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A Double Pipe Heat Exchanger – Fabrication and Standardization

Article · April 2015

DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150423


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1 author:

Prof. P.B. Dehankar

Tatyasaheb Kore Institute Of Engineering & Technology


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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 4 1845 - 1847
A Double Pipe Heat Exchanger – Fabrication and Standardization
For Laboratory Scale

Prof.P.B.Dehankar* K.K.Pandhare, M.J.Vagare, V.M.Nerlekar

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Department UG Students, Chemical Engineering Department
T.K.I.E.T, Warananagar T.K.I.E.T, Warananagar
Kolhapur, India Kolhapur, India

Abstract— Heat exchangers are using in processes to recover heat between two process fluids in industries like chemical,
petrochemical, food, beverage, thermal etc. Although the necessary equations for heat transfer and the pressure drop in a double
pipe heat exchanger are available, using these equations the optimization for heat transfer parameter to standardization of
experimental set up in laboratory. In this paper, fabrication of double pipe heat exchanger and standardized in laboratory scale by
studied theoretical and experimental values for parameters friction factor, Reynold number along the mass flow rate range
between 0.02 Kg/sec – 0.033 Kg/sec. Here standardized the new fabricated double pipe heat exchanger using Wilson plot and
found out the value of constant ‘K’ for mass flow rate range between 0.02 Kg/sec – 0.033 Kg/sec.

Keywords- Double pipe heat exchanger; Heat transfer coefficient; Reynold number

I. INTRODUCTION Water at room temperature was allowed to flow through the

outer pipe while hot water has 60°C flowed through inner pipe
In process industries like chemical, petrochemical, in the counter current direction.
food, beverage, thermal etc, recovery heat between fluids
using double pipe heat exchanger. The design, analysis and III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
implementation of heat exchangers are an important part of The fabricated double pipe heat exchanger
heat transfer that should be familiar to them. Fabrication of experimental Setup has shown in Figure 1 consisting of a
any lab double pipe heat exchanger required inner pipe, double pipe heat exchanger having of test section(0.76 m),
outer pipe, fitting material, thermometer, manometer, manometer, basin pipe for supplying cold water & a constant
measuring cylinder and stop watch etc. once fabricate the temperature overhead tank (10 litre capacity having
double pipe heat exchanger it should be standardized by continuous supply of hot water) for supplying hot water. Hot
calibrating different heat exchanger parameter such as water flow rate was constant at 0.02 Kg/sec – 0.033Kg/sec by
Reynold number, friction factor, pressure drop, heat transfer manually. Two pressure tapings, one just before the test
coefficient with standard equation and graph. section and the other just after the test section are attached to
Standardization of the new fabricates experimental setup at the U-tube manometer for pressure drop measurement. Carbon
lab scale is the most important step before going to perform tetrachloride was used as the manometric fluid. Iodine crystals
any experimentation on it. Here standardized the new were dissolved in it to impart brown colour to it for easy
fabricated double pipe heat exchanger using Wilson plot and identification.
found out the value of constant ‘K’ for mass flow rate range
between 0.02 Kg/sec – 0.033 Kg/sec.
The experimental study is done in a double pipe heat
exchanger having the specifications as listed below:-


Material of outer pipe PVC

Material of inner pipe Copper
Diameter of Inner pipe ID 0.013 m
Diameter of Inner pipe OD 0.015 m
Diameter of Outer pipe ID 0.023 m
Diameter of Outer pipe OD 0.025 m
Heat transfer length 1m
Figure 1. Fabricated Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Experimental Setup

IJRITCC |April 2015, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 4 1845 - 1847
IV. STANDARDIZATION OF EXPERIMENT result. ‘K’ is to be found from the Wilson chart (1/U i vs. 1/Re
Standardization of the experimental setup is done by 0.8) as the intercept on the y-axis. K=6.552×10 -4 as constant
obtaining the friction factor & heat transfer results for the value and can be use in further heat transfer calculation.
smooth tube & comparing them with the standard equations
available. Friction factor determination by Pressure drop was Friction Factor
measured for each flow rate with the help of manometer at Table 2. Calculation for Friction Factor
room temperature. The U-tube manometer used carbon Friction Factor
tetrachloride with fraction of iodine crystal as the manometric
v m(Kg/sec) T(0C) dH(m) dP(N/m2) fexp u Re ftheo %diff
liquid. Air bubbles are removed from the manometer so that
the liquid levels in both the limbs were equal when the flow is 0.150376 0.02 56 0.004 23.66172 0.00894931 0.000535 3661.607593 0.00775 0.119888
stopped. Water at room temperature is allowed to flow through 0.218045 0.029 50 0.007 41.40801 0.00744889 0.000575 4942.163901 0.007299 0.014967
the outer pipe of the heat exchanger. 0.24812 0.033 48 0.009 53.23887 0.00739612 0.000591 5475.21446 0.007151 0.024491
Heat transfer coefficient calculation by heater is put
on to heat the water to 60°C in a constant temperature water
tank of capacity 10 liters(continuous supply of hot water).
Valve was used for recirculation of hot water to the tank & to
the experimental setup. Hot water at about 60°C is allowed to
pass through the inner side of heat exchanger between 0.02
Kg/sec – 0.033 Kg/sec. Cold water is now allowed to pass
through the outer pipe of heat exchanger in countercurrent
direction at a desired flow rate. The water inlet and outlet
temperatures for both hot water & cold water (T 1 -T 4) were
recorded. The procedure was repeated for different hot water
flow rates ranging from 0.02 Kg/sec – 0.033 Kg/sec.
Wilson chart equation,
Figure 3. NRe Vs Friction Factor for Theoretical and Experimental values
1/Ui= 1/hi+ hi/(do*ho)+ (xw*di)/(kw*di) + Rd ----(1)
As shown in figure 3, larger deviation between fexpt &
where R d is the dirt resistance ftheo for low Re is due to limitations of experimental setup.
Except at low Re, the difference between fexpt & ftheo is limited
K = hi/(do*ho)+ (xw*di)/(kw*di) + Rd ….. constant to ±10%, so easily assume that the theoretical friction factor
equations hold true for our experimental setup. As the ∆H
For Re>10000, Seider Tate equation, values were very small (0.004-0.009 m) for low Re & the
manometer’s least count was 0.004 m, so we cannot measure
h i =A ×Re 0.8 ----(2) those low pressure drops with higher accuracy.

Nu=0.023* 〖Nre〗^0.8*〖Npr〗^0.4 ----(3) Heat Transfer Coefficient

Table 3. Calculation for Heat Transfer Coefficient

V. RESULT AND DISCCUSION m(Kg/sec) Re hexpt htheo hdev

Wilson chart Preparation 0.02 3738.32473 607.5415 610.9340314 3.392546
0.029 5309.33101 753.9155 766.1237443 12.20824
0.033 6041.65253 927.6254 865.9832477 -61.6421

Figure 2. Wilson Plot

As shown in figure 2, standardized the experimental

setup having R2 = 0.949 that indicate most of the experimental Figure 3. Heat Transfer Coefficient Vs NRe for Theoretical and Experimental
result near to the linearity. It means that, experimental setup values
can be use for further experiment which will give accuracy in
IJRITCC |April 2015, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 4 1845 - 1847
As shown in figure 3, there is a very small difference
between hexpt & htheo, so easily assume that the theoretical heat
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IJRITCC |April 2015, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org

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