Kampala Junior Academy Primary Three Holiday Work 2020 Literacy Two Section A

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1. Give the meaning of child abuse
2. Name any one colour of the Uganda flag
3. Which name is given to the largest lake in Uganda
4. State one danger of cutting down many tree in an area
5. What is a family?
6. Who was the father of Nambi?
7. Name the hill where the museum is found
8. State any one clan in Buganda
9. Why was Kampala divided into urban councils?
10.Draw a map of a car in the space below?
11.In which season od farmers gravest their crops?
12.On which hill do we find the biggest university in Uganda
13.State any on manmade lake in Kampala
14.Give the meaning of social services
15.How are televisions important to people
16.Name the symbol below

17.Now is a compass direction important to a pilot?

18.What is an ethnic group?
19.Name the tribes that circumcises their boys as a custom
20.Name the language commonly used at school
21.How are tribes important to people?
22.Who is a leader?
23.How do we call the raised piece of land above the earth?
24.Name the main economic activity carried out by people living on islands
25.State the largest ethnic group of people in Uganda
26.Why do people have telephones?
27.How is muyenga hill important to the people of Kampala?
28.Give the meaning of communication
29.State the fastest type of transport in Uganda
30.What is transport?
31.How are children’s rights violated
32.State any one reason why people visit health centres
33.How are teachers import at school?
34.Why are map symbols used on a map


41(a). What is social services?

(b).Give the two social services in the community?

(c).Where do teachers works?

42(a). Give the meaning of economic activity

(b) State three economic activity carried out by people in Uganda

43. How are the physical features below important to people?


(b) Plateaus

(c) Swamps

(D) Lakes

44 (a) what are map symbols?

(b) Draw the map symbols below

Compass direction Hill Swamp

45 (a) How do we call a group of people with the same origin, culture and language?

(b) Name any two important places in our community

(c) How are clan heads important in our community?

46(a) Give the meaning of a community?

(b) Name any two important placeds in our community

(c) How is a home important to people?

47 Write the social services centres where the people work

(a) Teachers
(b) Doctors
(c) Taxi drivers
(d) Pilots

48. Match correctly

Muyenga hill barracks

Kitante hill university

Makerere hill muyenga water tanks

Nsambya hill museum

Muyenga hill ____________________

Kitante hill ____________________

Makerere hill ____________________

Nsambya hill ____________________

49. Name the political heads of the following levels

(a) Country

(b)Urban council

(c) Parish


50(a) Give the meaning of communication

(b) Give any two commercial banks in Uganda

52(a) what is child abuse?

(b) Give any two causes of child abuse

(c)State any side effect of child abuse

53.(a) Give the meaning of basic needs

(b) State any two basic needs of people

(c)How do people get basic needs?

54. (a)How is a map different from a picture?

(b) Draw maps of the following objects

pot Cup tree

With the help of your guardian / parents cut out pictures of people who keep
security from magazines , newspapers and stick them on a manila or card board.

Ref books;

1. kobta liti bk3

2. Mk Thematic curriculum literacy book 3

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