The Study Case of Berlin and Portland in The Use of Green Roofs Towards Sustainability
The Study Case of Berlin and Portland in The Use of Green Roofs Towards Sustainability
The Study Case of Berlin and Portland in The Use of Green Roofs Towards Sustainability
Watershed Management
The green roof technology was initiated in Berlin, Germany over 3 decades ago, since then many
studies have been developed to understand better the use and benefits of Green roofs. The
results of these studies showed that many benefits for stormwater management practices,
carbon sequestration, cooling systems and species habitat, that the trend was expanded to
other cities in Germany and eventually to other countries and other regions.
Green roofs added the green component to the concept of urban infrastructure. Germany’s
strategy of greening existing or new built areas set the example for a new trend in land planning.
The German policy model applied to the development of this technology was a key factor in the
successfully implementation of green roofs. The use of subsidizes for owners to adopt this
technology made the green roofs to be accepted widely. Even today that those subsidizes have
transformed into economical incentives such as taxes, the green roof technology is popular and
On the other hand, the United States joined the green roofs trend later with their own
distinctive policy and economical tools, but in the same manner trying to incorporate the green
roof technology as part of its environmental development. Cities like Chicago, New York,
Washington, D.C. and other have been putting into practice the green roofs as part of their
urban development activities. Furthermore, the city of Portland –considered the city leader in
using this type of technology—has demonstrated that with the use of programs and policies that
encourage the construction and maintenance of green roofs, any city can become a Green and
sustainable city.
Green roofs technology has been present in the world since ancient times. The first example
dates back to around 500 B.C. to the Hanging Garden of Babylon; where they used layers of
waterproofed materials to plant trees and other types of plants. In modern times this type of
technology continued to be used in roofs for insulation purposes (Kaluvakolanu, 2006). In the
early 1960s the green roof technology was researched and developed in Germany and
Switzerland (Magill et al., 2011 ). This phenomenon was expanded very quickly to other countries
and by 19070s there was a substantial amount of technical research of the components of this
Since the beginning Germany was the country leader in the green roofing technology. By the
1980s the green roof market expanded to an average annual growth of 15% to 20%. By 1989
Germany had installed over 1 million of square meter of green roofs. This significant growth
continued, by 1996 Germany had around 11 million square meters of green roofs. The success of
this technology was mainly because of the support of the state and municipal governments
Switzerland (Magill et al., 2011). Currently this green practice has expanded over Europe and
In the United States the adoption of the green roof technology occurred recently; however, over
the last three decades it has gained a lot of popularity and it has been developed in many cities
as New York, Chicago, Portland and Washington, D.C. (Stutz B., 2010). The design and
implementation of green roofs in the U.S. has been done under the FLL Guidelines
developing their own guidelines that address specifically all the technical requirements that the
North American roofs need to successfully implement and maintain this technology (Magill et
al., 2011).
Green roofs have become an effective mechanism for various environmental issues such as
stormwater management, solar energy and biodiversity conservation. Moreover, many scientific
studies have been able to prove that public green roofs also contribute to social benefits
The objective of this paper is to analyze and compare two leading cities in different regions in
the design, development, implementation and maintenance of green roofs for stormwater
management. The cities that have been selected for these purposes are the Sister City of Berlin
in Germany and Portland, Oregon in the United States. In order to do so, this paper assesses the
technical and policy characteristics of the green roof technology and regulation implemented in
both cities. It also analyzes potential implementing improvement opportunities between Berlin
and Portland.
Green roof are system of manufactured thin layers installed on top conventional flat or sloping
roofs to support the growth of living vegetation (Kok et al., 2014). They protect roof
waterproofing systems and add ecological and esthetic benefits. They consist of a vegetation
layer, a substrate layer in which vegetation is anchored, a filtration and drainage layer to
evacuate the excess water, root barrier, membrane protection layer, waterproof membrane and
a insulation layer (Magill et al., 2007 and Mentens et al., 2005). Based on the depth of the layers
and vegetation used in green roofs, usually 2 types are distinguished: extensive and intensive
The extensive green roofs are the ones that have a thin layer of substrate –around 3 to 6 inches.
These are lightweight approximately 15-50 lbs/sq ft and only have 10-20% of organic matter in
the substrate; however, they are designed for the vegetation to fully cover the roof. The type of
vegetation used in this type of green roof is limited to sedums, small grasses, herbs and
flowering herbaceous plants. These roofs are low maintenance, low growing, drought tolerant,
with low nutritive requirements, and with temporary irrigation system (Green technology,
2015). This type of green roof is best for stormwater management and they have low
maintenance costs. They can be installed on sloped surfaces of 45 degrees maximum, and in
buildings with integrated PV/Solar systems (Mentens et al., 2006 and Getter and Rowe, 2006)
On the other hand, intensive green roofs have a substrate layer greater than 5 inches. They are
characterized for supporting complex vegetation such as groundcovers, shrubs and small trees
(Mentens et al., 2006). These types of roofs can support a heavier weight load of up to 150
lbs/sq. ft. and requires a professional maintenance and advanced green roof irrigation systems
(Green roof technology, 2015). They can be installed in roofs with a slope no greater than 10
degrees. Generally these roofs have the purpose to serve as gardens and small farms. And
depending on the design and selection of the vegetation, intensive green roofs offer a great
potential for biodiversity diversity and recreation. All of these characteristics make green roofs
Since green roofs became popular in Germany, many studies were developed to analyze and
determine their benefits. The first time that water retaining capacity was mentioned as a
product of this technology dates back to a study prepared by Ernst and Weigerding in 1985
(Mentens et al., 2006). Since then more studies have been made to determine the relationship
between precipitation, runoff, energy conservation, urban habitat provision and roof properties
The ecosystem services that green roofs provide derive from vegetation, substrate and
membranes utilized in their design and installation. Vegetation is used for providing shade to the
roof and to deliver water to the atmosphere by transpiration and cooling processes. The
substrates are used for storm water retention. The membranes are used for waterproofs
purposes as well as preventing building damages because of the roots (Oberndorfer et al., 2007).
Stormwater management
The nonporous surfaces of urban areas are the contributors to heavy runoff which can represent
a danger of overflowing stormwater facilities, lakes and rivers. It can also contribute to excessive
flooding, erosion and sedimentation. Furthermore, urban runoff can contaminate drinking water
supplies and harm wildlife habitats because of the high pollutants as pesticides and petroleum
Green roofs are perfect for stormwater management because they use the roof area to retain
and prevent runoff before this leaves the infrastructure. It stores water during rainfall events,
delays runoff after the rainfall peak and contributes the water cycle as it returns precipitation to
atmosphere through evapotranspiration (Moran et al. 20005). The specific features of green
roofs as the depth of the substrate, vegetation, and slope of the roof determines the rate of
runoff. Different studies in Portland, OR and in East Lansing, MI showed that rainfall retention
from green roofs of more of 10 cm of substrate is around 66% to 69%, and that it can reduce
overall regional runoff by 2.7%. From studies like this, it was concluded that runoff is greater
when the substrate is thinner and the slopes are steeper (Mentens et al., 2006).
Energy conservation
Green roofs can provide shade and insulation to the roof membrane used in buildings, this in
turn results in energy savings and mitigation of the urban heat island – which is a metropolitan
area that is warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities (Getter and Rowe,
2006). During summer season, they can also help reduce the amount of heat transferred
through the roof, lowering the energy demands of the cooling system of the building. Some
studies have showed that using this technology, there can be an indoor temperature reduction
Celsius (Getter and Rowe, 2006 and Theodosiou, 2003). Moreover, some studies have shown
that a reduction of 0.5 degrees Celsius may reduce electricity use for air conditioning of up to 8%
(Dunnett and Kingsbury, 2004). The combination of Substrate, shade produced by vegetation
and transpiration can reduce solar energy gain by 90% compared to buildings without green
Air temperatures above a building with green roof technology have been shown to be lower
than compared to conventional roofs, this result in up to 15% annual energy consumptions
savings (Getter and Rowe, 2006). Since buildings consume 36% of total energy use and 65%
total electricity consumption, green roof technology on a wide scale can increase energy savings
of a city.
Urban heat island can be reduced by increasing albedo –the fraction of solar energy reflected
from the Earth back into space—or by increasing vegetation through evaporation (Oberndorfer,
2007). An study made for the city of Toronto in Canada showed that the coverage of 50% of the
city with green roof would cause the reduction of 2 degree Celsius in some areas (Bass et al.
Studies have showed that green roofs can contribute to local habitat conservations. In countries
like Germany, Switzerland and the United States, communities of invertebrate and avian
communities have been documented living in these types of roofs (Oberndorfer et al., 2007).
The use of extensive green roofs can provide inaccessibility to the public characteristic that in
turn, can create an undisturbed habitat for species. In a West Berlin study of 50 year old
buildings, Darius and Drepper in 1984 found birds, grasshoppers, white grubs, beetles and an
extensive number of mites. In another study in Switezerland, Brenneisen (2004) found nine
orchid species and many other endangered species in a 90 year old building. However, relatively
new green roofs can also provide habitat. This is the example of one of the largest green roofs in
Dearborn, Michigan the extensive green roof of Ford Motor Company assembly plant. This
42,900 m2 of green roof within 2 years have documented approximately 31 species of
Researchers are evaluating roofs as a potential way to restore native plant species to an area. In
2004, Dewey et al, evaluated around 35 native grasses and wildflowers of an intensive green
roof and found that 21 species were suitable for a meadow mixture of 1 metro substrate depth.
Others researchers are studying the effect of native species in extensive green roofs. The
primary results showed that the biodiversity created in the rooftop depends on the area and the
conditions encountered in this area. Some species whether are native or not will resist better to
the environmental stress in the rooftop, and that should be the criteria selection for the
It is known that vegetation can filter particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in the air.
Rainwater washes particles into the soil and some pollutants are absorbed by plants into their
tissues. Studies demonstrated that green roof vegetation can reduce diesel engine air pollution.
Liesecke and Borgwardt in 1997 found that in areas directly above green roofs around 37% and
21 % reduction of sulfur dioxide and nitrous acid occurred. Peck and Kuhn in 2001 estimated
that green roofs can remove dust particles around 0.2 kg of particles per year per square meter
of grass roof.
An air quality model for greening all rooftops in Chicago showed a reduction of 417,309.46 kg of
nitrogen oxide and 517,100.61 of sulfur oxide emissions per year (Laberge, 2003). And at the
University of Michigan, a reduction of 800,000 kg per year of nitrogen oxide if 20% of all
industrial and commercial roof surfaces in Detroit, Michigan were extensive green roofs.
Germany is the world leader in the research and implementation of green roofs, advancing
technology and developing policy. The widespread use of green roofs is the result of 2
movements in the 1970s; the outbreak of technical research to determine green roofs benefits
and the citizen movement that raised as a result of environmental and political dissatisfaction.
In the late 70s researches started evaluating the benefits of green roofs inspired by the
accidental installment of plant life on “rental barracks” in Berlin. These rental barracks were
working class apartment blocks built with tar, sand and gravel roofs as a fire prevention
measure. With the pass of time, vegetation started to grow on these roofs which led to further
With the establishment of the FLL in 1975 and the construction methods for green roofs began,
the FLL established a set of guidelines to standardize green roof construction with high quality
levels (Köhler, M and Keeley, M, 2005). Occurring at the same time, citizen initiatives caught
attention to environmental issues in urban areas. The growth of urbanization, the lack of green
space and the sense of weak government interests were the main drivers for citizen to begin
with the initiative to bring back nature to the city. This movement grew considerably and gave
birth to the political party, the Greens in the 1980s (De Haan, G. de and Kuckartz, U. ,1996).
By 1980s there was a rise of a big number of municipal and state incentive programs that had
the goal to incorporate green spaces to urban areas. These programs included the green roofs
initiative by subsidizing 50% to 100% of the costs. By 1983s around 24 German cities offered
some type of urban greening subsidy. These financial incentives offset the higher costs of green
technology, but as green roofs were widely implemented technology costs fell (Lawlor et al.,
In the mid 1980s Germany amended it Federal Builidng Code ( Baugesetzbuch) and Federal Nature
Replacement Measure. This measure requires that for any environmental disturbances first they need to
be avoided, then minimized and as a last resource mitigated. It provides to the municipalities the
authority to determine how compensation has to be and enforce it through legally binding local
development plans. Under this context, green roofs are a highly used mitigation measure that
In 1984 a Federal court ruling required transparency in water fees. Prior to this ruling, water
usage was the base for water supply and disposal. Several municipalities split their waste water
fees, charging property owners for stormwater directed to sewers from their property. To
encourage stormwater source control, municipalities offered a discount for measures as de-
paving, stormwater ponds and green roofs. Usually the discounts for green roofs were between
30-50%. The “polluter pays” principle is highly accepted in Germany, an estimates half of
German cities with population of 100,000 split waste water fees. At present, municipalities are
downsizing and eliminating subsidies for urban greening projects; furthermore, they are
replacing them with regulations or with a combination of taxes and fees (City of Berlin, 2006).
The success of Berlin in implementing green roofs was done by the use of the Biotope Area
Factor (BAF) initiative and the indirect tax or duty regulations. The local tax on drainage from
impermeable surfaces into the main system provided the incentive to install green roofs.
Currently, this indirect financial incentive in the form of a Municipal Wastewater Charge System
is calculated as 1.70 euro per square meter of impervious surface, with a 50% discount applied
for rooftops with green roof technology (Greater Manchester Green Roof Guidance, 2009).
The FLL guidelines were a key player in the development of the green roof movement in
on vegetation and their benefits into environmental improvement. At the present, the FLL is a
non-profit membership organization with more than 200,000 members that coordinates
research for urban planning. The FLL guidelines are worldwide known because of its technical
background for the design, construction and maintenance of green roofs. They set quality
An important part of Germany’s green roof policy is to ensure that green roof achieves
performance goals and ecological functions. In order to do this, the FLL developed a
performance rating system to facilitate the regulatory measures to ensure compliance. The
point-based system developed assesses the components and functions of the green roof. The
system sets performance criteria based in 4 categories: i) water retention capacity of the
drainage layer; ii) water retention capacity of the growing medium; iii) the number of plant
species on an extensive green roof ; and iv) the amount of green volume (m2 /m3 ) for intensive
green roofs. Each category must meet certain criteria, if it is not meet then points are
subtracted from the base value, and it has to be compensated in one of the other categories.
Municipalities use this tool to ensure that green roofs meet the desired functions and that are in
compliance with regulations, while allowing flexibility in the design. These guidelines allow policy
makers to define the desired green roof characteristics in policy documents, preventing
Land Use Plans, the Landscape Program and the Biotope Area Factor
The reunification of West and East Berlin provided an opportunity to develop large scale green
infrastructure projects. The combination of Land Use Plans and the Landscape Program made
Berlin the leading city in developing green roofs technology in a successful manner confronting
challenges associated to population growth of 300,000 in the city to 1.5 million in the region and
to land use of more of 550 hectares for private and public use. Moreover, the policies that me
possible the green infrastructure technology to develop and become a large scale activity in
Berlin were the Landscape Program and the Biotope Area Factor. Both policies were in born
around the same time and were aligned with the same objective, increasing the vegetation in
In the 1980s—before the reunification –the western sector of Berlin had established an initiative
called the Biotope Area Factor (BAF). This initiative resembled an urban planning instrument
aimed to improve the presence of vegetation in the built environment, and to also standardize
environmental goals such as: safeguarding and improving microclimate and atmospheric
hygiene, safeguarding and developing soil function and water balance, creating and enhancing
the quality of flora and fauna of species, and improving residential environment (Lawlor et al.,
The BAF strategy is to retain high densities of development is retain high densities of
development, focusing in the city green infrastructure. This way the impact on the environment
that open spaces produced could be compensated. This initiative was guided by the Landscape
Program and in 1994 was introduced as a binding document. This way Berlin was able to manage
and control the ecologically effective surface area (area covered in vegetation) of the total area
The Landscape Program for West Berlin was introduced in 1984. By that time almost all of the
political parties had a priority in nature conservation, this caused the Program to be highly
supported and accepted. The technical background and the recruitment of administrative staff
shaped and strengthen the Program to what it is today. Thorough the Landscape Program, Berlin
was able to focus on resolving use land conflicts from new infrastructure developments and
plans for building land for private and public use (Kazmierczak, A. and and Carter, J., 2010).
This Program is implemented through Landscape Plans. The binding nature as statutory
instrument, in turn causes the Landscape Plans to be a strong political, administrative and public
mandate. For this reason, Berlin currently has over 16% of their urban area under the framework
Portland is considered the leading city in the United States in the green roof technology. For
over the last 2 decades Portland has been known for its smart growth policies. The development
in Portland is held within the Urban Growth Boundary. The biggest concern regarding green
Since the 1990s, Portland’s Bureau of Environment Services has created a successful program
that achieves regulatory compliance, education, outreach and community greening. In the early
Elimination System (NPDES), Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharge Permit
issued by the state to address water quality regulations. This way, Portland developed the
stormwater management plan. This Plan outlined how stormwater will be addressed by the City
to ensure the best practice possible and reducing pollutants. The City in 1994 created a
stakeholders that aimed to provide input to the City stormwater matters. This Committee
developed policy and code statements which were developed into the city’s stormwater
management manual (Lawlor et al., 2006 and Environmental Services, the City of Portland,
In the same year, a state mandate required that Portland would comply with the Clean Water
Act and clean up one its most important rivers—the Willamette River—as part of the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program to clean up hazardous waste sites (Lawlor et
al., 2006).
As a result Portland built a pipeline on the west side of the Willamette River and a large pump
station to deal with sewer overflow. However, the City knew that this strategy need to be
complemented with additional inflow management strategies and techniques including green
roofs, or as in Portland are called: eco roofs (Lawlor et al., 2006 and Environmental Services, the
The successful outcome of the research for ecoroofs done in Portland and the support of the
public opinion, made the City to establish ecoroofs as a stormwater management tool. In 1999,
the eco roof technology was officially recognized as a best management practice in the City
stormwater manual. This trend grew fast and by 2004, Portland was recognized internationally
for its efforts in the Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities Conference.
Ecoroof Program
Portland developed this program to expand strategically its green infrastructure, and to
integrate stormwater management facilities as green streets, rain gardens, and ecoroofs. This
Program is part of a national initiative and by 2013; the goal for Portland was to have around 43
The City of Portland promotes the use of ecoroofs on public and private property to manage
stormwater on-site. The City uses an incentive of up to $5 US dollars per square foot for an
approved ecoroof project (Portland). All new city owned facilities are required to be designed
and built with an ecoroof that covers up to 70 % of the area of the roof (Environmental Services,
On public projects managers are required to consult the city’s inter-bureau Green Building
Advisory Team for guidance to meet the Green Building Policy objectives. The Green Building
Policy includes as part of its framework Ecoroof technologies and LEED Gold certification. For
private projects there are no additional requirements, as the City wants to promote ecoroofs
under the existing framework of the Ecoroofs manual. In addition, the city offers the floor are
ratio (FAR) bonuses as an incentive to develop practices that meet the City’s objectives of
Portland’s Ecoroof Program has educational and outreach components. Through this Program
Portland has raised awareness of the benefits of the green roof technology. Furthermore the
City provides technical assistance to building owners and to the private sector that are
considering using this technology. It also provides grants for ecoroofs projects and monitors the
Portland’s approach towards green infrastructure has been similar to the German Model. Both
cities started with initiatives to improve their urban conditions through the use of green roof
technology. Portland in the same manner as Berlin has used research activities to strengthen
public investment in projects using this technology. And furthermore, it has also focused in
owners to invest in green roofs projects. This has clearly demonstrated good results and
Portland has been able to rapidly increase their number of green roofs installed throughout the
The use of public engagement and research had also a similar approach as in Germany. Portland
encouraged the public opinion in the development of their policy and civic consciousness as an
integral part of the success of green roofs. The same happened for the education and research
area. Portland has developed a vast growing opportunity for studies to evaluate and develop
The successful development and implementation of green roof technology in Portland is directly
related to its current programs and policies. The use of incentives and subsides have conditioned
the number of green roofs installed; however, as we have seen with Berlin this may not be the
The use of an incentive economical tool such as the stormwater tax in Berlin can alleviate the
costs of Stormwater Management, and incentive private owners to invest in this technology,
having a fair share of storm water runoff and properly managing stormwater. If Portland would
be able to transform their green roofs incentives into a type of tax, whether is a stormwater tax
or a green roof tax abatement, the money that currently is being allocated for incentives and
subsidizes under the Ecoroof Program and the Floor Area Ratio Bonus, can finance other green
development projects in the City and furthermore, they can be invested for research activities
Green roofs have demonstrated to be a potential method to offset the destruction of natural
habitats as cities continue growing through urbanization (Getter, K., and Rowe, B., 2006). There
are many benefits that green roofs provide whether they are installed in an intensively or
extensively manner. Moreover, the different characteristics that green roofs allow provide
flexibility for developers and policy makers to shape the rooftops to meet their needs. This is a
key feature that permits the city or the region implementing this technology to improve the
The use of green roofs whether is in Germany or in the U.S. has provided an unique opportunity
to transform and redefine the concept of land planning into an environmentally practice that
aims not only to vegetate a built area, but also to incorporate sustainable practices to become a
sustainable city.
Berlin has been the leader in researching, developing and installing green roofs across its urban
areas. The technological and policy model that Berlin developed through the years has been
used as model for other cities –nationally and internationally –interested in implementing green
roofs because of its demonstrated benefits. This is the case of the city of Portland that with a
similar approach as Berlin has become a recognized green infrastructure city due to its
The experience with green roofs in Portland and Berlin has showed us the ability of these two
implement the green roof technology as a technical tool for urban planning.
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