NDX Little
NDX Little
NDX Little
William W. Little1
*Adapted from poster presentation given at AAPG 2018 Annual Convention & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, May 20-23, 2018
**Datapages © 2019. Serial rights given by author. For all other rights contact author directly. DOI:10.1306/11194LIttle2019
Brigham Young University - Idaho, Rexburg, ID, United States ([email protected])
Sequence stratigraphic models for thick fluvial successions continue to evolve to account for controlling factors other than base-level fluctuation. For
instance, many models place a sequence boundary at the base of amalgamated channel-belt deposits that cap coarsening-upward accumulations, relating
this surface to a drop in base level. However, this surface is often characterized by features more indicative of lateral channel-belt migration under
conditions of aggradation. These successions commonly develop significantly inland of likely influence by marine shoreline fluctuations and may not
respond to eustatic base-level controls, particularly when factoring lag time for effects to propagate upstream. Additionally, these deposits are typically
found in settings of relatively continuous subsidence accompanied by high sedimentation rates, such as foreland basins, in which accommodation is
produced proximally to the source, trapping much of the sediment before it reaches a position where it can be impacted by eustatic base-level controls.
Deposits that accumulate during early phases of foreland development do not have a connection to the marine realm yet demonstrate similar patterns to
those that do. Other models suggest accommodation is produced by tectonically-induced subsidence, with filling in response to either a slowing of space
production or to simple progradation, as coarser proximal deposits accumulate over finer distal deposits. Other factors include variability in discharge
relative to sediment supply and distributive vs. contributive channel patterns. With each addition comes new terminology that, in the end, still ties
successions to “sequence boundaries,” which, by definition, are “unconformities and their correlative conformities.” Part of the complexity may arise
from applying concepts where they do not fit. One model might work for passive margins, another for foreland basins, and another for rift basins, yet
there will always be exceptions, even between one foreland basin and another or within the same basin. Sequence stratigraphy is an effective tool for
analyzing sedimentary basins, but we might be handicapping ourselves by forcing it into situations for which it was not designed. I propose it would be
more effective to refrain from all-encompassing formal labels and return to a simple descriptive terminology, such as “coarsening upward interval” and
“gradational contact” to describe and interpret thick fluvial successions.
References Cited
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Bhattacharya, J.P., Copeland, P., Lawton, T.F., and Holbrook, J., 2017, Estimation of source area, river paleo-discharge, paleoslope, and sediment
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Catuneanu, O., 2002, Sequence stratigraphy of clastic systems: concepts, merits, and pitfalls: Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 35, p. 1-43.
Catuneanu, O., in press, First-order foreland cycles: interplay of flexural tectonics, dynamic loading, and sedimentation: Journal of Geodynamics.
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William W. Little
Brigham Young University - Idaho, Rexburg, ID ([email protected]) & W.W. Little Geological Consulting, Rexburg, ID ([email protected])
Abstract Sequence Stratigraphic Models Were Not Developed for Tectonically-active Basins Inclusion of Thick Fluvial Successions into Traditional Sequence Stratigraphic Models
Sequence stratigraphic models for thick fluvial successions continue to evolve to account for controlling factors other than base-level Early Model In that coastal sediment is primarily derived from rivers that act as conduits from a source region to a basin, it is logical that changes in base level would affect the fluvial equilibrium profile, leading to episodes
fluctuation. For instance, many models place a sequence boundary at the base of amalgamated channel-belt deposits that cap coarsening- dominated by vertical accretion when the rate of accommodation production is high and to lateral migration when low. Once a new profile is established, sediment bypasses the fluvial realm and is
Early sequence stratigraphic models were derived from seismic reflector patterns and terminations for application to coastal/deep marine settings in which space increases transported toward the basin to feed coastal systems. Models relating alluvial architecture to accommodation production attempt correlation between fluvial and coastal successions of foreland basins and,
upward accumulations, relating this surface to a drop in base level. However, this surface often demonstrates scouring that is no deeper than basinward from a landward hinge placed within the coastal plain, explicitly in response to eustatic sea-level fluctuation. Thick fluvial successions are not present in these
the thickness of a single channel-fill and may show interbedding between facies above and below, suggesting the surface might, instead, be thereby, relate them to standard sequence stratigraphic models. Each assumes a constant sediment supply and shows a common theme, amalgamated sandstone sheets created by braided to meandering
models due to lack of space for their formation and low preservation potential upon drops in base level. Seismic reflectors are considered to have chronostratigraphic rivers during periods of slow accommodation production (lowstand and late highstand) and discontinuous sheets or lenses of sandstone encased in mudstone deposited by high-aggradation meandering to
associated with lateral channel-belt migration. Additionally, these successions commonly develop significantly inland of likely influence by significance.
marine shoreline fluctuations and may not respond to eustatic base-level controls, particularly when factoring lag time for effects to propagate anastomosed rivers during intervals of moderate to rapid accommodation production (transgression), respectively. Terminology varies between models, as some have attempted to maintain traditional
upstream. Furthermore, these deposits are typically found in settings of relatively continuous subsidence accompanied by high sedimentation vocabulary (e.g. lowstand, transgressive, and highstand systems tracts); whereas, others have employed new terminology to reflect the fluvial setting (e.g. amalgamated fluvial facies vs. isolated fluvial facies
rates, such as foreland basins, in which accommodation is produced proximal to the source, trapping much of the sediment before it reaches a tracts of Shanley (1991) or aggradational vs. degradational systems tracts of Currie (1997)). The principle disagreement between these models pertains as to whether the coarsest sandstone belongs at the
position where it can be impacted by eustatic base-level controls. Deposits that accumulate during early phases of foreland development do base of a cycle as a lowstand/early transgressive deposit or at the top, demonstrating slowing of base-level rise during the later highstand. This has serious implications as to distinguishing between tectonic
not have a connection to the marine realm, yet demonstrate similar patterns to those that do. Other models suggest accommodation is and eustatic driving mechanisms and timing for regional correlations.
produced by tectonically-induced subsidence, with filling in response to either a slowing of space production or to simple progradation, as
coarser proximal deposits accumulate over finer distal deposits. Other factors include variability in discharge relative to sediment supply and
distributive vs. contributive channel patterns. With each addition comes new terminology that, in the end, still ties successions to “sequence
boundaries,” which, by definition, are “unconformities and their correlative conformities.” Part of the complexity may arise from applying
concepts where they don’t fit. One model might work for passive margins, another for foreland basins, and another for rift basins, yet there will
always be exceptions, even between one foreland basin and another or within the same basin. Sequence stratigraphy is an effective tool for Vail et al. (1977a)
Vail et al. (1977a)
analyzing sedimentary basins, but we might be handicapping ourselves by forcing it into situations for which it was not designed. It might be To emphasize association with sea-level cycles,
The term “sequence” is derived from a
more effective to apply simpler, less restrictive terminology to describe and interpret thick fluvial successions. predictable succession (sequence) of sequence components were named to
progradational events (parasequences) correspond to different parts of a hypothetical
sea-level curve. In more recent models, great
An Example of Different Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations for the Same Depositional Succession Mitchum et al. (1977) Vail et al. (1977a) associated with a balance between rates
at which space is produced Vail et al. (1977b) effort has been applied to extend this
By definition, a sequence is bound in proximal areas by erosional
(Drip Tank Member of the Straight Cliffs Formation, Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah) unconformities associated with fluvial incision or subaerial exposure. (accommodation) and subsequently filled Early sequence stratigraphic terminology into thick fluvial successions.
Because streams cannot cut significantly below base level, they give way (sediment supply). Early models show models were correlated
For nearly three decades, sequence stratigraphic terminology has been applied to Upper Cretaceous strata from the Kaiparowits Basin based minimal accommodation in proximal closely to, and used to refine
basinward to “correlative conformities.” As the model is based on a
primarily on changes in alluvial architecture as related to perceived relationships to accommodation production. More recently, controls passive-margin setting, it does not address fluvial successions that regions with a steady increase basinward. global sea-level cycles. Such
Shanley & McCabe (1994) Little (1995)
related to sediment supply and discharge have been considered. Differences in interpretation as to whether the principle driving mechanism is thicken landward, such as those deposited within a foreland basin. Additionally, the proximal space actually cycles can be difficult to Emery & Myer (1996)
experiences a reduction during base-level identify in fluvial deposits of
eustasy, tectonics, or sediment supply and discharge have led to “sequence boundaries” being placed both at the top and the bottom of the falls, resulting in poor preservation basins in which rates and Wright & Marriott (1993)
same stratigraphic unit, with primary focus being on thick amalgamated sheet sandstone deposits, which form either the basal (lowstand) or potential for fluvial successions. magnitudes of subsidence
the capping (highstand) unit of the sequence, depending upon the boundary selection. Here, the Drip Tank Member of the Straight Cliffs might be greater and at
Formation is used to illustrate this discrepancy. Similar issues have been tied to the capping sandstone member of the Wahweap Formation, significantly different time
also in the Kaiparowits Basin, and to the Castlegate Sandstone of the Book Cliffs region. with base level fluctuations.
Negative/falling Positive/rising
Rock Springs
Rusty Member
Sequence Boundary = Upper Contact Detailed Revised Models Add a Depositional Ramp Margin but Still Exclude Landward Accommodation Increase
Trail Member
• Little (1995) – Thrust-induced subsidence
Modifications were made to early models in order to formalize terminology, distinguish between basins with and without a shelf margin break, draw attention to the
Threshold level:
• Lawton & Christensen (2005) – Increased depositional slope relative roles of accommodation production and filling, and allow for regional/local impacts on base level. Terminology of most continue to emphasize the role of base-level
Almond Formation
• Jinnah & Roberts (2011) – Eustatic base-level change
Ksd fluctuation on sequence development. These models persist in showing a thickening basinward and to exclude significant fluvial deposits landward of the coastal plain.
• Lawton et al. (2014) – Climate & orogenic relief
Threshold level:
Holbrook et al. (2006)
Sequence Boundary = Basal Contact Martinsen (1999, 2010) Hampson et al. (2005)
• Shanley & McCabe (1991, 1994, 1995) – Eustatic base-level change
• Lawton et al. (2003) – Eustatic base-level change
Table 1: Surface definitions with translation terms, and primary and secondary recognition
Published Figures Placing the Sequence boundary at the Base of the Drip Tank Member criteria. Data for recognition criteria marked with superscript letters: s=seismic; w=wells;
c=core; o=outcrop. Currie (1997)
Translation Secondary Recognition Criteria (based on limited
Shanley and McCabe (1995) defined sequence boundaries as ”regional surfaces of erosion that juxtapose amalgamated fluvial deposits over Surface
available data)
shoreface, alluvial plain, or coal-bearing strata and reflect an abrupt basinward shift in facies tracts.” Lawton et al. followed the reasoning of
Atop maximum
landward position
of the shoreline
Downlaps . Turn around in stacking pattern from
retrogradation to aggradation or progradation . Focus on Non-base-level Controlled (Distributive) Fluvial Systems Demonstrating Similar Depositional Patterns to Base-level Controlled Successions
Shanley and McCabe (1991, 1994, 1995), adding support from petrographic and paleocurrent congruence with underlying (John Henry Van Wagoner et al. (1988)
Atop maximum
basinward position
Surface beneath first backstep (landward step) of
shelf-slope break . Turn around in stacking pattern Galloway (1989) The primary characteristic of thick foreland basin fluvial successions used to tie them to base-level control is a two-fold lithologic subdivision. One interval is dominated by muddier deposits that become
TS Surface of the shoreline from progradation or aggradation to
Member) and overlying (Wahweap Formation) strata. Sequence
Table 2: Systems Tracts definitions with stacking patterns and recognition criteria.
*sensu Embry, 2002
standing body of water. In these systems, the course, amalgamated sandstone sheet forms the top of the succession and coarsening upward is attributed to progradation of steep-gradient, high-energy fluvial
Systems Tract Observable Stacking Pattern Bounding Surfaces
Decreasing, at increasing
deposits over more distal, flatter-gradient, low-energy fluvial deposits. This down depositional dip decrease in gradient has a similar effect as decreasing the rate of accommodation production, as the
Systems Tract (possible) Degradation Below: MFS (MTS) rate
Published Figures Placing the Sequence boundary at the Top of the Drip Tank Member Attempts to Extend Concepts into Thick Foreland Basin Fluvial Sections Lack Detailed Correlations with Coastal Deposits
Little (1995) placed sequence boundaries at the tops of course-grained amalgamated fluvial deposits because of an abrupt shift above to more
mud-rich fluvial systems, followed by a gradual coarsening-upward to the top of the succeeding course amalgamated sheet. Lawton et al. (2014) Many foreland basin studies acknowledge the complications associated with a coeval landward increase in accommodation and in sediment supply but struggle in cross
came to a similar interpretation based on distributive megafan characteristics, such as a gradational lower contact with finer-grained fluvial section to show specifically how these deposits correlate to those in coastal regions, leading to highly generalized schemes that lack the detail of traditional sequence
deposits, an overall coarsening and thinning upward of sandstone beds, a radiating paleocurrent trend, thinning of sandstone beds away from an stratigraphic models.
apex, and a highly weathered and erosional upper contact. Jinnah and Roberts (2011) focused on the overlying Wahweap Formation but
expressed agreement with Lawton et al’s assessment of the boundary, which forms the basal contact of the Wahweap Formation.
Dry Phase
Nichols & Fisher ( 2007)
Wet Phase
Yang (2011)
Posamentier & Allen (1993)
Bhattacharya, J.P., Copeland, P., Lawton, T.F., and Holbrook, J., 2017, Estimation of source area, river paleo-discharge, paleoslope, and sediment budgets of linked deep-time depositional systems and implications for hydrocarbon
potential: Earth-science Reviews, v. 153, p. 77-110.
Catuneanu, O., 2002, Sequence stratigraphy of clastic systems: concepts, merits, and pitfalls: Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 35, p. 1-43.
Catuneanu, O., in press, First-order foreland cycles: interplay of flexural tectonics, dynamic loading, and sedimentation: Journal of Geodynamics.
Discussion and Conclusions
Christensen, A.E. and Lawton, T.F. 2005, Sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, and provenance of the Drip Tank Member, Straight Cliffs Formation, Kaiparowits Plateau, southwestern Utah: Abstracts with Programs, Geological
Sequence stratigraphy is an immensely useful tool for interpreting the depositional history of and for making regional correlations in coastal and Society of America, v. 37, p. 115.
near coastal settings, particularly along the edges of passive margin basins; however, when applied to settings for which it was not designed, its
usefulness is much less, and it may actually lead to interpretations that are incorrect. Attempts have been made since at least as early as the 1990s Currie, B.S., 1997, Sequence stratigraphy of nonmarine Jurassic-Cretaceous rocks, central Cordilleran foreland-basin system: Geological Society of America Bulletin, V. 109, p. 1206-1222.
to apply sequence stratigraphic concepts and terminology to thick fluvial successions of active foreland basins. The primary motive being the
remarkable success of sequence stratigraphy in deciphering coastal systems and the fact that fluvial systems are physically connected to the coast. Emery, D. and Myers, K.J., 1996, Sequence Stratigraphy, 269 p.
It is, therefore, logical to assume each would be influenced by the same base-level controls. This has led to development of schemes and
terminology intended to show a relationship between coastal sequences and thick fluvial successions in terms of response to changes in rates and Galloway, W.E., 1989, Genetic stratigraphic sequences in basin analysis I: architecture and genesis of flooding-surface bounded depositional units: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 73, p. 125-142.
directions of accommodation production. However, these correlations have proven to be difficult and, in some cases to not be valid for several
reasons: Hampson, G.J., Davies, W., Davies, S.J., Howell, J.A., and Adamson, K.R., 2005, Use of spectral gamma-ray data to refine subsurface fluvial stratigraphy: Late Cretaceous strata in the Book Cliffs, Utah, USA: Journal of the Geological
Society, v. 162, p. 603-621.
1) Sequence stratigraphic models were developed for passive margin basins, in which space is generated progressively basinward of the shoreline.
In these models, the fluvial section is thin, restricted mostly to the coastal plain, accumulates primarily during transgressive events, and is Holbrook, J., Scott, R.W., and Oboh-Ikuenobe, F.E., 2006, Base-level buffers and buttresses: a model for upstream versus downstream control on fluvial geometry and architecture within sequences: Journal of Sedimentology
subject to removal during a base-level fall. Conversely, foreland basins experience accommodation production increasingly landward of the Research, v. 76, p. 162-174.
shoreline. As such, the fluvial section is likely to be thick, to extend from the coastal plain to the thrust belt, to accumulate during all phases of a
eustatic cycle, with much, if not all, being preserved during a base-level fall. Jerrett, R.M., Flint, S.S., and Brunt, R.L., 2017, Palaeovalleys in foreland ramp settings: what happens as accommodation decreases down dip?: Basin Research, v. 29, p. 747-774.
2) A sequence boundary is defined as an unconformity and its correlative conformity. In a passive margin setting, the unconformity exists Jinnah, Z.A. and Roberts, E.M., 2011, Facies associations, paleoenvironment, and base-level changes in the Upper Cretaceous Wahweap Formation, Utah, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 81, p. 266-283.
everywhere landward of the shoreline and the correlative conformity extends basinward from the shoreline due to continuous deposition below
base level. In the case of a foreland basin, a second correlative conformity would pass landward into the fluvial succession due to higher Lang, S.C., Kassan, J., Benson, J., Grasso, C., Hicks, N., Avenell, C., 2002, Reservoir Characterisation of fluvial, lacustrine and deltaic successions – appliations of modern and ancient geological analogues: Proceedings, Indonesian
sedimentation rates in that region. Even in passive margin settings, which are the most likely to show a simple relationship between base level Petroleum Association, 28th Annual Convention and Exhibition, v. 1, p. 557-580.
and adjustments to stream gradient, there are questions as to the upstream extent to which a base-level shift can be expressed by the fluvial
equilibrium profile. This is further complicated in foreland basins by a high sedimentation rate that likely keeps proximal portions of the basin Lang, S.C., Payenberg, T.H.D., Reilly, M.R.W., Hicks, T., Benson, J., and Kassan, J., 2004, Modern analogues for dryland sandy fluvial-lacustrine deltas and terminal splay reservoirs: APPEA Journal, v. 44, 329-356.
overfilled, potentially eliminating any base-level impact in this region. Additionally, there is a lag time for effects of base-level change to
propagate up the profile; for instance, as base level begins to rise, it is likely that the sequence boundary continues to incise up gradient, while Lawton, T.F. and Christensen, A.E., 2005, Sequence boundaries in terrestrial foreland-basin strata: Do they lie above or below the amalgamated fluvial facies tract?: Abstracts, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
transgressive deposits simultaneously accumulate within the distal portions of previously incised valleys. Fluvial sequence stratigraphic models Convention and Exposition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
place a transgressive surface at the base of highly aggradational stream deposits; therefore, if driven by eustasy in which space creation migrates
in a landward direction, it is possible such aggradational rates might not develop prior beginning of the subsequent base-level fall. Lawton, T.F., Pollock, S.L., and Robinson, R.A.J., 2003, Integrating sandstone petrology and nonmarine sequence stratigraphy: application to the Late Cretaceous fluvial systems of southwestern Utah, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary
Research, v. 73, No. 3, p. 389-406.
3) Because of uncertainty related to the issues above, disagreement exists as to where to place the sequence boundary. Many prefer the base of
thick, amalgamated sandstone bodies because of an erosive base, assigning them to the lowstand systems tract. Others choose the top of these Lawton, T.F., Schellenbach, W.L., and Nugent, A.E, 2014, Late Cretaceous fluvial-megafan and axial-river systems in the southern Cordilleran foreland basin: Drip Tank Member of Straight Cliffs Formation and adjacent strata,
sand bodies, citing the gradual coarsening-upward of underlying fluvial deposits, the claim that basal erosion seems to be shallow, and that southern Utah, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 84, p. 407-434.
coarsening upward appears to continue within the amalgamated sheets. A third group places the boundary within these sand bodies, indicating
that would be the base level turn-around point, with the lower portions having formed during lowstand/early transgression and the upper Little, W.W., 1995, The Influence of Tectonics and Eustasy on Alluvial Architecture, Middle Coniacian through Campanian Strata of the Kaiparowits Basin, Utah: unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder,
during subsequent highstand. Colorado, 327 p.
4) Recent studies have begun to move away from solely accommodation-driven models and to focus more on the roles of discharge, Martinsen, O.J., 2010, Sequence stratigraphy 25 years down-the-road: technology dependencies, current practices and evolving methods for prediction of petroleum systems: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Search
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