Entrances - Zones, Colours and Effects

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Zone Entry Devta Effects

NW N1 Rudra Increase  possibility  of  murder

In  such  a  house,  the  inhabitants  are  harmed  by  bad  intentions  of  other  people
The  Inhabitant  becomes  an  object  of  support  only  -­‐  his  emotions  are  not  honoured

NNW N2 Naga Enemity,  Jealousy

A  fear  of  enemies,  that  is  not  entirely  unfounded,  stalks  peopleliving  in  such  houses.  Residents  feel  others  are  jealous  of  them
Lack  of  fulfillment  in  intimate  relations  between  husband  and  wife  leading  to  dissatisfaction  with  each  other.  The  couple  looks  for  that  enjoyment  outside  of  home.

NNW N3 Mukhya Lots  of  money,  more  male  progeny

This  door  brings  lots  of  money  for  those  who  occupy  it,  and  more  male  progeny
This  entrance  attracts  new  relatives,  people  wish  to  connect  to  the  inhabitants  of  such  houses  perceiving  their  own  benefits

North N4 Bhallatta Abundance  of  inherited  and  earned  money

This  entrance  ensure  an  abundance  of  inherited  and/or  earned  money
This  entrance  strengthens  relationship  of  the  inhabitant  with  his  family,  and  because  of  that,  he  receives  inherited  money

North N5 Soma Relegious  bent  of  mind

This  entrance  makes  people  relegious,  non  aggressive  and  calm
The  inhabitant  becomes  too  vary  of  hurting  others  and  always  tries  to  solve  others  problems,  but  this  negatively  affects  his  own  family

NNE N6 Bhujaga Fanatic  behaviour

The  entrance  makes  residents  behave  in  a  manner  that  people  generally  disapprove  of;  people  usually  avoid  listening  to  them
The  inhabitants  always  try  to  drive  home  their  point  of  view  which  affects  their  relationships  negatively

NNE N7 Aditi Girls  defy  their  family  traditions

Due  to  this  entrance,  grown  up  girls  in  the  family  dare  to  go  beyond  the  traditional  beliefs  and  culture  of  their  family,  for  ex:  prpopsing  intercast  marriage  (in  indian  context)
This  entrance  creates  conflict  of  opinion,  views  and  attitudes  between  inhabitant  and  (his  grown  up)  daughter

NE N8 Diti Higher  bank  balance

Such  an  entrance  gives  a  higher  bank  balance
The  inhabitant  values  his  relationships  like  an  asset  and  tries  to  preserve  and  nourish  them  to  the  level  where  he  can  get  Ananda  out  of  them

NE E1 Shikhi Fire,  accidents  and  losses

This  entrance  causes  fire,  accidents  and  unexpected  losses
Inhabitants  get  anxious  over  trivial  matters  and  ruin  their  relationships

ENE E2 Parjanya More  girls  born,  wasteful  expenditure

The  number  of  girls  born  in  such  houses  is  comparatively  higher,  and  there  is  a  lot  of  wasteful  expenditure.  For  an  expecting  mother,  it  will  increase  the  probability  of  birth  of  baby  girls
Increase  in  expenditure  on  fun,  partners  or  friends

ENE E3 Jayanta Money,  profits  and  success

A  very  auspicius  entrance  zone,  it  brings  in  money,  profits  and  success
Social  associations  and  connectivity  bring  money  and  prosperity
East E4 Indra Monetary  benefits  from  influential  people
This  entrance  brings  the  inhabitants  closer  to  important  people  in  the  government  or  with  those  in  authority,  thereby,  reaping  good  personal  benefits
Associations  with  powerful  people  in  government  are  facilitated

East E5 Ravi Short  temprament,  aggressive  behaviour

This  entrance  causes  people  to  be  extremely  short-­‐tempered,  at  times  bordering  on  insanity
The  inhabitant  faces  problems  with  government  due  to  his  excessive  anger

ESE E6 Satya Commitment  failure,  unreliability

This  entrance  makes  it  difficult  for  people  to  keep  their  word,  which  making  them  appera  unreliable
Inhabitants  fail  to  keep  their  commitments,  leading  to  problems  in  relationships

ESE E7 Bhrish Insensitive  behaviour

People  in  such  houses  become  insensitive  towards  others  problems
Inhabitants  attach  more  value  to  money  than  on  expectations  of  their  family  members

SE E8 Akash Accidents,  financial  losses,  burglary

This  entrance  results  in  accidents,  financial  losses,  burglary  and  other  such  problems
Servants  cheat  or  steal  and  the  inhabitants  of  the  house  are  not  able  to  catch  them  easily

SE S1 Anil Negative  affects  on  the  son

Produces  negative  effects  for  the  children  (boys)  of  the  house.  Their  thoughts  and  actions  differ  completely  from  what  their  parents  expect  from  them
The  son  spends  excessive  money  or  behaves  in  such  a  manner  that  leads  to  poor  relations  within  the  family,  but  better  relations  with  the  outside  world

SSE S2 Pusa Growth  in  job

This  entrance  increases  the  tendency  to  work  for  others.  It  is  good  for  people  working  in  MNC's  or  other  such  ventures
The  inhabitant  takes  good  care  of  their  servants  and  the  other  lower  class  employees  making  them  carry  on  with  their  jobs

SSE S3 Vitatha Immense  prosperity,  money

This  entrance  brings  immense  prosperity.  The  occupants  of  such  a  house  become  smart  enough  to  get  their  work  done
The  inhabitant  shares  healthy  relations  with  his  employees  and  the  employees  also  put  in  their  best  efforts

South S4 Grahakstha Birth  of  male  child,  productive  output

Industries  in  such  plots  are  highly  successful.  The  family  is  blessed  with  more  sons
Improves  relationships  with  neighbours  and  society,  in  general,  thus  elevating  the  social  image  of  the  inhabitants

South S5 Yama Blocked  mind,  debts  mounting

People  living  in  such  houses  are  rarely  free  from  debts,  they  feel  themselves  incapable  of  making  good  use  of  their  intellect
The  inhabitant  always  tries  to  use  his  relations  for  getting  loans  due  to  which  his  relatives  try  to  avoid  him

SSW S6 Gandharva Abysmal  poverty

A  door  of  abysmal  poverty
The  inhabitants  keep  on  having  poor  relationships,  despite  making  efforts  and  spending  money  on  improving  relationships

SSW S7 Bhringhraj Total  wastage  of  efforts,  no  result

All  efforts  of  people  residing  in  such  a  house  see  their  profession  or  relationships  going  to  waste,  because  of  which  they  get  discontented  in  life
The  inhabitant  is  subjected  to  the  hatred  and  enmity  of  his  relatives
SW S8 Mrigh Disconnects  the  family  from  the  rest  of  the  world
The  most  ominous  entrance;  it  results  in  behaviour  and  attitudes,  which  gradually  disconnects  the  family  from  the  rest  of  the  world,  thereby  severly  affecting  financial  position  and  relationships
The  entrance  blocks  connectivity  of  inhabitants  with  their  relatives  and  the  outer  world;  there  are  difficulties  in  finding  a  suitable  match  for  their  children

SW W1 Pitra Poor  financial  position  and  life  span

The  entrance  negatively  affects  the  residents  financial  position  and  life  span
This  entrance  disturbs  the  stability,  and  thus,  life  span  of  different  relationships

WSW W2 Dauvarika Unstable  career,  insecurity  in  relationships

This  entrance  creates  instability  in  career,  people  residing  here  lack  clarity  of  thought  and  vision  regarding  different  aspects  of  life.  They  are  insecure,  especially  with  regards  to  their  near  and  dear  ones
The  inhabitants  feel  a  sense  of  insecurity  in  their  relationships  and  become  possessive  of  their  loved  ones

WSW W3 Sugreeva Money,  growth  and  prosperity

This  is  an  entrance  for  amazing  growth  and  unbelievable  and  enviable  prosperity
This  entrance  location  improves  tendency  to  nurture  relationships,  thereby  bringing  wealth  and  happiness

West W4 Pushpadanta General  happiness  in  life

It  offers  no  particular  benefits  or  harms.  Life  in  such  houses  is  generally  smooth.  Overall,  this  is  a  good  entrance
The  inhabitants  give  space  to  their  relationships,  thereby  enjoying  the  best  of  relationships

West W5 Varuna Perfectionist  and  over  ambitious  attitudes

This  entrance  makes  one  a  perfectionist  and  overambitious.  Expectation  of  gains  increaseswich  can  prove  to  be  problematic
The  inhabitant  seeks  perfection  in  others  which  proves  detrimental  for  his  relationships

WNW W6 Asura Non-­‐fulfillment  of  expectations

This  entrance  makes  people  prone  to  mental  depression
This  entrance  causes  non-­‐fulfillment  of  expectations  in  relationships,  at  times,  leading  to  depression

WNW W7 Sosa Addiction  due  to  loss  of  happiness

An  entrance  in  this  zone  causes  loss  of  general  happiness  in  the  house,  due  to  which,  at  times,  the  occupant  resorts  to  drug  and  alcohol
The  inhabitant  fails  to  get  emotional  support  in  his  relationships,  sometimes  getting  into  some  form  of  addiction  like  alcohol,  smoking  or  drugs

NW W8 Paapyakshma Adopts  unfair,  unlawful  means  for  personal  benefit

This  entrance  affects  the  mentality  of  the  residents  in  such  a  way  that  they  do  not  mind  adopting  unfair  and  unlawful  means  for  their  own  benefit
Relationships  with  the  person  are  compulsive  and  based  on  fear,  where  others  usually  stay  away  from  him

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