Civics: Our Local Government
Civics: Our Local Government
Civics: Our Local Government
1. Our Life in Society
In the fifth standard, you have learnt 1.2 The social nature of man
about the evolution of man. It tells us Man is social by nature. We all
that our present social life has taken basically like to live with one another,
shape through a process of evolution in each other’s company and with people
over thousands of years. Man has moved around us. Living with people not only
from a nomadic stage to a settled makes us happy, it is also our need.
social life. We have many needs. Food, shelter,
What will
be like
50 years
from now ?
1.1 Why did man feel the need for clothing are our physical needs.
society ? Once these are satisfied, man gets a
A stable and secure community life sense of stability, but that is not enough.
is necessary for the development of the We also have some emotional and
individual as well as society. In the psychological needs. For example, to feel
nomadic stage, man did not have this secure is an emotional need. When we
stability and security. When man realized
are happy, we wish to share our happiness
that living in a group provides security,
people came together to develop an with others. Similarly, when we are sad,
organized way of life. This was one of we wish to have somebody with us. We
the main motivations for the creation of like the companionship of our family
society. Living in society, man felt the members, relatives and friends! These
need for rules to help with the smooth feelings reflect our social nature.
1.3 Our development
Speak and write. Every person is born with some
qualities and capabilities. But they are
You have got the first prize in a
dormant. They develop in a society. We
drawing competition. Will you keep it to
use language to communicate with one
yourself or show it to your friends ? How
another, but we cannot do so at birth.
do you expect them to respond ? What
We learn language gradually. Our first
were your feelings after their response ?
language is the one that is spoken at
● Felt very happy about the appreciation.
home. If our neighbours speak different
● Felt motivated to draw good pictures. languages, we pick up those too. Schools
● (Write more about the feelings you also provide opportunities to learn
experienced.) different languages.
We also have the capacity to think
You know that food, clothes, shelter,
independently. For example, when all the
education and health are our basic needs.
students in a class are given the same
Due to the labour and skills of people in
topic for an essay, why is it that no two
the society, a variety of articles are
essays are the same? It is because the
produced. Education and health-related
services and facilities allow us to live with thought process in each is different.
dignity. All this is made available in a Society helps in the development of our
society. A variety of industries and emotional capabilities and the power to
occupations help to fulfil our needs. For think. It also provides the opportunity for
example, we need books for studying; and expressing our thoughts and feelings.
paper for books. That is why occupations The development of our artistic
like manufacturing paper, printing, book and other talents also takes place in
binding, etc. also develop. Many people society. Singers, musicians, artists,
contribute to this process. Thus, the variety scientists, adventurers, social workers
of occupations in the society help us in can all develop their qualities further
fulfilling our needs. This also leads to the because of the backing and
development of our skills and capabilities. encouragement of society. This
Our basic needs are fulfilled in society. encouragement is very important.
We depend on each other for our emotional 1.4 What is meant by society ?
needs such as security, appreciation, Society includes all people - men,
praise and support etc. Thus, our life in women, grown-ups, old people, young
society is interdependent. children. Our families are a part of the
society. Society also includes different
Try this. groups, institutions and organizations. The
inter-relationships and inter-actions
Make a list of all the different between the people, their dependence on
things we need every day. Who are one another and sharing also form a part
the people who make these things of the society. Society is not simply a mob
and help to bring them to you ? or crowd of people. A society is formed
Find out the answers in relation to when people come together to achieve
at least 5 things you use daily. certain common objectives.
In order to fufil needs like food, the society cannot be carried on. A system
clothing, shelter and security, the society is essential for the continued existence of
has to create a permanent system. Without the society. For example, agriculture is
such a system, the day-to-day affairs of essential to fulfil the need for food.
Various institutions must be created to
Do you know ? perform all the functions related to
agriculture. Therefore, a vast system needs
All human beings are equal by
to be created which includes factories to
birth. They have the same status as manufacture tools and equipment used for
human beings. According to the farming, banks to provide loans to the
Constitution of India, all are equal farmers, a market for the goods produced,
before the law. The Constitution etc. The existence of many such systems
guarantees the equality of opportunities. makes a society stable.
We can each make progress using our In the next chapter, we shall learn
education, capabilities and skills. about the diversity in the Indian society.
Grandson / Granddaughter
of your grandparents
Member of Friends
of Children society
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The Functions of the Panchayat Samiti
the meetings and conducting the business The President of the Zilla Parishad
of the meetings. In the absence of the presides over the meetings of the Zilla
Chairman, the Deputy Chairman presides Parishad. He exercises control over
over the meetings. business conducted during the meetings.
The Functions of the Panchayat He also controls the financial transactions
Samiti : The Panchayat Samiti prepares of the Zilla Parishad.
a plan of the schemes to be implemented He has the authority to undertake
in the development block. It is binding appropriate expenditure from the Zilla
on the Panchayat Samiti to hold at least Parishad’s funds. The Vice-President
one meeting every month. carries out these duties in the absence of
The Panchayat Samiti receives a the President.
certain amount of money from the district
funds. It also receives grants from the Do you know ?
State Government to carry out How does the Zilla Parishad function?
the development schemes of the The work of the Zilla Parishad is
development block.
carried out through different committees
3.3 Zilla Parishad - the Finance Committee, Agriculture
Every District has a Zilla Parishad. Committee, Education Committee,
At present, the State of Maharashtra has
Health Committee, Water Management
36 districts but only 34 Zilla Parishads.
and Sanitation Committee, etc. The
The reason is that Mumbai City District
Women and Child Welfare Committee
and Mumbai Suburban District do not
have a rural population. Therefore, they takes up issues related to problems
do not have Zilla Parishads. faced by women and children.
The office-bearers of the Zilla Chief Executive Officer : The
Parishad : Elections to the Zilla Parishad decisions taken by the Zilla Parishad are
are held every five years. The elected implemented by the Chief Executive
representatives choose a President and a Officer of the Zilla Parishad. He is
Vice-President from among themselves. appointed by the State Government.
What would you do?
Imagine that you are the Chief Executive Officer of a Zilla Parishad.
To which development plans would you give priority in your district ?
What would you do? Do you know ?
Where would you tell Dinesh and Our Constitution was amended
Naina to go for the following things ? in 1992 by the 73rd and 74th
● To get their younger sibling Amendment Act. These
vaccinated ................ . amendments have granted a
● To accompany their father to get constitutional status to the rural
the 7/12 extract ................. . and urban local government bodies.
● To learn about the use of a new It has also given them more
manure ................. . powers to develop their respective
areas more efficiently. The number
● To complain against contaminated
of subjects under their jurisdiction
water supply ................ .
were also increased. In order to
● To get a birth certificate .............. . enable them to work effectively,
● To get the income / caste certificate their sources of revenue have also
................. . been increased.
Elected Appointed by
Representatives the Government
Do you know ?
Local Government Bodies - Rural
Officer Bearers
1. Put a tick () in the right box. (2) The name of the Chairman of the
Panchayat Samiti ………..
(1) The …………… looks after the local
(3) The name of the Deputy Chairman of
administration of the village.
the Panchayat Samiti ………..
Gram Panchayat Panchayat
(4) The name of the Block Development
Samiti Zilla Parishad
Officer ………..
(2) It is binding to hold at least …...… (5) The name of the Block Education
meetings of the Gram Sabha in each Officer ………..
financial year.
Four Five Six 5. Write a brief note on
(3) At present, there are …………… (1) The Sarpanch
districts in Maharashtra. (2) The Chief Executive Officer
34 35 36
2. Make a list of the functions of the (1) Organize a mock Gram Sabha and
Panchayat Samiti. enact the roles of the Sarpanch,
members of the Gram Panchayat,
3. What is your opinion? voters, Gram Sevak.
(1) The Gram Panchayat levies various (2) Make a chart depicting the possible
taxes. structure of a Balsansad and display it
(2) The number of Zilla Parishads is less in the class.
than the total number of districts in (3) Obtain information about the schemes
Maharashtra. run by the Zilla Parishad in your area
4. Complete the Table. or near your city.
My Taluka, My Panchayat Samiti.
(1) Name of the Taluka ………..
4. Urban Local Government Bodies
4.1 The Nagar Panchayat Let’s discuss.
4.2 The Municipal Council What are the main problems that
4.3 The Municipal Corporation cities face ?
Reshma had spent a wonderful
In the previous chapter, we have Diwali vacation with her relatives in a
studied the nature of the local government city. However, she began to think about
bodies in the rural areas. In this chapter, some of her experiences. Think along
we will learn something about the local with Reshma about these incidents and
government institutions in the urban areas. write your thoughts in two paragraphs.
These include the Nagar Panchayat, the ● The siren of the ambulance sounded
Municipal Council and the Municipal loud and clear but there was no free
Corporation. way on the road.
Our country has a large number of ● As a result of the decision to cut the
towns and cities and they are growing water supply, there was a great crowd
rapidly. Villages are growing into towns, at the water supply tankers.
towns into cities and cities into metropolises. ● Efforts were being made to provide
The rural areas neighbouring cities are facilities to senior citizens and small
also getting transformed. children in the parks.
4.2 The Municipal Council The sources of revenue of the
The Municipal Council is the local Municipal Council
government body for small cities. Elections
to the Council are held every five years.
Property Grants from
The elected representatives function as
Tax State Government
Councillors. As per the recent changes in
the Act relating to Municipal Councils, the Water Tax
President is elected directly by the people.
There is a provision to hold the election Education Tax Tax on Markets
of the President simultaneously with the
general election of the Council.
The President of the Municipal Council What would you do?
is the chairman of all its meetings. He
controls the working of the Council and
keeps a watch on the financial 1. When you hand over your
administration of the Council. In the household waste to the waste
absence of the President, the Vice-President pickers….
looks after the work of the Council. 2. The road is waterlogged as the
There are some functions that are water pipe has broken.
binding on the Council. These are known 3. You notice that unclean, impure
as obligatory functions, for example, water is being used for pani puris.
lighting of public streets, providing 4. Many people are throwing plastic
drinking water, public hygiene, sewage
bags from the bridge into the river.
disposal, registration of birth/death/
marriage, etc. 5. The Municipal Council’s
programme to clean the slum areas
The Municipal Council also tries to
has been published in the
provide additional facilities to the people
and these functions are known as newspaper, but you think that one
‘discretionary functions’. Planning new of the planned actions is improper.
public roads and acquiring the necessary
land, improving the condition of slums, Appeal from the Municipal Council
creating public gardens and parks,
providing secure shelters for cattle are Calling all citizens – to take the
some of the ‘discretionary’ functions of following measures to stop breeding of
the Municipal Council. mosquitoes and curb the spread of
dengue :
Do you know ? (1) Do not stack old tyres, coconut
For every Municipal Council, there shells, empty cans or boxes on your
is a Chief Officer. He implements the terrace or around your house.
decisions taken by the Municipal (2) In case of persistent fever go to a
Council. There are several officers who doctor without delay.
assist him. (3) Keep your surroundings clean.
* Would you like to become such
an officer ? If you become a * In response to the above, what
Health Officer, what functions would would you do in your house and in the
you perform ? surroundings ?
4.3 Municipal Corporation : Administration of the Corporation :
The local body that provides different The Municipal Commissioner is the
services to the people in big cities is head of the administration of the
called ‘Municipal Corporation’. The first Corporation. He is responsible for
Municipal Corporation in Maharashtra implementing the decisions taken by the
was established at Mumbai. Corporation. For example, if a Corporation
takes the decision of putting a ban on
Find out : (1) In how many cities
the use of plastic bags, then the actual
of Maharashtra State is the
implementation of this policy is done by
administration carried out through
the Commissioner. He also prepares the
Corporations? (2) In which year was annual budget of the Corporation and
the Municipal Corporation of your remains present for the general
city established? body meetings.
The total number of members of a
Municipal Corporation is determined so Try this.
as to be in proportion to the population
of the city. The elections to the Form an Education Committee
Corporation are held every five years. for your class. The Committee should
The elected members are known as have an equal number of boys and
Corporators. They elect a Mayor and a girls as representatives. They should
Deputy Mayor from among themselves. discuss the following issues and
The Mayor is considered to be the first prepare a report.
citizen of the city. He presides over all (a) Facilities in the classroom
the meetings of the Corporation. Many (b) A proposal for setting up a small
important issues regarding the city are library for the class
discussed, and decisions regarding the (c) Organising a sports competition
development of the city are made in the
General Body meeting of the Corporation.
Do you know ?
According to the changes introduced
in the election process of the Municipal The proportion of women in the
Corporation, multi-member wards are total population is nearly half. Yet,
created. From each ward, not less than very few women are seen to take
three and not more than five members part in the working of the government.
are elected. The voter can cast as many Women handle issues like food,
votes as the number of members to be energy, water every day as part of
elected from the ward. Thus, a voter can their daily routine but they had no
cast four votes if four members are to say in the decisions regarding these
be elected from the ward. issues. A woman takes care of the
water in the house but she did not
The Committees of the Corporation : participate in dealing with water
The Corporation carries out its work issues. With fifty percent reservation
through different committees. Some of
for women in the local bodies, they
the important committees are Education
now have got an opportunity to
Committee, Health Committee, Transport
resolve important issues.
Committee, etc.
From the list given below, identify the functions of the Corporation and make a list.
Water supply Police Deciding th le Protection of
me tab
Railway ti environment
electricity Demolition
Providing n
for the stre
th o r iz e d constructio the ecting
una u bord
of th ers
coun e
t r a t i on of es Fire e Provide information about try
s g
Regi h, marria Brig
ad dangerous buildings
, dea
y educat sion fo
Eleme n t a r Permis ction po rt in cities
constru Public trans
House Tax
Entertainment Tax
Property Tax
Raising Loans
Water Tax
State Government
Profession Tax Grants
What did you feel on reading this ? Why did the Corporation do it?
● The Metro will soon run in your
● The Corporation has refused
permission for any construction work
● Permission has been given for the that would require the cutting down
construction of a 24 storey building. of trees.
● Gardens and Leisure Centres will be ● It has implemented many programmes
established in every ward. to control the spread of diseases like
● Action will be taken against those dengue, swine flu, etc.
who use purified water to water the ● Modernised the Fire Brigade.
gardens or to wash their cars.
● Inspected the weighing scales in the
● It has been made compulsory to
vegetable market.
dispose of wet garbage within
one’s locality.
● Old age homes will be constructed
for the benefit of senior citizens.
Do this …
Find out the hospitals run by the Municipal Council or Corporation in your
area. What facilities are offered to the patients there ? What is a person required
to do if she / he wants to take treatment there ?
Strength of members
Do you know ?
1. Choose the right option and fill in the 4. Can you tell ?
blanks. (1) Which are the essential functions of the
(1) The first city in Maharashtra to have a Municipal Council ?
Municipal Corporation ............... . (2) Where does the Nagar Panchayat
(Nagpur, Mumbai, Latur) function ?
(2) The body that looks after the 5. Make different lists of places in your
administration of places that are in the district according to whether they have
process of becoming cities ....... . a Nagar Panchayat, Municipal Council
(Municipal Council, Municipal or a Municipal Corporation.
Corporation, Nagar Panchayat)
(3) The Office bearer who supervises the Activities
work of the Municipal Council. (1) Make your own health awareness
(Chief Officer, Executive Officer, slogans to help prevent the spread of
Commissioner) infectious diseases, and display them in
2. Answer in brief. your classroom.
(1) What problems do people face in (2) Visit the Municipal Corporation nearest
cities ? to you and find out which new schemes
(2) Name the various committees of the have been taken up. Discuss in class
Municipal Corporation. what you could do to contribute to them.
Number of Members
5. District Administration
Do such questions occur to you, too?
5.1 The District Collector The Zilla Parishad is a part of the rural
5.2 The Chief of the District Police local government system i.e. the
5.3 District Courts Panchayati Raj system. But in
Our teachers will Maharashtra, the administration of the
We learnt about The newspapers
be able to tell us !
My Didi says she
district is shared by both the Zilla
the Zilla Parishad, but always mention the
there was no mention of District Collector in
wants to become a
District Collector.
Parishad and District Collector. The
the District collector? the news. Union Government and State Government
both participate in this administration.
5.1 The District Collector :
The District Collector is the head of
the district administration. He is appointed
by the State Government. He has to
perform many functions from collecting
agricultural tax to maintaining law and
order in the district. We can see what
these functions are from the chart
given below.
District Collector
Agriculture Law and Order Election Officer Disaster Management
To collect Establish peace in To ensure smooth To take quick decisions
agricultural tax the district conduct of elections during times of disaster
and prevent or minimise
the damage
To implement To maintain social To take necessary To give orders to the
laws relating to harmony decisions related to disaster management
agriculture the electoral process. units / cells.
To provide relief To restrict To update the To rehabilitate / those
in case of drought unlawful voters’ lists affected by a disaster
and scarcity of assembly, impose
fodder curfew if required
Do you know ?
Why is it important to maintain social harmony ?
The differences of opinion, disputes and conflicts in the society must be resolved
by peaceful means. However, when this does not happen it gives rise to tensions.
If this leads to violent incidents, it disturbs social harmony. It acts as an obstacle
to our progress. Public property is damaged. The District Collector makes efforts
to prevent such occurrences but it is the duty of the citizens also to help maintain
social harmony.
Tahsildar : There is a Tahsildar for District Administration
every taluka or tehsil. As a Judicial
Officer, he gives judgements to resolve
District Collector Superintendent
conflicts at the local level. The Tahsildar of Police
has the responsibility of maintaining peace
and order in the taluka.
Deputy District Deputy Superintendent
5.2 The Chief of the District Police Collector of Police
In Maharashtra, there is a
Tahsildar Police Inspector
Superintendent of Police at every district
headquarters. He is the chief Police Officer
of the district. He helps the District
Collector to maintain peace and order in Police Patil Police Sub Inspector
the district. In the city, the Police
Commissioner has the responsibility of
5.3 District Courts
maintaining law and order.
The Courts at the district level have
The Superintendent of Police inspecting to perform the function of resolving
a Police unit disputes, delivering judgments and
ensuring that conflicts are resolved at the
The Constitution of India has
established an independent judiciary. At
the apex of that system is the Supreme
Court of India. Below this are the High
Courts, and below them, the lower courts.
These include District Courts, Taluka
Courts and Revenue Courts.
A court in session
The Court at the district level is
known as the District Court. The district Always remember...
court has a chief District Judge and some It is important to remain alert during
other Judges. Their main function is to a time of crisis. To face a disaster one
hear the various cases in the district and needs the help of people as well as
deliver the final judgment. One can different systems and organizations. In
appeal against the judgment of the taluka order to be able to contact them urgently,
court in the District Court. one should display the contact numbers
of the police, fire brigade, hospitals,
blood banks at a prominent place in the
District Court house. Tell your friends also to do
the same.
by Shri Chandrakant Dalvi when he as the ‘Chahande Pattern’. In order to
was District Collector of Pune District, reduce the gap between the people
are known as the ‘Dalvi Pattern’. The and the administration, to increase the
objective of the reform was to speed up accountability of the administration
the decision making by ensuring that towards the people and to prioritize
files were not allowed to stack up and the development work through people’s
that they were dealt with on the same pariticipation, he implemented the
day that they were received. This ‘Gramastha Din’ (Villagers’ Day)
pattern is also know as ‘Zero Pendancy scheme. This is the appointed day
Pattern’. It helped in bringing efficiency when the administrative officials and
and speed into administrative work. staff visit a village and establish a
(c) Chahande Pattern : When dialogue with the people to understand
Dr Sanjay Chahande was the Divisional their problems and help to solve them.
Commissioner of Nashik he implemented
certain reforms which are now known