Mining is the extraction of minerals and other materials with value from the ground.
The main legal framework that regulates the mining industry are as follows:
1. Republic Act No. 7942, otherwise known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 and its
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations; and
2. DENR Administrative Order 96-40, as amended.
Furthermore, the laws that regulate small scale mining are as follows:
1. Republic Act No. 7076 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; and
2. DENR Administrative Order 34, series of 1992.
What is Mining?
Mining is simply the withdrawal of minerals and other materials of value from the
What are the minerals available in the Philippines and operational regions in the mining
The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) has estimated that the country has an estimated
840 billion dollar worth of untapped mineral wealth as of the year 2012.
The objective of the law is to regulate the exploration, development, utilization, and
processing of all mineral sources.
How does Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Mines and Geocsiences
Bureau help in regulating and monitoring mining in the Philippines?
MGB is the agency responsible for the conservation, management, development and
proper use of the country’s mineral resources including those in reservations and lands of public
The agency helps in regulating and monitoring mining in the Philippines through their
following services:
1. Geological Mapping;
2. Coastal and Marine Geological and Geophysical Survey;
3. Issuance of Sand and Gravel Permits and Area Clearances;
4. Seminars on mining-related subjects;
5. Inspection and Recommendation Measures;
6. Analysis of chemical and physical of rock soil and water samples; and
7. Chemical and Metallurgical tests.
There is a good side and there is a bad side of mining. Advocates against mining fight to
completely ban mining in the Philippines. Others on the other hand, ask for regulation only of the
mining industry.
In my own personal stand, there is nothing wrong with mining in the Philippines, for as
long as careful studies are conducted first before mining will be allowed in a certain area and
permits granted to the mining firm.