Lesson Plan Weather Educ 2301

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Grade Kindergarten Subject: Science Prepared By: Mrs. Daniels


Overview & Purpose Education Standards Addressed

8)Earth and space. The student knows that there are recognizable
Today we will learn about the weather, what it looks like and what causes it. patterns in the natural world and among objects in the sky. The
student is expected to:(A)observe and describe weather changes
from day to day and over seasons;(B)identify events that have
repeating patterns, including seasons of the year and day and night;

Lesson Details
Objectives The students will need to be able to understand that Materials Needed
(Specify skills/information that will there are seasons, and they change. When the  Pencil
be learned.)
seasons change, the weather changes, and there are  Colors
all different types of weather.  Worksheet
 Weather Chart
Information I will teach a lesson on weather. I will give examples of
(Give and/or demonstrate necessary each weather type such as rain, sun, snow, fog, cloudy,
stormy, and more. I will explain to the students how
important weather is and how each of kind of weather
happens. I will read the book “The Four Seasons For
Little People”
Verification I will reinforce my teaching by asking questions and Other Resources
(Steps to check for student opening up conversation. I will also have verification by (e.g. Web, books, etc.)
students worksheets after completion.  The Four Seasons For Little
People book

Activity The students will complete a worksheet that I have

(Describe the independent activity to printed out
reinforce this lesson)

Summary I will give a very open lesson on weather and how it Additional Notes
happens. I will instruct the students to complete a
worksheet after I complete my lesson to reinforce their

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