C. Patterns of Functioning by Gordon Functional-Health Patterns Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization Interpretation

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Functional-Health Before During Interpretation

Patterns hospitalization hospitalization

1. Health The patient does Patient is now “Individuals

Perception-Health not see herself being hospitalized seek to create
Management healthy because she and consider she’s conditions of
Pattern cannot do some of not healthy living through
her school activities anymore. which they can
or even house express their
chores. unique human
She did not She is expecting potential…
experience any colds to recover from Individuals value
for the last few weeks. his present growth in
condition with the directions
help and support viewed as
of her family and positive and
the health attempt to
providers achieve a
attending to her personally
needs. acceptable
between change
and stability”
Nursing 10th
edition by Kozier
and Erb’s
Box16-3 Page

2.Nutritional The patient eats The patient is on “An individual
Metabolic Pattern 3 times a day with high calorie, high health status
snacks in between. protein w/ greatly affects
She prefers pediasure 2x a eating habits
eating meat rather day. and nutritional
than vegetables and status”
eats 1 ½ cup of rice (Fundamentals
per meal. of Nursing by
She eats Kozier p.1178)
chocolates or
crackers for her Nutritional and
snacks and drinks 1-2 metabolic status
liters of water daily. of the patient
She does not has been
have a problem with changed slightly
her appetite. She to her
doesn’t have a confinement and
problem when it to her medical
comes to eating. condition.

3.Elimination Bowel Patient Bowel Patient “Elimination is

Pattern defecates 1- 2 times defecates 1-2 important
daily. times in a day because urinary
Stool is reddish without and bowel
brownish in color, experiencing
affects your
The appearance is discomfort.
pencil like without physiology. It
discomfort. makes the body
pH in balance
Bladder’s Stool is color and it eliminates
Patient urinates brown and well- body toxins with
over active bladder formed. it.Urinalysis is
without discomfort. an array of test
Bladder’s performed on
Urine is pale Patient usually urine and one of
straw in color without voids 5-7 times the most
discomfort. a day.Urine is in
methods of
pale straw in
color and diagnosis.”

without any (Fundamentals
discomfort. of Nursing by

4.Activity-Exercise The patients Patient's “Exercise is

Pattern energy is sufficient for activities in the physical activity
her daily living hospital are performed to
activities. She limited only improve health
performs exercises and maintain
within the area.
like dumbells. fitness. Activity
She often
She spends her tolerance is the
lies in bed and
time by coloring, type and
drawing and writing only shifts to a amount of
poems. wheelchair with exercise or daily
the help of her living activities
Patient requires mom whenever an individual is
assistance when it she wants to sit able to perform
comes to feeding, She colors without
bathing , toileting, her coloring experiencing
bed mobility, book, she like adverse effects.
dressing, grooming. Functional
to draw and
strength is the
writes poems
ability to do
when she feels
boredom. (Fundamentals
of Nursing by

5.Sleep-Rest Patient’s sleeping Sleeping “Illness that
Pattern time 9pm or 10 pm in pattern causes pain or
the evening and sometimes is distress can
always had 8-9 hours disturbed due to result in sleep
of sleep daily. vital signs to be problems.
taken. People who are
She sleeps with 3 ill require more
pillows and stuffed sleep than
toys around her. normal and
wakefulness is
often disturbed.”
of Nursing by

6.Cognitive- In times where she is Present “When a patient

Perceptual Pattern experiencing pain or condition is admitted to a
discomfort, she affects her health agency
manages it through cognitive- he or she is
resting. confronted with
stimuli that are
different in
quality and
Her sensory quantity than
perception is that to which he
limited to her or she is
hospital bed, accustomed.”
and within the (Fundamentals
hospital area of Nursing,5
ed. By kozier,

There was a

change in
cognitive and
pattern in terms
of stimuli is
limited only to
the environment
which is within
the hospital area
and patient’s

7.Self-Perception- Patient is a Patient’s Due to his

Self-Concept friendly and happy considers her- present
Pattern person. And she self sick. She condition, there
use to socialize with now thinks that is a change to
the level of
her friends and she can’t
patient self
schoolmates. She is function well as
perception and
a well-determined before. self concept due
person and she to her illness on
wants to be happy her age of life.
and free from She now thinks
anxieties. that her
activities now
are limited .
“Events or
situations may
change the level
of self-concept
overtime illness
and trauma can
also effect the
of Nursing by
Kozier page 959
and 962.)

8. Role The patient is Her dad and When and
Relationship living with her family. sibling are illness
Pattern Patient’s family worried because occurs,roles
handle’s problems by they care for her changes for
her mom and dad so much. both patient and
talking without them family.”
hearing it. (Fundamentals
of Nursing by
Her family and Her relatives kozier page 63)
relatives gives her supports them
love and support and through
also financially. financially and for
her hospital

10. Coping-Stress The patient is She just pray The patient has
Tolerance Pattern sometimes tense whenever she outlet to let her
.She just pray feels tense. It feelings of
whenever she feels helps her relax. stress out by
tense. She depends interacting with
on her mom when it the family and
comes to decisions. friends during
visitation hours
and the ability of
the patient to
adapt on her
condition to
lessen stress.
“According to
Folkman and
Lazarus, coping
is the cognitive
and behavioral
effort to manage
specific external
and internal
demands that
are appraised
as taxing
exceeding the

resources of the
of Nursing by
Kozier page

11. Values and The religion is very The patient “A person’s

Beliefs Pattern important to her as it said that religion values
gives her strength is very important influences belief
she need, she goes to her especially about human
to church every in times like this needs, health,
sunday and pray the because she and illness, the
rosary every night knows it’s just practice of
before going to bed. another battles health behaviors
She pray for her that she and human
condition. encounter each responses to
day of her life. illness.” (
Even in her Fundamentals
condition it does of Nursing, 10th
not stop her from Ed. By kozier p.
praying to god. 91)
She believes
that everything
has a purpose
or a reason, the
patient take her
present situation
as a challenge,
and with the
supports of her
families, she
accepted her
condition and
she will seek
assistance for
check-ups for
prevention of
her illness in the


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