Homework 2: Due Date: 2 Jan., 2019

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Homework 2

Due date: 2nd Jan., 2019

Total points: 100

1. (10 points) Consider the following network. With the indicated link costs, use Dijkstra’s least-
cost path algorithm to compute the least-cost path from x to all the network nodes. Show how
the algorithm works by computing the following table.

Step N’ D(t), p(t) D(u),p(u) D(v), p(v) D(w),p(w) D(y), p(y) D(z), p(z)

2. (10 points) Consider sending a 1600-byte datagram into a link that has an MTU of 500 bytes.
Suppose that the original datagram is stamped with the identification number 291.
(a) How many fragments are generated?
(b) What are the values in the various fields in IP datagrams generated related to fragmentation?

3. (10 points) Consider the network setup in the following. Suppose that the ISP instead assigns
the router the address and that the network address of the home network is 192.

(a) Assign addresses to all interfaces in the home network.
(b) Suppose each host has two ongoing TCP connections, all to port 80 at host
Provide the six corresponding entries in the NAT translation table.

4. (30 points) In the following network,

(a) Consider the path information that reaches stub network W, X, and Y. Based on the
information available at W and X, what are their respective views of the network topology?
The topology view at Y is shown in the following.

(b) B would never forward traffic destined to Y via X based on BGP routing. But in BitTorrent,
data packets go to X first then flow to Y. Describe how data packets follow a path not given
by BGP algorithm.
(c) Suppose that there is another stub network V that is a customer of ISP A. Suppose that B
and C have a peering relationship, and A is a customer of both B and C. Suppose that A
would like to have the traffic destined to W to come from B only, and the traffic destined

to V from either B or C. How should A advertise its route to B and C? What AS route does
C receive?

5. (10 points) Consider the generator G=1001, and suppose that D has the value 11000111010.
What is the value of R?

6. (20 points) Suppose four active nodes, A, B, C, and D, are competing for access to a channel
using slotted ALOHA. Assume each node has an infinite number of packets to send. Each node
attempts to transmit in each slot with probability p. The first slot is numbered slot 1, the second
slot is numbered slot 2, and so on.
(a) What is the probability that node A succeeds for the first time in slot 5?
(b) What is the probability that some node (either A, B, C, or D) succeeds in slot 4?
(c) What is the probability that the first success occurs in slot 3?
(d) What is the efficiency of this four-node system?

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