Course Title: Computer Aided Drafting Lab Course Code: 4017 Course Category: A Periods/Week: 6 Periods/Semester: 78 Credits: 3
Course Title: Computer Aided Drafting Lab Course Code: 4017 Course Category: A Periods/Week: 6 Periods/Semester: 78 Credits: 3
Course Title: Computer Aided Drafting Lab Course Code: 4017 Course Category: A Periods/Week: 6 Periods/Semester: 78 Credits: 3
Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting: Drawing using CAD - Advantages of using CAD - Three
dimensional geometry - Solid modeling - CAD system components - Computer hardware and software -
CAD work station - Elements of Drawing window-Application of CAD - CAD an Overview: -Development
of CAD – System requirements - Drawing by CAD - Programme operation - CAD basics - Start up dialogue
box - Start from scratch-create new files, format setting - Use a template-open a drawing - Accessing
commands-setting tool bars - Data entry
Working with CAD - Setting limits - Drawing lines - Using Grid and Snap - Saving work –DRAW
Commands- Drawing simple shapes (Eg., Rectangle, Circle, Arc, etc) - Exit and quit commands – Editing-
Adding dimensions and Text: - Editing drawings using various MODIFY commands - Add dimensions and
texts on drawings
Developing simple buildings with CAD (Eg., Residential building, Library hall, Town hall, School building,
etc.) - Developing detailed drawing - Pictorial drawing –
Develop 3D drawings and obtain different views including perspective view-. Develop an isometric
drawing - wire frame modeling. - Plot the building drawings suitably brought onto a standard paper size
with suitable title block using paper space and model space.
Note : Use of Free & Open Source Software to be promoted to the maximum extent.