101 Ideas For A Comic - Sunnyville Stories PDF
101 Ideas For A Comic - Sunnyville Stories PDF
101 Ideas For A Comic - Sunnyville Stories PDF
In last week’s post, you might recall I suggested ways you can nd ideas for a comic. It
can be hard though for some and you might need a boost. Well, I’ve spent some time
creating another list of 101 topics – this time, ideas you can use for a comic. This list is meant
as a starting point. You can use these as a springboard to come up with your own concepts
and twists. Ready to see the list? Okay – here it comes.
3. The statue in the town square has a mysterious riddle carved into it.
11. A child wanders out deep into the woods and night is quickly approaching.
12. Strange noises are coming from the forest late at night.
19. An inventor builds a robot – but the robot starts doing things it’s not supposed
20. Lovers are about to get married – until a long-lost suitor suddenly shows up.
23. A people in danger quickly accept a new leader, who’s not what he appears.
29. A mythical artifact must be protected – or the world will be plunged into
30. The big game is coming up with the odds against the hometown team.
36. A new family moves in across the street who is very weird.
37. Someone who’s lived a sheltered life is suddenly thrust out into the world.
39. Two friends have not spoken in years and a third party intervenes.
40. A nation under attack sends calls for help from neighboring peoples.
41. Someone wronged plots revenge against those who hurt him.
42. Suitors for someone’s hand must win a contest to prove themselves.
45. Insane people run around the streets, throwing marshmallows everywhere.
46. A protagonist enters a boxing match for money against a juggernaut opponent.
50. A city dweller learns outdoor survival skills deep out in the wild.
53. A con rmed bachelor encounters someone who’s only desire is to marry them.
54. It’s the rst day for a new student at a distant, exclusive private school.
58. A worker constantly is late because of missing the bus all the time.
59. Someone is bored out of their mind standing on a long, slow-moving line.
62. Animals in the nearby woods start to consciously attack human settlements.
65. A game turns out to be a tool to recruit and train soldiers for a war.
69. A soldier gets o ered money to smuggle stolen good into or out of a war zone.
82. An eccentric artist moves to a small remote town that likes its solitude.
90. An inventor accidentally creates a cheap, in nite, and clean energy source.
95. Rumors about a haunted house turn out to be more than rumors…
99. The success of someone’s job rests with their ability to pull o a hard task.
11 responses
Graham Christian
February 16, 2015
Liam T.
March 30, 2015
Nigar Azizova
May 20, 2015
I am a stuent in grade 7, I need ideas for creating a comic which will be only for 2 pages
Ideas will be appreciated.
Thank you!
Nigar Azizova recently posted..Another view on Sunnyville
Lara Toukey
May 20, 2015
Zenia Jawwad
May 20, 2015
I am a student in grade 7, I need ideas for writing a short comic with a positive message. Any
Lara Toukey
May 20, 2015
Lara Toukey
May 20, 2015
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,
I am a student in grade 7 key stage 3, In our technology lesson we are creating our own comic
story using publisher and gimp but it will only be considered of 2 pages as well as it is a short
comic. I would like to get ideas for creating comic and which kind of story I could make up.
Your suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank You
With Regards,
Lara Toukey
omfg this is like- just totes the best, like comic list. cuz like im totes startin an amazebals like
comic, with like characters and like- this has totally helped. omg omg
May 30, 2015
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