Bicycle Parking Location and Design Guidelines

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Bicycle Parking Location and Design Guidelines

The following contains best practices guidance on how to effectively manage bicycle parking.

Generally parking is thought of as “car parking.” Great streets, however, have provisions for all modes,
and adequate and secure bicycle parking is an important component. There are no national standards for
bike parking supply as there are for handicapped spaces and local requirements for bicycle parking tend
to vary widely.

The following guidelines should be considered.

Location Guidelines

• Bicycle parking should be at least as convenient as the majority of automobile parking. It should
be easily accessible from the road or bicycle path. The entrance and exit should be designed to
minimize conflict with flows of pedestrians and motor vehicles. (Bicycle Victoria, 2004)

• Spaces that are unusable for cars and would otherwise be dead space due to their location or size
are appropriate for bike parking, with little or no opportunity cost incurred. Locating parking at
intersections in curb extensions is one way to make use of otherwise unusable space.

• On-site bicycle parking should not be located in front of buildings unless the furnishing zone is
wide enough that parked bicycles do not block the sidewalk. Ideally a rack area should be
located along a major building approach line. Parking should be located no more than a 30-
second walk (120 feet) from the entrance it serves and should preferably be within 50 feet.

• Allow 40% of bicycle parking requirements to be met off-site in a common area within 400 feet
of the project incurring the requirements.

Supply Guidelines

• Require bicycle parking in connection with off-

street parking supply.

• Require one bicycle parking space for every

five vehicle parking spaces.

• Consideration should be given for both short-

term and long-term bike parking and a
reasonable amount of each should be provided
depending on demand.
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Design Guidelines

• Allow secure parking of both the frame and

wheels of the bicycle.

• Space between each rail needs to allow for the

length of the bike, width of the handlebars while
it is parked, and access for riders to lock and
unlock their bike. Allow for 2 feet by 6 feet for
each bicycle parking space.

• Corridors within the facility need to provide

enough room for riders to freely walk side by
side with their bike. Riders need enough room to
park and remove their bike without bumping into
other bikes, trees, walls, light poles or other street
furnishings. Provide an aisle at least 5 feet wide
behind all bicycle parking to allow room for
maneuvering. (Association of Pedestrians and
Bicycle Professionals, 2002)

• Bicycle racks should be either be coat-hanger style, such as the Cora racks, or the inverted-U
racks. These bike parking elements should be spaced at least 30" apart.

• Parking should be highly visible for the safety and security of people as well as their bikes, and
so users can find it easily.

• Parking areas should have lighting that provides good visibility around the
parking area and provides a sense of safety.

• If possible, bicycle parking should be covered to protect the bicycles and

riders from rain and other elements. Covered parking areas should have at
least six or seven feet of clearance, but not so high as to allow rain to easily
blow under the shelter.

• Signage should provide direction for riders to parking areas and should
instruct them on locking and parking procedures.

Motorcycle Parking

Motorcycle and scooter parking spaces should be included on Winslow Way to the extent possible. As
the parking designs near completion, there will be some opportunities to fit motorcycle parking in left
over space. Such space often is found on the ends of rows of diagonal parking.

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