Barbering Technical Standards: Purpose

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Barbering Technical Standards

appropriate time in the contest– they will not be
published anywhere prior to the national contest.
To evaluate each contestant’s preparation for employment and to f. Contestant will replicate steps a barber would take after
recognize outstanding students for excellence and an effective client consultation. Contestant will be
professionalism in the field of Barbering. expected to duplicate a clients desired length and shape
within a hair design. Photos and contest instructions
First, download and review the General Regulations at: given at regional or state contest are specific to that contest only.
2. Supplied by the contestant and this will be checked during
a. Cutting shears
Open to active SkillsUSA members enrolled in programs with b. Thinning shears
Barbering and Cosmetology as the occupational objective. c. Razor and spare blade
d. Clippers
e. Trimmers
g. Styling products of choice
For men: Official SkillsUSA white polo shirt, black dress h. Finishing spray
slacks, black socks and black leather work or dress shoes. i. Combs
j. Brushes
For women: Official SkillsUSA white polo top, black dress k. Spray bottle
slacks or skirt, black socks or black or skin-tone hose, and l. Haircolor of choice (Professional Temporary: examples
black leather, work or dress shoes. Shoes should not exceed a are pencils, chalks, spray, or hair paint. Any type of
2 in heel. temporary color not requiring water to rinse is
Contestants may wear a color apron during the contest. m. Towels (minimum of 6)
n. Neck strips
These regulations refer to clothing items that are pictured and o. Protective cape (any style cape is adequate)
described at: p. Clippies or hair clips
If you have questions about clothing or other logo items, call q. Labeled spray hospital grade disinfectant
r. Hand sanitizer
800-401-1560 or 703-956-3723.
s. First aid kit
t. 1 roll of scotch tape
Note: Contestants should wear their official contest clothing to u. 1 roll of paper towels
the contest Orientation in order to participate in the Oral v. Tripod
Assessment. w. #2 pencil and a blue or black pen
x. Addtional items that are needed to complete any
portion of 2.0, 3.0 &/or 4.0 maybe be added to kit.
EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS They will not be part of the kit check.
y. All competitors must create a one-page Résumé to be
1. Supplied by the technical committee: turned in at Contestant Orientation.
a. Mirror and table z. Contestants must use the headsheet included with the
b. Biohazard Bag technical standards for this portion to create a colored
drawing of their creative haircut design with color
c. Manikins (The Burmax Company and Pivot Point)
application and beard design with beard coloring.
during NATIONALS only
It should include a written description of the method
d. Any and all pictures or literature of Haircuts and used to create the design and a picture of the final.
Creative Instructions. Competitors will need two copies of their design
e. Photos of the haircuts that have been selected for theme; one is to be attached to their mirror during the
competition will be given to the contestant during competition. NO pictures from a magazine or internet,
MUST be hand drawn.
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Barbering Technical Standards
• A hard copy of the Resume (U) and Drawing 5. Once time is called, contestant must stop working.
(V) must be submitted to the technical Touching the hair of the mannequin after time is called will
committee chair at orientation. Failure to do result in three penalty points.
so will result in a 10-point penalty. 6. Cell phones are not allowed in the contest area at any time.
7. No photography or videoing is allowed during the contest.
Note: Your contest will require a hard copy of your résumé Contestants and advisors will be allowed to take
as part of the actual contest. Check the Contest Guidelines photos at the conclusion of the contest and during the
and/or the updates page on the SkillsUSA website: parade. 8. For the parade finale, the contestant’s name, school, city
and state, and their instructor will be given. Contestants will
present their completed mannequins to the audience and
9. The technical committee will supply manikins for this
The contest is defined by industry standards as identified by contest. If this changes in any given year, contestants will be
SkillsUSA technical committee, which includes The Burmax responsible for supplying their own manikins.
Company, WAHL Clippers. Milady, Pivot Point. and National 10. Items that are not allowed to be used during the contest for
Barber Association any cut/style: stencils, ornaments, hairpieces, leveling
devices or guards.
The contest is divided into four separate skill performance tests 11. Contestants should not wear any jewelry that could interfere
with one written and an oral communication competition. with services.
12. Additional free standing lighting or additional extension
Knowledge Performance cords will not be allowed by contestants
13. Headlights for the head are allowed (if needed)
14. NO alterations allowed to clippers or trimmers this could
The contest will include a mini resume, job application and a be cause for dismal of contest – this is a safety and
mini interview. Contestants will have 45 minutes to complete sanitation issue
the mini resume & job application and the mini interview will be 15. Make sure to check the national website:
approximately 10 mins in length. and the SkillsUSA Barbering Page on Facebook, for any
updates prior to the contest.
Skill Performance 16. Be aware of your personal hygiene and any strong perfumes
or colognes others could have allergies.
The four separate skill performance tests assess skills in
haircutting, hair styling, haircolor, beard design & coloring. Standards and Competencies
Creativity is assessed in the creative cut and beard design, while
haircutting is tested in the re-creation of a man’s haircut and one
BA 1.0 — Interview and Communication Skills: Follow oral
technical haircut, Flat Top, from photograph(s).
and written instructions, respond to oral questions, and
demonstrate skill and career readiness by participation
Contest Guidelines in a job application scenario and a mock interview 10
1. The contest rules will be reviewed the day before the
contest. After the review session, contestants will complete
1.1 Complete employment application
the mini Resume, Job Application and an Interview.
1.2 Complete Mini Resume
2. All contestants must keep their working area clean and
1.3 Use a pleasant voice
organized throughout the contest.
1.4 Properly introduce yourself
3. All contestants must follow sanitation and safety procedures
1.5 Respond to oral questions
throughout the contest.
1.6 Verify resume information
4. Professional attitude and communication is expected
1.7 Demonstrate critical thinking skills
throughout the contest.

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Barbering Technical Standards
BA 2.0 —Duplicate a Men’s Haircut and style that has been 4.4 Duplicate the finished design using blow dryer or thermal
selected by the National Technical Committee within a 45- tools such as curling iron, flat iron, etc., as needed.
minute time period 4.5 Use appropriate styling products to duplicate the selected
hair design
4.6 Demonstrate balance, proportion and form in the finished
2.1 Duplicate the haircut using shears, thinning shears,
creative cut and beard design
texturizing shears, razor, trimmers, and/or clippers.
4.7 Show control of texture and control of hair direction in the
2.2 Demonstrate blending, sectioning, lining and finishing.
finished design
2.3 Duplicate the length, design line and textured look of the
4.8 Incorporate current trends in both haircut, haircolor and
selected cut
beard design
2.4 Duplicate the finished design using blow dryer or thermal
4.9 Follow all safety and sanitation procedures and maintain a
tools such as curling iron, flat iron, etc., as needed.
clean area at all times.
2.5 Use appropriate styling products to duplicate the selected
5.0 Contest will give a 1-3 min speech on their design to the
2.6 Duplicate the balance of form, control of texture and the
control of the hair direction
2.7 Follow all safety and sanitation procedures and maintain a Committee Identified Academic Skills
clean area at all times. The technical committee has identified that the following
academic skills are embedded in this contest.
BA 3.0 — Men’s Flat Top Cut: Execute a men’s flat top
haircut on manikin at a length selected by the National Math Skills
Technical Committee within a 60 min time period • Use fractions to solve practical problems
• Use proportions and ratios to solve practical problems
3.1 Execute the haircut using shears, thinning shears, texturizing • Solve practical problems involving percent’s
shears, razor and/or clipper and trimmers as needed • Measure angles
3.2 Demonstrate the correct techniques for cutting a Flat Top • Find volume and surface area of three-dimensional objects
3.3 Demonstrate fading, blending, sectioning, lining and • Apply transformations (rotate or turn, reflect or flip,
finishing translate or slide, and dilate or scale) to geometric figures
3.4 If needed, Contestant may apply styling aid to help Fine tune • Construct three-dimensional models
the flat top • Make predictions using knowledge of probability
3.5 Style using desired styling products to Complete style • Solve problems using proportions, formulas and functions
3.6 Follow all safety and sanitation procedures and maintain a • Use basic math skills for purpose of marketing and
clean area at all times. bookkeeping; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
and percentages.
BA 4.0 — Create a Men’s Creative Freestyle Design Cut and
Beard Design including hair and beard color of your choice Science Skills
within a 120-minute time period then there will be an oral • Describe and recognize elements, compounds, mixtures,
presentation of the Creative Design acids, bases and salts
• Describe and recognize solids, liquids and gases
• Describe characteristics of types of matter based on
4.1 Identify the theme of the men’s creative freestyle design cut physical and chemical properties • Use knowledge of
and beard design including hair and beard color on paper physical properties (shape, density, solubility, odor, melting
and turn in hard copy to technical chairman at point, boiling point, color)
orientation. A second copy of the freestyle • Use knowledge of chemical properties
design should be with the contestant during the skill (acidity, basicity, combustibility, reactivity)
portion of the competition. • Describe and demonstrate simple compounds (formulas
4.2 Demonstrate fading, blending, sectioning, lining and and the nature of bonding)
finishing. • Predict chemical changes to matter (types of reactions,
4.3 Create a men’s creative freestyle design cut and beard design reactants and products; and balanced equations)
including hair and beard color. Any type of temporary
haircolor can be used.
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Barbering Technical Standards
• Use knowledge of mechanical, chemical and electrical Source: NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
energy For more information, visit: http://
• Use knowledge of heat, light and sound energy
Science Standards
Language Arts Skills • Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts
• Demonstrate use of such verbal communication skills as • Understands relationships among organisms and their
word choice, pitch, feeling, tone and voice physical environment
• Demonstrate use of such nonverbal communication skills as • Understands the nature of scientific inquiry
eye contact, posture, and gestures using interviewing
techniques to gain information Source: McREL compendium of national science standards. To
• Demonstrate comprehension of a variety of informational view and search the compendium, visit:
• Use text structures to aid comprehension
• Understand source, viewpoint and purpose of texts Language Arts Standards
• Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate reference materials • Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend,
• Use print, electronic databases and online resources to interpret, evaluate and appreciate texts. They draw on their
access information in books prior experience, their interactions with other readers and
and articles writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other
texts, their word identification strategies, and their
Connections to National Standards understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter
State-level academic curriculum specialists identified the correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics)
following connections to national academic standards. • Students adjust their use of spoken, written and visual
language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to
Math Standards communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for
• Geometry different purposes
• Measurement • Students use spoken, written and visual language to
• Problem solving accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning,
• Communication enjoyment, persuasion
• Connections and the exchange of information)
• Representation
Source: IRA/NCTE Standards for the English Language
Arts. To view the standards, visit:

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