Bernard Magee's Acol Bidding Quiz: Number One Hundred and Fifty-One July 2015
Bernard Magee's Acol Bidding Quiz: Number One Hundred and Fifty-One July 2015
Bernard Magee's Acol Bidding Quiz: Number One Hundred and Fifty-One July 2015
1. Dealer West. Love All. 4. Dealer East. Game All. 7. Dealer West. Love All. 10. Dealer East. Love All.
♠ 3 ♠ A 9 8 5 2 ♠ A 2 ♠ K Q 8 7 3
♥ A K 7 6 N ♥ 10 3 N ♥ K Q 8 7 6 5 ♥ A 5 2 N
♦ Q 8 7 5 3 ♦ Q 5 4 ♦ 9 8 7 W E ♦ 7 6 S
♣ A 8 2 ♣ 10 6 3 ♣ K 3 S ♣ 8 7 6
West North East South West North East South West North East South West North East South
? 1♣ Pass 1♥ 1♠ 2♥ 2♠ 1♥ Pass
1♠ Pass 2♦ Pass ? 1♠ Pass 2NT1 Pass
? ? 118-19
2. Dealer East. N/S Game. 5. Dealer East. Game All. 8. Dealer South. Love All. 11. Dealer West. Love All.
♠ 4 3 ♠ A 9 8 7 2 ♠ 2 ♠ A K 5
♥ 7 6 N ♥ 10 3 N ♥ K Q J 8 7 6 5 ♥ 9 8 7
♦ A 6 5 4 3 ♦ Q 5 4 W E ♦ 7 4 ♦ A 8 7 6 5
♣ Q J 10 9 ♣ A 6 3 ♣ 7 3 2 ♣ A 7
West North East South West North East South West North East South West North East South
3♠ Pass 1♣ Pass 1NT 1♦ Pass 3♦ Pass
? 1♠ Pass 2♦ Pass ? ?
3. Dealer South. Love All. 6. Dealer East. Game All. 9. Dealer East. N/S Game. 12. Dealer West. N/S Game.
♠ A 4 2 ♠ A 9 8 7 2 ♠ 4 2
♠ A K Q 4 3
♥ A 7 N ♥ 3 N ♥ K Q 3 N ♥ K 8 6 N
♦ Q 4 ♦ Q 5 4 ♦ A J 6 5 ♦ 4 2 W E
♣ A K 9 7 6 5 ♣ A 6 4 3 ♣ 10 9 8 7 ♣ 9 8 7
West North East South West North East South West North East South West North East South
2♠1 1♣ Pass 1♠ Dbl 1♠ Pass 2♥ Pass
? 1
6-10pts & 6 spades 1♠ Pass 2♦ Pass ? ?
DEC 18 Depart UK
DEC 19 Arrive CAPE TOWN South Africa
Embark Aegean Odyssey overnight
DEC 20 CAPE TOWN (Table Mountain)
South Africa overnight
DEC 21 CAPE TOWN (Stellenbosch)
South Africa overnight
DEC 22 CAPE TOWN South Africa 7.00pm
DEC 23 At Sea
DEC 24 PORT ELIZABETH South Africa 8.00am
(Addo Elephant Park) 2.00pm
DEC 25 Christmas Day celebrations at sea
DEC 26 RICHARDS BAY South Africa 5.00am
(Hluhluwe Game Reserve) overnight
DEC 27 RICHARDS BAY South Africa
(St Lucia Nature Reserve) 9.00pm
DEC 28/29 At Sea
DEC 30 MOSSEL BAY South Africa 8.00am
(Garden Route) 6.00pm
DEC 31/ New Year’s celebrations at sea
JAN 1 ‘16
JAN 2/3 LUDERITZ Namibia 8.00am 6.00pm
JAN 4 At Sea
JAN 5 CAPE TOWN South Africa 8.00am
CAPE TOWN & THE HIGHLIGHTS OF Disembark and transfer to
Cape Town Airport for flight home
19 days departing December 18, 2015
• Scheduled economy class flights with free
Fares from £3,795pp* include:
19 days departing December 18, 2015
regional connections from selected UK airports
Join your Mr Bridge team on a unique Christmas and • Expert guest speaker programme
New Year’s bridge cruise. Enjoy 3 days in Cape Town • Daily duplicate bridge
on board ship then sail to the highlights of South Africa – • Bridge seminars when at sea
Port Elizabeth and the Addo Elephant Park – Richards Bay • Sightseeing excursions at all ports of call
and a wildlife Safari and nature reserve – the stunning • Christmas and New Year’s celebrations at sea
Garden Route from Mossel Bay and the remarkable • Mr Bridge drinks party
landscapes of the Skeleton Coast in Namibia.
• Complimentary wine with dinner on board
CHRISTMAS • Gratuities for on-board cabin
and restaurant staff
• Overseas transfers and baggage handling
Standard Inside from £3,795pp
Premium Outside from £4,895pp
Balcony from £6,450pp
CALL NOW ON 01483 489961 Single Cabins from only £4,495
OR VISIT Past passengers of Aegean Odyssey
receive additional discounts
Cabins can be held at no obligation for 7 days
*Mr Bridge fares are per person and subject to availability at time of booking. They may be withdrawn at any time without notice. †Single accommodation is available only in certain categories and is subject to availability. ABTA No.Y2206
Features this month include:
1 Bidding Quiz by Bernard Magee INDEX
5 Mr Bridge 2 Christmas Cruise
to Cape Town and
Ryden Grange, Knaphill, 9 More Tips by Bernard Magee South Africa
Surrey GU21 2TH with Voyages
10 Julian Pottage Answers Your Questions
( 01483 489961 to Antiquity
12 Leading a Trump
[email protected] 3 Clive Goff ’s
by Andrew Kambites
Stamps 14 David Stevenson Answers Your Questions
4 Odyssey to the
shop: 16 Holmes is Misquoted Cape of Good Hope
mrbridge-shop with Voyages to
by David Holden and Roy Rowe
Publisher and 18 Mary’s Nineteenth Lesson by Liz Dale
Managing Editor 5 Just Duplicate
Mr Bridge 19 Defence Quiz by Julian Pottage Bridge Events
19 Declarer Play Quiz by David Huggett 6 Bernard Magee
Associate Editor and DVDs
Bridge Consultant 20 Robin Hood’s Long Journey by David Bird
Bernard Magee 7 QPlus 11
22 The Bath Coup by Heather Dhondy
bernardmagee 7 Mail Order Form 26 Wendy Wensum’s Diaries
8 Bridge Event
Cartoons & Illustrations 27 Bidding Quiz Answers (1-3) by Bernard Magee Booking Form
Marguerite Lihou 28 Remembering Phil Drabble by Ned Paul 8 Bridge Events
29 Bidding Quiz Answers (4-6) by Bernard Magee with Bernard Magee
Technical Consultant 30 The Best Chance of Winning is to Lose by John Barr 9 Mr Bridge
Tony Gordon Playing Cards
31 Bidding Quiz Answers (7-9) by Bernard Magee
Typesetting & Design 9 Tips for
32 Catching Up with Sally Brock Better Bridge
Ruth Edmondson
[email protected] 33 Bidding Quiz Answers (10-12) by Bernard Magee 15 Duplicate Bridge
Rules Simplified
Proof Readers 34 Seven Days with Sally Brock
Brigid McElroy 24 2016 Cruises to
36 Defending against 1NT: 2♣ Majors and More Ancient Civilisations
Mike Orriel by Jeremy Dhondy
Catrina Shackleton with Voyages to
39 Declarer Play Answers by David Huggett Antiquity
Richard Wheen
40 Leads by Bernard Magee 27 France Mini-Cruises
Customer Services with Fred.Olsen
Catrina Shackleton 41 Readers’ Letters
[email protected] 29 Norwegian
43 Defence Quiz Answers by Julian Pottage Festival and Fjords
Events & Cruises with Fred.Olsen
44 What are the Most Common Discard Methods?
( 01483 489961 by Julian Pottage 30 Better Hand
Jessica Galt Evaluation
[email protected] 45 Serendipity by Shireen Mohandes
Megan Riccio 31 Rivers, Canals &
47 Sally’s Slam of the Month City Overnights
[email protected]
Sophie Pierrepont with Fred.Olsen
[email protected] 33 Baltic Capitals
& Stockholm
Clubs & Charities Postage stamps for sale at 90% of face-value, Archipelago
Maggie Axtell all mint with full gum. Quotations for with Fred.Olsen
[email protected] commercial quantities available on request.
38 Bernard Magee’s
Values supplied in 100s, higher values Tutorial Software
Address Changes available as well as 1st and 2nd class
( 01483 485342 (eg 2nd class: 100x38p+100x16p). 48 The Treasures
Elizabeth Bryan of the Aegean with
[email protected] (/Fax 020 8422 4906 e-mail: [email protected] Voyages to Antiquity
DEC 8/9
At Sea – Crossing the Equator
31 days departing November 19, 2015 Transfer to Airport for flight home
If you have a passion for travel as well as your passion for fares* from £3,995pp include:
bridge, then join Bernard Magee on this remarkable month- • Scheduled economy class flights
with free regional connections from selected UK airports
long Mr Bridge cruise. From the souks of Morocco and the • Expert guest speaker programme
Western Sahara Desert to the Skeleton Coast of Namibia and • Daily duplicate bridge
the summer sunshine in Cape Town, this will be an experience • Bridge seminars when at sea
like no other. Excursions and sightseeing are included in your • Sightseeing excursions at most ports of call
• Open-seating dining
fare, as well as the comprehensive bridge programme. • Mr Bridge drinks party
• Complimentary wine with dinner on board
• Gratuities for on-board cabin
and restaurant staff
• Overseas transfers and baggage handling
Standard Inside from £3,995pp
Outside from £4,895pp
Balcony from £7,095pp
CALL NOW ON 01483 489961 Past passengers receive a
10% discount on these fares –
OR VISIT please ask for details.
Cabins can be held at no obligation for 7 days *Mr Bridge fares are per person and subject to availability at time of booking. They may be withdrawn at any
time without notice. †Single accommodation is available only in certain categories and is subject to availability.
#Please note that bridge will not be possible during our overnight land tour from Casablanca to Agadir.
ABTA No.Y2206
TRANSFERS behaviour of some of their What can I say? She is
other members. Sniffing retiring as editor of English
and snorting with a bad Bridge at the end of the JUST
cold, licking fingers before
pulling out a bidding-box
year. Has she really been
doing the job for 9 years?
card or a playing card and She will be sorely missed by BRIDGE
sometimes if the cards are the Union and its
new, over enthusiastically readership. A very hard act 2015
snapping them and even to follow. The good news is
more irritatingly, illegally that she has agreed to write
handling the contents of a The Memoirs of a Bridge
Now that I am land based, I bidding box by selecting a Editor for this publication,
am keeping going with the pass card and then putting commencing with the
red-suit transfers that I it back in the box. Too January 2016 issue.
talked about so earnestly much of this sort of thing
last month. Of course, I and you will find members TROUVILLE
have had to configure will begin to drift away,
imperceptibly at first, they Double and twins for four
QPlus 11 with these as part nights 11-15 February 2016
of my system. In view of my being quiet middle class
folk. In the last few months, at the lovely Trouville
conversion, I must make Hotel, Sandown, I.O.W.
careful note to ensure that at least three clubs have just
faded away. Club officers £399 per person. Full Wyndham Garden
QPlus 12 has red-suit board. Ferry fares included
transfers as the default should remind members of Grantham
the need for good manners in the package.
setting for Bernard Magee’s (formerly the Olde Barn)
Acol. As luck would have it, and encourage everyone to Marston, Lincs NG32 2HT
the very next day, someone rub along together for the GOFFIES STAMPS
common good. 14-16 August £189
rang up asking how to do it. Clive Goff’s discounted
I was able to show the office stamp service is worthy of 4-6 September £189
how to apply the GOING SOUTH support as he supplies
modification as well as 9-11 October £189
In the adjacent advert we British postage stamps at a
being able to assist my see that Bernard Magee is discount off face value. 16-18 October £189
delighted customer leading a party to see some These are supplied as two
confidently. If you have unique parts of the world stamps, combined to make 13-15 November £189
QPlus and want help with with plenty of opportunity up the 54p 2nd class rate,
the modification of your for exploration as well as 2nd class to you at 44p. 1st Holiday Inn
configuration, do ring the lots of time at sea to listen class at 63p, still only 50p, Ashford North TN26 1AR
office and someone should to his lectures and to available to you in 100s.
be able to help you. 2-4 October £189
practice in the supervised ( 0208 422 4906 or email
So far the opportunity to play sessions. An [email protected]
play transfers has only opportunity not to be See his advert on page 3. Holiday Inn
Newport NP18 2YG
come up a couple of times, missed. Go for it.
with QPlus reminding me AEGEAN 6-8 November £189
each time that my partner’s CHRISTMAS ODYSSEY
bid of 2♦ or 2♥ is a transfer, CRUISE On the back cover I am Chatsworth Hotel
eliminating my need to Worthing BN11 3DU
remember. You will On page 2 are the details of advertising the details of a
remember this was my the coming 2015 Christmas cruise on lovely Aegean 20-22 November £199
problem while playing with cruise. Need I say more? Odyssey. Still some singles
humans earlier this year. available with just a £100 27-29 November £199
supplement. Almost too
ELENA good to be true.
A CLUB No Single
JUST Supplement
Every month and DUPLICATE 2015
sometimes, more Booking Form
frequently, I receive calls I list all the 2015 events in
the adjacent advertisement. on page 8.
from club secretaries, Please note there are no
organisers or distressed seminars, set hands or
All good wishes,
members complaining prizes at these events.
about the idiosyncratic Mr Bridge
Road Traffic Signs £5.00 ......... New subscribers
Duplicate Bridge Rules
European Simplified £5.95 ......... 1 year (12 issues) £45.00 .........
Language Directive £5.00 ......... 2 years (24 issues) £75.00 .........
Better Hand Evaluation
We Are Survivors £5.00 ......... Bernard Magee £14.00 ........ 3 years (36 issues) £100.00 .........
including post and packing Recipe for a Tips for Better Bridge Founder Subscribers
Happy Marriage £5.00 ......... Bernard Magee £14.00 ........ Renewals £20.00 .........
See adjacent
Expiry: ............. CVV ........ Issue No. ...........
Mail Order Form. (CVV is the last 3 numbers on the signature strip)
2015 BRIDGE 1
Date(s) .................................................................................... DUPLICATE PAIRS
Inn on the Prom
Mr/Mrs/Miss ......................................................................... St Annes On Sea, FY8 1LU SATURDAY
Address................................................................................... SEPTEMber 18-20 0800 to 0930
Finding Slams Breakfast
................................................................................................ 1000 to 1230
Postcode ....................................( ........................................ SUPERVISED PLAY
Email ..................................................................................... (tea & coffee at 1100)
1230 to 1330
Special requirements (these cannot be guaranteed, Blunsdon House Hotel
Cold Buffet Lunch
but we will do our best to oblige). Swindon SN26 7AS
1400 to 1645
OCTOBER 9-11 Better Defence BRIDGE 2
................................................................................................ OCTOBER 16-18 Doubles
Please give the name(s) of all those covered by this booking. 1815 to 2000
2015 BRIDGE 3
Please send a non-returnable deposit of £50 per person per place by DUPLICATE PAIRS
cheque, payable to Mr Bridge. An invoice for the balance will be sent
with your booking confirmation. On receipt of your final payment, Chatsworth Hotel SUNDAY
28 days before the event, a programme and full details will be sent Worthing BN11 3DU
together with a map. Cancellations are not refundable. Should you 0800 to 0930
require insurance, you should contact your own insurance broker. OctOBER 30 – NovEMBER 1 Breakfast
1000 to 1230
(tea & coffee at 1100)
1230 to 1400
Expiry: ................................. CVV......................... Issue No.................... Sunday Lunch
(CVV is the last 3 numbers on the signature strip) Elstead Hotel
Bournemouth, BH1 3QP 1400 to 1645
Mr Bridge, Ryden Grange, Knaphill, Surrey GU21 2TH.
( 01483 489961 Suit Establishment
e-mail: [email protected]
website: £245pp. Full Board. No Single Supplement*.
*on tutorial weekends only. **6 sessions on rubber/Chicago & Just Duplicate events. See for new dates
Please note: Just Duplicate events contain no seminars and do not award prizes. *subject to availability
Available from The London Bridge Centre. £14 including postage and packing from Mr Bridge,
( 020 7288 1305 Ryden Grange, Knaphill, Surrey GU21 2TH. ( 01483 489961
Can I Pass
a Reverse?
What, if 3NT Maximum (8-9) your partner’s overcall be passed. A jump to
anything, should unsuitable for any is always understood 4NT could be possible
I rebid if the of the other bids to show at least five. in some circumstances
auction starts as follows: 4♥ As for 3♥ but maximum What should we but seems a bit crude.
have done? If I have another
Me Partner Only the bids defined Peter Stonehouse by email. 4- or 5-card strong
1♥ as minimum or already suit, should I bid that
1NT 2♠ game are non-forcing. Since an overcall first and then jump in
? You have not promised itself indicates at hearts after that?
3-2 in the majors with 1NT. least a five-card Bruce Paul by email.
As my first bid of 1NT For all partner knows, you suit, a change of suit by
described my holding might be 3-1 or 2-2 or overcaller’s partner also Having a special bid
of no 4-card majors (playing 4-card majors) 3-3. indicates at least a five-card to show a game-
and 6 HCP, I passed suit. Partner’s raise of your forcing hand with
preferring spades to ♣♦♥♠ presumed five-card suit with primary support is a good
hearts as I held 2 hearts three-card support is normal. idea. If you have to bid
and 3 spades. There I wonder if you You should have bid 2♣. A another suit first, partner will
were several groans could help on the bid of opener’s suit indicates not know how good your
at the table, but I had following hand fair values (say 10+ points) support is. As you say, a
told my partner what I we played at duplicate. and either support for jump to 4NT is going to be
held: 3-2-4-4 shape. partner’s suit or a very strong too crude on most hands.
Michael Coggins, hand with tolerance for it. If you play in a tournament,
Pleasley, Derbyshire. ♠ A 7 2 Some people call this an you will find that almost
♥ J 7 6 2 N unassuming cue bid because everyone uses a 2NT
An opener’s ♦ K Q 8 3 S it does not promise a specific response to show a game-
reverse after a ♣ K 4 holding in opener’s suit – you forcing raise. You do not
one-level response might or might not have a need to worry about the loss
creates a one-round stopper or control in it. of a natural limit bid; with
force, so responder does West North East South such a hand you can bid
need to find another bid. 1♣ 1♦ Pass ♣♦♥♠ a suit first and then rebid
Responder’s rebids are 1♥ Pass 2♥ All Pass 2NT. If you currently play a
along the following lines: Partner opens, 2NT response as Baron, I
My partner had 11pts say 1♥, and recommend that you switch
3♣ 5 or 6 goodish clubs but only ♥A-Q-3. As I have 4- or to Jacoby (the usual name
3♦ 5 or 6 goodish trumps did not split 5-card heart support for the 2NT response to
diamonds I went badly off. and 16+ points so show support), certainly in
3♥ 3 hearts or at least H-x I said I thought she had a slam looks on. response to a major. Hands
3♠ 3 good spades four hearts otherwise I want to show my on which you can make a
2NT Minimum (6-7) she would have rebid her support for hearts but slam because your side has
unsuitable for any diamonds. She said that a bid of 2♥, 3♥ or 4♥ a fit are rather more
of the other bids bidding a new suit over is too weak and could common than those
the best or is there an Nothing is ideal. I
on which you can make a You need at least alternative bid I could would use Stayman,
slam based on high cards. 15 HCP for a high have made? My partner hoping to hear 2♥
There are two standard reverse. I suppose held a maximum (14) or 2♠ from partner. You can
treatments for opener’s you might shade that slightly for her no-trump bid. raise 2♥ to 4♥ or rebid 2NT
rebids after the Jacoby with a 6-5 shape or 5-5 Jane Boszormenyi by email. over 2♠. If partner bids 2♦,
2NT response. The first, with strong suits but not with this is trickier. You might
but probably less common, 5-4. Even with 15-16 and In traditional methods pass or bid 2NT depending
is for suits to be natural. 5-4, you might do better you do not have a upon the scoring method,
The second is for opener to to rebid 2NT rather than good bid. You really vulnerability and your mood.
show a shortage. Playing introduce your second suit want 3♣ to be forcing, but
4-card majors and a at the three level. With your that is not the case. A cue bid ♣♦♥♠
weak no-trump, opener’s actual hand, partner’s 2♦ of 3♦ would create a force
rebids can be as follows: response in your singleton but is unlikely to help much. This is deal 4 in
is hardly encouraging You could jump to 6♣ as a Bernard Magee’s
3 new suit: because it suggests a misfit gamble if you feel you are Acol Bidding
shortage (singleton or void) or at least a partial misfit. going to have to guess the Quiz Bridge 148:
3 agreed suit: Although your partner final contract. Your partner
waiting, no shortage, might have judged to might well have two aces
unsuitable for other bids pass 4♥ – either you were and you would then have a ♠ 6 2
3NT: minimum or you had no fighting chance of making it. ♥ A 9 8 6 3 N
strong balanced hand spade control (because you I strongly recommend ♦ A 5 S
with only four trumps did not cue bid 3♠) – your playing the Lebensohl ♣ A K Q 6
4 new suit: 3♣ rebid is really to blame convention in this situation.
strong second suit for the disaster. I recommend If you play in a tournament,
4 agreed suit: the sequence 1♥-2♦-2♥-4♥. almost everyone uses West North East South
minimum and no shortage Lebensohl. Many club players 1♥ Pass 1♠ Pass
♣♦♥♠ use it too. This convention ?
♣♦♥♠ has one special bid: 2NT. The
My partner and 2NT bid says, ‘please bid 3♣, What do you think of
Even though this I were playing I probably have a hand that a 1NT rebid for West,
opening hand at a regular wishes to compete in a suit showing 15-17 points
(West) doesn’t club night and I held lower ranking than their suit.’ and a balanced hand?
have the high card the following hand: The loss of an invitational David Register by email.
points, does it warrant 2NT is small because you
the 3♣ high reverse? My can double on such hands. A 1NT rebid is indeed
partner said it should ♠ K Playing Lebensohl, you a possible alternative
be stronger – hence the ♥ A Q 6 N have two ways of showing to 2♣. You do have
4NT over my 4♥ and ♦ 6 S clubs. You can either bid 3♣ stoppers in the minors and,
the final contract of 5♥. ♣ K Q 10 9 6 5 4 2 directly, which is strong – or yes, it would describe your
This was one off (the you can bid 2NT and pass point count. The fast winners,
diamonds were 5-1). partner’s forced 3♣, which however, suggest a suit
West North East South is weaker. With your actual contract. If fewer of the values
1NT 2♦ hand, you bid a forcing 3♣. were in the long suits or if
West East ? the hand had more queens
♠ K 8 2 ♠ J 10 ♣♦♥♠ and jacks, a 1NT rebid would
♥ K J 9 8 2 ♥ 10 6 3 I bid 5♣, my partner be more attractive. This
♦ 2 ♦ A K Q 8 5 4 passed and I made Partner opens particular hand has only two
♣ A Q 10 4 ♣ K 8 13 tricks, although I 1NT. I hold 11 of its points in lower honours
should have made only points with (the ♣Q) and only four of its
12. We were missing a 0-4-5-4 shape. points (the ♦A) in the short
West North East South just the diamond ace. What would be the suits. ■
1♥ Pass 2♦ Pass How do we reach 6♣?
3♣ Pass 3♥ Pass We do not play Gerber
E-mail your questions for Julian to:
4♥ Pass 4NT Pass and I could not bid 4NT
[email protected]
5♥ All Pass as that would have
hen in doubt lead a trump. West North East South leads his second trump. Declarer is
This is undoubtedly an 3♠ now limited to seven spade tricks in
oversimplification but Dbl 4♠ 6♥ Pass his hand and one heart ruff in dummy.
there are many advantages to leading Pass 6♠ Dbl All Pass The defenders may be slightly
a trump. disappointed with +800 when they
A trump lead from a holding of First, East could have bid 5♥. He bid would almost certainly have made
three small cards tends to be passive 6♥ with the expectation that it would +1430 in 6♥ but that is the best
and can also often fulfil the positive make. East-West clearly have the large they can do. Both sides should feel
purpose of preventing declarer ruffing majority of the points. reasonably satisfied. Perhaps North
losers in dummy. Second, North-South didn’t choose might point out that if South underled
In this article, I will look at types of to be in 6♠ because they thought it his ♠A at trick 1, North could defeat
bidding sequences which particularly would make. Originally, North wanted 6♥ by giving South a diamond ruff,
suggest a trump lead. to play in 4♠, maybe as a sacrifice but we all know that this wouldn’t
before East-West could compare notes. happen in real life.
Lead a trump He bid 6♠ only when East bid 6♥.
against a grand slam The obvious conclusion is that
North believes 6♥ is likely to make, Dealer South. East/West Game.
If opponents have bid to a sensible and is sacrificing. This is reinforced ♠ K J 9
grand slam there is almost certainly by the vulnerability. North-South are ♥ 5
nothing sensible you can do except not vulnerable so any sacrifice will be ♦ 9 8 7 3 2
avoid throwing tricks away. relatively cheap. It is likely that North- ♣ 5 4 3 2
A trump lead from a holding South have a lot of spades and not ♠ 4 3 ♠ 8
of three small cards fits the bill much else. ♥ A K J 2 N ♥ Q 10 6 4 3
admirably: passive and it just might Now try to imagine where South’s ♦ Q 5 4 S ♦ A K J 10 6
inconvenience declarer if he has any tricks in 6♠ are likely to come from. ♣ K Q 10 7 ♣ A J
cross-ruffing in mind. South is highly unlikely to get many ♠ A Q 10 7 6 5 2
tricks from outside spades. He will ♥ 9 8 7
Lead a trump if declarer have to try to make as many spade ♦ Void
is clearly sacrificing tricks as possible: in particular any ♣ 9 8 6
against your contract chance he has to ruff losers in dummy
will be welcome. So that gives a good
What thoughts do you have looking at clue as to West’s priority in making the On the other hand, suppose West
the sequence in the next column? At opening lead. The defenders should starts with the ♥A against 6♠. Seeing
this stage don’t worry about the layout get in as many trump leads as possible. dummy he would quickly switch to a
of cards. On the hand in the next column, trump but it is too late. Declarer would
South is the dealer, East-West are suppose West leads a trump. North win, cross-ruff hearts and diamonds
vulnerable against non-vulnerable. wins and plays a heart. West wins and and lose only 500.
Are Agreements
Allowed over
Insufficient Bids?
This question in clubs. If they do decide to they might have defended penalties are the same at
concerns an accept the lead, partner is differently and if they have rubber bridge, Chicago
insufficient fully justified in deciding why lost a trick or tricks, again the bridge, four deal bridge and
bid by an opponent. and using the information. director will restore them. duplicate bridge and this
It is in two parts: You may have agreements Ignore people who say, includes the 50 points ‘for
1. Would it be legal over an insufficient bid ‘everyone is responsible the insult’ when a doubled
to convey information unless the sponsoring for dummy.’ It is not known contract is made, or 100
to partner by accepting organisation forbids it. In the where this saying came from, points if it was redoubled.
or not accepting an British Isles such agreements but it is not true. Dummy 2. Yes, there are automatic
insufficient bid? are nearly always legal. is required as a matter of penalties for revoking (the
2. Would it be legal Note that in the USA such law to put down his thirteen modern name for reneging)
to have an agreement agreements are not legal. cards, sorted correctly, so which apply whether the
as to what bids mean they can be seen and is at player who revoked gained
after an insufficient bid ♣♦♥♠ fault if this does not happen. or not. The idea is to
is accepted, as long as persuade players to follow
it is not contrary to the Declarer is play- ♣♦♥♠ the most basic rule of bridge
partnership’s normal ing in spades. there is, namely that you
agreements? For exam- Nobody notices 1. Playing must follow suit. In this case,
ple, could a partnership that the dummy, when Chicago, I where he did not win the trick
agree that 1♥-(1♦)-1♥ tabled, has only twelve understood by revoking, you will lose
shows a hand that would cards showing. During there was no penalty one trick at the end of the
have stretched to a the play, declarer ruffs of 50 points for the hand, unless neither of you
competitive raise after a diamond in dummy. insult when doubled won a trick after the revoke.
1♥-2♦, whilst 1♥-(1♦)- Later, he discovers a and this was only played
2♥ is stronger, show- small diamond that was in rubber bridge. ♣♦♥♠
ing a full value raise? stuck behind dummy’s 2. My partner reneged
Paul de Weerd, Isle of Man. spades. How should on one round by not We play
the director rule? following with a trump. duplicate bridge
Whenever you are Nicholas Beswick, Brynmawr. I noticed, but kept quiet. and recently the
given a choice by On the next round of boards were played in
a director or by Dummy has trumps, he played his last the opposite direction,
the laws, the choice you revoked, but there trump and the renege ie North pointed South
make indicates something is no automatic trick was noted. He did not and vice versa. This was
to partner and he is penalty for dummy. However, gain from the renege not noticed until after the
perfectly entitled to use that if the declarer has gained so is he still penalised game had been played.
information, which is covered from it, the director ‘restores and, if so, what would I was advised that it
by the wording of law 16A1C. equity’, ie he changes the be the penalty? made no difference and
For example, if declarer score to what it would have Catherine Thorley, Worthing. this happened quite
leads from the wrong hand, been without the revoke. often. However, although
either defender may accept The defenders may also 1. I am afraid your the lead came from the
the lead, despite the fact that have been misled: if they understanding is same hand it was from
this never seems to happen had seen the correct dummy wrong. The basic a different player
have given us victory It is illegal to vary ♣♦♥♠
and, therefore, the and bragging rights! one’s tempo for
lead may not have Edward Adam, the purpose of At various charity
been the same. This Cheadle, Cheshire. disconcerting an opponent, events where I
reinforced my thoughts so if your LHO deliberately help out, there is
as only one other Yes, they are additive, delayed despite having constant disagreement
score was the same. so long as the part- a hand not worth a bid about Chicago scoring
Could I have your score was made since then what he did is illegal. and how movements
comments please? the finish of the last game. Similarly, pausing during should run. Please
Charles Cane by email. So both sides get 300 for the play as though you had would you advise.
any game they have made, a decision when you have 1. Should each
It should not happen and also 50 for any part- no decision is also illegal. partnership swap
quite often. All score they have made since However, while this is the after every four hands,
the players have a the last game was made. law, there are certain other ensuring each player
responsibility to make sure considerations. First of all, plays with everyone else
the board is correct on the ♣♦♥♠ you say he had only five on the table during the
table. Of course, in theory, points, but, if he had a very session? We have one
things are different because Last week, we distributional hand, he might organiser who insists
different people think were playing have a reason to contemplate you swap only after eight
differently, but as far as the rubber bridge bidding anyway. I assume hands and therefore you
game is concerned it is a for money. I opened 1NT this was not the case? rarely get to play with
perfectly valid result. As far and the opponent on You are playing rubber the fourth person on
as the scorer is concerned it my left delayed bidding bridge, so there is no director your table. This is
makes no difference whether (implying values). He (except in a very few rubber particularly annoying if
people sat North or South. then passed. My partner clubs), so it is not obvious they are the strongest
Thus, there is no reason bid and we found what you can do about it. Of player of the foursome.
not to score it normally. ourselves in 6♠. Each course, if your LHO thinks it is 2. Scoring. Should you
time my LHO delayed an acceptable tactic because total your plus scores and
♣♦♥♠ bidding and then after he does not know the laws, subtract your totalled
the 6♠ bid delayed for a you could explain to him, minus scores? Again we
Playing bridge particularly long time (as possibly by showing him this have an organiser who
with friends, we if he was contemplating a reply in your copy of BRIDGE. wants you to total only
stopped with an double). He had only five Getting any redress otherwise your plus scores and
unfinished rubber. We points and was psyching, is unlikely and many players ignore the minus scores.
had game, together with which I thought was who play rubber bridge, Sue Hanrahan by email.
a part-score. The bonus wrong and illegal. Is it? especially good players,
for a side that is game I would also like your accept unethical behaviour It is completely
up is 300 points whilst opinion on small delays as just one of those things. standard to switch
that for a part-score when playing, that might There is also another after four deals.
is 50 points. Are these imply you are deciding point, and that is that some Chicago and four deal
additive? 300 points on a high card or a low inexperienced players have bridge were both invented
a habit of pausing for no to provide rubbers of exactly
apparent reason. While four deals, not eight.
they should not, it is just I do not understand your
DUPLICATE BRIDGE not worth bothering about.
You get to know who they
organiser at all. Does he
really believe that if a player
RULES SIMPLIFIED are and you just accept that
any hesitation from such a
makes a fool of himself
and loses 1,700 it should
(otherwise known as the Yellow Book) player is meaningless. You not score against him? Of
cannot really teach them course the minus scores get
only not to hesitate because they subtracted from the plus
by John Rumbelow and
revised by David Stevenson £595 have, in their own minds, scores. ■
Holmes is
olmes, much to Watson’s mind worthy of my time. Instead we was already a competent player at the
concern, strode back and just wait for another trivial case. I Diogenes club. Many thought that
forth across his room, only cannot live without brain-work. What Sherlock’s deductive powers were
stopping for a few moments to stare else is there to live for? Stand at the inferior to those of his elder brother,
distractedly out of the window down window here. Was ever such a dreary, but Mycroft was somewhat lacking in
at the cabs plying their trade along dismal, unprofitable world?’ application, content in his mysterious
Baker Street. Then he retraced his role in the Civil Service.
steps back to his dresser and gave The problem was finding a fourth.
his attention to the syringe and vial He considered Inspector Lestrade
of cocaine which would relieve the but knew Holmes had a pretty low
tedium and let his mind slip into opinion of Lestrade’s cognitive
oblivion. Watson, always sensitive to abilities. Watson recalled that Mrs
his friend’s lapses into boredom and Hudson sometimes played whist with
worse, broke the silence, ‘I say Holmes, her neighbours and was somewhat
did you read the item in the Times this relieved when she readily accepted the
morning on how brilliantly you solved offer of learning and playing the new
the mystery of the theft of the Duchess game. At least Sherlock would be more
of Brookdale’s emerald necklace at her respectful to Mrs Hudson, for he knew
party last weekend?’ how fortunate he was to have such an
Sherlock replied ‘Pah! Greatly excellent cook and housekeeper.
exaggerated. It was obvious that one of ‘I hear there is a new card game Thus, two evenings later, the four
her guests must have been responsible. going the round of the clubs, Holmes,
All I had to do was eliminate the apparently quite a thinking man’s
innocents. Elimination was the key. game. They call it bridge and they
Of course, the miscreant, her nephew, say it will replace whist. I have tried
with his odd shoe laces was clearly in it a few times and it can be quite
need of money and an obvious suspect. demanding, even you might find it a
You know my method. It is founded bit of a challenge. Have a look at this
upon the observation of trifles. He pamphlet explaining the game. What
was no mastermind. Like all amateur do you say?’ asked Watson.
and most professional criminals, it ‘Why not’ replied Holmes, ‘anything
was child’s play to get him to give the is better than counting cabbies’, and
game away. I just had to announce he took the pamphlet and studied it
the necklace had been found and off for a while.
he went to check his hiding place. As An hour later, Holmes, having
instructed, you followed and he was absorbed the rules, announced it was were gathered and after an excellent
caught red-handed. I sometimes think a game with certain possibilities for supper prepared by Mrs Hudson they
they actually want to help you catch a few hours’ diversion for a cerebral settled down to play.
them. They seem willing to become man and challenged Watson to set Initially Mrs Hudson partnered
your ally in solving their crimes. It up a game. Watson gave it some Watson against the brothers. As to be
would be so much more satisfying to thought, then contacted Sherlock’s expected the latters’ deductive powers
have to deal with a criminal with a brother Mycroft, who Watson knew led to an optimal performance, in
Y ou are East in the defensive positions below playing teams (Answers on page 39)
or rubber bridge. It is your turn to play. Both sides are us-
ing Acol with a 12-14 1NT and 2♣ Stayman.
Y ou are South as declarer playing teams or rubber bridge.
In each case, what is your play strategy?
1. ♠ 9 5 3. ♠ Q
♥ A Q J 4 ♥ A K 10 9 1. ♠ K J 9 3. ♠ 7 6 3
♦ K 10 7 3 ♦ Q 10 7 5 ♥ A 10 6 5 ♥ 6 2
♣ K 7 5 ♣ K 7 5 2 ♦ 9 5 4 2 ♦ A J 8 4
♠ K 10 7 3 ♠ K 10 7 3 ♣ A 4 ♣ 8 6 5 2
♥ K73 ♥ Q753
♦ J86 ♦ 863 N N
S ♣ J92 S ♣ 86 S S
♠ A 10 4 ♠ A 9 5
West North East South West North East South
♥ K Q J 8 7 4 ♥ A K J 10
♦ 8 7 ♦ K Q 3
Pass 2♣ Pass 2♦ Pass 2♣ Pass 2♠
♣ Q 5 ♣ K J 3
Pass 3NT All Pass Pass 3NT All Pass
2. ♠ J 4. ♠ A 9 6 5 4
♥ A Q 8 5 4 ♥ A 3 2 2. ♠ A Q 7 4. ♠ A
♦ A 10 7 3 ♦ K 10 5 ♥ A 5 3 ♥ 7 6 2
♣ 7 6 5 ♣ K 7 ♦ J 6 5 3 ♦ 10 8 3
♠ Q 10 8 3 ♠ K 10 8 3 ♣ 6 4 2 ♣ Q 8 6 5 4 3
♥ 10 7 6 3 N
♥ J85
W E ♦ K8 W E ♦ Q63
S ♣ K82 S ♣ 865 S S
♠ K J 2 ♠ J 8 7 6 3 2
West North East South West North East South
♥ K Q 9 ♥ A 9
1♦ 1♦
♦ A K 2 ♦ A K Q J
Pass 1♥ Pass 1♠ Pass 1♠ Pass 2♣
♣ A K Q 5 ♣ A
Pass 3♦ Pass 3NT Pass 2♥1 Pass 2NT
All Pass Pass 3NT All Pass
Fourth suit forcing
You are declarer in 6NT You are declarer in 4♠
Partner leads the ♣J, your
and West leads the ♣J. and West leads the ♣2
♣K losing to the ♣A. De- Partner leads the ♥4,
clarer runs the ♦Q to your your ♥J losing to the ♥K. How do you plan the play? with East playing the ♣10.
♦K, West playing the ♦9. Declarer runs the ♦9 to When you play a spade,
What do you return? your ♦Q. What do you West follows with the ♠10.
return? How do you plan the play?
Robin Hood’s
Long Journey
obin Hood and Nazir original players and they left their unless diamonds were 4-0. To discover
frequently attempted to raise seats immediately. Robin and Nazir the lie of that suit he played the ♦A.
money for the poor by playing replaced them and the game began. When East discarded a heart, it was
high-stakes bridge. Their reputation as clear that only two diamond tricks
bridge experts was well-known in the would be available.
hostelries of Nottingham, Mansfield, Dealer South. Love All. Hood continued with the ♦5 towards
Lincoln and Chesterfield. In the hope ♠ A 10 dummy. The ♦9 appeared from West
of finding unwary opponents, they ♥ K 7 3 and he won with dummy’s ♦Q. ‘You
had spent much of the day riding on ♦ Q 8 7 6 4 2 defend well,’ he informed Hal Cossett.
horseback to Peterborough. ♣ A 6 ‘If you’d played a low diamond, I was
‘They say there’s a worthwhile game ♠ 8 5 2 ♠ Q 7 4 3 going to finesse dummy’s ♦8.’
at the Saracen’s Head,’ said Robin Hood ♥ J 10 9 4 N ♥ 8 6 5 2 The bald-headed Cossett declined
as they reached the edge of town. ♦ K 10 9 3 S ♦ Void to point out that the ♦9 had been his
‘Not a name that appeals to me,’ ♣ 9 3 ♣ 10 8 7 5 2 lowest remaining card. What lamb-
Nazir replied. ♠ K J 9 6 brains these fellows were! They were
The sun was setting as the two ♥ A Q lucky, as well. Had they played the
outlaws tied up their mounts and ♦ A J 5 hand in six diamonds, they would
entered the chosen hostelry. A card ♣ K Q J 4 surely have lost two trump tricks.
game was underway in a far corner. Robin Hood could count four clubs,
‘Do you mind if we watch?’ Hood three hearts, two spades and two
asked, drawing up a chair. West North East South diamonds already made. That was a
‘If you’re players of Odd-or-Even or Hal Nazir Percy Robin total of eleven. A twelfth trick was
Kill the Witch, you’re wasting your Cossett Gallowes Hood guaranteed by finessing spades into
time,’ declared Percy Gallowes, a tall 2NT the safe East hand.
thin man who was wearing a fur coat Pass 3♦ Pass 3NT Hood returned to his hand with
despite the warmth of the room. ‘We Pass 6NT All Pass the ♥A and finessed the ♠10, losing to
play the game known as bridge.’ the ♠Q. East had no diamond to play.
‘I know it, I think,’ said Nazir. ‘You West led the ♥J and Nazir laid out the When he switched to a club, Hood
can choose trumps or no-trumps. Is dummy. ‘I wanted to find a diamond won with dummy’s ♣A and cashed
that the one?’ fit,’ he said. ‘I couldn’t bid 4♦ over 3NT the ♠A and ♥K, discarding the ♦J. He
Percy Gallowes, who was not one to in case you passed.’ then scored the remaining tricks in his
turn down an opportunity, surveyed ‘I wouldn’t have passed on my hand,’ hand with two spades and three clubs.
the two outlaws. Hood replied. ‘Stopping in 4♦ doesn’t ‘Sorry, I misguessed the spades,’
‘That’s the one,’ he replied. ‘You count for game, does it?’ Hood remarked. ‘Still, at least I made
two want to take us on? We play for a Gallowes and Cossett exchanged a it.’
crown a 100.’ glance. Why should such imbeciles Hal Cossett brought the score
‘Why not, my friend?’ said Robin play for high stakes? They scarcely to Game All on the next board.
Hood. ‘I’d like to learn a bit more understood the game. There was a prospect of a three-deal
about the game.’ Robin Hood won the first trick with rubber as the players picked up these
Gallowes nodded at two of the the ♥Q and saw that the slam was cold cards:
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categories and is subject to availability.
pouse looked a bit shell-shocked. empt in spades. Unfortunately we had to the ten of spades. The contract
His old university friend, Travis, never bothered to discuss subsequent was made with one overtrick. She
the Singing Cowboy, had phoned bidding in detail. The session was well definitely looked more cheerful now.
to say he was doing another gig in underway when this deal occurred. Her hand was more powerful than I
Norwich and asked Spouse to partner had anticipated.
him at the Riverside on the evening When Spouse and Travis played the
before. According to Spouse, Travis Dealer South: Game All. board the auction took a somewhat
had not played bridge since his last ♠ Void more laboured route. Travis, as dealer,
visit, but he had been reading books ♥ Q 9 7 4 2 decided his hand was worth game and
on the subject and was ready for ♦ A J 8 3 opened two clubs. Spouse thought
another outing. ‘Good for him,’ I said, ♣ K 9 7 5 his hearts too weak for a positive
‘I hope you agreed.’ ‘I did,’ conceded ♠ Void ♠ 10 7 4 3 2 and, anticipating a misfit, responded
Spouse, ‘but I don’t know why. I must ♥ A K J 5 3 W E ♥ 8 6 two diamonds. Travis confirmed his
be going soft-headed.’ ‘Incidentally ♦ Q 10 9 6 4 2 S ♦ K 7 suit was spades and Spouse showed
how on earth does he get away with ♣ 10 6 ♣ J 4 3 2 his hearts. Travis bid spades again
the name Travis in the world of folk ♠ A K Q J 9 8 6 5 and Spouse showed his clubs. Travis
music?’ I questioned. ‘Oh, he doesn’t; ♥ 10 established spades as the trump suit so
he uses the name of Blue Denim ♦ 5 Spouse used Blackwood and finding
Hank,’ Spouse informed me, ‘It would ♣ A Q 8 two aces bid the slam.
never do if it got out that his mother
is a senior civil servant, his father a West North East South
famous brain surgeon and his brother With both pairs vulnerable, Millie Spouse Travis
an eminent barrister. It would ruin his was dealer and opened four diamonds 2♣
street cred.’ which I alerted. I had two questions to Pass 2♦ Pass 2♠
Travis and Spouse emerged from consider: had Millie remembered our Pass 3♥ Pass 3♠
the bar in the Riverside. This time the agreement and what exactly were the Pass 4♣ Pass 4♠
cowboy outfit was not evident; Travis responses? Even with a void in spades Pass 4NT Pass 5♥
was casually dressed but still bearded I realised a slam might be possible so Pass 6♠ All Pass
and long-haired. ‘Hi sister, you’re as I bid a forcing four hearts. Millie bid
gorgeous as ever,’ was his greeting as four spades to end the auction. The unlucky contract was one off.
he hugged me and kissed me on both Later in the local hostelry, Travis,
cheeks. He addressed Millie with, West North East South a pint of beer in hand, admitted
‘Hello again, stranger,’ and she too Wendy Millie that he had thoroughly enjoyed the
received a long hug and a kiss. ‘Still 4♦1 evening of bridge. He and Spouse had
no horse I see,’ was Millie’s response. Pass 4♥2 Pass 4♠ finished well up the field, much better
‘No, the gig is not until tomorrow, All Pass placed than Millie and me. As we
so Trigger was entered for the three- 1
Strong pre-empt in spades parted, Travis invited us to his gig the
thirty at Fakenham this afternoon,’ 2
forcing, artificial, slam invitation following night and handed us some
retorted Travis, ‘He came in last.’ complimentary tickets. Millie, Justin,
Millie grinned. West led the ace of hearts, followed Spouse and I took up his kind offer.
Sometime ago Millie and I had by the king which Millie ruffed. As Blue Denim Hank, now in full cowboy
agreed to play Millie’s latest toy, dummy went down, although she said regalia, gave a great performance
opening four clubs as a pre-emptive nothing, I could sense that Millie had of folk, blue grass and country and
bid to show an eight card suit in become tense and was not happy with western numbers, accompanying
hearts, stronger than a direct four my bidding. She played spades from himself on his acoustic guitar. He was
heart opener. In like manner a four the top and finding the bad trump most entertaining, but there was still
diamond opener was a strong pre- break had to concede another trick no sign of his horse. ■
Phil Drabble
o you remember One Man West North East South 2♦ on a moth-eaten 4-card suit, a
and His Dog, the BBC TV 1♥ 2♣ negative double with just three spades,
show about sheepdog trials? Pass Pass Dbl All Pass or a unilateral 2NT? None of these
Presented by the veteran countryman, is as successful as a penalty double.
Phil Drabble, the show was wildly East dealt and opened 1♥ and South Hapless North passed, and Jess in
popular as Saturday evening viewing, made a ‘Sink The Titanic’ overcall (see the East seat doubled. Again, it is
the audience peaking at around 8 BRIDGE 150) of 2♣. It is important important to realise there is no better
million in 1981. What has this to do to realise it is dangerous to overcall bid. It would be easy to bid 2♥, or, even
with bridge, you ask? vulnerable with hands like this, even worse, 2♠ but why act on your own
Well, one variant of the show was
the ‘brace’, where the shepherd used
two sheepdogs, one on either flank,
to round up the sheep and put them
in the pen. In these days of take-out
doubles, negative doubles, responsive
doubles, support doubles, competitive
doubles, value showing doubles and
the rest, it often takes two players
working together to impose a good
old-fashioned penalty double. A good
rule of thumb in a competitive auction
is that when you want to penalty-
double a part score, the player with
the length passes, and the player with
the shortage in the enemy suit actually
makes the double. The partner can
then convert this into a penalty double
by passing. though the suit has ‘lead quality’. when you can consult partner? Ben
The following hand is an example. North will need a good hand to make happily passed the double for penalty
the overcall work and if this is the and the North-South sheep were well
case, West will most likely be passing and truly corralled.
Dealer East. N/S Vul. and North will be able to protect. Ben led ♥9, Jess won with ♥J and
♠ 8 7 4 Interchange the West and North switched to ♠J. South covered and
♥ K 10 6 5 hands: West will pass and North will Ben cashed the two top spades before
♦ 10 8 5 3 have an easy take-out double. What switching back to hearts. Jess won
♣ 4 3 normally happens when South bids with ♥Q, cashed the ♠10 and led
♠ A Q 9 ♠ J 10 5 2 like this is that someone else bids and ♦K. That held, so Jess followed with
♥ 9 2 N ♥ A Q J 4 3 takes South off the hook and the deal ♦Q. However the play now went, the
♦ A J 4 2 S ♦ K Q 6 plays out without much comment. defenders still had two trump tricks to
♣ J 9 7 6 ♣ Q At the table with the actual hands come and South took only four tricks
♠ K 6 3 were two ‘sheepdog bidders’, let’s call for a penalty of 1,100.
♥ 8 7 them Ben and Jess, who were well Think of Phil Drabble’s sheepdogs
♦ 9 7 used to working as a team. After the and look for good teamwork in the
♣ A K 10 8 5 2 overcall, Ben with the West hand just bidding and good teamwork in the
passed. What were the alternatives? play! ■
partner, against silent op-
ponents, can describe your here is a tall build- in tempo and, instead of would win the ace and con-
hands fully to each other ing at the centre of passing, South started to tinue clubs, allowing me to
and, by evaluating them ac-
curately, find the best final
every worthy Austri- think. Five minutes later, he clear the suit while I still
contract. The emphasis of all an town which can be seen shrugged and bid 3NT. Al- held the ♥A – resulting in
good, accurate bidding is on for miles around. It guides two down. However, if de-
hand evaluation. you to the heart of the town clarer ducked the first club
There are two general types of and is the heartbeat of the he can take the marked fi-
auction: a) a fit is found and b) community. I am, of course, nesse on the second round
no fit is found.
referring to the local brew- of clubs, and now when
When you do not have a fit, ery. The Huber brewery in my partner is on lead with
you are aiming to describe the St Johann comprises several the diamond ace he has no
strength of your hand as soon
as possible, most often using buildings where the beer is more clubs to lead – con-
no-trump bids. This book be- prepared, stored and dis- tract made.
gins by discussing balanced- tributed from, including At the table I could see
hand bidding in Acol, as it a four storey tower with a what might happen if I
is very important that both
members of a partnership bar-restaurant on the top played the club king at
have an accurate knowledge of floor. On a sunny day you trick one, so I ducked this
how to show hands of different can sit on the balcony, enjoy (playing an encouraging
strengths. a fresh local beer and soak club eight). Now declarer
When a fit is found, there is in the majestic mountains is finished as my partner
much re-evaluation of the found in every direction. can continue clubs when
hand to be done; point count,
though still important, needs
I was playing a social in with the diamond ace
to be evaluated together with game of rubber bridge and I still have the heart
distribution. The best way of there recently when this ace for an entry.
reaching an accurate assess hand was dealt. So what happens if de-
ment is to use the Losing Trick
Count; this is an important
clarer plays low from dum-
method of hand evaluation and my at trick one? It would
takes up a number of chapters. Dealer West. Game All. though the opponents have be very tempting for me to
Finally, we move on to different ♠ A 9 4 only 23 points, 3NT stands contribute the jack and, as
forms of evaluation including ♥ K J 8 a good chance of success – before, if declarer wins this
game tries and splinter bids. ♦ 10 9 8 4 3 with two spade tricks, one the contract is doomed,
You can never know enough
♣ Q 9 heart, four diamonds and but if he ducks the contract
methods of hand evaluation;
the more you learn, the better ♠ K 10 8 6 5 ♠ 3 two clubs adding up to nine. makes. Again, the winning
you get at judging your hand. ♥ Q 6 5 4 ♥ A 9 7 3 The only danger for declarer play for me is to contribute
Although the Losing Trick ♦ A 7
W E ♦ 6 5 is that we can set up and en- the club eight, letting de-
Count is used more easily in ♣ 7 4 S ♣ K J 8 6 3 2 joy the club suit before he clarer win one of his club
tandem with your partner, a ♠ Q J 7 2 collects his nine tricks. tricks too early, and keeping
large proportion of the ideas communication between
♥ 10 2 Partner led the ♣7, de-
in this book can be used by an
individual. For example, eval- ♦ K Q J 2 clarer played the queen the defence hands open.
uating your hand to be worth ♣ A 10 5 from dummy and I almost It is an interesting hand –
an extra point is going to help covered this with the king in order to give themselves
anyone you partner – as long the best chance of success,
automatically. Let’s see what
as you get it right.
After two passes I bid an would have happened had I both declarer and defence
£14 including UK postage off centre 3♣, hoping to done so. If declarer was as should try to avoid winning
make life difficult for the unthinking as me and won the first trick – and whoever
See Mail Order Form
on page 7. opponents. South doubled with the ace, when he played does win the first trick will
for take-out, North bid 3♦ on diamonds my partner ultimately fail. ■
11. Dealer West. Love All. 3♥. The key here is to remember how
♠ A K 5 ♠ 8 7 6 many hearts your partner’s 2♥ response
♥ 9 8 7 N ♥ K 2 shows. It should promise at least five
♦ A 8 7 6 5 S ♦ K Q 4 3 hearts, which means you have a fit
♣ A 7 ♣ K 8 3 2 and can support hearts. You make a
minimum raise to 3♥, which your partner
will raise to game. For reservations call Mr Bridge
West North East South The reason that a 2♥ response should
1♦ Pass 3♦ Pass always have at least five cards is because
on 01483 489961
? it takes the auction very high and it
can be difficult to find the best fit if you Terms and conditions apply –
3♠. Your partner has raised to 3♦ think your partner might have only four see Fred.Olsen 2015 brochure or for details.
showing 10-12 points and 4+ diamonds, hearts. ■
against 1NT:
2♣ Majors and More
n old partner of mine when think it is too much for you, so a small
faced with the question, ‘What step in the right direction would be ♠ Q 7 4
is your defence to 1NT?’ would just to play Landy, where the only ♥ J 10 5 N
answer, ‘Very good.’ The opponent conventional bid is 2♣ showing both ♦ A 7 6 5 S
would smile weakly and try again. At majors. Everything else is natural. If ♣ Q 9 5
least the opponents only had to listen you want to bid clubs naturally, then
to this once. I think I heard it over fifty you need at least six clubs and you
times. Still, he has now emigrated, so can overcall 3♣. Don’t be tempted to You have no interest in looking for
no longer. bid 2♣ to show the majors or perhaps game, but you do wish to play your
When the opponents open 1NT just clubs and then bid 3♣ on the next part-score in the best fit. You could
and play there undisturbed, they get round to clarify, because partner may guess, but better is to play that 2♦
good boards more often than bad well jump in one of the majors and shows equal length in the majors.
ones. Therefore, it follows that you then you will be clarifying at rather a It could be 2-2, 3-3 or even 4-4. This
want to get into the auction as often as high level. means that you will play in 2♥ if your
possible. In pairs events especially, it North opens 1NT (doesn’t much partner has the hand which bid 2♣
is the frequency of your gain you need matter what the range is) and you hold: above. If your partner also has equal
to consider. So, if you can get into the length in the majors then he will bid
auction and get a good board several the better one.
times and a bad board occasionally ♠ K J 9 5 If the opponents double 2♣, usually
(which can be -800), then you have N ♥ A Q 7 4 3 showing values, then the dangers of
still done the right thing. In teams, S ♦ 9 4 3 a penalty are increased, so it is even
your -800 penalties will hurt more, ♣ 4 more important to play in your better
so you may be more circumspect. You major suit fit. Given the opponents
can test this for yourself by looking at have meanly doubled, you can at least
the next ten times you pass out 1NT You can bid 2♣ to show the majors. take advantage of the extra calls they
at pairs and see what percentage score Generally, you will be at least 5-4 (or have allowed you and now play:
you get for the board. 4-5) in the two suits and will have
To get into the auction you need tools, enough for an overcall, but not enough West North East South
because, although playing a completely for a double. If you are in the fourth 1NT 2♣ Dbl
natural defence is simple and you are seat after 1NT-Pass-Pass, then you ?
unlikely to have misunderstandings, may be more aggressive.
you will be forced to pass on many If you are going to make the most of Pass to show clubs.
hands when you do have a decent playing this, then you need to make An example hand is:
place to play. How to defend 1NT has sure you land in the right major,
been the subject of debate and many especially if they double you and look
different conventional agreements. At to take a penalty for your impudence ♠ 7 5
the moment something called Multi in coming in. ♥ 4 3 W E
Landy is fashionable. It allows you to Let’s suppose the auction has gone: ♦ K 4 S
show a six-card major, both majors ♣ Q J 10 9 7 4 2
and also a major and minor two- West North East South
suiter, so is quite flexible. 1NT 2♣ Pass
At the end of this article you may ? You can bid 2♦ if you have a similar
efence is the most difficult king) and he watches for his partner’s
aspect of bridge, but the signal. East plays ♥3: low = no. West North
opening lead is more trusts his partner, so he switches ♠ A 9 3 2
accessible because it is before all the to diamonds. Declarer wins, draws ♥ 10 6 2
complications start. However, the trumps and plays clubs, but it is easy for ♦ 8 4
opening lead sets up the battle to East to win his ♣A and lead a second ♣ 9 8 7 2
come and is crucial to give the defence heart through declarer, making sure
power. I start by going through the of three heart tricks and defeating the
correct leads to make from any given contract. Auction 1
suit, from honour leads to high spot A key aspect of leading a high card West East
leads and low spot leads. I also talk against a suit contract is your partner’s 2NT 6NT
about aces: an ace lead should promise signal: you work as a team.
the king. This is such an important Once I have explained which card Auction 2
rule and yet it is the most broken rule to lead from any given suit, it is time West East
at club level. Players use the excuse to switch to the subject of picking the 2♣1 3♦2
of ‘having a look at dummy’. Your right suit to lead. After the obvious 3NT 4♦
ace’s job is to kill a high card and it choices, I turn the attention to trump 6NT
cannot do that if you lead it straight leads. As you move up the echelons of 1
The strongest bid
out: with the king in combination, it bridge, you tend to encounter more 2
Natural positive response
is OK because you can use the king to and more trump leads: they can be
do some killing. Furthermore, your attacking but, more often, they are In Auction 1, there is no reason to
partner is able to give you a signal relatively safe. expect any long suits, so you should
when you lead a high card, particularly Next comes the unbid suit, always defend passively hoping for your ace to
against a suit contract. worth thinking about: if your do some damage. Lead a high club: ♣8.
opponents have bid three suits, then
logic would suggest that they are
Dealer South. Love All. weakest in the unbid suit. However, Layout 1
♠ K 9 7 6 there is a big difference between ♠ A 9 3 2
♥ 8 5 4 minors and majors. Players will rarely ♥ 10 6 2
♦ A K 4 2 suppress a strong major suit, but a ♦ 8 4
♣ 8 7 minor can be hidden and will be a ♣ 9 8 7 2
♠ J 5 ♠ 10 8 nasty surprise in the play. ♠ K 8 5 ♠ Q 7 6
♥ A K 10 2 W E ♥ J 6 3 I finish up with defending against ♥ A K 3 W E ♥ Q 9 8
♦ 9 8 7 S ♦ Q 10 6 3 slam contracts: should you lead an ♦ Q J 3 S ♦ A K 10 2
♣ 6 4 3 2 ♣ A 10 9 5 ace or not? Your choice of lead against ♣ A K 4 3 ♣ Q 6 5
♠ A Q 4 3 2 a slam will depend on the auction. ♠ J 10 4
♥ Q 9 7 Generally, if you think your opponents ♥ J 7 5 4
♦ J 5 have a very strong suit, (either in no- ♦ 9 7 6 5
♣ K Q J trumps or as a side suit in a trump ♣ J 10
contract) then you should attack – you
need to make tricks quickly while you
West North East South can, but on a more normal auction to a As expected, your opponents have
1♠ slam, then you would defend passively two balanced hands with 33 high card
Pass 3♠ Pass 4♠ and hope that your ace will do its usual points. However, with no distribution
All Pass job of killing an honour. there are only 10 top tricks with an
Have a look at this hand from the obvious extra from spades. With clubs
This is a very straightforward defence: end of the seminar: what would you failing to break, declarer cannot make
West leads the ♥A (promising the lead against the two auctions: a twelfth trick.
reaction of fellow passengers
The ♠A lead would give when I broke the news.
declarer his extra trick right Ruth Major, from on board
away by not killing an hon- lovely Aegean Odyssey.
our with the ace. As long as
killing a high card, declarer Very disappointed to see I just want to say a huge For you to headline a letter,
will go one off in 6NT. the price of single cabins ‘thank you’ to everyone. see Readers’ Letters, BRIDGE
In Auction 2, it is clear on the cruise next April to You have been incredibly issue 149, from an avowedly
that East has an extremely USA. When the magazine supportive regarding my ancient and deteriorating
powerful diamond suit came yesterday, I thought, recent ‘loss’ and I don’t know member ‘Nearly Expired’
which will supply most of ‘Wonderful, as a single how I would have coped would have some of the
declarer’s tricks, so you need passenger, I can afford to go without you all. Special brethren reaching for
to aim for two quick tricks. to the USA,’ but it is not Mr thanks must go to Matthew their long knives if not
Lead the ♠A and watch part- Bridge at all but Fred.Olsen Swire, who has put in so the telephone number of
ner’s signal: he plays the ♠8: who charge an arm and a much effort on my behalf their litigation solicitor.
high for like, so you contin- leg for single passengers. and demonstrated endless As it is, your double
ue with a second spade and Mrs M Rourke, patience throughout the entendre was enjoyed
defeat 6NT by one trick. Knutsford, Cheshire. whole trip. At one point he by me as well as, I
This is a long cruise and is must have thought I’d had hope, many others.
being well supported, but I yet another cabin change David O’Neill,
Layout 2 will ask the cruise company and was camping Colkirk, Fakenham.
♠ A 9 3 2 to reconsider the singles out in his office.
♥ 10 6 2 prices of this sailing. I have been overwhelmed HELP PLEASE
♦ 8 4 with kindness, consideration, My wife and I (average
♣ 9 8 7 2 ANY IDEAS? sympathy, condolences, players) have been asked
♠ Q J 10 7 ♠ 6 5 There’s a lot of emphasis on pearls of wisdom, humorous by friends (three couples) if
♥ A K Q J N ♥ 8 4 3 bidding, with little attention suggestions and the we could teach them how
♦ Q 2 S ♦ A K J 10 given to playing hands. occasional shoulder to to play bridge. We have
6 5 3 Do you offer books on the cry on (thank you Arline). taught them how to use
♣ A K Q ♣ 6 important aspect of assessing Offers of help have been in high-card points to value
♠ K 8 4 and playing hands? abundance – suntan cream, their hands, trick and game
♥ 9 7 5 Anne Mullingar, wet wipes, body lotion, panty values (minor/majors suits
♦ 9 7 Ireland. liners, clothing and jewellery, and no-trumps) and some
♣ J 10 5 4 3 The classic work on this to name but a few. Strangely basic Acol bidding. Would it
subject is Card Play Technique enough, nobody offered be better to introduce them
by Mollo & Gardner. to lend me any scarves. initially to rubber bridge,
The auction is reasonable: Buy it from Amazon, (Fortunately I’d packed some which would make them
East has a wonderful hand, new or second hand. in my hand luggage). One learn how to fill in scorecards
which opposite a 23+ hand witty ship-mate suggested and would provide clear
is likely to make slam: after PHOTOCOPY THEM I stitch all mine together objectives, or should we
all they do have 14 top tricks. Having enjoyed Bernard’s to wear at my next ‘fancy teach them Chicago?
This is the key, because they tutorials on holiday, could dress’ appearance and Mr Kenneth Angus,
have such a powerful suit, it you please publish practice Reuben thought he had Midlothian, Scotland.
is likely that once they get in hands so that my partners found some of my clothes
they will make a lot of tricks and I can use them to on a tree in Rhodes. STRATFORD CHICAGO
so you have to be active, you improve our play? It would My luggage was expected I am promoting a Chicago
are searching for two quick be good as I play with to join me at 3 o’clock bridge event. Monday 14
tricks: either two aces or three different partners. yesterday afternoon at September to Wednesday
perhaps an ace and a king. Sue Clarke, Kusadasi and by this stage in 16 September 2015. Venue,
The DVD ends with the St Leonards on Sea, this ridiculous farce, Grosvenor Best Western
message: Choosing better East Sussex. I had been hoping to be Hotel. Cost £175 per person.
leads will not only increase On their way to you already, the only one wearing a There is a £10 supplement
your scores, it will also get but in future take the sheet ‘posh frock’ for this informal per night for single
you a happier partner. ■ home and photocopy them. party. However, as you are occupancy. We have
Write to Mr Bridge at: Ryden Grange, Knaphill, Surrey GU21 2TH or e-mail: [email protected]
hree popular methods are as not spare a high card to ask for a high than the ♣5 (low to discourage) be-
follows: suit. cause partner might wonder about
whether you want a heart rather
1. HELD, also known as natural or 3. Reverse than a diamond. Without the ♥K,
rubber bridge discards. Reverse attitude discards are similar to declarer would have played an hon-
2. Suit preference, also known as Mc- HELD except with the meanings re- our from dummy at trick one – but
Kenney or Lavinthal discards. versed: a high card discourages the suit why put pressure on partner?
3. Reverse, also known as upside while a low card encourages the suit. 2. Playing suit preference discards,
down discards. The main advantages are that you can you have a beautifully clear card to
often use a low card with which to sig- discard: the ♥9. Being a high heart,
Let us examine the three in turn: nal and that you can often spare a high this asks for the higher of the other
card from a weak holding. The disad- two suits, in this case diamonds
1. HELD vantage is the temporary one of get- rather than clubs. The lowish ♣5
HELD stands for High Encouraging ting used to (and getting your partner would also ask for a diamond, dia-
Low Discouraging. A high card en- used to) the opposite to what you have monds being lower than hearts, but
courages the suit discarded while a low learnt. Reverse signals are common at is far less clear.
card discourages the suit discarded. the highest level, as those who watch 3. Playing reverse attitude discards,
High means as high as you can afford. the BBO vugraph can testify. you discard the ♦4 (low to encour-
Even a three can be high if you get to Let us look at some hands and see age). This is better than the ♣9 (high
make a second discard and discard the which discards you would choose us- to discourage) because encouraging
two next. Low means your lowest card ing these methods: a suit makes life easier for partner
in the suit. as explained above.
The main advantages of HELD are
that partner is likely to notice a high ♠ A 8 5 4 Let us change your holdings in the mi-
card and that many players under- ♥ Q J 7 2 nors.
stand the method. The main disad- ♦ J 8 2
vantage is that quite often you cannot ♣ J 3
afford to weaken your holding in the ♠ K ♠ A 8 5 4
suit you want led. ♥ 10 9 8 4 N
♥ Q J 7 2
HELD is probably by far the most ♦ A Q 7 4 S
♦ J 8 2
common method in club and home ♣ A 9 8 5 ♣ J 3
play. ♠ K
♥ 10 9 8 4 W E
2. Suit Preference South, who opened 1♠, plays in 4♠ af- ♦ A 9 7 4 S
You discard a suit other than the suit ter you have made a take-out double. ♣ A Q 8 5
you want led. If you want a high-rank- You lead the ♥10, won by the ♥A on
ing suit, you discard a high card. If you your right. Declarer leads the ♠J to the
want a low-ranking suit, you discard ♠K and ♠A. Partner wins the second The bidding and the play to the first
a low card. If you have no preference round of trumps with the ♠Q. few tricks is the same as before.
between the other suits, you discard Whatever your method, you want to
a middling card. The advantages are ask for a diamond switch. Unless de- 1. Using HELD, you discard the ♣8, a
that you do not weaken the suit you clarer has a singleton, you can see the high card for the suit you want.
want led and that you have the op- contract down with two diamonds, a 2. Using suit preference, you discard
tion of making a neutral discard. The club and a spade. the ♦4 or the ♥4, a low card for the
disadvantages are that sometimes the low-ranking club suit.
only suit you can spare is the one you 1. Playing HELD, you discard the ♦7 3. Using reverse, you discard the ♣5, a
want led and that sometimes you can- (high to encourage). This is better low card for the suit you want. ■
ortunate happenstances occur partner win with the jack, nod bright- He will know how to play the suit for
all the time at bridge; probably ly and do something completely dif- four tricks, utilising three entries in
more at teams or rubber bridge ferent. Also possible is that partner dummy but only after your trumps
scoring when desperate or heroic had the jack, but decided not to play have been drawn. In other words, a
measures taken by the defence result it, instead playing a count or suit pref- blueprint for finessing as deep as the
in unexpected overtricks, or even the erence card, expecting declarer to win Mariana Trench.
contract. Let’s say you hold: with a singleton ace.
So far we have learned that desirable
outcome (a) if unmet is not calamitous,
♠ A Q J 9 8 2 but that an awful lot can go wrong
♥ 4 3 2 N with (b1), (b2) and (b3).
♦ 9 8 7 6 S
Apart from the above-mentioned
♣ Void disastrous outcomes, there is worse to
come. If declarer has an unexpected
trick and has twigged the situation,
You open 2♠ (weak) and the next player then it may well help with negotiating
doubles for take-out. Your partner the suit that is breaking badly, or
raises to 5♠, putting maximum adopting a line of play to cater for your
pressure on the opponents. The hand void. Photo: Haig Tchamitch
All About
the Bidding
wo more slam hands for you easier and as far as I can see gives up
this month. The first, sent in Dealer North. E/W Game. very little.
by Jim Dapre, was all about the ♠ 9 8 The strong no-trumpers’ auction
bidding. ♥ 6 3 would go:
♦ 7 4 3
♣ A K 10 8 5 4 West North East South
♠ Void ♠ 7 6 4 ♠ A K J 7 5 2 ♠ Q 4 Pass 1NT Pass
♥ A K Q J 6 3 N ♥ 8 ♥ Q 10 8 4 W E ♥ K 9 5 2♣ Pass 2♦ Pass
♦ 7 5 S ♦ A J 6 3 ♦ 10 8 2 S ♦ A K Q 9 3♠ Pass 3NT Pass
♣ A Q 7 6 2 ♣ K J 9 5 4 ♣ Void ♣ Q 9 7 3 5♣ Pass 5♦ Pass
♠ 10 6 3 5♠ Pass 6♠ All Pass
♥ A J 7 2
West North East South ♦ J 6 5 People have very different methods
2♥ 4♠ Dbl Pass ♣ J 6 2 after a 1NT opening, but let us assume
5♣ Pass 5♦ Pass West first uses Stayman and, when
5♥ Pass 6♣ Pass East shows no major, rebids 3♠,
7♣ Dbl All Pass At Peter’s club no-one bid the slam and forcing. With no known eight-card fit,
he asked how I (playing with myself) East signs off in 3NT. A jump by West
It would be a good idea to discuss would have bid it. That depends rather now shows the void and East’s hand is
with your partner how he would on whether I was playing a weak or very suitable. He first cue-bids the ace
have understood East’s double of 4♠. strong no-trump. Let’s look at the of diamonds, and when West denies
Assuming a pass of 4♠ is non-forcing, weak no-trumpers’ auction first: a heart control, proceeds to a small
then the double should show some slam. Of course, if I was at the table
all-round defensive cards, with not West North East South I would have opened the North hand
much of a fit for hearts. When West Pass 1♦ Pass 3♣, and who can guess what would
obligingly removed to 5♣, there was 1♠ Pass 1NT Pass have happened?
no harm in East showing the diamond 2♦ Pass 2NT Pass On a club lead, how should declarer
ace. When it was clear that clubs were 3♠ Pass 4♦ Pass play? The straightforward line, and I
agreed, West had no trouble in raising 5♣ Pass 5♥ Pass can see no reason to deviate from it,
to the grand slam. North’s double was 6♠ All Pass is to ruff the club lead, draw trumps
out of pique and got what it deserved! and play a heart to the king and ace.
Nicely bid by East/West in not-so-easy This is a technical bit of system Ruff the club continuation, cross to a
circumstances. I would like to teach aspiring diamond and run the nine of hearts.
tournament players. When partner If the jack of diamonds does not fall
♣♦♥♠ rebids 1NT, two-way checkback works you need three heart tricks and the
very well. Using this convention, a percentage line is small to the king
The next one is not such a good 2♣ bid by responder insists opener and run the nine. You can’t afford to
contract, and one where you wouldn’t bids 2♦ (whatever has been opened). test diamonds first because then you
much mind whether you bid the slam Responder can then pass with a sign don’t have the entries to play hearts
or not. Traditional beliefs recommend off in diamonds, otherwise make the percentage way. ■
needing slams to be above 50% before some other natural bid to show an
they are worth bidding. However, I invitational hand. An immediate 2♦
Send your slam hands to
think it is fun to bid slams and I don’t bid by responder over the 1NT rebid,
mind being in a slam on a finesse. on the other hand, is game-forcing [email protected]
Thank you Peter Radcliffe, of Shalford and the rest of the auction is natural. and I’ll publish the best few.
Bridge Club, for sending me the deal. It makes bidding slam hands much
Volos Skiathos Turkey
Aegean Fethiye
Santorini Rhodes
Join Mrs Bridge and me as well as my team on SEP 15 CANAKKALE (Troy or Gallipoli) Turkey
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*Mr Bridge fares are per person and subject to availability at time of booking. They
may be withdrawn at any time without notice. †Single accommodation is available
only in certain categories and is subject to availability.
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