Now We Stand With Open Hands: Abba Father 1
Now We Stand With Open Hands: Abba Father 1
Now We Stand With Open Hands: Abba Father 1
Now we stand with o- pen hands as Je- sus taught us to say Ab- ba Fa - ther
1. Ab-ba Fa - ther who art in hea - ven hal- lowed be thy name. Thy
Ab- ba Fa - ther who art in hea - ven hal- lowed be thy name.
King - dom come Thy will be done hal - lowed be Thy name. Now we
Thy King- dom come Thy wiil be done
stand with o - pen hands as Je - sus taught us to say Ab- ba Fa - ther. On
earth as it is in heaven hal - lowed be Thy name. Give us
on earth
this day our dai - ly bread hal - lowed be Thy name. Now we
Give us this
Abba Father 1
stand with o - pen hands as Je - sus taught us to say Ab- ba Fa - ther. For -
give us all our tre - spas - ses hal - lowed be Thy name. As we
For - give us
for - give those who tres- pass a - gainst us hal- lowed be Thy name. Now we
as we for- give
stand with o - pen hands as Je - sus taught us to say Ab- ba Fa - ther. And
lead us not into tem - pta - tion, hal - lowed be Thy name. But de -
And lead us
li - ver us from e - vil hal - lowed be Thy name. Now we
but de - li - ver
Abba Father 2
stand with o - pen hands as Je- sus taught us to say Ab- ba Fa - ther. Now we
stand with o- pen hands as Je- sus taught us to say, Ab- ba Fa - ther. ther.
Abba Father 3