(Russia) Operation Dniepr

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[Russia] Operation Dniepr

- Ostwall.

Partisans Partisans Stepantsy Partisans

Partisans Kovaly Potapsy 19.Pzdiv

Partisans Parachutage Parachutage Parachutage

Parachutage Parachutage Litvinets Khodorov


Bobritsa Le Dniepr

Kanev Le Dniepr

10.PzGrDiv 3°Corps Grigorovka 3°Armée

mécaniséde la blindéede la
Garde Garde
10.PzGrDiv 10.PzGrDiv 10.PzGrDiv 10.PzGrDiv 10.PzGrDiv 10.PzGrDiv Terrain impassable Khots\'ky Tsybli Veliki Boukrine

Historical Background Setup order

After the defeat of Kursk and the loss of Kharkhov, the German army withdraw west of the Dniepr river and prepared the
main defensive line (hauptkampflinie) on the river and called it "Ostwall". But Stavka decided to attack quickly, before 1 x42
the line was ready. On the 21st of September, while 10.PanzerGrenadier Division was still on the east bank of the
Dniepr, 3rd Soviet Guard Army crossed the river and got a bridgehead in a loop of the Dniepr near Bukrin. Stopped by
the German hard defense, this army needed some help to breakthrough the enemy lines. On 24th of September, three 2 x18
Guard Paratroop brigades landed on the rear of the German line. A lot of paratroopers were killed before landed, the
others joined soviet partisans groups in the forest and harassed the enemy on the rear. During this time, assault troops
of 3rd Guard Mechanized Corps crossed the Dniepr and got a new bridgehead on the west bank. The battle of Dniepr
ended on the 13th of November 1943 whereas Kiev was already liberated for a week. 3 x12
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.

Briefing hex with battle star tokens at Allied player choice by the
activation of a section card. Drop one figure at a 10 cm 4 x8
Allied player [Soviet Union] : 8 command cards, you height then complete the unit in the hex of arrival. If the
move first. figure fall out of the board, the unit is definitively
Axis player [Germany] : 6 command cards. removed of the game but doesn't count as an Axis medal. 5 x1
If the figure fall in an enemy occupied hex, put the
Conditions of Victory Russian unit in a free adjacent hex and the enemy unit
can fire immediately as "Ambush" rules. Once landed,
14 medals. Kovaly and Stepantsy villages are a
temporary medal objective for the Allied player. The
all parachute units are activated normally and the battle 6 x1
star token is removed.
destruction of Kanev's bridge after the withdrawal of all - Air rules are optional. If used, the 2 "Air Sortie" cards
German troops from the east side is a permanent medal are in the pile. Allied player use Yak-9.
objective for the Axis player. 7 x15
Special Rules
- Use "Specialized Units" rules for German infantry units 8 x7
with badge (Troop 2).
- Use "Mobile "Artillery" rules for German artillery unit
with badge (Troop 14).
- Dniepr river is impassable except by bridges (Terrain 9 x10
- Hedgerow hex is impassable area for any units.
- Use "Blowing Up a bridge" rules option 1 for the Axis
player (Action 2). 10 x2
- Use "Pontoon Bridge" rules for the Allied player
(Terrain 33).
-Use "Resistance" rules for the soviets partisans
(Nation 1).
11 x1
-Use "Camouflage" rules for the soviets partisans in the
beginning of the game (Action 16).
- Parachute drop rules : The Allied player must drop 5
infantry units during the game. The air drop is made on
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Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.

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