Vitamin A Stability in Nigerian Wheat Flour PDF

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Vol. 10(3) pp.

33-40, March 2016

DOI: 10.5897/AJFS2015.1385
Article Number: 994A2C158069
ISSN 1996-0794 African Journal of Food Science
Copyright © 2016
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

Vitamin A stability in Nigerian wheat flour and

fortification compliance level
Florence Ngozi Uchendu1* and Tola Atinmo2
School of Health Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria, 14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island,
Lagos, Nigeria.
Department of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Received 19 0cotober, 2015; Accepted 4 March, 2016

Stability and compliance level of fortified Nigerian retailed flour has not been determined. The aim of
study therefore was to evaluate vitamin A stability in retailed flour and assess compliance status.
Seventeen wheat flour samples were randomly selected from 12 bakeries across six Local Government
Areas in Lagos, Nigeria. Pre- and post-storage retinol analyses of retailed flour stored for 30 days were
carried out using high performance liquid chromatography. Stability results for flour were grouped
under 1, 2, and 3 months conditions. Fortification compliance was calculated based on three
assumptions, using Nigerian Industrial Standards (NIS) (≥30.0 IU/g). WHO guidelines (Feasible
Fortification Level/Range (FFL)) of approximately 25 % loss (22.5 -30.0 IU/g) and 50 % acceptable
compliance range (ACR) for vitamin A (15.0-30.0 IU/g). Sample stability and compliance were calculated
in percentages. Data were analysed using T-test and ANOVA at p<.05. Mean vitamin A (retinol) contents
of flour were 18,221.3 IU/kg (1 month), 9,181.9 IU/kg (2 months) and 6,432.7 IU/kg (3 months). Pre- and
post-storage vitamin A stabilities in flour at 1, 2, and 3 months were 60.7, 30.6, and 21.4%. Only 11.8% of
samples met NIS. Pre-storage vitamin A content compliance in flour was 23.5% and non-compliance
rate was 76.5%. Post-storage compliance rate decreased to 5.9% while non-compliance rate increased
to 94.1%. Significant difference existed between vitamin A content of flour and NIS. Low stability and
compliance were observed in flour samples. Revised quality of premix, effective monitoring and
enforcement should be ensured.
Key words: Vitamin A, fortification, wheat flour, stability, compliance.


Micronutrient fortification of flour plays a significant role in and rice with different micronutrients such as vitamin A,
the prevention and eradication of micronutrient defi- iron, B-complex, zinc, and folate. Currently, 19 lows- and
ciencies in vulnerable populations (Sun et al., 2008; Huo low middle –income countries are fortifying or proposing
et al., 2011, 2012). Many countries especially in Sub- to fortify wheat flour with vitamin A (Klemm et al., 2010).
Saharan Africa (SSA) and Asian Countries are mandatorily There has been mandatory vitamin A fortification of
fortifying wheat flour, maize flour, wheat meal, corn meal, wheat and maize flour in USA (1974), Venezuela (1996),

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

Author(s) agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 International License
34 Afr. J. Food Sci.

Philippines (1996-2000), Egypt (1999), Indonesia (2000), consumed in rural and urban regions respectively
Guatemala (2002), South Africa (2003), Zambia (2003), (Nestel, 1993). A compliance range of 12 to 33% has
Nigeria (2004), Morocco (2005) and Ghana (2009). In been reported in wheat flour (Ogunmoyela et al., 2013).
South Africa, by the end of 2003, all maize meal and The micronutrient levels in fortified products should be
white and brown bread flour (and bread baked with this monitored on a regular basis by calibrated/standardized
flour) have been fortified with vitamin A, iron, thiamine, laboratory equipment with modern analytical technology
riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid and zinc (DOH, such as spectrophotometry and HPLC in order to dictate
2008). In Zimbabwe, maize has been fortified with vitamin mixing errors or potency variations that would result in
A (Vitamin Global Initiative, 1997). Nigeria started vitamin over- or under-fortification (Blum, 1997). A study in South
A fortification of flour in 2002 at a very high level of 9 Africa, found low compliance levels in bread flour and
mg/kg (30,000 IU/Kg). maize meal (Yusufali et al., 2012). The conclusion was
Stability testing provides evidence on how the quality of that the low compliance was as a result of insufficient
the food substance or product is influenced over time addition of premix at the mills as opposed to losses due
under various environmental conditions such as to vitamin A stability. Low compliance reduces
temperature, relative humidity, moisture, pH, light, air and micronutrient availability and intake by vulnerable
metallic ions (DHHS, FDA/CDER/CBER, 2003). Studies consumers of fortified products and potentially prevents
conducted in USA and Philippines showed that the the eradication of micronutrient deficiencies expected
stability of vitamin A in wheat flour and baked products is from the flour fortification programme (Yusufali et al.,
good (Mansoor, 2007; Dary and Omar, 2002). Vitamin A 2012). The average compliance pass rate for Global
losses due to shipping and storage and during food Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GHAIN)-supported staple
preparation has been estimated in wheat flour at 30-50 % food fortification programmes in 25 countries was
which is within the normal range of stability for vitamin A approximately reported as 40% (Garrett and Luthringer,
in dry fortified products (Dary and Omar, 2002). Further 2015). Nigeria has fortified flour with vitamin A since 2004
losses of vitamin A during food processing form an but the vitamin A stability and compliance level after
additional concern, because the fortification level should storage have not been assessed. Assessment of vitamin
be based on the vitamin level in the food at the time of A stability and industrial compliance are very important in
consumption (Nalubola et al., 1998). the success of vitamin A deficiency (VAD) eradication in
Micronutrient fortification of staples serve as a short Nigeria. The aim of this study therefore was to determine
and long-term intervention strategy and if complied with vitamin A stability in retailed wheat flour and assess
by all stakeholders, it would have helped to effectively fortification compliance status.
accomplish the first millennium development goal
(MDGs) of halving, between 1990 and 2015, the
proportion of people who suffer from hunger (physical or MATERIALS AND METHODS
hidden) especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asian
Collection and selection of flour samples
countries. However, there is a critical gap between
fortification legislation and compliance which is affecting Seventeen wheat flour samples were randomly selected from 12
the impact of food fortification (Garrett and Luthringer, bakeries across six Local Government Areas (Agege, Ikorodu,
2015). Mushin, Ojo, Oshodi/Isolo and Lagos Island) in Lagos State,
Knowledge of the level of non-compliance in any study Nigeria. The following information was recorded for each sample: (i)
date of production written on flour bags/labels (inserted inside some
is essential for assessing impact. It is also a reminder of the flour bags) in order to determine how long the sample has
that when any measure is adopted for routine application stayed or the post-production time; (ii) date of sampling/analysis;
there will always be those who for various reasons fail to (iii) brand name; (iv) batch number if given and (v) Laboratory
participate (McLaren and Kraemer, 2012). For effective sample code for identification of each sample brand was AA, BB,
fortification impact to be achieved, it is essential to CC and DD.
ensure that the food vehicle consistently supplies
adequate amounts of nutrients at the point of Sample storage
consumption to the at-risk groups (Yusufali et al., 2012).
Measures to provide quality control are necessary to Wheat flour samples were kept in plastic corked containers and
guarantee food fortification in pre-established concen- stored for 30 days at room temperature similar to that done by
trations. Great variation was found in the concentration of Solon et al. (1998, 1999, 2008) and Cort et al. (1976).
vitamins as pre-established on the labels (Liberato and
Pinheiro-Sant’Ana, 2006). A serious problem is Vitamin A (retinol) content
measuring errors in the vitamin doses used for fortifica-
tion during food processing (Liberato and Pinheiro- The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method by
AOAC (2000) reported elsewhere (Uchendu and Atinmo, 2012;
Sant’Ana, 2006). Uchendu et al., 2012) was used in the vitamin A analysis of
In Honduras, despite mandatory sugar fortification, samples. Duplicate samples were analysed within 24 h of collection
vitamin A was not detected in 34% and 21% of the sugar and mean values taken.
Uchendu and Atinmo 35

Table 1. Pre and post-storage vitamin A contents of wheat flour Vitamin A content (IU/Kg).

Vitamin A content (IU/Kg)

S/N Flour brand
1 month 2 months 3 months
1 AA 44,574.2 20,211.2
2 AA n/a 11,936.0 7,283.0
3 BB n/a 5,266.5 866.4
4 BB n/a 16,110.6 11,148.7
5 DD 31,670.0 26,113.3
6 AA 13, 494.2 7,680.6
7 AA 22,250.3 5,615.0
8 AA 8,134.3 1,844.6
9 BB 8,720.0 7,973.0
10 BB 12,771.7 2,882.7
11 AA 24,350.0 6,262.7
12 AA 14,960.0 9,560.1
13 CC 27,048.5 18,576.7
14 DD 12,256.9 3,316.8
15 CC& DD 17,690.8 2,305.6
16 DD 10,112.40 0.00
17 BB & DD 7,064.40 1,255.10
18,221.26 9,181.90 6,432.70
±10,698.11 ±7,441.5 ±5,193.62
P-value 0.001 .000 .016
*Recommended value =30,000 IU/Kg. **Samples written n/a were 2 months old at point of collection. P-value
significant at p<.05.

Calculation of percentage vitamin A stability in samples consideration additional factors such as premix quality and stability,
in-process addition challenges.
All wheat flour samples were assumed to be fortified with the Number of samples that had the required ranges based on the
vitamin A recommended value of 30,000 IU/kg (9.0 µg RE/kg). assumptions was calculated as follows:
Vitamin A stability was calculated as percentage of the
recommended value as follows: Number of samples that met the recommendations
% Compliance level = x 100
Mean pre or post-storage vitamin A contents of flour Total number of samples analyzed
% vitamin A stability = x 100
Recommended value (30,000 IU/Kg) Samples were grouped according to compliance and non-
compliance status under NIS (≥30 IU/g), FFL (29,999-30,000), ACR
(15-30 IU/g), and not detected.
Calculation of vitamin A stability losses in samples

Vitamin A losses were computed by subtracting vitamin A stability

values from 100%. Statistical analysis

Stability results were grouped under 1, 2, and 3 months conditions.

Calculation of compliance Descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, total, mean,
percentages and standard deviation (± SD) were used to describe
Fortification compliance was calculated using the method of data. The obtained data were subjected to student T-test and
Ogunmoyela et al. (2013). Three assumptions were made as analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Statistical Package for Social
follows: Scientists (SPSS), software (version 15 for windows SPSS Inc.,
Chicago) to compare and identify significance (p<.05) between
i) All the samples were assumed to have been fortified with current means of treatments.
Nigerian International standard (NIS) or recommended value for
flour (30 IU/g).
ii) World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline of acceptable range
of 25% (Feasible Fortification Level/Range (FFL)) 25% loss (22.5-
30 IU/g) due to losses during distribution and storage was
applied (WHO/FAO, 2006). Vitamin A stability in wheat flour
iii) An acceptable range (ACR) of 50% (15-30 IU/g) was used to
determine if the level of fortification was adequate taken into Table 1 shows that the pre- and post-storage vitamin A
36 Afr. J. Food Sci.

Figure 1. Pre and post storage vitamin A stability in flour.

contents of wheat flour samples was lower than NIS having many double bonds susceptible to degradation
minimum requirement for wheat flour in Nigeria; 30,000 (Wirakartakusumah and Hariyadi, 1998). The inclusion of
IU/Kg (NIS: 121:2000). All the samples showed presence 5% cassava flour into Nigerian wheat flour does not affect
of vitamin A but only two samples (11.8 %) (AA and DD) the vitamin A stability in flour because it is still 100% flour
were found to be adequately fortified, above the (95% wheat flour + 5% cassava flour) before vitamin A
standard. Vitamin A concentration in wheat flour was 19- premix is added so there is no dilution effect. Another
83% below the recommended value in 88% (15/17) of the reason responsible for the low vitamin A values in the
samples tested and exceeded the recommended value in flour samples might be that the recommended vitamin A
12% (2/17) with overages of 5.6 to 48.6%. The mean value 30,000 IU/kg was not added at the fortification point
vitamin A content at 1 month was however similar to that in the majority of the samples. But if the recommended
obtained by Cort et al. (1995) but higher than that value was added and the samples retained only 18,221.3
obtained by Ogunmoyela et al. (2013). There was a IU/kg at 30 days mean post production time, poor quality
significant difference between the obtained vitamin A of premix ingredients could be responsible. All the flour
content of wheat flour and the Nigerian recommended millers used the same Standard Organisation of Nigeria
level (p <0.05). Also, vitamin A content of samples was (SON) standards but from different suppliers. There is
significantly different at different storage periods (p<0.05). evidence that some supplier’s mixes are of better quality
Figure 1 shows the mean percentage vitamin A stability and therefore lasts longer than others (Johnson et al.,
in wheat flour as 60.7% (1 month), 30.6% (2 months) and 2004). The quality of the premix is related to the quality of
21.4% (3 months). This was lower than that obtained in encapsulation. In South Africa, there is a proven
Philippines (Solon et al., 1998; Solon et al., 2008). Flour indication of vitamin A source problems where there are
was able to retain 60% of the vitamin A added under one two or three different sources using acetate instead of
month storage probably because vitamin A is added at palmitate or using less stabilised forms which are
point of bagging with no heat application. The stability of cheaper (DOH/UNICEF, South Africa, 2009). Adjusting
vitamin A is affected by physical and chemical factors for 30 to 50% lost consideration during transportation,
such as temperature, (water activity (aw) and moisture distribution, storage and processing of wheat flour and its
content), pH, oxygen, light, time, metallic ions, food products according to Klemm et al. (2010), it implies that
composition and enzymes (Wirakartakusumah and the minimum acceptable range for Nigerian vitamin A
Hariyadi, 1998; Manan, 1994). It has been reported that content for flour is 15,000 - 21,000 IU/kg (4,504.5 –
once premix is added at intended ratio concentrations to 6,306.3 µgRE). Less than half (35.3%) of the flour
wheat flour, the stability of vitamin A continues to vary samples met this range at 1month storage, 23.5% at 2
according to temperature, humidity, duration of storage, months storage and none at 3 months storage. This trend
and other conditions of storage (Klemm et al., 2010). The cut across the different flour brands in the market.
instability might also be due to its chemical structure, The sample that had the highest vitamin A content
Uchendu and Atinmo 37

Figure 2. Post-storage vitamin A stability losses in flour samples.

Figure 3. Mean vitamin A stability according to flour brands.

(44,000 IU/kg) more than the recommended value might because the general aim of vitamin A fortification of flour
suggest poor quality control measures in the fortification is to make vitamin A available to vulnerable groups
dosing process or addition of excess overage (Omar, through consumption of fortified flour products in order to
2005; Liberato and Pinheiro-Sant’Ana, 2006). eradicate vitamin A deficiency in Nigeria.
Figure 2 shows the post-storage vitamin A stability Figure 3 groups vitamin A stability in flour samples
losses in wheat flour samples. Mean stability loss was according to flour brands and indicated that the vitamin A
39.3±35.7 (1 month), 69.4±29.3 (2 months) and stability by brands was sample AA, 71% (1 month), 30%
78.6±17.2% (3 months). Vitamin A stability loss in wheat (2 months), and 24% (3 months); sample BB 36% (1
flour after one month storage was below forty percent month), 27% (2 months), and 24% (3 months); sample
(39%) and is within the normal range of losses (30 to CC 90% (1 month) and 62% (2 months); sample DD 60%
50%) recorded for dry fortified foods products (Dary and (1 month) and 32% (2 months); mixed samples (CC and
Mora, 2002). However, after 1 month, vitamin A stability DD) 59% (1 month) and 8% (2 months) and BB and DD
declined. This decrease was significant with time samples had 24% (1 month) and 4% (2 months)
(p<0.05) and agrees with the report that vitamin A respectively. For most of the flour brands, vitamin A
degrades with time (Wirakartakusumah, 1998; Manan, stability was good at one month. It was best in CC (91%)
1994). At three months storage, wheat flour lost more followed by AA brand (71%) then DD (60%) and the least
than 70 % of its vitamin A content. This high level of BB flour (36%). After 1 month of production, AA flour
degradation during storage calls for urgent attention brand was leading in vitamin A stability followed by CC
38 Afr. J. Food Sci.


Percentage stability
1 month
2 months
3 months
Flour brands

Figure 4. Decrease in vitamin A stability in flour brands.

Table 2. ANOVA Table showing vitamin A stability in different flour brands stored at 1 to 3 months.

% Stability
S/N Flour brands F p-value
1 month 2 months 3 months Mean** SD
1 AA (7)* 71 30 24 50.5 29.0 10.092 .047
2 BB (4) 32 22 20 27.0 7.1
3 DD (3) 60 32 - 46.0 19.8
4 CC (1) 90 62 - 76.0 19.8
5 CC+DD(mixed) (1) 59 8 - 33.5 36.1
6 BB+DD (mixed) (1) 24 4 - 14.0 14.1
*Numbers in parenthesis are number of sampling occurrences. P-value significant at p<0.05.

and DD. However, beyond 1 month, there was a sharp were reported as mannitol (90%), lactose (89%), mannitol
decline in vitamin A stability in all the samples except in + sucrose (88%), mannitol + dextrose (83%), dextrose
BB flour brand. While others declined in geometric (81%), sucrose (80%), calcium sulphate (75%), kaolin
progression, BB decreased in arithmetic progression (75%), aluminium hydroxide (73%), mannitol + starch
(Figure 4). At three months storage, CC and DD flour (70%), mannitol + aluminium hydroxide (60%), and starch
brands had zero vitamin A contents. BB flour brand might (59%) after one month storage (Kee-Neng et al., 1962).
have a superior quality premix than the others. This This study shows that starch as a coating matrix for
comparison excluded samples that were only collected vitamin A has the lowest stability (59 %) among other
once in all the bakeries. It is also observed in this table matrixes. The stability of flour obtained in this study at
that AA flour brand enjoyed more patronage by bakers one month post-production time (60.7%) is similar to the
than other brands followed by BB flour brand. Out of the stability of the modified starch matrix used (59%). This
17 flour samples used in the bakeries, 41.1% samples might explain the low stability obtained in this study and
were AA flour, 23.5% BB, 5.9% CC, 17.7% DD and the reason Nigerian fortified products could not withstand
11.8% blended flour brands. Table 2 shows that vitamin the effect of vitamin A degrading factors.
A stability significantly differed in all the flour brands in Encapsulation of vitamin A is meant to protect it from all
Nigeria. This might be as a result of the quality of vitamin external degrading factors and it is successful in
A used by each miller. developed countries. However, the stability of the
Type of matrix used for the vitamin A premix ingredients used in the encapsulation becomes the
encapsulation might be one of the major factors that determining factor on the level of stability to be achieved.
affected the vitamin A stability of Nigerian wheat flour. If the ingredients used in formulation are not stable, the
Nigeria uses 250 CWS premix which is encapsulated with premix might not be stable. Encapsulation can only
modified food starch. A study has found that starch matrix provide additional moisture barrier if the formulation
has the lowest stability among other matrices. Vitamin A ingredients are stable. The form of vitamin A and premix
stability of various matrices used as vitamin A coatings to be used in fortification should be the highest grade,
Uchendu and Atinmo 39

76.60% packaged in 500 g, 1 kg, and 2.5 kg to prevent retailing

from 50 kg bags which should be for industrial use. In the
Vitamin A compliance (%)

past (1970s), there used to be 2.5 kg flour bags meant for

60.00% home use.
50.00% Improper packaging of wheat flour from millers might
40.00% 29.40% be another challenge for vitamin A stability in Nigeria.
30.00% Polypropylene bags are used and this might not properly
20.00% 11.80% 11.80% protect flour from moisture and air during transportation
10.00% and storage. Only one flour brand (AA) has its
0.00% polypropylene bag laminated. This might be one of the
reasons why this brand had higher vitamin A stability
(71%) than other brands after 30 days storage. This
problem was also reported in Pakistan where different
Level of compliance
packaging materials such as jute, cotton and
polypropylene are being used for packaging of flour (Butt
Figure 5. Pre-storage vitamin A content compliance in flour.
et al., 2003). These packages do not protect the wheat
flour properly from contamination by insect pests,
microbes, sand, dust and environmental moisture.
88.20% 90.00%
Vitamin A compliance

Vitamin A compliance (%)

Vitamin A content compliance level in wheat flour
50.00% Figure 5 shows the pre-storage vitamin A content
40.00% compliance in wheat flour to be only 11.8 % based on
30.00% WHO guidelines (Feasible Fortification Level/Range
11.80% (FFL)) of approximately 25% loss (22,500-30,000 IU/Kg).
5.90% 6% 10.00%
0.00% 0.00% Total compliance (≥30,000 IU/Kg) was 23.6% and non-
compliance level was 76.47%. Out of 17 flour samples,
only 29.4% were compliant at the 50% acceptable
compliance range (ACR) for vitamin A (15,000-30,000
IU/Kg). Figure 6 shows that compliance after stability
Level of compliance studies dropped from 23.6 to 5.9% while non-compliance
increased from 76.5 to 94.1%. At ACR, compliance level
Figure 6. Post-storage vitamin A content compliance in flour. dropped from 29.4 to 11.8%. Vitamin A content of flour
obtained from analysis was lower than Nigerian
recommended level. This is an indication of low
compliance. This result is in agreement with that obtained
appropriate for the intended food vehicle, stable under by BASF (2009), Yusufali et al. (2012), Ogunmoyela et al.
ambient conditions and for the duration of expected use, (2013), Garrett and Luthringer (2015). From these
and introduced into the food supply in accordance with results, it is clear that the low compliance of ‘fortified’
existing industry standards (Klemm et al., 2010). There is samples might limit the anticipated impact of the current
a research need to determine the level of encapsulation Nigerian fortification program. The fact that a product
and ingredients in the Nigerian premix. claims to be fortified does not really mean that it contains
Nigeria is in the tropical region which is prone to high the specified vitamin A level. Despite the fact that
atmospheric temperature or hot weather during dry fortification is mandatory for wheat/maize flour in Nigeria,
season and high humidity during rainy season. Poor the cost of high vitamin A dosage (30 IU/Kg) with other
handling procedures at retail level could have affected micronutrients in the fortification of wheat flour without
the vitamin A stability in flour especially if the vitamin A any incentives from Government might pose a challenge
was not encapsulated and flour is not packaged to millers and these become limiting factors to total
adequately. Flour is exposed or displayed outside shops compliance. Vitamin A compounds needed for fortification
for customers to see and buy. Even when they are of dry matrixes such as flour and sugar are at least four
packed inside, the shops or warehouses are very hot. At times more expensive than the oily forms, and their
retail levels, flour is tired in black nylons in small kilogram stability is inferior. Hence, dry foods tend to be fortified
measurements for sale. Some retailers open the with less vitamin A, which requires higher consumption
industrial bag (50 kg) and retail directly from it and retail (Dary and Mora, 2002). Vitamin A is expensive and the
selling in cups might take them some months before the issue of cost-benefit analysis should be addressed by
bag is finished. Flour retailers should be trained on the reducing vitamin A recommended level to the range of
proper ways of handling flour. Fortified flour should be 5.0 to 7.0 IU/g.
40 Afr. J. Food Sci.

Conclusions Klemm RDW, Sanchez L, Darnton-Hill I, Craft NE, Christian P, West

KP Jr (2000). Efficacy of a vitamin A – fortified wheat flour bun on
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stability was only good in 1 month wheat flour. Quality Klemm RDW, West KP Jr., Palmer AC, Johnson Q, Randall P,
and quantity of vitamin A premix ingredient added at Ranum P, Northrop-Clewes C (2010). Vitamin A fortification of
wheat flour: Considerations and current recommendations. Food
fortification point, high premix cost and inadequate
Nutr. Bull. 31(1 Suppl.):S47-S61.
packaging might be the major factors responsible for low Liberato S, Pinheiro-Sant’Ana H (2006). Fortification of industrialized
stability and compliance. High quality premix, reduced foods with vitamins. Rev. Nutr. Revista de Nutrição 19(2):1-23.
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Conflict of Interests Disorders (VADD). Sight Life Press 3:1-225.
Nalubola R, Nestel P, Dexter P, Alnwick D (1998). Fortification of
The authors have not declared any conflict of interests. wheat flour with vitamin A: An update.
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Washington, DC Agency for International Deve. /Vitamin A Field
Support Project.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ogunmoyela OA, Adekoyeni O, Aminu F, Umunna IO (2013). A
Critical Evaluation of Survey Results on Vitamin A and Iron Levels
Subsidized equipment support for this study was in the mandatory fortified Vehicles and Some Selected Processed
Foods in Nigeria. Niger. Food J. 31(2):52-62.
provided by Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON)
Omar D (2005). Too Much of a good thing, can be a bad thing.
and BATO Chemical Laboratories Limited while full Editorial January-June 16(1):1-2.
equipment support was provided by Honeywell Flour Mills Solon FS, Sancex-Fermin LE, Wambangco LS, Solon MAM (1999).
Plc. The bakeries that participated in the study supplied Final report: Iron and vitamin A stability in flour and products.
Manila: Nutrition Center of the Philippines, 1999.
free flour samples. The authors are very grateful.
Solon FS, Solon M, Nano T, Limson ER, Mondoza O, Sanchez L,
Wambangco L (2008). Wheat flour fortification with vitamin A. The
Philippine food fortification program.
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