J. Biol. Chem.-1925-Cook-135-46
J. Biol. Chem.-1925-Cook-135-46
J. Biol. Chem.-1925-Cook-135-46
Materials Employed.
The starch used in this work was Merck’s “soluble starch
according to Lintner.” It was washed nine times with distilled
water, six times with triply distilled water, and air-dried.
Ordinary distilled water was twice redistilled, first over alkaline
permanganate solution, then over very dilute solution of ortho-
phosphoric acid; the distillate was condensed in a block tin con-
denser. This product was always used for making up starch and
stock solutions and for the final rinsing of all glassware.
Donald H. Cook 137
The primary and secondary phosphates used as buffers were
purified according to the unpublished methods of Beans and
Kiehl. The sodium chloride used was twice recrystallized from
triply distilled water and dried at 120°C.
The two enzyme preparations were commercial products:
Parke, Davis and Company pancreatin, laboratory sample No. 9,
and a barley malt obtained from the Froedtert Malting Co. The
malt extract was prepared by grinding 100 gm. of malt and extract-
ing with 250 cc. of triply distilled water at ice box temperature
for 2 hours. The extract was then filtered and kept in the re-
The temperatures chosen were 20”, 30”, 40”, 50”, GO”, and 70°C.
As a rule five determinations were made simultaneously, four at
a lower temperature and one at a temperature 10” higher. Thus,
each new series of experiments overlapped the previous work and
was a constant check on the technique and the activity of the
enzyme. Blank experiments were made not only with the enzyme
preparations, but also with the starch and reagents in each series
of experiments.
As the presence of starch appears to exert a protective action
upon these enzymes it was also of interest to study the influence
of changes in temperature upon the enzymic activities when the
solutions were held at the various temperatures in the absence of
the substrate before being allowed to act upon it.
For these inactivation experiments the above procedure was modified
as follows: 300 cc. of a 2 per cent starch solution containing the molar con-
centrations of sodium chloride and sodium phosphate given above were pre-
pared and placed in 50 cc. portions in the thermostat. 300 cc. of a water-
salt solution containing the same concentrations of these salts were also
prepared. As both the water-salt solution and the starch solution
contained the same concentration of activating salts they would
give the standard 1 per cent substrate upon being combined. The water-
Donald H. Cook
salt solution was divided into 50 cc. portions which were immersed in the
thermostats in test-tubes and after reaching the desired temperatures
were poured on the enzyme solutions at 15 second intervals. The enzyme
solutions were then placed in the thermostats and allowed to remain for
30 minutes. At the end of this time the starch solutions previously brought
to the same temperatures were added to the enzyme-water mixtures at 15
second intervals and in the same order as the water-salt solutions had been
added. The enzyme was allowed to act upon the starch for 30 minutes.
Fehling’s solution was then added and the rest of the procedure as out-
lined above was carried out. The method of overlapping experiments
from day to day was followed here in order to guard against any deteriora-
tion of the enzyme or other possible source of error. The 30 minute period
Experiments with Malt Amylase.
(Average of all results calculated to 0.1 mg. of enzyme.)
Temperature.. . 200 409 500 60’ 70”
- -
Without previous heating.
CuzO, mg.. 4.5 84 13.6 17.9 13.7 0.7
Maltose, mg.. 3.6 6.7 10.9 14.4 11 .o 0.6
After 30 min. heating.
CurO, mg.. .I 4.4 7.5 10.6 13.5 0.5 00
Maltose, mg.. 3.5 6.0 8.5 10 8 0.4 0.0
After 15 min. heating.
CuzO, mg.. . . 14.3 2.0
Maltose, my.. 11.5 1.6
After 10 min. heating.
CunO, mg.. :. 3.6
Maltose, mg.. 3.0
After 5 min. heating.
CuaO, mg.. 6.8
Maltose, mg.. 5.5
This time was progressively decreased from 30 minutes to 15,
10, and 5 minutes. With these progressively smaller times
Donald H. Cook 141
the rates of destruction at the lower temperatures became
From the data in these tables the rate of destruction of pan-
creatic and malt amylases under the conditions of these experi-
0 5 lo 15 20 25
Time li, Minutes
FIG. 1. The upper curve shows the rate of destruction (inactivation)
of pancreatic amylase when heated in water-salt solution at 50” previous
to acting on starch. The lower curve shows the rate of inactivation under
the same conditions at 40”.
142 Pancreatic and Malt Amylases
5 /O /5 20 25 30
Time in Minutes
FIG. 2. The upper curve shows the rate of destruction (inactivation)
of malt amylase when heated in water-salt solution at 50” previous to acting
on starch. The lower curve shows the rate of inactivation under the same
conditions at 40’.
Donald H. Cook 143
creatin in the interval 2G30” the ratio is 2.1 and between 30” and
40” it is 1.8, while for malt at the same points it is 1.9 and 1.6.
From these result,s it would appear that the temperature coefficient
of the hydrolysis of starch by these two enzymes is about that of
inorganic reactions. These results are also in accord with the
data of other investigators as cited above. The velocity of the
inactivation of the enzyme is, however, much more rapid
t,han this; pancreatin, for instance, under the conditions of these
experiments is destroyed thirty times as rapidly at 50” as at 40’
if we compare times of equal destruction.
Malt amylase shows a greater stability toward heat, as the
was much more rapid than the ordinary hydrolytic reactions which
have been studied previously-Arrhenius (14).
2. If the amylases are protein in nature it is possible that their
inactivation might be due to heat coagulation, which, with most
proteins, occurs between 50” and 70”. Sherman and Schlesinger
(15), working with purified preparations of pancreatic and malt
amylases, found a faint opalescence in their solutions at 50”, with
increasing coagulation up to 70”, at which point, after filt.ering,
no further precipitation would occur, even at high temperatures.
It is quite possible that the previous formation of this coagulum
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