Cannon: by Kfcams
Cannon: by Kfcams
Cannon: by Kfcams
Table of Contents
Abstract 3
Introduction 3
Design Description 4
System Overview 4
Block Diagrams 5
Webcam Algorithms and Code 6
Server Configuration 11
Face Detection Algorithms and Code 13
Website 15
PCB Design 17
3D Printing 19
Final Product 20
Initial Goal vs. Final Product 20
Performance and Limitations 20
Challenges Encountered 21
References 24
Code 24
The internet of things is an architecture for extending the functionality of small electronic
devices with limited computational power. Within this type of architecture, small computing
devices are networked to provide them with more powerful, remote computers. Thus, the
endpoints are generally only responsible for data collection, transfer, and actuation. The remote
servers (the “cloud”) are responsible for the heavier task of data processing and action planning.
In this report we utilize the the internet of things architecture to create a cloud connected
webcam. By leveraging the added computational power of the cloud, our webcam is able to
automatically detect faces in an image frame, and track the face as it moves around.
As mentioned above, due to the limited computational power available on the webcam,
we elect to offload the computation required for face tracking onto a remote server. Our selected
architecture consists of a webcam as an endpoint that simply streams JPEG images to a remote
server (over HTTP/TCP) and is placed on a pan and tilt based composed of two servo motors.
The pan and tilt base allows the webcam to follow a face as it begins to exit an image frame
using commands from a remote server. The webcam is a custom designed embedded system
running compiled C on an Atmel microcontroller and is enclosed in a 3d printed case.
The server, running on an Amazon EC2 instance, is responsible for image processing,
performing positioning calculations, and hosting the website files. For image processing, we
utilize Python openCV libraries to perform face tracking with the Haar Cascades algorithm.
Positioning calculations are then performed using a basic heuristic approach on the server and
are translated to servo control commands on the webcam. A website is developed to display the
stream while also allowing manual control of the webcam and its features through the use of
With our architecture we were able to develop a webcam that can be remotely controlled
and can automatically track face while streaming at roughly 3-4 frames per second. We also
extended the face detection functionality to overlay Snapchat like filters on detected faces using
bit masking in openCV. .
The internet of things (IoT) is defined as the inter-networking of physical devices
embedded with computational power. It allows several devices with limited computational power
to leverage their connectivity to offload computational tasks. This allows a network of simple
“smart” devices to perform complex tasks that may require running advanced machine learning
algorithms and techniques on large data sets. These data sets are generated by the variety of
sensors found on smart devices. Take, for example, a wireless webcam which generates large
data sets corresponding to images. Image processing is usually too complex of a task to
perform on the small microcontrollers often found on embedded webcams. Our embedded
webcam uses an Atmel ATSAM4S8B capable of operation up to 120MHz with 512KB of flash
memory and 128KB of SRAM. While these specifications are sufficient for interfacing with a
camera and WiFi card, the addition of image processing libraries and algorithms would
drastically cut down the frame rate. To accomplish our goal of implementing face tracking
functionality, it was essential to have a significantly faster frame rate compared to last quarter’s
design. Therefore, to add functionality to an embedded webcam, offloading computation to
remote servers was the natural choice.
This report presents a webcam which streams its images to a server running OpenCV
libraries. The server is capable of near-instantaneously running both the Haar Cascades
algorithm for detecting faces and the code for calculating camera positioning such that the
webcam is able to automatically track faces. Moving the image processing to a server allowed
for a faster frame rate and consequently low latency positioning corrections. Based on these
requirements we generate the following goals for functionality the webcam must provide:
Design Description
System Overview
As mentioned above, our webcam uses a fairly traditional IoT architecture. The webcam
consists of three main components: A WiFi chip to send data to a server, a camera sensor that
captures the actual images, and a microcontroller that allows us to control the interactions
between all the components. The webcam circuit is a fully embedded system soldered onto a
custom designed PCB. The design also includes several header pins to monitor serial output,
program the WiFi chip, program the MCU with an Atmel ICE unit, and send power and PWM
signals to two servos. The webcam can associate to a WiFi network and begin streaming
images to our remote server over a persistent TCP client. Communication between the server
and webcam occurs over the HTTP protocol. The webcam will post images and receive servo
commands as a response. Images are transferred at a rate of roughly 3-4 frames per second.
For the WiFi chip, we use the ACKme AMW004 which runs Zentri-OS. Zentri-OS
provides kernel calls for TCP capabilities. The file system capabilities of the chip are ignored for
our purposes. The camera sensor is an Omnivision OV2640, a 2mp full color camera with a
SCCB interface for data control. Both the WiFi chip and camera are controlled by an Atmel
ATSAM4S8B microcontroller. I2C (TWI) is used by the MCU to communicate with the camera,
while UART is used to communicate with the WiFi chip.
Our remote server runs on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform as an EC2
instance. The EC2 instance is a networked virtual machine running Ubuntu 16.04. We open port
80 on the server to allow HTTP requests to be made to the server. Requests are handled by
NGINX 1.12, which implements a REST-like API for distributing and forwarding HTTP requests
(see figure 3). For this project, it is configured to accept requests for webpages (GET root),
websocket connections (GET-WS /camsocket), and for image processing (POST /detect).
Image processing requests made to NGINX (POST /detect) are proxied to a local Tornado
server running Python and OpenCV. This script is responsible for detecting faces and
calculating positioning commands for the pan and tilt base under the webcam. After processing,
the resulting positioning commands are sent back to the webcam WiFi card and translated to
PWM values. The Tornado server alerts clients (browsers) to the presence of a new, processed
image through the data websocket connection. Upon this message, browsers are instructed to
fetch the new image with client-side javascript code, which are then displayed on the website,
The client-side javascript code initializes data websocket connections for clients wishing
to view the image stream. Functionality is included for switching between auto and manual
control of the pan/tilt and for the application of face filters. These settings are communicated
over the data websocket connections. Under manual mode, the positioning calculations
performed by the server are replaced by commands sent from browsers.
Block Diagrams
Figures 1 and 2 above present the two possible architectures for a wireless streaming
webcam. Figure 1 treats the webcam as a server where clients (browser) connect directly to the
WiFi chip. The WiFi chip stores the image and website files on its filesystem. The limitation of
this architecture, as mentioned above, is that computational power is limited on the webcam
microcontroller and on the WiFi chip. The microcontroller will not be able to perform face
detection and the WiFi chip cannot handle more than roughly 4 simultaneous data streams
(clients). Also, without further router configuration of port forwarding, the webcam can only be
accessed by browsers on the same local network. The architecture in figure 2 solves most of
these issues by using a virtual machine in the cloud to perform server duties.
Figure 3 below shows the details of the server architecture as described in the system
overview. Note that currently, processed images are stored on the filesystem of the server.
Webcam Algorithms and Code
The webcam was programmed in C using the Atmel Studio development environment.
The structure of the program includes a main.c file that performs the actual execution of
webcam operations. It is also responsible for setting up the PWM interrupt handlers for the pan
and tilt servo motors, as well as the TCP client used to communicate with the server. Below is
the skeleton for the main file with some code snippets.
pwm_init(PWM, &clock_setting);
ack = 0;
closed = 1;
while(1) {
if ( setup_flag)
write_wifi_command("setup web\r\n", 1);
setup_flag = 0;
else if (ioport_get_pin_level(NETWORK_CONNECT_PIN)) {
ack = 0;
A wifi.c and wifi.h are included to take care of interactions with the WiFi card. This file
includes some of the functions listed below. To approach these functions, we first referenced
the USART hardware handshaking example to set up our own USART communication port. We
then filled in the functions to handle interrupts by referencing the examples of interrupts in the
OV7740_IMAGESENSOR_CAPTURE_EXAMPLE image sensor example program. We then
filled in the functional programs as discussed below:
void process_data_wifi (void): Processes the full command from the WiFi chip stored
in the command buffer. This is done by using several if statements that call the strstr function to
compare the command buffer to expected values. Since the servo positioning is calculated on
the server, it is received as a response by the WiFi chip. The response is parsed in this function.
The structure is given below:
void write_wifi_command(char* comm, uint8_t cnt): Writes a command to the
WiFi chip using usart_write_line(). Waits for acknowledgment or a timeout of cnt
seconds. This is done by monitoring the global counts variable which is incremented every
second (initialized in the main.c file).
void write_image_to_file(void): Transfers images taken by camera to remote server.
Note that we use HTTP 1.1 to communicate with the server so that we may reuse the TCP
socket for multiple transfers.
void write_image_to_file(void)
//Check if no image, return if so
if (image_end == image_start || image_end < image_start) {
else {
uint32_t num_dig = numPlaces(image_end-image_start);
if (num_dig < 3) {
char create_string[30];
char header[150];
sprintf(create_string, "write 0 %lu\r\n",
sprintf(header, "POST /detect HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length:
%d\r\nContent-Type: imagebin\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n",
if (closed)
usart_write_line(BOARD_USART, create_string);
uint8_t find_image_len(void): Finds length of captured image to prepare for image
transfer to WiFi chip. Note that we check 7 bytes of the JPEG header because we ran into
several issues with corrupted JPEG images.
for (int ii = 0; ii < JPG_SIZE - 1; ii++) {
uint8_t first_byte = cap_dest_buf[ii];
uint8_t second_byte = cap_dest_buf[ii+1];
uint8_t sixth_byte = cap_dest_buf[ii+5];
uint8_t jfif_byte = cap_dest_buf[ii+6];
if (!start_flag && first_byte == 0xFF && second_byte = = 0xD8 &
third_byte == 0xFF && fourth_byte == 0xE0 && fifth_byte == 0x00 && sixth_byte
== 0x10 && jfif_byte == 0x4a) {
start_flag = 1;
image_start = ii;
Finally, we include a servo.h and servo.c to handle the PWM interrupt and perform
translations of positioning commands from the server to actual PWM values.
Void PWM_Handler(void) is responsible for updating the duty cycle value for pan and tilt
servo motors. It also performs checks to ensure that we do not set the value too high or low.
void PWM_Handler(void)
uint32_t events = pwm_channel_get_interrupt_status(PWM);
= pan_offset;
pan_duty +
pan_duty = (pan_duty < 800) ? 800 : p
pan_duty = (pan_duty > 2400) ? 2400 : pan_duty;
Void set_pwm(void): Performs the translation from the server positioning command to
actual servo motor duty cycle values. The command is a simple bitmap that represents whether
the camera should pan left or right, or if it should tilt up or down. The pwm frequency is set at
50Hz and the period is 20000 samples of which we offset the current duty cycle value by 2
samples at a time. Specific details of the bitmap can be seen in the code snippet below:
void set_pwm()
pan_offset = 0;
tilt_offset = 0;
Server Configuration
As outlined in the system architecture, our backend system is composed of a
publicly-facing server running NGINX and a processing server running Tornado. NGINX is a
free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy. We configure it to process
HTTP requests according to the REST-like api defined above. It is directly responsible for
serving static web files and images, but any requests for processing are forwarded to Tornado.
The configuration is given below:
upstream tornadoserver {
tcp_nodelay on;
client_body_buffer_size 50k;
server {
listen 80 default server;
root /home/ubuntu/public html;
location /detect {
proxy pass http://tornadoserver/;
proxy redirect http://localhost:8080/ /;
proxy read timeout 60s;
proxy set header Host $host;
proxy set header X-Real-IP $remote addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For
$proxy add x forwarded for;
location /socket {
# Forward to Tornado
proxy pass http://tornadoserver/socket;
proxy http version 1.1;
proxy set header Upgrade $http upgrade;
proxy set header Connection "upgrade";
location /images {
root /home/ubuntu/data;
Processing is handled by a server running Tornado, a python web framework that we
employ as a local server. NGINX forwards image processing requests to the root of this server
while websocket connections are handled by /socket. Requests made to root are handled by the
mainHandler class, which calls to perform face detection and save the image to
the filesystem. If face filters are specified by clients, is called so that filters can
be applied to the image before saving. These files are discussed below.
Requests to the /socket are handled by the WebSocketHandler class. Methods
implemented are as follows (implementations can be found at
check_origin(self, origin): Checks that websocket requests are made with from
browsers connected to
open(self): Called when websocket connections are established. The current connection is
added to the global list of clients that must be updated when new images arrive.
on_message(self, message): Data messages from clients. This data is parsed and
saved to be sent to the webcam when it makes requests. Data may include settings for auto
versus manual track, filters on or off, or actual commands for panning and tilting the webcam.
on_close(self): Called when clients disconnect. The function removes them from the
global list of connected clients.
A global function called update_clients() is also included and called when the
mainHandler is done processing an image. It tells connected clients that they may request the
new image.
For the face detection processing, we used Haar Feature-based Cascade Classifiers as
implemented in OpenCV. This algorithm is a machine learning based approach, where the
model is trained using various images with and without faces. In our, we use the
standard method of using pre-trained classifier XML files included in OpenCV to train a face and
eye detector.
face_cascade =
eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('classifiers/haarcascade_eye.xml')
img1 = cv2.imread('face.jpg')
image_rows,image_cols,image_channels = img1.shape
gray1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray1, 1.3, 5)
For the standard with no filters, upon detecting the face, the function
draws a blue rectangle around the face, and green rectangles around eyes. The center of the
face is then calculated so that it can be used for tracking.
We chose an area of the image where the face is considered centered, and if it went
outside the boundaries, we sent a 4 digit binary number to the microcontroller. The command[0]
and command[1] values directed whether the camera should pan or tilt respectively, with 1
confirming the motion. The command[2] and command[3] determined the direction that the
camera should move.
if (not centerFrame[0] == 0 and not centerFrame[1] == 0):
if (centerFrame[0] < centerImage[0]-offsetImage[0]): #Face is to
the left of center
command[0] = 1 #Pan Camera
command[2] = 0 #Pan left
elif (centerFrame[0] > centerImage[0] + offsetImage[0]): #Face is
right of center
command[0] = 1 #Pan Camera
command[2] = 1 #Pan right
if (centerFrame[1] < centerImage[1] - offsetImage[1]): #Face is
below center
command[1] = 1 #Tilt Camera
command[3] = 1 #Tilt down
elif (centerFrame[1] > centerImage[1] + offsetImage[1]):
command[1] = 1 #Tile Camera
command[3] = 0 #Tilt up
To implement the filters, we had to resize and center the filter.png image to properly fit
over each face. The filters were applied using bitwise masking, which required the mask size to
match the size of the region of interest in the original image. This process was outlined in the
OpenCV Python Documentation and is similar to what Noah Dietrich did for adding mustaches
to a video stream[2].
# Now create a mask of logo and create its inverse mask also
img2gray = cv2.cvtColor(face_filter,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, mask = cv2.threshold(img2gray, 10, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
mask_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)
The website is used by clients to observe the image stream from the webcam. It is also
used to adjust webcam settings such as the tracking mode (manual versus auto) and whether
faces should be outlined by a bounding box or with snapchat-like filters. The website layout is
programmed using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap (a CSS framework that adds several CSS
classes for element placement and design).
Fig 4. Homepage
The website is modeled after an entire home automation system, but currently only
supports the webcam functions. To actually support the image stream, a client-side javascript
file is included to enable the websocket data stream. This file maps the buttons seen in figure 5
below to messages sent over the websocket connection. The mapping is given in table 1. Note
that a timestamp is included in the image request to ensure that the browser does not cache
images. Up, Down, Left, and Right buttons are directly overlaid on the image and appear when
the cursor hovers over them.
Button Press: Filter On {fmode: “on”}, Filter On button becomes Filter Off
Button Press: Filter Off {fmode: “off”}, Filter Off button becomes Filter On
Button Press: Manual Track {mode: “manual”}, Manual Track button becomes Auto Track
Button Press: Auto Track {mode: “auto”}, Auto Track button becomes Manual Track
Button Press: Stop Webcam on_close() called, Websocket closed, Stop Webcam becomes
Start Webcam button
Button Press: Start Webcam on_open() called, Websocket opened, Start Webcam
becomes Stop Webcam button
Button/Key Press: Right or D key {command: “right”}
PCB Design
The final embedded system PCB is the result of 4 iterations. The first PCB was designed
with a focus on reliability and easy debugging. The full 50mm x 50mm allowable board size was
used to reduce complexity of routing and vias were included on most wires for easy testing with
multimeters. To reduce thickness, all tall components (camera, headers and barrel jack) were
placed on one side of the board, with the wifi card and MCU on the other side.
After validating the schematic, we iterated on the design to reduce the size of the board
and add connections for servo motors. For this iteration, we focused on the best components
placement to attain the smallest size board. We also adjusted component placement to account
for the new pan and tilt servo motor base. The barrel jack was move to the bottom of the board
so that the power wire could stick out from the bottom of the camera and run down the front of
the base. This iteration had a board size of 43.82mm x 38.10mm.
A revision was made to the second iteration to fix a few missing connections to
capacitors and to remove the barrel jack. The barrel jack was replaced by headers. These were
attached to a barrel jack on the base of the webcam with thinner wires so that the barrel jack
would not obstruct movement as much as it had with the second board iteration. A separate
barrel jack to header breakout board was also designed. The silkscreen layer was improved
with better labels for each header, button, and LED. The board size was unchanged.
A final revision was made to drastically reduce the size of the board. We removed
mounting holes and instead elected for a press fit for the board. Component placement
remained roughly similar, but trace routing was redone completely to accommodate the smaller
size. This iteration had a board size of 41mm x 33.5mm.
Version 1
Version 4 (final and soldered)
3D Printing
The enclosure for the webcam consists of two parts. The actual webcam is enclosed in a
rectangular case designed to center the camera sensor on the pan and tilt base. Holes were
included for the camera, power and status LEDs, reset and setup buttons, and for connections
to headers. Since no mounting holes were included on the actual PCB, we designed the case to
clamp down on the board. Since the webcam is designed to be placed on a desk and not be
mobile, we found this satisfactory in terms of retainment. The back lid of the enclosure includes
mounting holes to attach to the pan and tilt base. This lid is first attached to the mounting points,
then the PCB is placed onto the lid and wires plugged in. The front cover is then snapped onto
the lid. The second part of the enclosure houses the base of the pan and tilt motors to stabilize
them and prevent tipping. A slot for the barrel jack is also included.
Enclosure cover with schematic
Final Product
As highlighted above, we were able to hit all of our goals for the project. The Python
programs used Haar Cascades and bitwise masking for face detection and adding filters. They
also kept track of the face’s position relative to the center, which was used to determine whether
the servos should be actuated. The website allows for manual control of the webcam using
onscreen buttons and also present filter options.
The webcam is able to stream 480p images consistently at around 3-4 frames per
second, provided a strong internet connection. However, one recurring issue is that the image
becomes corrupted and stops the image stream for several seconds before resetting and
functioning normally. This happened more often with poor WiFi connections. Improving frame
rate may not be possible with netcode alone. We may also require a fast frame buffer that can
take the processing load off of the microcontroller.
Final Product
Challenges Encountered
We struggled a lot initially with configuring the server to run all of our locally prototyped
python code. The bulk of our face detection required the OpenCV library for Python. This library
requires its own dependencies which we also had to install and configure. Eventually we had to
compile the OpenCV library from source, install it, and link it to Python.
We also faced some of the real-world challenges of hosting a public server. The internet
is being consistently port scanned for open ports. Since our server is open on port 80, several
automated attempts have been made to conduct path traversal attacks. These attacks attempt
to traverse the server filesystem from our index.html file to also get to well known configuration
files. For example, an attacker’s automatic scanner might try to GET a poorly placed PHP admin
file to see if a path traversal attack is possible. Success would indicate a potentially vulnerable
site, prompting further manual investigation. However, with default NGINX configuration and
smart placement of web files, we were able to mitigate the impact of these scanners.
On a hardware level, setting up the PWM control was challenging since it required us to
look at all of the interrupts and understand the sometimes confusing variable names in Atmel
code examples. For example, the variable referring to the PWM period value was actually the
number of samples per cycle.
Regarding the PCB, debugging was difficult when we faced issues such as shorts or
airwires that Eagle missed. We were able to isolate the problems by looking at the board file
while also ensuring that the different power connections had the proper voltages. Luckily, the
only missed connection was in between two adjacent capacitors, so we were able to solder
them together. Soldering the board was slightly more difficult with the final compact version, but
we were able finish the first attempt. Eagle 8 also created some issues such as inconsistent
DRC’s, though we were able to resolve this by having each of us check the board.
Gantt Chart
by Fahad while face detection and filters were led by Daniel. Hardware/PCB design,
programming, and enclosures were split fairly evenly.
The challenge to expand on the functionality of the given webcam was a valuable
opportunity to fully integrate and prototype a multifaceted design. This required us to fully utilize
our skills in areas such as PCB design, microcontroller programming, and in networking, which
was a unique and rewarding experience. Though learning about a broad range of topics from
server configuration to OpenCV was a difficult process, it was all extremely practical and
resulted in a well performing webcam with distinct features. As an electrical engineer who is
interested in computer science, I was very motivated to work on projects like designing a
compact PCB and learning about Haar Cascades. I also enjoyed the integration process of this
project, as it required a strong understanding of each component in the design.
Though we reached all of our goals, the time restraint of 10 weeks barred us from going
even further. I would have liked to improve the overall stability of our stream either by using
other components or improving our software. It would have been interesting to try more security
features for the webcam, such as it unlocking a door when it recognized a face.
I would like to continue using OpenCV for a variety of other applications, such as face
and object recognition, using tracking instead of detection at every frame, and being able to
train the model ourselves. In addition, it would be a fun challenge to have the webcam mounted
on a quadrotor or wheeled robot follow a person or object around.
Full Code
MCU snippets have been included in the report. Full backend code can be found at