Referencias Uroradiologia
Referencias Uroradiologia
Referencias Uroradiologia
This is the sixth in a series of short reviews of internet-based radiological learning resources and will focus on geni-
tourinary (GU) and breast radiology. Below are details of a few of the higher quality resources currently available.
Most of the sites cater for medical students and trainee or non-specialist radiologists, but may be also be of interest
to specialists, especially for use in teaching. Hyperlinks are available in the electronic version of this article and were
all active at the time of going to press (July 2006).
ª 2006 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
University of Virginia online tutorials Philadelphia, USA, primarily for students and
trainees. The GU section is not as developed as
This site contains a number of tutorials written by some of the other sections yet and presently
radiologists from the University of Virginia Health contains short notes on various pathologies. There
Sciences Center, USA. The ‘‘Introduction to GU were no lectures at the time of writing, but the site
Radiology’’ tutorial is worth checking as content is still being added.
edu/courses/rad/gu/index.html is written for med-
ical students and trainees and contains a good CT is us
overview of GU radiology, including adrenal and
male pelvis and contains plenty of images to support
the points being made. The ‘‘Emergency Ultra-
sound’’ tutorial, previously mentioned in our GI web We have previously recommended this excellent,
review, deserves another mention, as it also covers comprehensive website developed by Dr Elliot
flank, pelvic and testicular pain: Fishman and colleagues’ from the Department of Radiology at Johns Hopkins Institutions in Baltimore,
Maryland, USA. The site deserves another mention as
Learning radiologydGU radiology it contains an organ system module dedicated to the
kidney, as well as many other resources, including lists of key journal references organized by subject,
extensive teaching cases, lectures (requiring Real
Player) and podcasts for those who have an MP3
player. This site is suitable for radiologists at all levels.
This is another site previously commended, which
has been developed by William Herring MD, Vice-
Chairman and Radiology Residency Program Scottish Radiological SocietydRenal
Director at Albert Einstein Medical Center in transplant tutorial
* Guarantor and correspondent: A.F. Scarsbrook, Department renaltx/ren.htm
of Radiology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, Heading-
ton, Oxford, OX3 9DU, UK. Tel.: þ44 1865 220815; fax: þ44
1865 220801. Hosted by the Scottish Radiological Society, this
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.F. Scarsbrook). tutorial was actually written by Dr C. V. Zwirewich
0009-9260/$ - see front matter ª 2006 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
650 R.W. Perriss et al.
from the Vancouver Hospital & Health Sciences the excellent ‘‘Essentials of Uroradiology’’ session
Centre, Canada. The tutorial is a comprehensive can be downloaded from: http://www.xray.hmc.
review of the place of imaging and intervention in
the management of renal transplants and their For members of RSNA there is access to online
complications. The tutorial is also well illustrated lectures and educational exhibits in Radio-
with relevant images. Graphics:
Genitourinary development
Authored by David A. Hatch M.D, Professor of
Urology & Pediatrics, Loyola University Stritch BREAST.htm
School of Medicine, this website contains informa-
tion on the normal embryological development of OBSTETRICSGYNECOLOGY.htm
the GU tract as well as the clinical scenarios arising
when this process goes wrong. The site contains A perennial favourite, eMedicine has comprehen-
both clinical photographs as well as radiological sive coverage of GU and breast topics. The articles
images. are all peer reviewed and provide a thorough
coverage of the subject in question.
Mayo Clinic, ArizonadBreast MRI to offer ‘‘digital interactive breast imaging edu-
cation’’, and consists primarily of 60 teaching cases. The cases are viewed as unknowns, often
Breast_MR/index.htm with multiple choice options to answer. The
images are large and detailed. The site also
Written by Catherine C. Roberts MD, from the Mayo contains some links to other online breast radiol-
Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, this site provides ogy resources.
a good introduction to breast MRI and follows this
up with 15 cases demonstrating typical and some
atypical findings on MRI all backed up with Teaching filesdEurorad and Medpix
mammographic, ultrasound and pathological
We have recommended both these sites before for the quality of their teaching files. Medpix has the
larger collection and also the opportunity to view
This site was developed by Katherine E. Dee MD, cases as unknowns. The Eurorad site offers a good
a radiologist from the Seattle Breast Center, number of GU and breast cases, all of which are peer
Northwest Hospital, Seattle, USA. The site claims reviewed and are supported by journal references.