Environmental Cases (Rules), Involving Violations of
Environmental Cases (Rules), Involving Violations of
Environmental Cases (Rules), Involving Violations of
The numerous reliefs sought in this case are set forth in the
final prayer of the petition, to wit: chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary 3. After summary hearing, issue a Resolution
extending the TEPO until further orders of the
1. WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, Court;
Petitioners respectfully pray that the Honorable
Court: chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary 4. After due proceedings, render a Decision which
shall include, without limitation:
c. Declare that Philippine authorities may i. Require Respondent US officials and their
exercise primary and exclusive criminal representatives to place a deposit to the
jurisdiction over erring U.S. personnel TRNP Trust Fund defined under Section
under the circumstances of this case; 17 of RA 10067 as a bona fide gesture
towards full reparations;
d. Require Respondents to pay just and
reasonable compensation in the j. Direct Respondents to undertake
settlement of all meritorious claims for measures to rehabilitate the areas
damages caused to the Tubbataha Reef affected by the grounding of the Guardian
on terms and conditions no less severe in light of Respondents’ experience in the
than those applicable to other States, and Port Royale grounding in 2009, among
damages for personal injury or death, if other similar grounding incidents;
such had been the case;
k. Require Respondents to regularly publish
e. Direct Respondents to cooperate in on a quarterly basis and in the name of
providing for the attendance of witnesses transparency and accountability such
and in the collection and production of environmental damage assessment,
evidence, including seizure and delivery valuation, and valuation methods, in all
of objects connected with the offenses stages of negotiation;
related to the grounding of the Guardian;
l. Convene a multisectoral technical working
f. Require the authorities of the Philippines group to provide scientific and technical
and the United States to notify each other support to the TPAMB;
of the disposition of all cases, wherever
heard, related to the grounding of the m. Order the Department of Foreign Affairs,
Guardian; Department of National Defense, and the
Department of Environment and Natural
g. Restrain Respondents from proceeding Resources to review the Visiting Forces
with any purported restoration, repair, Agreement and the Mutual Defense
salvage or post salvage plan or plans, Treaty to consider whether their
including cleanup plans covering the provisions allow for the exercise of erga
damaged area of the Tubbataha Reef omnes rights to a balanced and healthful
absent a just settlement approved by the ecology and for damages which follow
Honorable Court; from any violation of those rights;
(Underscoring supplied.)
In the landmark case of Oposa v. Factoran, Jr.,13 we
recognized the “public right” of citizens to “a balanced and
Since only the Philippine respondents filed their comment 8 to healthful ecology which, for the first time in our
the petition, petitioners also filed a motion for early constitutional history, is solemnly incorporated in the
resolution and motion to proceed ex parte against the US fundamental law.” We declared that the right to a balanced
respondents.9cralawlawlibrary and healthful ecology need not be written in the Constitution
for it is assumed, like other civil and political rights
Respondents’ Consolidated Comment guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, to exist from the inception of
mankind and it is an issue of transcendental importance with
In their consolidated comment with opposition to the intergenerational implications. Such right carries with it the
application for a TEPO and ocular inspection and production correlative duty to refrain from impairing the
orders, respondents assert that: (1) the grounds relied upon environment.14 cralawlawlibrary
The immunity of the State from suit, known also as the While the doctrine appears to prohibit only suits against the
doctrine of sovereign immunity or non-suability of the state without its consent, it is also applicable to
complaints filed against officials of the state for acts whose service he is, under the maxim - par in parem, non
allegedly performed by them in the discharge of their habet imperium - thatall states are sovereign equals and
duties. The rule is that if the judgment against such officials cannot assert jurisdiction over one another. The implication,
will require the state itself to perform an affirmative act to in broad terms, is that if the judgment against an official
satisfy the same, such as the appropriation of the amount would require the state itself to perform an affirmative act to
needed to pay the damages awarded against them, the suit satisfy the award, such as the appropriation of the amount
must be regarded as against the state itself although it has needed to pay the damages decreed against him, the suit
not been formally impleaded. [Garcia v. Chief of Staff, 16 must be regarded as being against the state itself, although
SCRA 120] In such a situation, the state may move to it has not been formally impleaded.21 (Emphasis supplied.)
dismiss the complaint on the ground that it has been filed
without its consent.19 (Emphasis supplied.) In the same case we also mentioned that in the case of
diplomatic immunity, the privilege is not an immunity from
Under the American Constitution, the doctrine is expressed in the observance of the law of the territorial sovereign or from
the Eleventh Amendment which reads: chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary ensuing legal liability; it is, rather, an immunity from the
exercise of territorial jurisdiction.22cralawlawlibrary
While UNCLOS cleared the Senate Foreign Relations The Convention is in the national interest of the United
Committee (SFRC) during the 108th and 110th Congresses, States because it establishes stable maritime zones,
its progress continues to be hamstrung by significant pockets including a maximum outer limit for territorial seas; codifies
of political ambivalence over U.S. participation in innocent passage, transit passage, and archipelagic sea lanes
international institutions. Most recently, 111th Congress SFRC passage rights; works against “jurisdictional creep” by
Chairman Senator John Kerry included “voting out” UNCLOS preventing coastal nations from expanding their own
for full Senate consideration among his highest priorities. maritime zones; and reaffirms sovereign immunity of
This did not occur, and no Senate action has been taken on warships, auxiliaries and government aircraft.
UNCLOS by the 112th Congress.34 chanrobleslaw
x x x x
Justice Carpio invited our attention to the policy statement
given by President Reagan on March 10, 1983 that the US Economically, accession to the Convention would support our
will “recognize the rights of the other states in the waters off national interests by enhancing the ability of the US to assert
their coasts, as reflected in the convention [UNCLOS], so its sovereign rights over the resources of one of the largest
long as the rights and freedom of the United States and continental shelves in the world. Further, it is the Law of the
others under international law are recognized by such coastal Sea Convention that first established the concept of a
states”, and President Clinton’s reiteration of the US policy maritime Exclusive Economic Zone out to 200 nautical miles,
“to act in a manner consistent with its [UNCLOS] provisions and recognized the rights of coastal states to conserve and
relating to traditional uses of the oceans and to encourage manage the natural resources in this Zone.35 chanrobleslaw
Petitioners argue that there is a waiver of immunity from suit
We fully concur with Justice Carpio’s view that non- found in the VFA. Likewise, they invoke federal statutes in
membership in the UNCLOS does not mean that the US will the US under which agencies of the US have statutorily
disregard the rights of the Philippines as a Coastal State over waived their immunity to any action. Even under the
its internal waters and territorial sea. We thus expect the US common law tort claims, petitioners asseverate that the US
to bear “international responsibility” under Art. 31 in respondents are liable for negligence, trespass and nuisance.
connection with the USS Guardian grounding which adversely
affected the Tubbataha reefs. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine We are not persuaded.
that our long-time ally and trading partner, which has been
actively supporting the country’s efforts to preserve our vital The VFA is an agreement which defines the treatment of
marine resources, would shirk from its obligation to United States troops and personnel visiting the Philippines to
compensate the damage caused by its warship while promote “common security interests” between the US and
transiting our internal waters. Much less can we comprehend the Philippines in the region. It provides for the guidelines to
a Government exercising leadership in international affairs, govern such visits of military personnel, and further defines
unwilling to comply with the UNCLOS directive for all nations the rights of the United States and the Philippine government
to cooperate in the global task to protect and preserve the in the matter of criminal jurisdiction, movement of vessel
marine environment as provided in Article 197, and aircraft, importation and exportation of equipment,
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary materials and supplies.36 The invocation of US federal tort
laws and even common law is thus improper considering that
Article 197 it is the VFA which governs disputes involving US military
Cooperation on a global or regional basis ships and crew navigating Philippine waters in pursuance of
the objectives of the agreement.
States shall cooperate on a global basis and, as appropriate,
on a regional basis, directly or through competent As it is, the waiver of State immunity under the VFA pertains
international organizations, in formulating and elaborating only to criminal jurisdiction and not to special civil actions
international rules, standards and recommended practices such as the present petition for issuance of a writ of
and procedures consistent with this Convention, for the Kalikasan. In fact, it can be inferred from Section 17, Rule 7
protection and preservation of the marine environment, of the Rules that a criminal case against a person charged
taking into account characteristic regional features. with a violation of an environmental law is to be filed
put the parties and their counsels under oath, and they shall
remain under oath in all pre-trial conferences. A rehabilitation or restoration program to be implemented at
the cost of the violator is also a major relief that may be
The judge shall exert best efforts to persuade the parties to obtained under a judgment rendered in a citizens’ suit under
arrive at a settlement of the dispute. The judge may issue a the Rules, viz: chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
No pronouncement as to costs.
SO ORDERED. cralawred