"C:/Program Files/Ansys Inc/V194/Rsm/Bin/"Ansconfigrsm - Exe - Launcher

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This document is an instruction set to install and use ANSYS Remote Solve Manager (RSM) with ANSYS

Workbench products at release 2019 R2, for Windows-to-Windows, client-to-remote server

environments. You must have administrative privileges to install the services required for RSM to
work properly! They may also be required for troubleshooting.

Some steps have more information if ANSYS Remote Cluster (ARC) or a third-party cluster scheduler, like
LSF, PBS or Windows HPC in a head node/slave node system configuration, are to be used.

If the system configuration is a single remote machine, much of the bulleted text does not need to be
executed. Please read through the entirety of the step’s directions to determine the steps required.

1. ANSYS must be installed on the remote machine, and it must be the same version that you use for
solving models. Multiple versions can exist on the same machine, but if you are using 2019R2 to
setup a model, 2019R2 must be installed on the remote machine to solve that model.

• If in a multi-node environment, ANSYS can be installed on each node, or on a single shared

location, visible to all nodes. In the latter case, extra configuration needs to be handled
before running through any step after this first one and is not discussed here. Ask your
ANSYS Support Provider for details on doing this.

2. On the remote machine, open a Windows command prompt (right click > Run As Admin) and
copy/paste this command, with the quotes into it:

“C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v194\RSM\bin\”AnsConfigRSM.exe -launcher

Then, copy/paste these two commands consecutively, into the command window:

“C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v194\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64\”installservice -arcmaster

“C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v194\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64\”installservice -arcnode

• If multiple users will use the remote machine and ARC is to be used, these three service
commands must be executed.

• If a single user will use the remote machine, then only the first service command needs to
be executed. However, having all three running will not cause issues.

• If using a third-party cluster scheduler, only the first service command needs to be
executed, and ONLY on the head node.

• If using ARC in a multi-node environment, the launcher, master and node services must be
running on the head node. Then, the node service must be running on every other node.
TROUBLESHOOTING TIP: if these services fail to install, verify the command prompt window was
opened with administrative privileges. Right click on Command Prompt and choose Run As Admin.
Simply having administrative rights assigned to the user account is not adequate.

3. Close the command window and verify the service is running in Task Manager’s Services panel.

• These three services should only be present if using ARC in a multi-user environment. If
single user or third-party cluster scheduler, only the RSMLauncherService### will be

• If using ARC in a multi-node cluster environment, the RSMArcNodeService### needs to be

installed on each node of the cluster. Other configuration must be performed as well,
which is not detailed here. Ask your ANSYS Support Provider for details on doing this.

• In any instance of these services’ presence, these must be running under the SYSTEM level
account. This can be confirmed on the Details panel of Task Manager. Example shown
here for the RSMLauncherService###:

TROUBLESHOOTING TIP: if using ARC in a multi-user environment, and the services are not running
under SYSTEM, users that submit models to the remote machine may receive ‘Access denied’ errors.
The ArcMaster and ArcNode services are run on a per-user basis if they are not set as SYSTEM-level
processes. One user cannot use the services from another user.

4. Create a folder located on this machine. Name it something like ANSYS_remote_jobs. Then, right
click on this folder, select Properties, go to the Sharing tab and click Share…
This opens a window, where you need to Everyone in the dropdown, then Add, then Share. This is
the simplest option to allow multiple user access to a single directory for running ANSYS models.

You should see another window that looks like this:

Take note of the directory location!!!

5. Go to your client machine and launch the RSM Configuration 2019 R2 application. At the top, click
the ‘Add HPC Resource…’ button.

6. Add a name, set the ‘Submit host’ field to the remote machine’s name and specify the OS (where it
says ‘Select…’ to Windows 64, then hit ‘Apply’. In this example, the machines name is BRONCO. Note
this matches the first field in the share name from step 4 (\\BRONCO).

7. Click the File Management tab and select the option Operating system file transfer to an existing
network share. This will be in the format \\servername\folder. This is the directory location created
in step 4!!! Then hit ‘Apply’.

• This setting is ideal for solving on a single remote machine, for either FEA or CFD analysis.

• If configuring a remote cluster (using ARC or a third-party cluster scheduler) with multiple
nodes, CFD models can use this single directory location. For FEA models, it’s
recommended to modify the HPC Side File Management options, so each node has local
scratch space for the ANSYS solver computations. In that case, this section would look like

• In this case, each node must have a directory ANSYS_remote_jobs and it needs to be
shared and visible to the head node of the cluster. Follow the same method in step 4 for
sharing these folders.

• The ‘D:’ drive in this case is the drive letter on each node that has the shared directory.
This must be consistent across all nodes.
8. Click the Queues tab and then the button Import/Refresh HPC Queues…

9. The application will ask you for credentials. These are your Windows login credentials used to log
into the local client machine. You must include the domain before the username. In this example,
the domain is DRD.

10. If the validation goes okay, you should now see an RSM Queue in the list. The name under RSM
Queue can be changed to be more descriptive; in this case ‘BRONCO HPC Mechanical’.

11. Click the ‘Submit’ button and this will test out communication to the remote machine,
read/writability to the remote directory, and give an output of how this went. If all goes well, there
should be a green check mark under Status.

TROUBLESHOOTING TIP: if this test does not work properly (a red ‘X’ shows up under Status),
try turning off the Windows firewall on the remote and client machines, then running this test
again. It is not uncommon for Windows to block new applications automatically, and IT may need
to allow some programs through.

IT administrators can allow apps through the Windows firewall, as well as any virus scanning
software. These apps are in the ANSYS Inc installation directory, within the v###\RSM\bin and
RSM\ARC\bin directories. The apps to allow through are:


This test must run properly before moving to step 12.

12. Next, open a Workbench project and go into the Mechanical application. Go to File > Solve Process
Settings. The window should look like this:

Click ‘Add Queue’ and type in a name; this can be the same name as the RSM Queue in step 10.
13. Modify the RSM Queue field to match what was specified in step 10. Set the License field to one
appropriate for your ANSYS licenses and click ‘OK’.

14. The next time you go to solve a model, you can use the dropdown arrow under the Solve button to
select the remote machine.

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