Anatomy Paper 5

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Dakota Schroeder

Tippecanoe High School

Anatomy and Physiology


March 20, 2020


Caffeine is a drug that about 90% of Americans take, but it can also be a headache trigger

or headache helper. Everyone gets headaches from time to time. Caffeine is pretty much all

around us, and can be found in a lot of drinks, and even in some commonly chosen over-the-

counter pain relievers, but how is it affecting our heads? Have you ever thought if there's a

connection between headaches and caffeine? It may be possible for caffeine to cause and cure

headaches at both the same time.

You wouldn't believe it but in some cases caffeine can actually help with headaches.

That’s one of the reasons it’s an ingredient in a lot of popular pain relievers and drinks. By just

having caffeine alone, you can sometimes stop the pain of headaches. Caffeine generally helps

get rid of inflammation, which can lead to relief. Whether you take aspirin or ibuprofen they

work faster and can keep the pain go away when added with caffeine (Gunnars, 2018). A rare

condition called “hypnic headaches” reacts very well to caffeine. These usually happen in older

people, waking them in the middle of the night with serious pain. Doctors sometimes tell people

who get these to have a cup of coffee before bed (Marengo, 2019). Blood vessels have the ability

to enlarge before getting a headache or migraine. Caffeine has “vasoconstrictive” properties that

cause blood vessels to get smaller and restrict blood flow, which can help pain relief. When

caffeine is added to over the counter pain relievers the pain relieving effect is increased by 40%

(Gunnars, 2018). If you feel a headache, a cup of coffee might help lessen your symptoms.

On the other hand, too much of the substance can trigger them, caffeine does not directly

cause headaches. A caffeine headache occurs from withdrawals of caffeine after not having it for

a while or a few days. Though the physical side effects can be severe, only 2% of the population

suffers from caffeine headaches (Gunnars, 2018). Since caffeine restricts the blood vessels

around your brain, when you stop taking it they enlarge again, and can cause pain in your brain,

or also known as headaches. Caffeine can also play a factor in medication overuse, or what's

called rebound headaches. This can happen when you take too much of any kind of pain reliever

such as Aspirin (Marengo, 2019). When the medicine affects faid, the pain comes back a lot

worse than before. It’s simple for your body to get used to the effects of caffeine so when you

don’t have it, you have withdrawal. A headache is one of the many symptoms (Gunnars, 2018).

This can happen when you have caffeine everyday, even as little as a cup of coffee a day. But

this doesn’t mean you have to cut your caffeine off completely, try slowly decreasing your

caffeine intake, and remember it’s always best to enjoy in moderation.

There are a lot of positive benefits from coffee. For example, coffee can make you amster

as well as keep you up. The addictive main ingredient in coffee is caffeine. It is a stimulant and

is one of the most consumed substances in the world. Caffeine works through your brain by

stopping the effects of a neurotransmitter called adenosine (Gunnars, 2018). By blocking the

effects of adenosine, caffeine boosts transmitters in the brain and releases other neurotransmitters

like dopamine. Caffeine can also benefit by burning fat and improve physical performances.

Caffeine increases metabolism and raises the oxidation of fatty acids in your body (Marengo,

2019). It can also improve athletic performance including gathering fatty acids from the fat

tissue. Type 2 diabetes is a disease that has overtaken america. It has increased a few decades

and now affects about 300 million people (Gunnars, 2018). In some studies, coffee has been

matched with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The reduction in risk can range from 23% all the

way up to 67%. There was a big review article that looked at 18 studies with a total of 457,922

participants. Each additional cup of coffee per day lowered the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7%.

Personally, caffeine plays a huge role in my everyday life. I feel like i'm inclined to have

my cup of coffee every morning or else i'm grumpy and not awake. Sometimes I wont have

coffee for a couple hours and can feel a headache coming on. What do I do? I go to my kitchen

and pour myself a cup of coffee and my headache instantly goes away. I think this research will

show people that having too much caffeine can make you have withdrawals after a while and can

tighten your blood vessels in your brain. After researching this I advise everyone who is a heavy

coffee drinker to drink in moderation.

In conclusion, I think there are definitely side effects of having too much caffeine but it

can also benefit you. It plays a huge role in many people's lives. Some people have headaches

and instantly start drinking coffee. I think that everyones brains are different and can react

differently to different caffeine. Caffeine is a drug that about 90% of Americans take, but it can

also be a headache trigger or headache helper.

Work Cited

Gunnars, Kris (2018, April 30). Why is Caffeine Good for You? Here Are 7 Reasons. Retreveed


Marengo, Katherine (2019, Nov 7). Is Caffeine bad for you? Retrieved from

National Headache Foundation (2020, Jan 3). Does Caffeine Trigger or Treat Headaches.

Retrieved from

Web MD (2020 Feb 8). The Link Between Caffeine and Headaches. Retrieved from

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