis of relation due to normal stresses f uniform distribution of Vg, 5775.73 | Vaz = 30Ms 5.73 The radial component of velocity of water leaving the ‘centrifugal pump sketched in Fig. P5.73 is 30 fi/s. The mag- nitude of the absolute velocity at the pump exit is 60 ft/s, The fluid enters the pump rotor radially. Calculate the shaft work required per unit mass flowing through the pump. m FIGURE P5.73 Yume The stationary and non-detyring control volume shown in the sketch above is used. To detrmsine the shatt work per unit mass, Wopaky » WE Can Use 3. S54. Thus Wehate = Moa a The blade speed 1%, can be ablaned as Allows, mrad) ft = ff U,= mw = (05 ft )(ee0 ree Y(2 Nees) 105 Fs The tangential velocity, V,., can be obtained as hiiow!, 1 eas 4 Z “Ww = j Pee ft Moa 2 O2- Vey = [loot (208) ] = 82 # Thus, from €.1 : ft tt) (14% _) _ 5460 ttle shaft (les BY 52 !) (Sex) —— shag Bp 578@ = 230 ATiin [5.74 | 307 contro! 5.74 A fan (see Fig. P5.7#) has a bladed rotor Volume —~s t 7 of 12-in.-outside diameter and 5-in.-inside di- a ameter and runs at 1725 rpm. The width of each i fh rotor blade is 1 in. from blade inlet to outlet. The tah volume fiowrate is steady at 230 ft'/min and the \i2in } absolute velocity of the air at blade inlet, Vi, is He eto purely radial, The blade discharge angle is 30° measured with respect to the tangential direction at the outside diameter of the rotor. (a) What toran would be a reasonable blade inlet angle (mea- 1 i sured with respect to the tangential direction at Nall the inside diameter of the rotor)? (b) Find the = Oo power ete on he an mou est, HL The stationary and non- deforming contol volume shown in the sketch, abwe is used. To determine a reasonable blade thlet angle we assume that the blade shonld be tangent fo the relative velocity at the inlet. The silet Velocity triangle 1s sketched below. With the velocity triangle, we conclude that y gle, = ror" (4) o @ ‘an & . a 2 & BVO) ait A oanrh, 5 in. C1 in.) (608. ; 2m (25 inj(1 (6S ) and id VU = hw = 25 in) (He5 Gn 28) - 376 # io (12 605, ft. C min Thus with &g.1 ‘ag. #) as G51 57}57 (con't ) The power reguired, Wa » may be obtanied with Eg. 5.53. Thus Vv. @) = mu shat 2% Gt The vaass flowrate , riz, may be obtared as follows i. - tn, = PR = (23x00 slugs\/230 #1 )enasiilg a P rn f b0 5. =z i> Also rey U, = po = Gin rlt28 Fi)" BE) 90.3 (2 & ) (60 & ) a The yalue of Ye. may be obtemed by Considerin Phe velecity | triangle fov the tlow /eaving the yotor at sectin(2. The | relative velocity at the volw exit is Considered t be tangent to the blade there. the vot exit flow velocity wlangle is sketched below. uy | (230 8 (v4) Batt, _ (bm 11m He Tan 30" fan 30° 3 1 Ib 12 X10 she (90-3 Hy(ett Mist) = 534 ae 5-305.75 | 5.75 An axial flow gasoline pump (see Fig. 5.75) consists of a rotating row of blades (rotor) followed downstream by a stationary row of blades (stator). The gasoline enters the rotor ax- ially (without any angular momentum) with an absolute velocity of 3 m/s. The rotor blade inlet and exit angles are 60° and 45° from the axial volume i \! 1 direction. The pump annulus passage cross sec- tion area is constant. Consider the flow as being 1 tangent to the blades involved. Sketch velocity 1 triangles for flow just upstream and downstream =. _ 3 mys sane of the rotor and just downstream of the stator oN | mean radius blade where the flow is axial. How much energy is added t es to each kilogram of gasoline? i 1 Av | 5 on tl 1 Volume GURE P5.75 The velocity triangle for flow just upstrtam of the rotor is sketched below tor the arithmetic mean radws LN \e3m 5 With the triangle we conclude that we & . GF) Lb m cos 60° Los bo° a 1 and . usw sin 60° = (6 m) sino = 5.2 ™ u ' * font) a 5 al9.75 | lon't) The velocity triangle tor tlow just doumstream of the rotor is sketched below tor the ame mean vadus. ko incompressible flow Vy, =. For mean vradids tla UY. Thus tor relative tow Fangent to the blade we obtan the velocity triangle sketched below. With the triangle we conclude that y= U- Wi, = U- Y, tents = 5.2 tn rm) tan is" 220 " Also , Qe ‘or (ie ) = tan! (22 2) 4. a ate % et g FB) Wie we 2 254 gy wos 4s? cos 15° a V2 Men OB) ogy os 8, cos 36.2" - usiig the stationary and non-detorming Conkel volume shop, above tn the first sketch of this solution and Eg. 5.54 we Can calculate the energy added 1 each hg of gaol pape 7 Ue Maa = 02 222 OY) A The velocity triangle Soe the stator exit fon ig? deelened ve a=3E = ee Nie 82[E72 5.26 A sketch of the arithmetic mean radius blade sections of an axial-low water turbine stage is shown in Fig. P5.76. The rotor speed is 1000 rpm. (a) Sketch and label velocity triangles for the flow entering and leaving the rotor row. Use V for ab- solute velocity, W for relative velocity, and U for blade veloc~ ity. Assume flow enters and leaves each blade row at the blade Contra Volume, angles shown. (b) Calculate the work per unit mass delivered Looat atthe shaft. net! ie Combo} volume : 1 Blade sections YN atthe arithmetic 1 mean Tadus \ FIGURE 8.76 45°\/! Nees: The velocity triangles tor the thw entering and the tow leaving the voter row at the avithmehe mean radius are sketched below. v WN e Vy M, At the arithmetic mean vadius, the blade wlocity ,U, is Uo in.) 1900 Ie (am fad ) Us2eU= rwe we Ue fois mn NT ev! 523 4 CR) Cn) . With the velocity triangle for the flow entering the rot we conclude ttt Visin 70° = Ve 4 sin oer a) V cos 70 =y, Q W , sints” = Vg U @Q W , costs"= Vy, (con't) 4) 5-835.76 | ‘con't ) From the vatio of Egs. 3 and 4 we oblan tands’ = Voi- VU Yr which when combined with Eqs. | and 2 yelds tans’ V, sin 70° -U in = V cos 70 ° or Lb saat = ~ ae e _ [in 70° - (cos 70°)Ctan 48°) [rin 0° (os riffants 7] = ¢76tt v, = eree! Then Vp, = V, 801 70° = (6264) a 70° = 82.3 ft Y= ft a) #t Vv, 03 7% (sf) Cost’ = 24.4 and # Yur, (244 ¥) = 42.4 f cos 45° Cos ¥g¢ s With the velocity triangle fey the tow leaving te rotor we conclude that . W os YW? = Vou ~@ | Yo, 7 Un Wsints wo | vz sina, = Vo, 2) | (@) Vi ws ™, = Vy2 From tre conservation of mass equation = = 29.9 4, = 4% = 2098 (con't ) BF5.76 | (con't) Thus trom &.5 Wo = Me = O08) La > cos 45° cos 4s? a and trom 5 b = ns? = 52.3 Ft 4 Ft) sin 22.4 FF Yo, = UW sits 52.3 ft - (tat #4) sins za4 ft The vatio of &%s. 7 and & yields a: wui' (ee) « for G24f)7] | 37° Yaya (2448) and trom by. 7 # - Ga.4 tt y= Ver G4) ane # Fin a, sin (37°) 5 We can use Eg. 5.54 te calaulate the work per unit mass delivered at the shatt. Thus | “spate ~~ U%G, tO, | \ w, = |- (52.3 tt)(o23 tf 3 ft fA//1 be | “shaft Fé t)(6 #) u ( east ig. # 2 3190 ft. 1b “spate = — 222 5- 855.77 5.77 Skeich the velocity triangles for the flows entering and leaving the rotor of the turbine-type flow meter shown in Fig. 5.77. Show how rotor angular velocity is proportional to aver~ age fluid velocity. W FIGURE P5.77 (Courtesy of EG&G Flow Tech- nology, Inc) For a section of the turbine blade at radius 1, the blade moves tangentially with a velocity U= @, The velocity tangles may be shekhed @s4 shown. Ww Zs vy U U 62 Ww fe \Me UU \, 62 Using &3. 5.50 We get These SMM 5 (Kp Fev neanly 3010 Tehaft O= Vt U = Vy amp, — rod G2 So Co = Va te% —— 5-86576 | 5.78 By using velocity triangles for flow upstream (1) and Gownstream (2) of a turbomachine rotor, prove that the shaft work in per unit mass lowing through the rotor is Vi + Vi+ U3 - Ut + WE- Wygg = BE where V = absolute flow velocity magnitude, W = relative flow velocity magnitude, and U = blade speed. Any set of velocity tWiangle tor flew thomgh a furbemachire rotor row would give the same result, we use the tangles of Fig. P57 uy v 2 Ve Gi) and 2 2 Vos wey - ‘y Way 2Uy-Y 2) Combjning Es. 1 and % We obtam 2 2 op ry,= 17 u (2) 1 et 2 From the outlet flow velocity triangle we get 2 2 iu Vin = ao Mes w and ” 1 =w” C 2 2 2 Vv. -y> Vy Mi (U4) Whe 2g, ©) (con't) 5- 87578 | (Con't) Combining ys. and § we obtain _ Wt i) q4,° > g Zz For the set of velocity wianghs Ose 7 UM, + OC, Vax @ het in Combining &§S. 3,6 ama 7 we obtain 2 2 2 2 “e¥Ure Un ew Ww, spate net in 2 5-88977 5.77* Summarized below are air flow data for Upstream of Rotor Downstream of Rotor Absolute flow across a low-speed axial flow fan. Calculate Absolute the change in rate of flow of axial direction an- Axial Tangential Axial Tangential Radius Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity gular momentum across this rotor and evaluate Tana Ta a) (is) the shaft power input involved. The inner and fom)_tnis)_ ns) rE or outer radii of the fan annulus are 142 and 203 as ° ee 8 268 mm. The rotor speed is 2400 rpm. 1 3203 a 37224 m3 Rot o | MHL ws 03D 8 7H mm 0 6 ° o he change tn vak of How of axial direction angular rasmen tom across the rotr, A FAM, , /s evaluated with 8 lo bFam, = [rite eM s20ds - fr % : or ‘ | ara, = 202 Uf hal a | % where 1p and 1, are fon annulus tintr and anter rt Kandy, are local radii at stction (2) dtunshtam of fan rote gna section (j) upstream of tim rotor Vy, 40d Ve, a7 local absolute tangentia) velocity at sections(z)andli) Yoga Vey As Suggested by EG: E45 = AFAM, ave local axial velocities at sectlons (2) ane (1) Taft @ and &.2 is evalua tee tropezeidal rule with uneven intervals. The program list and Yesults are on tha next page. The shatt power input Wie , is Cvelrake with &y-5.97. Thus, fed numerically with & comput pryrin that ubires Werett * “hep ? (3) fg 3 15 waluated by the compuk’ pI* Sram Usk on the next page: (am't) 5-8F577] (Con't) 200 CLS 110 PRENT Sb o aoa adda OFA aE Ade OCH AOAC ARERR OC IE” 120 PRINT "rx This program computes the change in rate of ¥#" 130 PRINT "4% azial-direction angular momentum and power +4" ia PRINT “Xx input for problem 5.79 Using the trapezoidal #*” 150 PRINT "xt rule applied to unequal intervals. oo 260 BREET ‘Ub RH CCE SOC OO OG dE Ho FR CE OFAC OEE ETI 170 PRINT 180 DIM UXUC19), UTUCI19>, UXDC19), UTD(19>, R«19) 190 200 ‘Initialize the variables 210 N= 7 220 RHO = 1.23 230 Pl = 4! * ATNC1t) 240 RPM = 2400! 250 FOR I = 1 TON 260 PEAD R¢1), UXUCID, UTUCIY, UXD(I), UTDCT> 270 RI) = RCI) / 1000! 280 NEXT I 290 DATA 142.0, 00.00, 00.00, 00.00, 00.00 300 DATA 148.0, $2.03, 00.00, 32.28, 12.64 310 DATA 169.0, 32.03, 00,00, 32.37, 12.24 320 DATA 173.0, 32.04, 00.00, 31.78, 11.91 330 DATA 185.0, 32.03, 00.00, 21,50, 11.35 DATA 21.08, 00.00, 29.64, 11.66 00.00, 00.00, 00.00, 00.00 2 TON EU C1) XUXU C1) AR G1) °2HUTU C11) KUKU I~ 1) xR I-19 72 DCL) #UXD¢ 1) ¥R CL) “2+UTD (1-1) XUXD (I-12) #RCI-1) °2 = SUMU + TEMPU * (RCI) - R(T ~ 1) 7 2! SUMD + TEMPD * (RCI) - RCI - 1)) 7 2! * SUMU
FOR , URE uy, 7 = g Jo determine vi and Ve we lenshuct the sketched bela (con't) “shaft @) hetin Q@) G3) velecity triangle 5-965. (con't) With the velocity triangle we concluce that y = @%) . 40 # ¥ 5 60° and Vg, = Y Sin 60°= (40 #) sin 60° = 34.64 i Since the flow leaving the rot is radial , then - 5 ft Ye Mae Zor From &y.F we obtain loss = (24 ‘aor Bi a} fet) Oars zt) Aagn 4) BO 2 or A = (eB (inea 3h a Joss = WG thle aed Stu The efficiency May be oblained wi th _ actual work ont U, Vo, achral woe ont + Joss UNM, + loss 1 Vo, (ot Hy, & - Gott) (34,69 2) ‘1g ) - 0% 4 a Fb Cefn (icn) ali 5-4975.85 3.85 How much available energy is lost during the process shown in Video V5.7? AUl of the potential energy lost v moving Som the ty of the toy te the bottom. 5-985 What is the size of the head loss that is needed to raise the temperature of water by 1°F? This is similar to Example §.22. From . 5.76 we have 0 assumed = loss Joss = © Chg- ") on 4, SCIAP) and he? & Coy Ie A, aa (ons nf Yew aH) A, = 178 ft 5-995.81 5.87 A 100-ft-wide river with a flowrate of 2400 ft'/s flows over a rock pile as shown in Fig. P5.87. Determine the direc- tion of flow and the head loss associated with the flow across the rock pile, @ FIGURE P5.87 To determine the dicho of flav we will assume a antchin, Use the energy epratien CE. Set) and cakulak the head loss, If the head me is positive, our assumed ditch), of flow is cowed. It the head focs is negative whith is not Physically possible, oar assumed director of How js wrong. So, assuming the Flow js tum vight f lef) ov tam pont (1) ” re in The sketch above, we get using 65.5 ee . 3 0, 70 shah work, y v 2 hr % 2+ Wyp2s By eon re . F Ww af) 2 6 4 i, B-2 = L "29 ag , > 2(22#) “obey hy = 0.32 FE and since A, 1s positive, our assumed right left Flow i's cowect y" #, * h = wow, GH) _(e at + 48-2 5-1005.88 3.88 _ If a-hp motor is required by a ventilating fan to pro- duce a 24-in, stream of air having a velocity of 40 fis as shown in Fig, P5.88, estimate (a) the efficiency of the fan and (b) the thrust of the supporting member on the conduit enclosing the fan, 40 tus + B FIGURE P5.88 (a) The solution te this port of the problem is like Examyph 524. We use 7 Wshate > caleulake the fan efficiency, We use the enorgy equation(].532)br How trough the contol vélume shekhed above to calculak the loss as Wehahe ~ M55 follows aaa ky wy, — oss Phos: Bekeos "tpt But Rzp awd 2-25 Y20; wets = AL ; a retin Tn Aso mm pA = TAY, So a 2 loss = Wshatt — Va = fe. 4 het in z zai z RAY /* 2 Ft dou = PME) Go Bt) 2 FP 14.2 Lb Vid infor |) 2Hin- 2 Mew EGE] (op) Re) 3 FA y (993 2 soe) 4 ont ) 51015.88 | (con't) Joss = 44 7% _ 248 Hb 279.2 14 - thn Iona Try * we le 9.2 FEL 7* on fom 0. 44 Fh Him For (b) We use the hovizonts! Component ot the Intar Momentum egnahn. % evaluate fe anchoring tn reguired % hold the far in place Flo= Ym AX Fran part Ce) in’ 24 in. ff Pray. Orde rae) (SEVP) RT z (Fo 8 ew FAG at Vien) 1 4 ny = 9.41 then Ss Jo Fez (yo #6") _ 1n7 bb “” (372 aft = Ib. F* $- 1025.89 Air flows past an object in a pipe of 2-m diameter and exits as a free jet as shown in Fig. P5.89. The velo pressure upstreim are uniform at 10 m/s and 50 N/ tively. At the pipe exit the velocity is nonuniform as indicated. ‘The shear stress along the pipe wall is negligible. (a) Determine the head loss associated with a particle as it flows from the p= 50Nm® y- 10 mis uniform velocity upstream of the object toa location in the wake at the exit plane of the pipe. (b) Determine the force that the air puts on the object, (2) To determine the 105s suffered by a flaid particle as it flows from () to a location im the wake at (2) we apply the energy eguaton (é. 5.84) to that particle tow fo get: oO ate wy Bru, Ter BE a, “) fi are 3 - & yr y i 745% 2 a a om - OS.) - WF) OF), 45 ™ (#4) 2 (asim) 2(9.812) To determine the head loss associated with the entire flew Gcress the object we use the non-uns Pm How energy eyuahon C&- 5.99) fir flow from U1) % G@) ia The Contre! volume shown ro the sketch fo get: . Ai ifr Te fs fe 4 x 2g 5 4 From Eg. 586 we get: fe 4 a aA — PV.ARoAA ay LL eVinda _ z — . Se Ce 5 GF. i a aZ.) &4.(2) becomes yeaa ae he L # pv aa Ae ttt x a eva) at Oy es (con't) 5-103SIF) (con't) 3 2 yA m or vt / YamAy, + 7% 7F Ae fit a-Z ae so 9 F Yo tie * ee Aan FOG ‘ pot (ey. (iaz'r [lente inal) * Gad) 2ofafia) ite Fate le pyle (az ym Endetnd) hy = 25m (b) 78 determine the force that the air puts on the object Ky, we use the horizontal component of the inear momentum Lgrahom to ere ~pY “4 rpY and thas R, = PA, +04, ~ ‘ae 4a 21a) ge ( ae + (03 Py 2%) ny nc) mg -123 Y 3 4 flosialeste Hl may J) R= oN ‘~ =— ag Aiag “the 4,7 F4,- Ry 5-1045.90 5.90 Oil (SG = 09) flows downward through a vertical pipe contraction as shown in Fig. P5.90. If the mercury section() —} manometer reading, h, is 100 mm, determine the volume flowrate for frictionless flow. Is the actual flowrate more or less than the frictionless value? Explain, The volume flowrate may be obtained with FIGURE P5.90 a= AY = AK = TRG = Ty a * 7 To determine either V, or V, we apply the energy eguation (Eg 582) fo the tlw between sections (1) and (2). Thus, PR ie 2B 2 oO raplect Ay Bega = te 93, + ghar ~ Us @) a e net in Combining Egs. 1 and 2 we obtain 2 [\-(2)] = ah + 9(2,-%) (3) To determne P-Pe we use the manometer eguation tam Section 2.6 fe obtain oh ( Set -1 ) - 9(2,-2,) (4) Combi Eqs. 3 and ¢ we oe ye fagh (Bei “Gy or ve ORE BIO OIC =1) ~ (gene and from &%.| we have Qe neLorm)? (5.29 ™ ) 2 o.042 m? 4 =s Actral Flowrale world be Jeg thon the trichonless value bt canse the loss would be greater than the 360 amount used above. 5-105| FFF 551 pnincampresil ind fom steady lng th pipe shown in Fig. P5.91. Determine the direction of flow and the head loss over the 6-m length of pipe. FIGURE P5.91 Assume flow from (1) to (2) and use the energy equation (é9. 5.84) to get for the contents of the control volume shown : ° 2 AB VG, 2,2 Ea 42,4 chy 5 x 29 Thus ; h = & ~-R+2-% = Bre hh Om hm = 9-5 4 oF Gna snce h >0, the assumed divecton of flow is correct. 79, 5-1065.92 | 5.92. _ A siphon is used to draw water at 70°F from a large container as indicated in Fig. PS.92. The inside diameter of the Siphon line is 1 in. and the pipe centerline rises 3 ft above the essentially constant water level inthe tank. Show that by vary ing the length of the siphon below the water level, hy the rate of flow through the siphon can be changed. Assuming frition- Jess flow, determine the maximum flowrate possible through the siphon. The limiting condition is the occurrence of eavita- tion in the siphon. Will the actual maximum flow be more or less than the frictionless value? Explain. B , FIGURE P5.92. The flowrate, @, Can be determmed with Qs Ay = Tha Ne a | To obtain Vp we Apply the enéray equation (Ey. 5.82) between point A and 8 in the sketch above to obtain ° ° B y ’ hf ° + ergy = ot 9%, - fA tft I% + rat = loss @ net in or es 9 lq -%—) - (ass z % ~ [2[Gth-105 ] 3) With &.3 we conclude that as h vories, so does Vy and thus & For no toss, the maximum flaw will occur when the pressure at point C Is just Gnal to the vaper pressure of water at 0°%C | | | We apply the energy eguation (&y. 582) behucen pois A ante to get ae Lr eygz = 2 z, 5 7 ? ft 7% Lat fe rata fea - fle & Using absoluke instead of gage pressures We Obtain wilh &¥ y= [29l%-%) + Ak 7? ye [2044 & )C3#t X00 = ) + (iept00 I -1228M ) org m (999.7 & s (con't) 9987 NEN ane) 5-107 orS.G2 ‘con't ) Since : Q=Ak = teh we have for the maximum Howrafe through the siphon, 2 2 ~, Q= wliny (aso m) (9.040 2) = 450x10° 7 Gas ag) 4 + == s tf With gs. 3 and ¥ we conclude that any oss warded ad to lower the Value of V jn the siphon and thas make the actvel maximum tlowrake with friction less than the maxi mun Hlowrak without friction. 5-1085,43_| 5.93 A water siphon having a constant inside diameter of 3 in. is arranged as shown in Fig. P5.93. If the friction loss between A and B is 0.8V°/2, where V is the velocity of flow in the siphon, determine the flowrate involved. FIGURE P5.93 7 determme the tourak, Q, we use Q:AV= ty (1) 4 To obtain V we apply the energy egnation (EG. 5.82) behwer Points A and G In the sketch above. Thus, o ars A fir bea fh ferge +Y + - 5 ‘a * “Shaft — [oss 2 Net in or 2 49% ~J%- 08 a 2 Thus Y= /9a-%) = a9 ft 04 5 and with &./ a Q- a (6.4 & = 093 4 4 C144 in al #) S1095.95 5.95 indicated in Fig. P5.95. Is the flow up or down in the pipe? Explain, Water flows through a vertical pipe as is, FIGURE P5.95 The control volume shown in the sketch qbove is used. For steady, incompressible flow downward frm (A) 4 (8) we obtain fam €4. 5.7 Ps Gy - 2% - he Z + Bt 9% = Bt et Ta Aare From conservahon of mass we conclude that Va = Me Thus trom &g.1 0s, = gH + fants Honever the manometer @snation (302 Section 2.6) yields Aah. g[ h(t 56,)-41] P an = gh (i- S6yy) which 1s a negative quantity ance Sb, - 13-6 . A negative Joss js not Physicallg possible 50 the How must be upward from & to A. For upward flow the abdve anaysis leads fo 55, = gR (Sb _-1) which is positive and there tore Physically reasonable, 5-110576 | 5.96 A fire hose nozzle is designed to deliver, water that will rise40 m vertically. Calculate the stagnation pressure required at the nozzle inlet if: (a) no loss is assumed; (b) a loss of 30 N-m/kg is assumed. To determine the stagnation pressure at the nopzk mlet we assume that the stagnation pressure at he nozjle exit is the Same as the stagnation pressure af The nozzle snlet and we apply the energy equation (Eq. 5:84) fo the Has tan the hogjle exit to the Maximum elevation of fhe wate flow 2 get | B= ve + olloss ) a) (a) Fw no loss, &g-1 leads to B= (40 8 hom) = 792 (6) For loss = 39 So &.l yields mm 5 a (ore £Y \ilom) + (5 8 Ye a = 122k aN, sty[e77] 5.97 For the 180° elbow and nozzle flow shown in Fig. P5.9°7, determine the loss in available energy from section (1) to section (2). How much additional available energy is lost from section (2) to where the water comes to rest? URE PS.97 for soloing the first part of this problem, te contro] volume shown in the sketch above is used. To determine the /o9s accompanying flow tram séchom / 10 Secton 2 6.5.79 can beused as follows. a 92, - 2.) loss, = Fh + + | P 2 Since x-y Coordinates are specitiedl we assume that phe How | 13 horizental and #,-#%, > 0. Abo, B=B, = Opi | Fron the camservation of mass principle we conclude that | ye ve = “3.) 2 D* \ 2 as Be EL wr Bet-@y] Joss, * (6 f(t 5 ine | 1, OH f- Ug a ( " ow ‘) bin “sag. OF | | | | /035, = 926 fhie or a slag For the second part of this problem we consider the How of a fuid porkele tom sechon 2 % a stake of rest,a.ty.579 leads to 2 8, = 4 Note that we have Cr that P= pe ap, z= Thus > =v: Y 2 fe; ft) [ lo won, sR vB) coi) ) loss = bitin” z Ug S12598 | 5.9% An automobile engine will work best when the back pressure at the exhaust manifold, engine block interface is minimized. Show how reduction of losses in the exhaust manifold, pip- ing, and muffier will also reduce the back pres- sure. How could losses in the exhaust system be reduced? What primarily limits the minimization of exhaust system losses? We apply the energy Gguation (&.6:43) % the flow frum the engine block, exhaust manifold ier face fy fhe exhaust 54s}erm exit to get 2 2 B=b, + Aleut - pn + elles) a) With &g.1 we see that reduction Of loss in the erhaust System resuls in a@ lower value of Pp. and thus the engi back pressure. Losses jn the exhaust “Sykon cond be reduced by elimina g major loss Componente such as the Catalytic converter and the muffler as ts offen done mn race Cars. Howevey, noise and emissions legislation limits the exlent to which this kind of loss reduction can occur im conventional yehicles. Some loss reduchon can alo occur by configuring the exhaust systm piping with fu bends and appropriate avea adistribusons. However, veguirvements often leads xo bends and turns im the pipin and Costs lunit the extend of optionizing area dishi bubans S-113= 97 | 5.77 Water flows vertically upward in a cir- po section @ cular cross section pipe. At section (1), the ve- | locity profile over the cross section area is uni- form. At section (2), the velocity profile is where V = local velocity vector, w. = centerline velocity in the axial direction, R = pipe inside radius, and, r = radius from pipe axis. Develop | an expression for the loss in available energy be- on tween sections (1) and (2) TR sectont flew For determining /oss we use he energy egnathm fy non- Uniform flows, €g. 5.87. Thus , _ P-R «oe eZ Joss = S 4 0% nS) a) Z Pram conserva of mass Cy. 5/3) we have yry Also, with Ey. 506 for the kinetic energy coethicient & we have ” «, =10 since the velocity prtle at sechon(1) 1s uniform. At sechonb) we solve €%. 5.86 (see soluhon ty Problem 5./25(C)) amet abhain a = 106 Thus, &g- 1 yields a2 Joss = FAR - 006% 4 g(2,-z 2 z I Fa) F100 %3,J00 Discuss the causes of loss of available energy in a fluid flow. Some causes of /0ss of available energy in a tluid How 1 tricton 2. heat transhy across a temperature differen 3. flow across a shock, SHS101 Consider the flow shown in Fig. P5.91. Ifthe flowing fluid is water, determine the axial (along the pipe) and normal (perpendicular to the pipe) components of force that the pipe puts on the fluid in the 6-m section shown, Using the contro) volume shown by broken lines we apply the axial and normal components oh the linear momenturn equation W gey, ER 2 0 since Here is 70 mementuon How 1 the nora! dyechen and se 20 since the How is assumed tully develaged and the 4 net amount of arial ditechon rmomentans tow oud of the CV js 3er0 So Ry Ws =0 or R= Woos 8 : 2 oN - Now pay =¥AL =Y we = (rexwo Belle. rN andy 2 5in 2 = 45° tL Ry, = (Horn [os 125°) * 436N For the axjal dirtchion BAL +R, +wsm@-PA,=9 or 2 Ry = BAW BA, TWO
'-(2) ele and a 2 (J +()- 28 = 0 @) n hy gh, From €%.3 we obtain he 2 -1 tf i+ eye A Gh z eo ht lim yty 247 mor (a) + hh, The other guad rahe root is not meaningtul. Application of the energy equation (Ey. 5:82) 7 the How fam point A to point B shown on the shokh aleve leads to . 2 jump loss = we + glen 2) = VER egth-b,) : = Combining &45. a, 2 ant 4 we sbhin Jump loss = Gh, |~h, )* . imp loss [sy bof s by + 9(b-4s) 2 . 3 Jump lus = $ Ch, -b,) th, s- 1215.106 5.106 — Two water jets collide and form one homogeneous jet as shown in Fig. P5.106. (a) Determine the speed, V, and “rection, 8, of the combined jet. (b) Determine the head loss for a fluid particle flowing from (1) to (3), from (2) to (3). Gravity is negligible. Yeams @ FIGURE P5.106 For the water flowing through the control volume sketthed above, the X= and y-direction Components of the linear momentum uation are -NaeVa Ag + Vaces BNA, = © co) and ~VieV,A, + Vgsing pV, Ag= 0 (2) From the conservation of mass principle we get = eV,N,~ pVaha + PVzh,= 0 Combining £gs.1 and 2 we obtain 2 tava 2 Vth oR wey Se @) WT z = 0.3086, Ee ym (Gap mom 3o io 8 = tan! 0.3036 = 1 Now, combining Eqs. | and 3 we get ng 4 Vegas t Vatos @ (eva, +e vA.) =0 or 1 a2 ve he Va. da mse (v.RVA,) ‘ere (vat +4) (eos? )[C4 Byloin) + (6 BY(o1e ] Thus < a + .29 3 => m3 Ceon't ) 5-1225.406] (con't ) To determine the loss of dvailable energy associaled with the Flow thidugh this cohol volume we obtain by Applying +he enemy eqaahan ( 4 5.64) . ~(t + Yim - (Ke Me) e (Got Ye). (H+ Yi - (Ke Bae Ge 2 mye eC) Also, The conservation of mass equation, £4.32, ta: writen as 4 2 UDR. tan alto be ~m wth = O (5) Combining Eqs. band 5, We obtain aa a . . ¥ . . ERR salle) The left hand side of Eq. veplesents the rate of available energy loss in this fluid How. Thus vate of aveilale enorqy loss 1s rate of lass = @V\A, (e"') 5 eehs(a-¥5) 7 z ; rate of loss =e [auch + évi)| u Thus «9, Ns A x z role of loss = (727 mle YT SS ) (toma ait sites) 2 ow f 4 (ouam (6 ¥ EF) - (array and 2 vale of loss = 558 Nom ~ Ss 5-1235.107 15 ft/s to 2 maximum elevation of 60 ft above the hydrant y ‘The pressure atthe 4-in. diameter outlet of the hydrant is 1U psi If head losses are negligibly small, determine the power that the pump must add to the water. ott Hydrant B FIGURE P5.107 To salve this problem we first use the energy egnahen(qsm#) for flaw tom the, hydrant exit-(1) to the maxirnuna desired elevation of 60 t+ (2) fo get h, or mm this case, the pump head. With the pump head we Can get the Pump power from. 5.85. Ke 0 2 oO ey Mr ee Bape ¢h- © /29 eg how 4-2,- = C74 y= 2. 0SHMH _ irr tt A (adr) /4im\ “ 4 ae 2 h, = 60 #4 - lioppe)( #) _ (iq2 #) (4-4 e) 2(92.2 & ) As = 32.9 fF Weg = Ve = (arg (5H \eaaee me we) § (550 th. j Shp = SEF shatt —— e net in 5-1245/08 5.108 What is the maximum possible power output of the hydroelectric turbine shown in Fig. P5.108? Tutbine FIGURE P5.108 for tlw trom sechon(1) to sectionfe), bg. £42 yields 7 2 Bt Bega Fay 49%, 7 “shaft ~ P55 at ae eo: net in ee Ele faim) Wratt = ~Wengpy Be can be expressed as ner in neh wt Weraft = G2, - 2.) - YB - fess net out 2 The maximum werk or power output is achieved when loss =o Tus . 2 \ w = m[9l2-2,)- % Woralt shaft ls z J net out net out Maximum maxienm, Now : ; m= PVA, = pl, Or = (48 ezyran- 4710 & 4 mm 4 and ke é t ” A = (4710 431 /o91m \(Som) - (6 @ [/ Wg, = (0 Syn ayors- Ca) max! mum é ‘ s Wat * 2.23X10 ee = 23x W .223MW hi eS an net ont maxis 5-1245.109 5.109 Estimate the power in hp needed to drive the main ump of the large-scale water tunnel shown in Fig. P5.109. The design condition head loss is specified as 14 ft of water for a flowrate of 4900 ft/s. Test section ‘Main pump @ FIGURE P5.109 the soluton of this Probkm is similar fo the one of Example &6. Looping areund the water Hanne] any Cross Sechon oF the tunnel back to the Same “cross sechon we Conclude Using the energy eguation, £g. 584 Mra = 97 & net jn So no ; - lo2.4 lb ( ft Walt = (4 RE B) ? ) teas net in Shp 7760 h Spe = RP het tn S-125= 60 psi [eve J @ 2 iso Section By Dat 5.110 Water is supplied at 150 ft'/s and 60 psi to a hydraulic turbine through a 3-ftinside di- ameter inlet pipe as indicated in Fig. PS.119. The turbine discharge pipe has a 4-ft-inside diameter. The static pressure at section (2), 10 ft below the tote turbine inlet, is 10 in. Hg vacuum. If the turbine develops 2500 hp, determine the rate of loss of Pp = 10in. He available energy between sections (1) and (2). ‘vacuum Dy watt FIGURE PS5.110. Section (2) For flow between sections (1) and(z), EG. 82 leads to power loss “00 (AA) 960-3) ( Woy a) Fron given date net out B= E10 in. Hy) (13.6 )(1-94 slags Deer te) 1 4b 2) 08 Ib (2% #) fe sig. a Also : yz @. 82. alee #’) = 21.22 ¢t 4 TD, waft) s From conservation of mass (&%.5:13 ) 2 an en (21.22 #4) GBH) 2 yay FE AB 5 Cw os From 4.1 power loss = (094 (99 aap io # (so #) (0 tb oie Yee) aCe: Ey) +(108 3) [0 ey FE. B 4 sigs) =) Fe | 2 7 | 2.2 tt ws dle feo #) -(u94 #1 18) () (22) Slag. ) +B 2g) leans Sky - 2500hp . 2 . or powev loss = 30) hp 5-126[St T sa A steam turbine receives steam having a static pressure, p,, of 400 psia, an enthalpy, fy, of 1407 Biu/Ibm, and a velocity, V,, of 100 ft/s. ‘The steam leaves the turbine as a mixture of vapor and liquid having an enthalpy, fi:, of 1098 Btu/ Ibm, a pressure, p,, of 2 psia, and a velocity, V2, of 200 ft/s. If the flow through the turbine is essentially adiabatic and the change in elevation of the steam is negligible, calculate: (a) the actual work output per unit mass of steam; (b) the ef- ficiency of the turbine if the ideal work output is 467 Btu/Ibm. (a) This problem is similar to Example 5.21, From ©. 5.69 we dbhain a yo 2 2 Wergty = fy Ay + MoM net out Z oa 2 fi 2 Wea, «1407 Bu _ 107p Ou » (i004) - (200 #) net out es tom 2 (92% lim (778 fh Ib. s* Gt and vw, © 308 oh shaft —-p, net out (6)A reasonable efticiency Vs tye ratio of actual work output to ideal work output or Sty 7° 708 im x joo = 66, 7 Ge a ibm 5-127SHA 5.112 A centrifugal air compressor stage op- erates between an inlet stagnation pressure of 14.7 psia and an exit stagnation pressure of 60 sia. The inlet stagnation temperature is 80 °F. If the loss of total pressure through the compressor stage associated with irreversible flow phenom- ena is 10 psi, calculate the actual and ideal stag- nation temperature rise through the compressor. Calculate the ratio of ideal to actual temperature tise to obtain efficiency. We assume that the air compressor Operates adiabatically. An ideal compression process is frictionless and adiabate and thus according to £g. 5.101, it is a constant entropy or 1sentropic process. With &] §.10! we also conclude that an achal adiabatic comprsslon pecess with Frithan must thvelve an entupy Werease. On temporatwe - Lntroyy coordinates, the ideal and actual Compression processes appeaw as studicated th the sketch below. Also shown js the 10 psi lass ti stagnation pressure due ro trichon. To pia, = Fe : Sone = factual” '52, ideal 1G actual 1q2, ideo! We consider the gir Seiig camprissen to behave as an ideal gas. Then from ©3518 and §11 we Cbtain fr fhe ideal processes ~ fr | tet Ta ttet * + (Biwe)* wy St 07 4 and 2 tet it "Ph Cag Taatnat © F/B) = (BH Tei “7 = 843° 'R “ (By Wipsi« (con't ) 5-128Suz | Ceon'e) Then and ideal stagnation temperature yise = Tate , = 507R-S40R = 267% Also cbficiency = ridal ~ Tyr _ 267° -7 Gaactnal 4! 5-12951/4 | 5.114* Total head-rise values measured for air flowing across a fan are listed below as a function of volume flowrate. Total Head Rise Q (m/s) (mm H,0) 0 9 0.14 2” 0.28 16 0.42 67 0.57 65 0.71 70 0.85 16 0.99 np 113 75 1.27 64 Determine the flowrate that will result when this fan is connected to a piping system whose loss in total head is described by loss = «,Q? when: (a) 4, = 49 mm H,O/(m'/s); (b) x, = 91mm H,O/ (m’/s)'; (©) x, = 140 mm H,O/(m'/s), The tlewrak of fhe comb/nation of a tan ov pump and a comeckd piping system is dekeyrmined by the intersection of the fan or pump head rise vs. volume Hlovrate curve ano the system loss vs volume How rak. curve. Jo debymine Me Howrak. resultng when the fan of this problem it conneckd p the tare [( a)(b) anale )] piving systems , he mnbersectons of fe piping system loss vs. R curves and ty fan total head rise vs. Q@ cuve fit were dekyminod with the compute prosraom Liske on fhe Following pases. A polynomial feast sguares curve fit of the tabulated dafa 75 used. The inkysection posints were dekymined with Mu Newton — Raphior technigue - (Con't) S- 130St (Con't) SHES ROE ERROR EBB CRED OCEA A OBE HOSE EOS E EEE IEDR OEE PRINT "#4 Thic program determines the intersection of the x1" PRINT "44 head lose and head rise curves for problem 5.114 «4 PRINT “x4 A least equare fit polynomial of the form: a PRINT "*¥ yy = dO + dl¥x + d24x°2 + d3Hx°S +... soe PRINT "#4 is used to describe the head rise data. ae" BRUNT iG SG OSGOOD EC IO IS IORI OOO DIS ACG HIP IIA TAI PRINT : DIM B(21), D(21>, S(21), X11), WC1O1>, Y<101>, FL02> DIM ERRF(101>, PJ(101), PJM1(101>, YBAR(101) ‘intialize the variables NTERMS = 8: NTERMSAVE = NTERNS NPOINT = 10 INPUT "Enter the head loss coefficient"; KL PRINT FOR I TO NPOINT READ X(1>, YI) wep = a FCI) = ¥<1D WEXT I DATA 0.00, 79.0, 0.14, 79.0, 0.28, 76.0, 0.42, 67.0 DATA 0.57, 65.0, 0.71, 70.0, 0.85, 76.0, 0.99, 79.0 DATA 1.13, 75.0, 1.27, 64.0 PRINT "The polynomial fit to the head rise data is of order”; PRINT USING "##"; NTERMS - 1 ‘determine the polynomial coefficients PRINT "The coefficients of the polynomial are:” FOR 1 = 1 TO NPOINT FCI) = FCI) ~ DCNTERNS + 1) * X(I) * QITERMS) NEXT 1 FOR J = 1 TO RTERMS BC) Da NEXT J cp = 0 FOR 1 = 1 TO NFOINT Dib) = Dib) + FUDD & WELD BC) = BC1) + X(I-* WCD SD = SD) + WOLD ° ° ° NEXT I Dia = DU) 7 sa FOR I = 1 TO NPOINT ERRF(I> = FCI) = D(1) NEXT 1 IF NTERMS = 1 THEN GOTO 850 BaD = BA) 4 Sc) FOR 1 = 1 TO NPOINT PIMI(I) = 1 PIC) = XI) - BALD NEXT I (Con't) $-13/x4] (con't) 940 FOR J = 2 TO RTERNS 650 FOR I = 1 TO NPOIT 660 P= PII) * WELD 670 D
0 THEN GOTO 400 eeo ' 890 ‘determine the intersection using the 900 'Newton-Raphson method 910 QNP = 1! 920 QN = QNP $30 F = ot 940 FP = 0! 950 FOR I = 1 TO NTERMSAVE STEP 1 960 F = F + DC) * QN* (I= 1) 970 NEXT 1 980 FOR I = 2 TO NTERNSAVE STEP 1 900 FP = FP + 1 * DCI) * QN > (1 - 1) 1000 NEXT I 1010 F = KL ¥ Qu 7 2-F 1020 FP = 2! 4 KL X QN - FP 1030 QNP = QN - F / FP 1040 IF
.0001) THEN GOTO 920 1050 F = oF 1060 FOR 1 = 1 TO NTERMSAVE STEP 1 4070 F = F + Did * QW * (1 - 10 1080 NEXT 1 1090 PRINT 100 PRINT USING "Head lose coefficient: ###.##"; KL 1110 PRINT USING "Volume flow rate ~ #4. ¢## m°3/6"; ON 1120 PRINT USING "Operating head ### mm of H20"; F (con't ) $-132SM4 (ce) (Con't) Jeb pape dab badd orb agooo oad o sooo EDO SOHEE DARE: x# This program determines the intersection of the «+ 44 head loce and head rice curves for problem 5.114 ‘kA least square fit polynomial of the form: 2 wey = dO + dikx + d2%x°2 + doaxeS +... 4k xx is Used to describe the head rise data a Yep EoD OCIS OER SOAR SEDER ESA RIA SII a Enter the head loss coefficient? 140 The polynomial fit to the head rise data is of order 7 The coefficients of the polynomial are a7 = -1.7369E+03 dé = +8, 2623B+03 a5 = -1.5353E+04 da = +1. 8788E+04 d2 = -5.9543E+03 a ai +1, 0551E+03 -6, 23298402 a0 = +7. 8983E+01 Head loss coefficient: 140.00 Volume flow rate - 29! Operating head 70 mm of H20 Le obo ap Spe adda p dad dE OEE D ERASE ES CEE EOE Boe O OREO BEEE 44 Thie program determines the intercection of the %** An lead loss and head rise curves for problem 5.114 4% 44 A least square fit polynomial of the form: ar Hs -y = GO + ALAx + 24RD + dBtx"S + ak wt is Used to describe the head rise data. ak JERE RIE EI PRI IOC IIS II IA IAAI IIA IIIA AAAS, Enter the head loss coefficient? 91 The polynomial fit to the head rise data is of order 7 The coefficiente of the polynomial are a? = -1.7369E+03 26 = +8, 2623E+03 a5 -S35SE+04 .278BE+04 95435403 - OS51E+03 2S29E401 -B9ESEH01 aa as aa do Head lose coefficient: 91.00 Volume flow rate ----: 0.928 mS. =: 7S mm of 20 Operating head (con't ) $-133S4 (ar (con't ) Japp pao dd aippdd dl aopobo aaa abo Gop DOA SAIC xx This program determines the intersection of the 44 head loss and head rise curves for problem 5.114 xt A least square fit polynomial of the form wey = dO + d1kx + aZ¥xT2 + dBEx"S + ¥# is used to describe the head rise data coy ar a ak ae SEE EEDA DII IOC AISI IAAI IDA AAI III HRT Enter the head lose coefficient? 49 The polynomial fit to the head rise data is of order 7 The Coefficients of the polynomial are +8 “1 +1 -6 +7 Head loss coefficient Volume flow rate Operating 7369E+03 2623E+03 S353E+04 S788E+04 9543E+03 41. 0951E+03 2829E+01 8983E+01 head - 49,00 4.202 as TT um of H20 5-134Sus Water is pumped from the tank, shown in Fig! f {l P5.115a. The head loss is known to be 1.2 V?/2g, where V is 1 the average velocity in the pipe. According to the pump man-!) gy |t ufacturer, the relationship between the pump head and the flow rp YY rate is as shown in Fig. P5.115b: h,, = 20 ~ 2000 0%, where) : @) = 7 \ iy isin meter an Qs m/s, Determine the Nowrate, 0) 4 ASG = 20-2008 = pup 0.07 m 305 —dho Ors We want fo know the flowrale 2. wo z For the control Vélume shown , Gpplicaton of the energ 4 equahion (6.5.84) yields< | o 2 a fre +2,- Fel, 2, th-hy a F 29 25 Havever Aare (2 2 5 and z A= ae 20-200 Q eo Since Qo= VA, we have trom 9.2 A, = 12/2 * (a 42g 2) and Ca Bs. O,G) anc (4) we get: £(BJrara+ 20-2000 Q 2/2) G) Q a * Sa 1200) = %,-2, +20 2,7 % +2 6m + 20m zat £2. + 2000 pe +200 fa Es) (2 stage | “shes eeIP 5-135[14 | 5.116 Water flows by gravity from one lake to another as sketched in Fig. P5.116 atthe steady rate of 80 gpm. What is the loss in available energy associated with this flow? If this same amount of loss is associated with pumping the fuid from the lower lake to the higher one atthe same flowrate, estimate the amount of pumping power required, jal i Qe G0Ie —- 0.178 Es FIGURE PS.116 Goze M8) For the flow frm section (a) to sechon(b) Eg. 5.82 leads to = - 2.) -G2.2% by. ft, loss = 9(2,- 2) =(82 aE) a 73) too 7 a for pumped flow tom sechon 6 b section 4 582 yields : W,, Weyeip? 92 2) + loss] = (moet net in polo Tele | or. - mio Hh. 2.02 hp stag [naf} = FS net in ‘6.177 J 5.117 A Lhp motor is required by an air ven- tilating fan to produce a 24-in.-diameter stream of air having a uniform speed of 40 ft/s. Deter- mine the aerodynamic efficiency of the fan. The aerodynamic efficiency of the fan, y , is = Heleal power required actual power reguired . Te actual shatt power reguired, Woetuge) (2-75 Mp - The ideal shaft power requried, Wiye,), 13 obtarned trom by.5.82 toy How Without 055 across the fan. ve Witeat ald Vout = = PA Mot Y= prt he ore ‘as tay or Wingy = 0.995 hp Og 7 then 9.8 ot fe iso ft 4 fee) | 0.435 Ap a) O75 hp $-136FB 5,11 Water is pumped from a tank, point (1), to the top of a water plant aerator, point (2), as shown in Video V5.8 and Fig. P5,NI@at a rate of 3.0 ft/s. (a) Determine the power that the pump adds to the water if the head loss from (1) to (2) where V, = 0 is 4 ft. (b) Determine the head loss from (2) to the bottom of the aerator column, point (3) ifthe av- erage velocity at (3) is Vs = 2 fus, m FIGURE P5. 118 (4) The energy equation from (1) 40 (2) 2 2 Aik +2, th-he & tBin th 4 = fae Vek =o gives hp= h, +22.-2, = 4H +01 H- SH = 12 ff Thus, the pump power is ; , UL = ¥Qh, = 62.4 Ha (39#) (12H) = 2240 FE (4s) = 408hp * (b) The energy equation trom (2) tol2) A Brahh ~ As Baz, wih P= fa =Va%hp=O gives ye (oft) N= 2a Za~ sg = Isht-3h - Fwy = 10ff - 0.06244 2b or A= 9.94 Ft S- 137SNF ‘The turbine shown in Fig. P5.119 develops 100 hy | when the flowrate of water is 20 ft"/s. Ifall losses are negligible, determine (a) the elevation ft (b) the pressure difference across | the turbine, and (e) the flowrate expected if the turbine were | removed, | Fre jt @Usiny control volume A and the a tne y ete (B- FRY) ue gets ee, aw Ee oes ae Eth Ke Fr a terbine, hy enhy and fom 5:85 we get: Mb he Wetatt . (100 bp 550 a4 ). yy FF r= herent a (2.44 \(20 ve aca ©) “neo e zo’ _ 20F = 25.5 fF Ss a A Then fm e a ap. Ve hg = G85 EY 44.1 ft = 54.) ft 29 2 (72.2 # ) | (B) Fer cork! volume 8 the energy eguahin yields BoA 2 The = (lat (mv fy) > 128 was (2) Sime Q=VA = KA, if we know value of UV, with ie turbine rtmoved, we trol Calewlak © with re turbine removed. Withoat the tevbine , Eg .(1) reduces to 2 Mez-2eh 2 4 ———_______—_—_——. Gnd y= Vagh =/2 (rz EB jGwH = 59 Lis Thus a: Tay - z ne) Cf) = 42 cg we 9 5-/38[5.720 fn = so nun etn 5.120 A liquid enters a fluid machine at sec- tions (1) and (2) and leaves at section (3) as shown in Fig. P5.120. The density of the fluid is constant at 2slugs/ft’. All of the flow occurs in a horizontal plane and is frictionless and adiabati above-mentioned and additional cor Section (2) Section (3 3 dicated in Fig. 5.120, determine the amount of 1 —Seetion (1) Blisa shaft power involved. Aya Sin by = 80 pia 4 oasis Ay = 30in2 FIGURE P5.120 Por the trictionless and adjabatic tow through this fluid machne gs. 5.64, 5.65 and 5.76 lead . = . zB vy . 2 2 . 2 Woaeft tay (B+ 8), (Ls )e (+) a) net in Since nM in Can Wh tn i = tn ern he re heh th, - rau - rng, = (tm, + May Ui, — ma, ring mm (Ui, Ui) + mn (G-U,) = At section (3) Vt) = PAY =/2 St CMs i We) 45 ft) = 3.125 slags fe d s wo - 30m. m= PAV, -
Ye 4b eH Li) — 14,500 thle yb too Yo Heys ty — 50 & tt S-J4/$./24 5.124 The velocity profile in a turbulent pipe flow may be approximated with the expression 4. (Ht 7 u VR where u = local velocity in the axial direction, enterline velocity in the axial direction, ipe inner radius from pipe axis, r = local radius from pipe axis, and n = constant. Determine the kinetic energy coeficient, a, for: (n= 5,0) n = 6; (0) n = 7 @n = 8 (0) n=9 (n= 10. For the ee energy coethicient x, we may ase Fy. 54. Thus, _ Lee enrae ou 20rde . fete), CDI) Pa R* for the average velocity, H, we may use £9.5.7. Thus, . [eurrrae - 2 fee = foe) PIR | To facilitate the inkgrations we make the subshhghion Arle i Thus, | YL a = - Vz) and &2 becomes | a = 2h Te-am [e*(iade (nayany ed £45. 3,4 and 5 we obtan = 7-2 La oayas fen fe Gs ”, n® “Er ie Benyaeempll 2 (G) for n= 5, Eq.b yields « a Woy I 345)[37 26] (6) Far n= 6 2 3 Gri y[@Net1] 205)* Cf) For n= 10 a = 103 YD @ (3) w © @) 5-1425/25 5.125 A small fan moves air at a mass flowrate of 0.004 Ibm/s. Upstream of the-fan, the pipe diameter is 2.5 in., the flow is laminar, the ve- locity distribution is parabolic, and the kinetic energy coefficient, a, is equal to 2.0. Down- stream of the fan, the pipe diameter is 1 in., the flow is turbulent, the velocity profile is quite flat, and the kinetic energy coefficient, az, is equal to 1.08. If the rise in static pressure across the fan is 0.015 psi and the fan shaft draws 0.00024 hp, ‘compare the value of loss calculated: (a) assuming uniform velocity distributions; (b) considering ac- tual velocity distributions. (a) For uniform velocity distributions upstream and olounsteam of the fan, &. 582 is applicable. Thus, Ceae 2p Joss = faaFutr , Una Nep + vtts/ae) t Werate a e 2 net iy Ww We obtain the shaft work, w, taht tm the gin shat poser, Way, with Wr et om fr lb ret Unapt * a. Co, 00024 hp ) ($50-L4K ) aps : 2.00078 OP Dip! atin 2.004 tbe lam For V,, and Vi, we use & S.1, Tus, eee! nm = G0oe Beyc rey ge *) 2 153 tn — = : —— t+ r Pan p Tl, 2.8% Mp (2.2 Ibm )E 2S) a # a 00 stg) 9 an ; eS no Vat Pa * aoe » Gat) ie ip) = 9574 n 2 = 7578 mt TM apy 10" shy Y(32.2 fey) min) Now frm &y.1 we obtarm al 3 tt fag (i ib L joss = a) ofrste-tob. ant se emi or ftle loss = #33 ae (6) For non-uniform velocity distributions upsheam and deunsheam of tee fan £G.5.87 (5 apylicable . Thus, -y 0 for ah Pa- Pout 4 Tate = Mont to 90yfous) + Mngt >in het i or a a (2 C153 — 0.08)(9-57 loss 280 td & - fags y 6.08, ae 7 (Gn): Visi) and 437 ft loss = 336 Fou lim =, $143Ble 5126 Force from a Jet of Air Deflected by a Flat Plate Objective: A jet of a fluid striking a flat plate as shown in Fig. P5.126 exerts a force on the plate, It is the equal and opposite force of the plate on the fluid that causes the fluid mo- ‘mentum change that accompanies such & flow. The purpose ofthis experiment isto compare the theoretical force on the plate with the experimentally measured force. Equipment: Air source with an adjustable flowrate and flow meter; nozzle to produce ‘uniform air jet; balance bear with an attached flat plate; weights; barometer; thermometer. Experimental Procedure: Adjust the counter weight so that the beam is level when there is no mass, m, on the beam and no flow through the nozzle. Measure the diameter, d, Of the nozzle outlet. Record the barometer reading, Hyay in inches of mercury and the air temperature, 7, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law, Place 1 known mass, m, on the flat plate and adjust the fan speed control to produce the necessary flowrate, Q, to make the balance beam level again. The flowrate is related to the flow meter ‘manometer reading, h, by the equation Q = 0.358 A, where Q is in f'/s and h is in inches of water. Repeat the measurements for various masses on the plat. Caleulations: For cach flowrate, Q, calculate the weight, W = mg, needed to balance the beam and use the continuity equation, @ = VA, to determine the velocity, V, at the nozzle exit, Use the momentum equation for this problem, W = pV2A, to determine the theoretical felationship between velocity and weight Graph: Plot the experimentally measured force on the plate, W, as ordinates and air speed, V, as abscissas. Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical force as a function of airspeed, Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. H FIGURE P5.126 (eon't ) 5. MeS126] (con't) Solution for Problem 5.126: Force from a Jet of Air Deflected by a Flat Plate din. Ham, in. Hg T, deg FQ 358 h*0.5, with Q in cfs and h in inches of water 1174 29.25 70 Experimental m, kg fin. Q,f'3/s Vv, fis m.slug WI 0.010 0.54 0.263 © 35.0 0.00069 0.022 0.020 1.08 0372 495 © 0.00137 0.044 0.030 1.52 0441 58.7 0.00208 0.066 0.040 2.18 0.529 70.3 0.00274 0.088, 0.050 272 0590 785 0.00343. 0.110 0.060 3.25 0645 85.8 0.00411 0.132 0.070 381 O699 = 92.9 0.00480 0.184 0.080 4.32 0.744 = 989 © 0.00548 0.177 0.090 4.92 0.794 © 105.6 0.00817 0.199 0.100 5.48 0.837 111.2 0.00685 0,221 0.150 8.13 1.021 135.7 0.01028 0.331 0.200 10.85, 1.179 186.8 0.01370 0.441 0250 © 13.72 1326 1763 0.01713 0.852 Experimental: V=QIA where A= nda = n8(1.174/12 f)*24 = 7,52E-3 2 W=mg ‘Theoretical W= pVFA where P= Pain/RT with aun = Yio"Haim = 847 Ibvft*3*(29,25/12 ft) = 2065 IbiftA2 R= 1716 ft lb/slug deg R T=70 + 460 = 530 deg R Thus, p = 0.00227 slug/t*3 Con't) Theoretical W, Ib 0.021 0.042 0.059 0.084 0.105 0.126 0.147 0.167 0.190 0211 0.315 0.420 0.531 5-45$./26 (con't) Problem 5.126 Weight, W, vs Velocity, V ‘© Experimental | (Theoretical 5-146527 5.127 Pressure Distribution on a Flat Plate Due to the Deflection of an Air Jet Objective: In order to deflect a jt of air as shown in Fig. PS.127, the fat plate must push against the air with suficent force to change the momentum ofthe ait. This causes an in- crease in pressure on the plate, The purpose of this experiment is to measure the pressure son on the plate and to compare the resultant pressure foree to that needed, accord ing to the momentum equation, o deflect the air. Equipment: Air supply with a flow meter; nozzle to produce a uniform jet of air; circular flat plate with static pressure taps at various radial locations; manometer; barometer; thermometer. Experimental Procedure: Measure the diameters of the plate, D, and the nozzle exit, 4, and the radial locations, r, of the various static pressure taps on the plate. Carefully cen- ter the plate over the nozzle exit and adjust the air flowrate, Q, to the desired constant value. Record the static pressure tap manometer readings, h, at various radial locations, r, from the center ofthe plate. Record the barometer reading, Hur in inches of mercury and the ai tem- perature, 7, so thatthe air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law. Caleulations: Use the manometer readings, 10 determine the pressure onthe plate as 4 funetion of location, r Thats, caleuate p= yah, where Yq i the specific weight of the manometer uid. Graph: Plot pressure, p, as ordinates and radial location, r, as abscissas, Results: Use the experimentally determined pressure distribution to determine the net pressure force, F, thatthe ar jet puts on the plate, That is, numerically or graphically inte- sate the pressure data to obtain a value for F = | pA = | p arr dr), where the limits of the integration are over the entre plate, ftom r = Oto r = D/2. Compare this force obtained {rom the pressure measurements to that obtained from the momentum equation fr this flow, F = pVA, where V and A are the velocity and area ofthe jet, respectively Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. © FIGURE P5.127 (con't ) 5-14752127 | (Con’t) Solution for Problem 6.1 Pressure Distribution on a Flat Plate due to the Deflection of an Air Jet Din dyin inHg T,degF @.frs/s 80 1.174 (29.25 7 1.41 rin hain. p, lbits2 P,Ibvin.*2 pr, Ibn, r PrFPIes tay = 0.00 = 662 34.42 0.2381 0,000 1 0.0834 .39 039° 592 30.78 0.2138 0.0834 2 01701 0.40 O79 3.04 15.81 0.1098 0.0867 3 01114 045 124058 2.86 0.0199 0.0248 4 0.0355 0.35 1590.19 0.99 0.0069 0.0109 5 0.0205 0.45, 206 0.13 0.68 0.0047 0.009 = «g 0.0174 0.37, 241 0.09 0.47 0.0033 0.0078 7 0.0130 0.44 285 0,05 0.26 0.0018 0.0051 8 0.0086 0.38 323° 0.03 0.16 0.0011 0.0035 = g. 0.0035 0.44 367 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 Hao" P= PamiRT where aon = Yng"Haim = 847 Ibyft*3*(29.25/12 ft) = 2085 lbvft%2 R= 1716 ftlb/slug deg R T=77 +460 = 537 deg R Thus, p = 0.00224 slugift*3 Using the trapezoidal rule for integration Feap = 2n°0.5°D, .sl(Pri +hes) "(Cet ~ 1] = 2n°0.540.189 = 0.594 Ib Theory. F = pA where A= xd°/4 = n°(1.174/12 f)°2/4 = 0.00752 142 V= QIA= (1.41 f93/5)/(0,00752 f°2) = 188 fs Thus, Fey = 0.00224 slugit*3*(188 f/s)*2"(0.00752 t*2) = 0.595 Ib Ceon't) 5-148S127 | (con't) Problem 6.127 Pressure, p, vs Radial Location, r WIAA Ny 8 [-e=Experimental | Problem 5.127 Pressure Times Distance, p*r, vs Radial Location, r — 5-1445128 5.128 Force from a Jet of Water Deflected by a Vane Objective: A jet of a fluid striking a vane as shown in Fig. P5.128 exerts @ foree on the vane. It is the equal and opposite force of the vane on the fluid that causes the fluid mo- ‘mentum change that accompanies such a flow. The purpose of this experiment is to compare the theoretical force on the vane with the experimentally measured force. Equipment: Water source; nozzle to produce a uniform jet of water; vanes to deflect the water jet; weigh tank to collect @ known amount of water in a measured time period; stop watch; foree balance system. Experimental Procedure: Measure the outlet diameter, d, of the nozzle, Fasten the 0 = 90 degree vane to its support and adjust the balance spring to give a zero reading when there is no weight, W, on the platform and no flow through the nozzle, Place a known mass, ‘m, on the platform and adjust the control valve on the pump to provide the necessary flowrate from the nozzle to return the platform to a zero reading. Determine the flowrate by collect- ing a known weight of water, Wyugy in the weigh tank during a measured amount of time, +. Repeat the measurements for various masses, m. Repeat the experiment using a 6 = 180 degree vane. Calculations: For each data set, determine the weight, W = mg, on the platform and the volume flowrate, Q = W.s/(y1) through the nozzle. Determine the exit velocity from the nozzle, using Q = VA. Use the momentum equation to determine the theoretical weight that can be supported by the water jet as a function of V and 8, | Graph: For each vane, plot the experimentally determined weight, W, as ordinates and the water velocity, V, as abscissas Results: On the same graph plot the theoretical weight as a function of velocity for each Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. Balance sping B FIGURE P5.128 (con't) S- 150128 | (con't) Solution for Problem 5.128: Force from a Jet of Water Deflected by a Vane din 0.40 Experimental mk Wags Ds msug W,lb Q,ft'3s Vv, tls Data for 0 = 90 deg 002 «7.71 «= 298 0.0014 0.044 0.004147 007866 182 0.0048 0.154 «0.007687 017 887 10.1 00116 0.375 0.0141 16.1 012 892126 0.0082 0.265 «0.0113. 13.0 022 «966 = 106. 0.0181 0485 0.0146 187 Data for 8 = 180 deg 005 «681 28.8 0.0034 0.110 0.0048 5.1 010 902.208 0.0068 0.221 «0.0068 8.0 020 884 = 132 0.0137 0.441 «0.0107 12.3 025° «788 = 109 0.0171 0852 00116 = 133 030 8861441 0.0206 ©0662 0.0128 14.7 035° «7978 0.0240 0.772 0.0134 18.4 040 63778 0.0274 0.883 0.0134 15.4 W=mg Q= Woatee (Yt) V= Q’A where = nd/4 = "(0.40/12 f1)92/4 = 0.000873 "2 Theoretical W= pV"A for 6 = 90 deg and W=2pVA for 0 = 180 deg (Con'é ) Theoretical W, Ib 0.038 0.129 0.440 0.286 0.474 0.088 0.215 0.512 0.597 0.727 0.803 0.802 5-151£128 | (con't J Problem 5.128 | Weight, W, vs Velocity, V | + Experimental, 50 deg | | o7 | | = Experimental, 180 deg | 8 1 | teres soees | = 0.5 | ‘Theoretical, 180 deg 0.4 | 0.3 0.2 041 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 | V, fis | S-152S129 5.129 Force of a Flowing Fluid on a Pipe Elbow Objective: When a fluid flows through an elbow ina pipe system as shown in Fig. P5.129, the fluid’s momentum is changed as the fluid changes direction, Thus, the elbow must put a force on the fluid. Similarly, there must be an external foree on the elbow to keep it in place. ‘The purpose of this experiment is to compare the theoretical vertical component of force ‘needed to hold an elbow in place with the experimentally measured force. Equipment: Variable speed fan; Pitot static tube; air speed indicator; air duct and 90- degree elbow; scale; barometer; thermometer. Experimental Procedure: Measure the diameter, d, of the air duct and adjust the scale to read zero when the elbow rests on it and there is no flow through it. Note that the duct is Connected to the fan outlet by a pivot mechanism that is essentially friction free. Record the barometer reading, Hyy in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air den- sity can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law. Adjust the variable speed fan to give the desired flowrate. Record the velocity, V, in the pipe as given by the Pitot static tube which is connected to an air speed indicator that reads directly in feet per minute. Record the force, F, indicated on the scale at this air speed. Repeat the measurements for various air speeds Obtain data for two types of elbows: (1) a long radius elbow and (2) a mitered elbow (see Figs. 8.30 and 8.31) Calculations: For a given air speed, V, use the momentum equation to calculate the the- ‘retical vertical force, F = pV7A, needed to hold the elbow stationary. Graph: Plot the experimentally measured force, F, as ordinates and the air speed, V, as abscissas Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical force as a function of air speed. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem, scale enti fn B FIGURE P5.129 (on't) S-/53E29 | (con't) Solution for Problem 5.129: Force of a Flowing Fluid on a Pipe Elbow @,in. Hag in. HT, deg F 80 29.07 3 Experiment V.fimin FI V, tis Long Radius Elbow Data oO 0 0.0 1200 0.38 20.0 1420 051 237 11800 079 30.0 2160 1.05, 36.0 2440 1.38 407 2700 185 45.0 2900 191 483 3100 219 517 3520 2.83 58.7 3750 312 625 3960 3.38 658 Mitered Elbow Data 1400 0.30 233 1780 0.55 29.7 2000 0.74 33.3 2300 4.12 38.3 2630 1.48 438 2900 172 483 3150 2.06 525 3360 238 56.0 3550 2.62 59.2 3620 274 60.3 P= Pam/RT where aim = Ya" Haim = 847 lovft*3*(29.07/12ft) = 2052 Ibit2 R= 1716 ft b/slug deg R T= 73 + 460 = 533 deg R Thus, p = 0.00224 slugift*3 A= nd*Qid = n"(8/12)°2/4 = 0.349 12 (con't) Theory V. tis 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 Fy Ib 0.02 0.08 0.18 031 0.49 0.70 0.98 1.25 1.58 1.95 2.36 2.81 3.30 5-1545129 | €on't) Problem 5.129, Force, F, vs Velocity, V Theoretical — | © Experimental: Long | | radius elbow i 4 Experimental: Mitered _ elbow V, fs | S-/55
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (545)
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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4.5/5 (814)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1953)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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John Adams
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John Adams
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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Little Women
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Little Women
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