Running Head: The Rise of Isis (Pbs Frontline)
Running Head: The Rise of Isis (Pbs Frontline)
Running Head: The Rise of Isis (Pbs Frontline)
In part of the Frontline special series, Martin Smith is seen reporting from Iraq on how
the country became problematic after withdrawal of the American and the implication of the US
to be fighting in the area again. The correspondent, writer and producer was Martin Smith co-
produced by Linda Hirsch. The program in an hour-long period describing the story of the ever
growing, brutal militant group after American troops departed from Iraq in 2011. The story is
told in a dense, fast moving narrative gives more attention on the failure of the Iraq government
as lead by Shiite- to share power with the Sunni minority. It further tells on hesitance of the
United States when Sunni militants took advantage of the situation for their own selfish gain.
Blame was placed on various personalities and individuals including president Obama and
The value of the program is intelligent, primer and compellingly elucidating the divide in
the Shiite-Sunni and describing the story of primarily Iraq and Syria since departure of American
military. The account on which martin smith and his producer shaped the content of the
documentary does not leave room for dissenting opinion. The interviews are conducted by
imagery that had a numbing and mesmerizing effect depending on viewer’s disposition. They
include bombings, battle footage, protest on steady montage and a number of disturbing militant
videos consisting of serial executions (western captives beheading were not shown).
Throughout smith depicts the brutality and grim conviction in which ISIS militants and
fanatical Islamic branch for example, at times indicating young men sing and gunning down
prisoners or chanting Allah as they ride off on suicide bombing mission. Smith failed to go far
and depict ISIS as jihad rooted on Islam branch. He fails to categorize religious overtones to the