C. Patterns of Functioning by Gordon Functional-Health Patterns Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization Interpretation
C. Patterns of Functioning by Gordon Functional-Health Patterns Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization Interpretation
C. Patterns of Functioning by Gordon Functional-Health Patterns Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization Interpretation
2.Nutritional The patient eats The patient is on “An individual
Metabolic Pattern 3 times a day with high calorie, high health status
snacks in between. protein w/ greatly affects
She prefers pediasure 2x a eating habits
eating meat rather day. and nutritional
than vegetables and status”
eats 1 ½ cup of rice (Fundamentals
per meal. of Nursing by
She eats Kozier p.1178)
chocolates or
crackers for her Nutritional and
snacks and drinks 1-2 metabolic status
liters of water daily. of the patient
She does not has been
have a problem with changed slightly
her appetite. She to her
doesn’t have a confinement and
problem when it to her medical
comes to eating. condition.
without any (Fundamentals
discomfort. of Nursing by
5.Sleep-Rest Patient’s sleeping Sleeping “Illness that
Pattern time 9pm or 10 pm in pattern causes pain or
the evening and sometimes is distress can
always had 8-9 hours disturbed due to result in sleep
of sleep daily. vital signs to be problems.
taken. People who are
She sleeps with 3 ill require more
pillows and stuffed sleep than
toys around her. normal and
wakefulness is
often disturbed.”
of Nursing by
There was a
change in
cognitive and
pattern in terms
of stimuli is
limited only to
the environment
which is within
the hospital area
and patient’s
8. Role The patient is Her dad and When and
Relationship living with her family. sibling are illness
Pattern Patient’s family worried because occurs,roles
handle’s problems by they care for her changes for
her mom and dad so much. both patient and
talking without them family.”
hearing it. (Fundamentals
of Nursing by
Her family and Her relatives kozier page 63)
relatives gives her supports them
love and support and through
also financially. financially and for
her hospital
10. Coping-Stress The patient is She just pray The patient has
Tolerance Pattern sometimes tense whenever she outlet to let her
.She just pray feels tense. It feelings of
whenever she feels helps her relax. stress out by
tense. She depends interacting with
on her mom when it the family and
comes to decisions. friends during
visitation hours
and the ability of
the patient to
adapt on her
condition to
lessen stress.
“According to
Folkman and
Lazarus, coping
is the cognitive
and behavioral
effort to manage
specific external
and internal
demands that
are appraised
as taxing
exceeding the
resources of the
of Nursing by
Kozier page