Johnson PDF
Johnson PDF
Johnson PDF
By John C. Johnson
Balance Plus
Wichita, Kansas
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and paste them to a notebook with the overall trends. minimal number of measurements. The factors that
This whole process of manual storage and trending of determine this are budgets, manpower, costs of
overall and spectral data was not very cost effective, downtime, cost of repairs and safety. But, just because
but many of those programs were successful. you have a large budget does not mean it should be
The advent of computer-based data collectors and
trending software made this whole trending process
much more cost-effective. The first system only
recorded overall measurements. Spectral data still had MAGNITUDE MEASURES
to be taken with a spectrum analyzer. Those programs
based only on overall measurements were usually Three basic measures describing vibratory forces,
successful in identifying a machine developing a referred to as magnitude or amplitude values, are used
problem. Of course, the specific fault was difficult to to evaluate the severity of machine vibrations. They
determine with just overall measurements. An are displacement, velocity and acceleration. In the
educated guess could be made by comparing overall U.S., the most commonly used measurements are
velocity and acceleration measurements, but fault displacement peak to peak, velocity peak and
identity required an analyzer capable of providing acceleration peak.
amplitudes at specific frequencies. Fault analysis was
very time-consuming but was only required on Displacement is a measure of the total distance
machines thought to be in jeopardy. Keep in mind that traveled by a vibrating part from one extreme of travel
this analysis was initiated from an increase in one or to the other. Displacement relates to stress. It is
more trended overall measurements. expressed in mils peak to peak. One mill is one-
thousandth of an inch (0.001-inch). For bearing cap
The ability to store and trend spectral data could measurements, displacement is usually used for low-
eliminate having to go back out in the plant for fault frequency vibration (less than 1200 CPM) 1.
analysis. Many analysts were finding the value of time Displacement measurements on bearing caps are not
waveform data and were requesting that capability usually taken unless the speed is below 600 RPM. A
along with the ability to store spectral data. With these more common use for displacement is for measuring
capabilities, we could just analyze problems on the the relative motion between the bearing and shaft in
computer from the data collected from periodic fluid-film bearings. It is used to analyze frequencies of
surveys. This demand soon brought those capabilities rotor speed and orders of running speed. Figure 1 is a
to us. The dynamic range and resolution of these first chart of harmonic displacement and acceleration
so-called data collector/analyzers seriously limited the plotted for a vibration velocity of 0.2 IPS at various
value of the stored spectra. If vibration levels were frequencies 1. At 600 CPM (10 Hz), a velocity
high on a machine, low amplitude vibrations at bearing vibration of 0.2 IPS is 6.4 mils peak to peak. At
defect frequencies were buried in the noise floor of the 60,000 CPM (1000 Hz), the displacement is only 0.064
spectrum. We soon became addicted to spectral mil peak to peak. The chart in Figure 1 shows that
information, though. Vendors started refining the displacement is more sensitive to low-frequency
instruments and software, giving us much better vibrations and is a poor measure for high frequency.
dynamic range and resolution. Enveloped spectrum Evaluating vibration severity with displacement at high
analysis arrived on the scene and really confused most frequencies can be difficult. At high frequencies, low
of us. Time waveform storage increased our analysis amplitudes can be very severe. At these low
abilities considerably. More and more features have amplitudes, noise in the signal can cause problems with
been added to our data collectors and software. Some data accuracy. This problem is aggravated if an
of the data collectors now provide many of the accelerometer is used to take displacement
capabilities of expensive laboratory analyzers. measurements because the signal has to be double
With all these capabilities for different types of spectral integrated.
and time waveform measurements, there seems to be Velocity is a measure of the rate of change in
less and less interest in using overall measurements. displacement. It takes into account displacement of the
Being vibration analysts, we must analyze vibration vibrating part and the frequency at which it is
data. The more data we have to analyze, the better, vibrating. Velocity relates to fatigue. This measure is
right? Yes and no. I really appreciate all the analysis sensitive to medium-frequency vibrations. The
features of the newer data collectors when I need them. recommended frequency range for velocity
Often though, too much time is spent collecting too measurements is from 600 CPM (10 Hz) to 60,000
much data just to try and avoid missing a call. CPM (1000 Hz) 1. Velocity is often used for
Depending on the machine’s criticality, you may need measurements from 300 CPM to 120,000 CPM with
to take several different measurements to create a high good success. It is sensitive to rotating speed
level of protection, or you may only be able to justify a