Supplier Punch Out
Supplier Punch Out
Supplier Punch Out
Use this form to define the hubs via which XML documents will be sent & received. If you are using Exchange for punching out, then your setup will
look like below
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]-->
XML Gateway Responsibility: Define Transactions
Here you indicate, the type of Documents you wish to exchange with your suppliers using XML
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]-->
XML Gateway Responsibility: Define Trading Partner
In this screen you will create a record for each Supplier with whom you wish to exchange XML Documents electronically.
For example, if you wish to send XML Purchase Orders to “Go 4 Gold Management Ltd”, then you will create an entry similar to below. The
connection can either be direct or via exchange server.
You will also capture trading party’s DUNS numbers in this screen.
During the implementations you usually use
The DUNS number for the supplier also needs to be entered in the EDI Location field against supplier site in Vendor Definition Screen.
The DUNS number for your implementation client needs to be entered in the EDI Location field on Other Details section of Location form for Client
location[lets say your client for which iProc is being implemented is “XX Machine Inc”].
Process PO 007 is an OAG standard that dictates the structure of XML document which your supplier will receive.
For those that do not know, PO007 is nothing but an Approved Purchase Order sent to the supplier. Its format is XML.
To see its structure, on your middle tier, review the dtd file as listed below. $PO_TOP/xml/oag71/003_process_po_007.dtd
Hence Supplier needs to enable “PO 007” for themselves on the exchange server
For this your Supplier does the below steps:-
Login to the testexchange (i.e. after testing during goLive).
Clicks on Transaction Delivery under Company Administration
Selects Sales Order Outbound (PROCESS_PO_007) [going out from Exchange, becoming sales order in Suppliers System]
Under transaction type they select delivery method HTTPS etc
They specify their URL on server which where exchange will post the PO 007 XML doc.... https://inboundpo...
They also need to specify other connection details to their server like port number, userid password etc.
Exchange server will use those credentials to connect and post the XML PO Document[PO 007]
Note: Oracle Exchange supports various protocols like http,https,smtp . The supplier selects a protocol based on the protocols their server supports.
”XX Machine Inc” makes Oracle EBS aware of the Punchout setup
It is possible that with some suppliers, you would like to Punchout to their iStores via exchange, and for the other suppliers you may like to punchout
directly to their iStore.
I am detailing both the scenario’s below.
As in picture above, by downloading[click on download], you will bring into Oracle, all the Punchout Suppliers that are enabled for your business in
Scenario 2 Create Supplier punchout definition directly in Oracle Apps eCatalog Mgr
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]--> If you were not to be using Exchange, then you will have to create the Punchout definition from
scratch in Oracle Apps itself.
For this, click on “Manage Content” in responsibility “Internet iProcurement Catalog Administrator”
Click on create catalog
NOTE: As you may have noticed, effectively we are trying to create a punchout definition in Oracle Apps…either by downloading the Supplier’s
punchout definition from exchange or by directly creating the Punchout definition in Oracle Apps.
For this Click on create store in responsibility “Internet iProcurement Catalog Administrator”