Requisition Creation - Faq: Purpose
Requisition Creation - Faq: Purpose
Requisition Creation - Faq: Purpose
If a desired item cannot be found, it may be because it does not exist in the
online catalog (which is what is being searched). Once you are certain the item does not exist in the catalog, a non-
catalog request can be placed by clicking the Non-Catalog Request tab (Special Order link in older releases) at the
top or bottom of the Shop page.
When the 'Proceed to Checkout' button is clicked, the user is taken through the checkout process one step at a time;
when the Power Checkout is selected, the user enters all order information in one place. Power Checkout is best
suited for users that frequently place large orders with different billing and delivery information for individual items or
groups of items. The third option for checkout is 'Express Checkout', this uses defaults from My Profile. Like Power
Checkout this option does not force the user through all the entry forms of the requisition. Three checkout processes:
Standard, Express, and Power Checkout, have been consolidated into a single checkout flow in 11.5.10
(11i.SCM_PF.J) and higher.
Non-Catalog requests (Special orders) are used to purchase goods and services that are not available in the online
catalog. If it is certain that an item does not exist in the online catalog, a non-catalog request (special order) can be
placed by clicking the Non-catalog request tab (Special Order links) at the top or bottom of the Shop page. Note that if
the desired item exists in the catalog, it should not be placed on a Non-Catalog request(special order).
The user can search for an item by entering values for any of the following in
the 'Search' field:
- Item description
- Supplier name
- Unit price
- Currency
As many keywords as necessary can be specified in the Search field to narrow own the search results. The search
engine can sarch on any attribute deeemed searchable in e-content manager.
The percent sign (%) can used as a "wildcard" that takes the place of missing characters in your keyword or keywords.
For example, a search on "%point" mayreturn the categories 'Pointers', 'Appointment Books', and so on; a search
on"%er%" might return the categories 'Air Filters', 'Battery Chargers', and so on.
9. Where is the charge account link after selecting multiple items from the cart to edit?
The charge account link is available if only one item is selected to edit. If multiple items are selected, the link is not
available. This is intended functionality. To distinguish which distribution belongs to which line it is not allowed multiple
lines to modify charge accounts at the same time.
10. What are the categories displayed in the LOV of Category under Non-Catalog Request while using
Realms only affect catalog items. It is per design that non-catalog item page is not restricted by realm. Non-catalog
item page allows entry of items not listed in the catalog. It allows the flexibility to enter any items. Control is enforced
by the approval system.This is intended functionality.
11. Why does item price not get updated in the Requisition Template when item is imported via
Bulkloaded items are external and Requisition Templates are internal. This is the intended functionality.
12. Can users Cancel line(s) from approved requisitions that are not placed on a PO/Sales order?
Yes. The feature provides the Oracle iProcurement user the capability to select and cancel individual requisition lines
(in addition to the entire requisition), before they are placed on a purchase order or a sales order.
The Cancel Entire Requisition option is not available when the requisition lines are placed on a PO and the PO is
approved. (Ref Bug 3399911)
13. What are the categories displayed in the LOV of Category under Non-Catalog Request?
All the categories web enabled in core purchasing Categories Code show up in the LOV. If the category is web
enabled it will appear in the LOV even if not extracted.
Viewing requisition detail screen shows a blue dot at the line level. When therequisition is updated / modified the
Po_requisition_lines_all.MODIFIED_BY_AGENT_FLAG changes to 'Y'. This creates a blue dot in the application
indicating to the user, this line of the requisition has been modified.
15. How does the "New Supplier" check box work on the Create Non-Catalog Requisitions page?
16. How to change the price of an approved and returned requisition from a buyer due to incorrect
Not being able to change the price on a returned Requisition is the current functionality of the application. Only
quantity can be modified. If the buyer needs to change the price from the requisition they can enter the new price on
the PO when autocreate PO.Other option is to create a new Requisition with the correct price on it.
17. What is the column heading "Special Info" in the Shopping Cart contents page?
The information in "Special Info" comes from Information Template. To create an Information
See Oracle iProcurement Implementation Guide Release 11i for more details in Information Template.
18. Why does text attachment with indentation not show the correct format in view attachments through
iProcurement while it is in the correct format through core purchasing?
This is the current functionality. It is planned to be implemented with iProcurement using OA Framework.
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20. How to eliminate Express Checkout button? (Applicable to 11.5.9 and lower)
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