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There’s Still Value in Overall Vibration Measurements

By John C. Johnson
Balance Plus
Wichita, Kansas

John Johnson is owner of Balance Plus in INTRODUCTION

Wichita, Kansas. He has over 29 years
experience in maintenance as a machine
mechanic, lead man and supervisor. For the last Overall vibration measurements, for the most part,
twelve years, Johnson has been doing vibration have been downplayed in the vibration field for the last
analysis full time providing contract predictive several years. Some feel that they are almost
maintenance, vibration analysis, balancing and worthless. Afraid they might miss a call, some analysts
training. Mr. Johnson spearheaded the formation feel that they should take nearly every measurement
of the vibration predictive maintenance program at available to them. There are analysts taking so much
the Boeing Commercial Airplane Company facility data at each bearing position that their programs are not
in Wichita, Kansas. He is a member of the cost-effective. This paper will suggest how to use
Vibration Institute, Oklahoma Predictive certain overall measurements, along with some spectral
Maintenance Users Group and is certified as a data, to reduce the total amount of data collected and
Level II Vibration Specialist through the Vibration analyzed in a program and to improve efficiency.
Institute. Overall measurements do have value. They are derived
from the frequency and amplitude information that the
ABSTRACT transducer senses. Each overall measurement
parameter is sensitive to a certain frequency range.
The intent of this paper is to explain the information
Computerized vibration predictive maintenance was contained in several types of overall measurements and
founded on overall vibration measurements. The first demonstrate how to apply them in a vibration program.
data collector would only collect overall vibration You must learn the value and limitations of each
measurements. Now, data collectors have so many measurement before implementing them in a vibration
different measurements available, it is difficult to program.
decide which to use. Which measurements will
The scope of the paper will be limited to the more
provide the information needed to detect and analyze
common overall measures of displacement peak to
machine problems? Which measurements will provide
peak, velocity peak, acceleration peak, Spike Energy (a
the best value for the time spent collecting and
high frequency filtered measure) and the less common
analyzing the data? Unfortunately, there is no magic
overall measures of true-peak velocity and
bullet. No single measurement, overall or spectral, will
acceleration. Because of the vast variety of equipment
provide the information needed to detect all faults and
and operating speeds, this paper is directed mostly at
general process machinery running at medium speeds.
Many papers have been written and presented in the Most of the information will apply to machines with
past few years describing the use and advantages of rolling element bearings.
spectral analysis, enveloped spectral analysis and time
waveform analysis. Overall measurements have not
been addressed very well in seminars and trade BACKGROUND
magazines for quite some time. Overall measurements
can provide clues, which can point you in the right
direction for effective fault analysis. With the aid of Before computer-based data collectors, most vibration
overall measurements, more time can be spent on fault programs consisted of recording overall velocity,
analysis of equipment that is in jeopardy and less spent displacement, and acceleration measurements on a
on routine data collection. You must have an clipboard. Those with IRD instruments had a
understanding of the information provided by the mysterious measurement available called Spike
different types of overall measurements and the limits Energy. The measurements were transferred to charts
of that information, though. This paper will address for trending. Obviously, this was very labor intensive,
the characteristics, advantages and limitations of but it was successful. Those fortunate enough to have
several different types of overall measurements. spectrum analyzers with plotters, would take spectra

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and paste them to a notebook with the overall trends. minimal number of measurements. The factors that
This whole process of manual storage and trending of determine this are budgets, manpower, costs of
overall and spectral data was not very cost effective, downtime, cost of repairs and safety. But, just because
but many of those programs were successful. you have a large budget does not mean it should be
The advent of computer-based data collectors and
trending software made this whole trending process
much more cost-effective. The first system only
recorded overall measurements. Spectral data still had MAGNITUDE MEASURES
to be taken with a spectrum analyzer. Those programs
based only on overall measurements were usually Three basic measures describing vibratory forces,
successful in identifying a machine developing a referred to as magnitude or amplitude values, are used
problem. Of course, the specific fault was difficult to to evaluate the severity of machine vibrations. They
determine with just overall measurements. An are displacement, velocity and acceleration. In the
educated guess could be made by comparing overall U.S., the most commonly used measurements are
velocity and acceleration measurements, but fault displacement peak to peak, velocity peak and
identity required an analyzer capable of providing acceleration peak.
amplitudes at specific frequencies. Fault analysis was
very time-consuming but was only required on Displacement is a measure of the total distance
machines thought to be in jeopardy. Keep in mind that traveled by a vibrating part from one extreme of travel
this analysis was initiated from an increase in one or to the other. Displacement relates to stress. It is
more trended overall measurements. expressed in mils peak to peak. One mill is one-
thousandth of an inch (0.001-inch). For bearing cap
The ability to store and trend spectral data could measurements, displacement is usually used for low-
eliminate having to go back out in the plant for fault frequency vibration (less than 1200 CPM) 1.
analysis. Many analysts were finding the value of time Displacement measurements on bearing caps are not
waveform data and were requesting that capability usually taken unless the speed is below 600 RPM. A
along with the ability to store spectral data. With these more common use for displacement is for measuring
capabilities, we could just analyze problems on the the relative motion between the bearing and shaft in
computer from the data collected from periodic fluid-film bearings. It is used to analyze frequencies of
surveys. This demand soon brought those capabilities rotor speed and orders of running speed. Figure 1 is a
to us. The dynamic range and resolution of these first chart of harmonic displacement and acceleration
so-called data collector/analyzers seriously limited the plotted for a vibration velocity of 0.2 IPS at various
value of the stored spectra. If vibration levels were frequencies 1. At 600 CPM (10 Hz), a velocity
high on a machine, low amplitude vibrations at bearing vibration of 0.2 IPS is 6.4 mils peak to peak. At
defect frequencies were buried in the noise floor of the 60,000 CPM (1000 Hz), the displacement is only 0.064
spectrum. We soon became addicted to spectral mil peak to peak. The chart in Figure 1 shows that
information, though. Vendors started refining the displacement is more sensitive to low-frequency
instruments and software, giving us much better vibrations and is a poor measure for high frequency.
dynamic range and resolution. Enveloped spectrum Evaluating vibration severity with displacement at high
analysis arrived on the scene and really confused most frequencies can be difficult. At high frequencies, low
of us. Time waveform storage increased our analysis amplitudes can be very severe. At these low
abilities considerably. More and more features have amplitudes, noise in the signal can cause problems with
been added to our data collectors and software. Some data accuracy. This problem is aggravated if an
of the data collectors now provide many of the accelerometer is used to take displacement
capabilities of expensive laboratory analyzers. measurements because the signal has to be double
With all these capabilities for different types of spectral integrated.
and time waveform measurements, there seems to be Velocity is a measure of the rate of change in
less and less interest in using overall measurements. displacement. It takes into account displacement of the
Being vibration analysts, we must analyze vibration vibrating part and the frequency at which it is
data. The more data we have to analyze, the better, vibrating. Velocity relates to fatigue. This measure is
right? Yes and no. I really appreciate all the analysis sensitive to medium-frequency vibrations. The
features of the newer data collectors when I need them. recommended frequency range for velocity
Often though, too much time is spent collecting too measurements is from 600 CPM (10 Hz) to 60,000
much data just to try and avoid missing a call. CPM (1000 Hz) 1. Velocity is often used for
Depending on the machine’s criticality, you may need measurements from 300 CPM to 120,000 CPM with
to take several different measurements to create a high good success. It is sensitive to rotating speed
level of protection, or you may only be able to justify a

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vibrations and orders of rotating speed vibrations for frequencies generally range from 800 Hz to 50 kHz.
the most common types of process equipment in These natural frequencies are in the range in which the
industry. This would be equipment running from 1200 bearing defect energy is generated. Structural
RPM to 3600 RPM. The previous statement is not resonance vibrations excited by the energy from
meant to limit the use of velocity measurements, but to bearing defects reaching the machine surface can be
target the most common applications. detected by conventional accelerometers. The presence
of these frequencies in a machine’s vibration signatures
Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. It
is an indication of a bearing problem. For Spike
relates to force on a machine or component.
Energy measurements, the signal is filtered so it only
Acceleration is sensitive to high frequencies. Its use is
contains acceleration information between 5 kHz and
recommended for frequencies above 60,000 CPM. In
55 kHz. It is passed through a peak detector capable of
Figure 1, a 0.2 IPS vibration at 60,000 CPM (1000 Hz)
detecting the short duration (high frequency) spikes of
is equal to 3.25 g’s acceleration1. The acceleration for
energy. An accelerometer with a mounted natural
a 0.2 IPS vibration at 600 CPM (10 Hz) is only 0.03
frequency in the ultrasonic range that bearing defects
g’s. The chart in Figure 1 shows that acceleration
generate enhances the capability to detect these
measurements are more sensitive to high-frequency
vibration and are a poor measure for low frequency.
Magnitude units can be expressed in different ways:
as rms (root mean square), peak and peak to peak. For
simple harmonic (sinusoidal) motion, such as that
represented by the single frequency waveform shown
in Figure 2, the peak value in the waveform will equal
the peak value in the spectrum within the measurement
resolution error factors. The peak value is measured
from zero to either the positive peak or negative peak.
For harmonic motion, the positive peak value in the
waveform is equal to the negative value. The rms
value is equal to 0.707 times peak; peak to peak is
equal to peak times two. Most instruments measure the
rms value of the signal. The rms value is then
multiplied by 1.414 to derive the peak value. Notice in
Figure 2 the peak in the waveform is 0.36 IPS, and the
peak in the spectrum is 0.36 IPS. The peak overall
velocity reading was also 0.36 IPS. The data in Figure
2 was recorded from a shaker producing a single
frequency. The RMS value times 1.414 for sinusoidal
motion equals the true peak value.

Figure 1. Sinusoidal Displacement and

Acceleration Magnitude vs Frequency for a
Constant Velocity of 0.2 IPS 1. Courtesy of Dr. Figure 2. Harmonic (Sinusoidal) Motion.
Ronald L. Eshleman, Vibration Institute
For nonharmonic motion, such as that shown in Figure
Spike Energy measurements (and other high- 3, the rms value cannot be converted to true peak by
frequency filtered measurements) are a derivative of multiplying by 1.414. The peak in the time waveform
acceleration. Bearing defects generate high-frequency no longer equals the peak in the spectrum. In
spike-like vibrations. Bearing and machine natural

Enteract Home Johnson Beginning

nonharmonic motion, the value of the positive peak in data collection as a screening tool, you take as little
the waveform rarely equals the value of the negative data as necessary to alert you to a problem. On most
peak. True peak is the highest value in the waveform, machines, high-resolution spectra, time waveforms and
either negative or positive. Notice in Figure 3 that the enveloped spectral data are not collected. Some form
true peak in the waveform is 1.6 IPS. The true peak of high-frequency filtered measurement such as Spike
was taken from the positive side of the waveform. The Energy are collected. I place a high value on true-peak
highest value on the negative side of the waveform was acceleration measurement.
–1.3 IPS. The highest value, positive or negative, is
I started using true-peak acceleration measurements
the true-peak value. The peaks in the spectrum shown
after attending an advanced vibration analysis class in
in Figure 3 are the rotating speed vibration along with
1993 taught by Nelson Baxter. Talking to Nelson
several harmonics, all of which are much lower in
during a break, I learned one of the most valuable
amplitude than the true peak or overall peak (RMS
methods of detecting defective bearings that I had ever
times 1.414). The overall peak (RMS time 1.414)
learned before or since. He told me to look at the
velocity amplitude was 0.98 IPS, which is considerably
acceleration time waveform and identify the highest
less than the true-peak value. For the rest of this
amplitude peak, either negative or positive (this is true-
paper, peak will refer to derived peak (RMS times
peak acceleration). Amplitudes over 7 g’s for ball
1.414), true peak will refer to true-peak value which
bearings and 12 g’s for roller bearings are a strong
is either the peak in the time waveform or a value
indicator the bearing is defective. I applied this over
taken from a true peak detector in an instrument.
the next few years and found it to be very accurate on
For bearing cap measurements, opinions vary about machines that do not produce a lot of high frequency
which is the best indicator of vibration severity, peak energy during operation. Taking time waveforms with
or true peak. Advocates of peak (RMS times 1.414) 1024 samples, the time sample must not be over
believe that it is a more accurate representation of the 200mS (100mS is preferred for most machines). If the
total energy content of the vibration signal. It is time sample is longer than 200mS, the anti-aliasing
referred to as the “power under the curve.” Advocates filters in the instrument will filter out the higher
of true peak believe that the true-peak vibration shows frequencies that defective bearings produce. This can
the real severity of a problem since the true-peak value become a problem on low-speed equipment because of
can often be much higher than the derived-peak value. the short time span for the time waveform compared to
the long time span between the impacts caused by the
rolling elements impacting bearing race defects. I
purchased two instruments in 1997 capable of taking
overall true-peak measurements. Overall
measurements take less storage space in the data
collector and computer than waveforms and less time
for data screening. Since this is an overall
measurement, it can be viewed in a trend plot. I rarely
take acceleration time waveform data now.

Figure 3. Nonharmonic Motion.


Data screening is a method of collecting and looking at

a minimum amount of data to determine if a fault exists
on a machine. You are looking at data to screen for
information that indicates you have a problem. Once Figure 4. View for Data Screening.
you identify a problem exists, you then have to analyze Roll Stand Motor in a Flourmill.
the data to determine the fault and severity. Sometimes Figure 4 shows a plot display used for data screening.
this requires further data acquisition on the machine in This data is from a roll stand motor in a flourmill. It
question, but you are only doing this on machines that had an outer race defect in the drive end bearing. This
you know are likely to have a problem. Using routine

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view allows you to see the overall velocity trend (upper true-peak value would be higher in Figure 5 than in
left-hand display), overall Spike Energy trend (upper Figure 6, the peak value would certainly alert you if the
middle display), true-peak acceleration trend (lower vibration condition changed from mostly a single
middle display), and a waterfall of the velocity frequency to a signal with harmonics. And, since most
spectrum. This view allows you to quickly look at of us started programs using peak, it is a measure with
changes in any of the measurements taken at a given which we are familiar. I prefer using peak velocity to
position. With a little practice, you can page down measure vibration severity if the vibration signal
through a machine position list at a very rapid rate. contains mostly vibration at running speed and orders
When a significant change is noticed, you can look of running speed. In other words, peak velocity (RMS
closer at the data for that machine. Other views can be time 1.414) is better for lower or middle frequency
brought up to get better resolution of the data. vibrations. Usually, vibration signals consist of mostly
Sometimes you may have to go back out and collect running speed and orders of running speed. Peak
more data, but keep in mind, you are only doing this on usually represents this type of signal well. If
machines likely to have a problem. More time can be harmonics energy increases, the peak value will
spent on machines in jeopardy and less time collecting increase.
and analyzing data on machines that have nothing
wrong with them. The following section of this paper
will show examples that will further illustrate this
screening method and the application of overall


Machine faults fall into different frequency ranges.

Since different vibration measures are sensitive to
different frequency ranges, no one single measurement
will provide the information needed to detect all faults.
We must select vibration measures that are responsive
to the vibration frequencies that the machine will Figure 5. Three Combined Sinusoidal
produce. Most faults in general process machines, Signals with Identical Amplitudes. Phasing
other than bearing defects, create vibrations in the Creates High True-Peak Value.
frequency range from 600 CPM (10 Hz) to 60,000
CPM (1000 Hz). The most common faults of
unbalance and misalignment create vibrations at one
times running speed and orders of running speed which
are generally under 12,000 CPM (200 Hz). Velocity is
the choice for measurements in those frequency ranges.
A lot of controversy exists over whether peak or true
peak is the best measure of vibration severity. Since
peak is RMS times 1.414, it represents the “energy
under the curve.” True peak represents the full
movement of the vibrating component. Figure 5 and
Figure 6 show three harmonically related sinusoidal
frequencies (the fundamental and the 2nd and 3rd
harmonics) and the resulting signal when the three
frequencies are combined. The frequencies and
amplitudes are identical in both displays. The only
difference is the phasing of the harmonics to the Figure 6. Three Combined Sinusoidal
fundamental. In Figure 5, the true peak is somewhat Signals with Identical Amplitudes. Phasing
higher than in Figure 6. Since the frequencies and Creates Lower True-Peak Value Than
amplitudes are the same in both figures, the RMS value Figure 5. RMS Values Are Identical for
is the same for both signals resulting in identical peak Both Figures.
values. This means that peak will represent the total
energy of the harmonics in both signals. Although the I do admit that looking at peak overall velocity
measurements can mislead you about vibration

Enteract Home Johnson Beginning

severity, but the velocity spectrum will usually give a Figure 7 shows the acceleration time waveform from
clue as to whether the peak reading is representative of the motor bearing described in Figure 4. It is easy to
the problem or not. If you choose not to take spectra, see the spikes in this waveform and the modulations
then you should take true-peak velocity measurements. caused by the balls impacting the race defects.
Even taking a lowly 400 line spectrum can provide a Because of safety considerations, measurements were
lot of information. When the first three harmonics are not taken in the load zone. Amplitudes can be
strong and the amplitude of the second and/or third considerably lower for measurements taken outside of
harmonic(s) are high, the true-peak vibration value will the load zone compared to ones taken in the load zone.
usually be much higher than the peak. Although the Measurement location has to be considered when
spectrum will not give you much of a clue as to the determining fault severity. Earlier in this paper, alarms
shape of the waveform, it does give you a clue as to for true-peak acceleration amplitudes for rolling
how different the peak will be from the true peak. element bearings were stated as 7 g’s for ball bearings
Many of thousands of waveforms have been analyzed and 12 g’s for roller bearings. These numbers work
and compared to the spectrum to come to the above very well on most machines if the signal path to the
conclusion. Because the phasing of the harmonics can accelerometer is relatively short and direct and in the
drastically change the difference between the peak and load zone. On machines that produce high acceleration
true peak, the above observation does not always hold levels, such as screw compressors, positive
true. Observing a spectrum like the one in Figure 3, I displacement blowers and cavitating pumps, the true-
would definitely want to see the waveform. Between peak acceleration has to be trended. Even then, the
looking at the spectrum and peak overall velocity high acceleration levels produced by the normal
measurement however, I would conclude that the true machine operation can disguise bearing defects.
peak would be much higher than the peak, justifying
Most examples of acceleration time waveforms that
further analysis. Looking at the spectrum in Figure 3,
you see in seminars and papers show the modulations
and similar spectra from the other positions on this
separated by ball pass frequency of inner or outer race,
machine, you could assume a misaligned condition.
whichever the case may be. In Figure 7, the separation
Looking at the waveform however, leaves no doubt.
of the modulations is one times running speed of the
The waveform in Figure 3 was taken as an “off-route
motor. An enveloped spectrum or Spike Energy
measurement” after recognizing the vibration had
spectrum will show peaks at one times running speed
increased considerably on this machine. This method
and orders. Race defect frequencies will not show up
only requires a very few waveforms to be collected and
because unbalance has become the modulator instead
analyzed instead of one for every position in the route.
of race defect frequency.3,4 When unbalance becomes
True peak is a better measure of vibration severity if the modulator, you then have a rotating load zone
the signal contains short duration spikes of energy such instead of a fixed load zone. Figure 8 shows a Spike
as would be seen in a defective bearing or gear and in Energy spectrum taken at the same position as the
some types of looseness. These are usually higher waveform in Figure 7. The peaks are at running speed
frequency vibrations. True-peak acceleration, and and orders. Three different Spike Energy spectra were
sometimes true-peak velocity measurements, better taken with three different filters with the same results.
represents the severity of bearing and gear defects and
some types of looseness.

Figure 8. Spike Energy Spectrum Showing

1X and Harmonics on Motor with Outer
Figure 7. Acceleration Time Waveform of
Race Defect
Outer Race Defect on Motor.
The above example of one times running speed
modulations in the waveform and one times running

Enteract Home Johnson Beginning

speed and orders in the Spike Energy spectrum is most of the vibration at one times fan speed. You can
common in small equipment where unbalance is often see there were two data points in the overall velocity
the modulator. trend where the vibration was below 0.3 IPS. This was
after the fan had been balanced. You can see that the
Looking back at Figure 4, you can easily see the
Spike Energy and true-peak acceleration trends (middle
increase in the Spike Energy and true-peak acceleration
trends) are neither showing high amplitudes nor
trends. The increases in these trends should catch your
upward trending. The velocity waterfall does show
eye immediately while screening data. These two
some activity in the higher frequency area of the
high-frequency measurements immediately alert you to
spectra, but there are no corresponding increases in the
a possible bearing defect. Looking at the overall
Spike Energy or true-peak acceleration measurements.
velocity trend, you will notice a lot of fluctuation in
Consequently, I am not concerned with the changes in
amplitudes. This motor is mounted on a frame hanging
the spectra. In fact, the shaft cover on the fan was
from the ceiling and is relatively weak. Flour
loose and rattling. I am not concerned with a bearing
collecting on the sheave, changes in belt tension and
defect, but the velocity amplitude is high. The
vibrations from machinery on the floor above causes
waterfall is too cluttered to determine what is going on,
the overall velocity amplitude on this motor to vary
so I would look at an individual spectrum. Figure 10
considerably. This makes it difficult to rely on the
shows the spectrum. In this particular case, the overall
velocity measurement for much of anything. A large
peak amplitude is very close to the one time RPM peak
change in the velocity amplitude should be
in the spectrum (0.93 and 0.91 IPS respectively). This
investigated, but the normal changes from survey to
assures me that looseness is probably not the problem
survey are ignored. The velocity waterfall definitely
and that I am dealing with unbalance. Knowing this
shows defects growing over time. So, the Spike
fan, I would recommend it be cleaned.
Energy trending upward tells me there is some high-
frequency vibrations going on. The true-peak
acceleration, which is also a high-frequency
measurement, has trended upward and is above the
limit considered bad, which is 7 g’s. Knowing the
measurements are not taken in the load zone, I would
consider 5 or 6 g’s bad on this motor. Knowing there
are no other sources of high frequency vibrations on
this machine, except belts, I would be confident in
declaring a bad bearing just on the Spike Energy and
true-peak acceleration amplitudes and trends. Seeing
the increase in high frequency activity in the velocity
spectrum yields the final vote of confidence in calling
for the bearing to be replaced. Time would be wasted
taking high-resolution spectra because the discrete
bearing defect frequencies did not show up. At the Figure 9. Data Display for Dust Collector
time, I did not know what bearing was in the motor Fan Bearing in a Salt Plant. Fan Has
anyway. Time would be wasted taking enveloped or Chronic Unbalance Problem.
Spike Energy spectra because only one times running
speed and orders showed. If I did not have the
capability of taking overall true peak acceleration
measurements, it would be necessary to collect an
acceleration waveform to confirm the severity of the
problem. The diagnosis for this example is
straightforward using minimal data resulting in a
conclusion with a very high confidence level.
Figure 9 displays the data from the drive-end fan
bearing on a dust collector fan in a salt plant. This fan
has a chronic unbalance problem. Salt collects on the
fan wheel causing an unbalance problem. Cleaning the
fan helps, but corrosion requires the fan to be balanced
about once every eighteen months. To aggravate this Figure 10. Spectrum from a Dust Collector
problem even more, the fan is running close to Fan in a Salt Plant Showing High 1X RPM.
resonance causing it to be very sensitive to unbalance.
Vibration normally runs from 0.7 IPS to 1.0 IPS with

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While running a routine vibration survey, if I see a not symmetric. In fact, the shape of the waveform has
significant change in the overall velocity vibration a distinctively shorter fall time than rise time, which
levels, I will often take velocity time waveforms just to will cause the FFT to create several harmonics. This is
be sure that I get a complete picture of the problem. a relatively new installation. The foundation is
Figure 11 shows the velocity time waveform from the suspected of settling, causing some distortion in the
fan and position described in Figures 9 and 10. Notice motor. The point of this example is to show how the
there is some distortion, but not a lot. This indicates overall displacement measurement gives a quick visual
unbalance, but the near resonant condition helps alert to a possible problem. Further analysis and
contribute to the near single frequency waveform (near investigation is certainly needed and warranted in this
sinusoidal). There is some modulation in the case.
waveform. The short time span displayed in Figure 11
does not show the modulation very well, but the peaks
in this waveform range from 0.66 IPS to 1.2 IPS. This
fan sits on spring “isolators”, which are amplifiers in
this instance. I have recommended the isolators be
removed and the fan balanced, but as of this writing,
they have not been removed.

Figure 12. Refrigeration Screw

Compressor Outboard Motor Bearing “Y”
Position. Proximity Probe.

Figure 11. Velocity Waveform from Dust

Collector Fan in Figures 9 and 10.
This next example is a motor that drives a refrigeration
screw compressor at a chemical plant. The motor has
journal bearings and is instrumented with proximity
probes. This is not a good example for using overall
measurements, but it does show the screening method
used for monitoring bearings with displacement probes.
Waveform data is an absolute must in determining
faults in these types of bearings. High-frequency
measurements cannot be taken from proximity probes. Figure 13. Refrigeration Screw
Therefore, the only overall measurement to take is Compressor Outboard Motor Bearing “X”
displacement. Figure 12 shows data for the outboard Position. Proximity Probe.
motor bearing “Y” position. You can see a significant
The data from Figure 14 is from a positive
increase in the overall displacement measurement. The
displacement blower in a flourmill. These blowers are
displacement spectrum waterfall clearly shows the
often called “pumps” or “fluidizers” because when the
increase in the one times RPM vibration. The
material is placed in the air stream created by the
harmonics are very low amplitude indicating that
blowers, it acts like a liquid in the duct or piping. All
unbalance is probably the problem with possibly
of the overall measurements, as well as the spectral
excessive bearing clearance. This display also lets you
data, eventually indicated a problem. The overall
get a look at the waveform, which is most important.
velocity measurement and the velocity spectrum did
Looking at the waveform at only one position is
not show a significant change until the fault was very
usually not enough to determine the fault. The
severe. At that point, all you needed to detect a
waveform of the “X” position of the same bearing is
problem was the ability to hear or feel. Positive
shown in Figure 13. At first glance it looks almost
displacement blowers created a lot of high frequency
sinusoidal, but a closer look shows the cycle halves are

Enteract Home Johnson Beginning

energy during the process of compressing air. The time spent on routine data collection. You must have
alarm amplitude of 7 g’s true peak for ball bearing and an understanding of the information provided by the
12 g’s true peak for roller bearing no longer applies. In different types of overall measures and the limits of
fact, the normal amplitudes of true-peak acceleration that information. Knowledge of what each overall
ranged between 7.9 and 9.6 g’s on this blower. The measure represents is paramount.
first indication of a fault was when the true-peak
There are numerous factors that determine the level of
acceleration increased to 12.6 g’s. The Spike Energy
protection that should be provided for a machine.
measurements were ranging from 0.9 g/SE to 1.6 g/SE
These factors are budgets, available manpower, costs
before the fault. When the true-peak acceleration
of downtime, costs of repairs and safety. Using overall
increased to 12.6 g’s, the Spike Energy only increased
measurements to screen data for problem machines can
to 2.1 g/SE (probably not enough of an increase to
make better use of resources in many plants.
indicate a problem). In the next survey, there was no
change in the true-peak acceleration. The Spike
Energy measurement increased to 5.0 g/SE. The true-
peak acceleration increased to 40.7 g’s and the Spike ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Energy to 16.7 g/SE on the final survey before the
blower was replaced. The velocity measurement
I would like to thank Gerald Johnson and Arron Enos
increased from 3.8 IPS to 1.0 IPS. The velocity
for their help in collecting data for this paper and Judy
spectrum shows an increase in all frequencies
Johnson and Jeremy Johnson for help in editing the
indicating a lot of impacting. The bearings were loose
and the rotors were rubbing. This example shows that
the true-peak acceleration and Spike Energy
measurements need to be trended on machines that
produce a lot of high frequency energy during their REFERENCES
normal operation.
1. Eshleman, Ronald L. Basic Machinery Vibrations,
An Introduction to Machine Testing, Analysis and
Monitoring, VI Press, Incorporated, Clarendon
Hills, Illinois.
2. Catlin, John B., Jr., “The Use of Ultrasonic
Techniques to Detect Rolling Element Bearing
Defects”, Annual Vibration Institute Meeting,
Houston, TX, 1983.
3. Strader, Joe, “Critical Evaluation of IRD Spike
Energy Signatures,” Annual Vibration Institute
Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, 1993.
4. Johnson, John C., “Spike Energy Spectrum –
Figure 14. Positive Displacement Blower
Where’s The Spike Energy?”, Enteract 1997,
with Defective Bearings Causing the Rotors
Cincinnati, Ohio.
to Rub.


The methods and techniques described in this paper are

not meant as a shortcut to avoid proper vibration
analysis. In fact, using these methods without proper
knowledge of vibration analysis techniques will create
a lot of incorrect diagnoses. The intent of this paper is
to provide a method of using overall measurements to
quickly identify that a problem exists. Overall
measurements provide clues which can point you in the
right direction for effective fault analysis. With the aid
of overall measurements, more time can be spent on
fault analysis of equipment that is in jeopardy and less

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