Past Tense - Ed Endings

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Pronunciation Rules for the Past Tense Marker (–ed/–d) of Regular Verbs

1. The past tense ending is pronounced [t] when the verb ends in any of the following voiceless
consonants sounds (regardless of its spelling):

dropped escaped helped hoped jumped slipped stopped shopped typed

asked baked cooked talked cracked hiked joked knocked locked looked packed picked smoked
walked worked


danced dressed fixed guessed kissed missed mixed passed pressed pronounced relaxed

[ʃ ]
brushed crashed finished pushed washed

watched matched

2. The past tense ending is pronounced [d] when the verb ends in any of the following voiced
consonants sounds (regardless of its spelling) or vowel sound:

described robbed rubbed

tagged nagged hugged

arrived believed lived loved moved saved shaved

advised closed realized used surprised

[ʒ ]

changed damaged encouraged

performed slammed welcomed claimed

burned cleaned earned explained happened imagined listened opened planned rained signed turned
belonged banged

called filled jailed killed pulled traveled

[ɪr] [ɛr] [ɑr] [ɔr] [ʊr] [ɚ]/[ər]

appeared feared
repaired shared compared
explored restored
answered covered entered measured remembered whispered

[ð ]

agreed carried studied worried

played stayed

followed showed snowed

[uw] [yuw]
booed interviewed

allowed bowed

cried died dried tried

enjoyed destroyed

3. The past tense ending is pronounced [ɪd] when the verb ends in the consonant sounds [t] or
[d], thus, adding an extra syllable to the verb.

arrested collected contacted counted expected exported graduated hated hunted invited invented
painted planted printed presented protected rented repeated reported respected rested skated started
shouted treated visited waited wanted wasted

decided defended demanded divided ended expanded flooded included landed needed pretended
provided scolded

Elaborated by Mr. Jorge Torres


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