Organizational Behaviour - Edited

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Organizational Behaviour 1


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Organizational Behaviour 2

Dear Sir,

I am interested to have an experience in a United Kingdom setting. My leadership

potential could be applicable to the Creative Brand Consulting Company. At Creative Brand

Consulting, the company regard itself as brand builders as experts in big thinking, creative

concepts and innovative technology solutions. The company assists its customers’ identify

and resolve their market wants and challenges. Whether it's an overhaul of a current identity

or a more inclusive strategic brand exercise, the objective of this firm is to assist clients craft

brands that are distinguishable something, and eventually stand out from the competition

(Creative Brand Consulting 2018).

The Creative Brand consulting company founded in 1990, the period UK was

evaluating on opening its market to the universe and creating an opportunity for the private

sector. Creative Brand Consulting Company has opened more than twenty-six retail outlets in

the UK market and has considered expanding its market segment to Europe. The corporation

is one of the largest and quick thriving brand consulting company in the UK advertising

market. A coin has two sides, and brand consulting is not an exemption as together with the

escalated in retail store and a substantially increased with the number of sales, the motivation,

and the quality of employees did not have an appropriate concern, in turn, the number of

veteran staff leaving the corporation increased at an alarming rate. Together with the

attraction from business rivals and the influx of foreign direct investment, the human

resources war in the UK market is becoming more stringent than ever before because the

rising number of skilled workers and the great managers in UK is extremely restrained. The

higher the number of workers, the more problematic to satisfy each individual, and

motivation have an effect in maintaining the talent and veteran workers stay with the firm

though also enhance productivity.

Organizational Behaviour 3

Creative brand consulting has specified and clear compensation system for every

position and every employee to encourage workers to gain a better operating outcome. A

bonus rewarding system was grounded on various criteria including the monthly sales target

for retail outlets or the duration of time and the number of newly designed clothes. The

regulations for the bonus system are so impressive. The staff of Creative brand consulting

will gain more than a small bonus in their salary annually. In addition, the workers who work

more than compulsory moments will receive hourly salary. The workers who design the

largest quantity in terms of sales will receive half bonus of their salaries. The retail outlets

having the best sales monthly will receive a monthly bonus for every worker. As can be

observed clearly via the bonus system, money is totally utilized for compensation in the

Creative Brand Consulting Company. Even though money can be significant in nearly every

occasion, grounded upon theories, money can only bring solutions to the most fundamental

human motivation. The highest form of encouragement is the recognition from other

individuals, and human resources employers in the organization do not appear to wholly


Transactional leaders motivate workers via an exchange process such as

compensation. Transformational leaders motivate the workers by activating their highest-

order needs and wants including the team-building, moral values, and vision. The importance

of working in teams allow the workers to collaborate effectively. Groups that are cohesive

appear to elude social loafing, with individuals making a more significant impact than they

would make if they worked solely on the assignment.

Leadership style which strives to share and convey the importance of the vision of a

company with the remainder of staff is vital in the process of encouraging employees. Once

each worker grasps the common aim and objective of a company as enshrined in the vision, it
Organizational Behaviour 4

will be quiet effortless for leaders to nurture motivation. The workers will only have a

powerful quench to attain the aims of a corporation in case they grasp or recognize with its

vision statement. It is only via a relational leadership style that vision can be disseminated

from the top to lower-level leadership workers.

An effective leadership style will guarantee that employees are well acquainted of the

effect of the mission and vision statement of the corporation. They should be made to feel a

facet of the whole process of attaining success and enjoying the positive outcomes of their

dedication. Once this is attained, employees will be encouraged as they have luring fringe

benefits and because they have a bright future together with the company. Poor leadership

will hide the relevant information from the employees. This will make them have a feeling of

ignorance from the organization and feel less motivated. It is a common fact that individuals

will tend if they grasp quite well that they have something to accrue benefit from either in a

short or long duration of time. When such workers relationships are attained, then the work of

a leader will be streamlined. Leaders who grasp the fact that they require to create a close

working relationship with staff are often successful. It will be easy to recognize and solve

their issues at the workplace and thus encourage them (Long et al. 2014).

Worker motivation is a significant learning organization aspect. Motivations are

essential to motivate them learning and knowledge dissemination among the members of the

corporation. Notwithstanding, rewards should be given promptly for ongoing improvement

and to create a desirable leaning norm and organizational culture. Worker motivation being

the level of hard work, commitment, and creativity that a firm’s employees apply to their

jobs, it is the extent of personal and professional satisfaction that a worker enjoys in his or her

life. This is a matter of significant concern for businesses as it is well established that a

motivated labour force will attain better results than an encouraged one. Some of the issues
Organizational Behaviour 5

linked with discouraged employees constitute of decreasing morale, complacency, and

widespread discouragement. In case we allowed to linger, these issues can decrease earnings,

productivity, and competitiveness.

Various recommendations are required to improve the motivation problem in Creative

Brand Consulting Company. A motivation plan needs to be conducted to offer the workers

working in the organization a better environment to make them stay with the firm and

enhance their productivity. The theory of Herzberg stressed that the more satisfied workers

are at the workplace, then the better performance is bound to be attained (Yeboah & Abdulai

2016). Being capable to control and balance hygiene and motivational aspects will make the

workers wholly focus on their obligation to attain the best outcomes for the organization.

Subsequently, the motivation plan is grounded in the theory of Herzberg to create an

equilibrium between the motivational and dis-motivational aspects to create difficult and

harmonious settings among the colleagues.

The workers of the Creative Brand Consulting Company were not satisfied with the

present position as per the requirement. Due to this, managers should rotate workers and

gather feedback from the workers to transfer them to appropriate positions. As workers

cannot totally concentrate on the work except they are put in a suitable position,

subsequently, managers among departments require to cooperate and examine the weakness,

strengths, and opportunities of every worker, integrating with the feedback of their wish, to

transfer them into the suitable position grounded on their favour and capability.

Rotating workers among positions will pave way opportunities to approach distinct

tasks including sales, human resources or advertising. The more positions workers might

have the better capability he or she will attain. In addition, putting in many positions will

encourage workers and challenge them to nurture their best capability, from that managers
Organizational Behaviour 6

might have a likelihood to acknowledge the talent workers and encourage them suitably to

make them shy away from the invitation of business rivals. Managers should offer the

workers with conditions and a setting where they can approve their capability.

A significant number of Creative Brand Consulting company think that the

acknowledgment from colleagues and manager substantially influence their motivation of

working. An appropriate recognition should be answered via three inquiries, how, where and

when. The recognition of workers need to be carried out on time with appropriate awards,

and it should be addressed among managers. The recognition is not similar to rewards when

workers when they attain a target. In this scenario, the managers of every store should liaise

with the board of directors to obtain the feedback to the workers on time. The rewards do not

require to be a significant amount of money. Based on the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the

compliment is sometimes better than the actual materials (Ozguner & Ozguner 2015). The

monthly and weekly rewards for performing staff might just be a compliment in front of the

colleagues or a couple of trophies. The recognition of workers is easier said than executed as

the recognition requires a subtle norm from managers. It is important to acknowledge the

motivation policy in Creative Brand Consulting Company, yet the absence of cooperation

within the board of directors hindered him from fulfilling his desire. In this scenario, there

ought to be liaising among the board of directors, managers, and every store's manager.

According to the goal setting theory of Locke, a precise goal can enhance the

productivity of workers and substantially become time-conscious for managers (Berson et al.

2015). As the size of the organization is rising daily, it is problematic for managers to keep

track of the everyday work of workers and set an appropriate compensation system for them.

It is recommended that a new sales target should be set up annually and divided into two

targeted though separated. The initial target would be the previous years operating outcome,

and the second target would be the objective target for the year. The awards for the second
Organizational Behaviour 7

target would be higher than the previous one. This would encourage workers to the best and

except they do not reach the second target, they would be acknowledged for what they have

performed. This would motivate the staff to strive for their efforts to attain what they have

executed. The second target awards should not be a constant amount of amount though

grounded on the number of clothes as the dividends would be shared to the members of the

stores. Secondly, managers should set a target for the whole firm. This would set a conducive

atmosphere among stores, and all the stores would liaise with one another to attain the target

for the whole corporation. Except there is a target for the whole firm, there would be a

competition between the stores and this would undermine the corporation is some situations.

It has been significant to assess if the workers of the Creative Brand Consulting

Company are presently motivated, and to discover ways to enhance motivation of workers

from that raising the productivity and maintaining them so stay with the organization,

consequently, the goal setting theories in which the managers only require to set a specified

goal for every retail store. This will time consciously of managers to spend their schedule on

another work.

The theoretical background of this study was primarily grounded on the Herzbergs'

motivational theory, as the latter has a special connotation to the real development of any

firms (Michael et al. 2015). Carried out from the research, recommendations have initially

been made with the target to enhance the motivational workers in Creative Brand Consulting

Company as the number of veterans leaving the firm is rising significantly, motivational

aspects should be at an appropriate worry. To attain a sustainable development Creative

Brand Consulting Company out to have an appropriate concern to the workers because the

human resources are the most significant aspects and the root of development in a firm.
Organizational Behaviour 8

My main objectives are learning how to solve difficult situations among employees,

how many services it offers for each product, what kind of business relations they sensitize,

what the market target is and ways of increasing the relationship between the employer and


I am not perusing a specific department; however, the operations department would be the

most fascinating for me.

Thank you very much in advance for your assistance.

Your timely response will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Organizational Behaviour 9


Berson, Y., Halevy, N., Shamir, B. and Erez, M., 2015. Leading from different psychological

distances: A construal-level perspective on vision communication, goal setting, and follower

motivation. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(2), pp.143-155.

Creative Brand Consulting. 2018. Creative Brand Consulting | We Build Brands. Retrieved


Long, C.S., Yusof, W.M.M., Kowang, T.O. and Heng, L.H., 2014. The impact of

transformational leadership style on job satisfaction. World Applied Sciences

Journal, 29(1), pp.117-124.

Michael, K., Kwao, F.D. And Gyamfi, H., 2015. Job Satisfaction, A Motivation Factor For

Improving Work Output, A Case Study Of Koforidua Polytechnic.

Ozguner, Z. and Ozguner, M., 2014. A managerial point of view on the relationship between

of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Herzberg's dual factor theory. International Journal of

Business and Social Science, 5(7).

Yeboah, M.A. and Abdulai, A., 2016. Evidence of Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory in

Small and Medium Enterprises through the Lens of A Three-Star Hotel. International

Journal of Research–GRANTHAALAYAH, 4(11), pp.23-36.

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