Artrodese Unocarpal
Artrodese Unocarpal
Artrodese Unocarpal
22 mm BFX acetabular reamer, Biomedtrix, LLC,
Boonton, NJ, USA.
Naloxone HCl, Hospira, Inc., Lake Forest, IL,
Cephalexin, Ivax Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Miami,
Deramaxx, Novartis Animal Health US, Inc.,
Greensboro, NC, USA.
r Scotchcast Plus, 3M Health Care, St. Paul, MN, Fig. 3 Digital, orthogonal radiographs of the left antebrachium taken at the time of sixteen week post-operative re-evalu-
USA. ation from which a diagnosis of radiographic union of the ulnocarpal arthrodesis was made.
ative week. During this period, the dog was implants were unchanged in appearance. on the dorsolateral aspect of the carpus.
cage confined and restricted to short walks The final ulnocarpal arthrodesis angle was Dorsal application may have resulted in
on a leash. 0°. Assessment of angular deformity reveal- problems with the screws being oversized,
On examination eight weeks post-oper- ed 29° of residual ulnocarpal varus and 13° as well as other complications associated
atively, we observed a mild intermittent of metacarpal valgus, resulting in 16° of with both dorsal pancarpal and ulnocarpal
weight bearing lameness when the dog was varus deformity distal to the humeroulnar arthrodesis (9, 17). The risk of metacarpal
walked on a leash. There was decreased joint. Radiographs of the contralateral, un- bone fracture with dorsal and medial bone
humeroulnar joint range of motion, most affected humerus and ulna were taken for plate application is lower if there is at least
notably in flexion, however, the range of the purpose of forelimb length and angular 53 and 40% metacarpal bone coverage by
motion was not quantified. There was not deformity comparison. When compared to the bone plate, respectively (13, 19). In our
any pain on antebrachial palpation. Moder- the right humerus (86 mm) and ulna (85 case we achieved coverage of the entire dia-
ate diffuse muscle atrophy was present. mm), the left humerus (78 mm) and ulna (71 physis of metacarpal boneV. It has been pro-
Radiographs of the left antebrachium mm) had a 9.3 and 16.5 % length deficit, re- posed that this is advantageous since the dis-
showed signs of bridging callus at the level spectively. The contralateral, unaffected tal metaphysis is more apt to absorb con-
of the ulnocarpal, middle carpal, and carpo- forelimb had 19° of varus deformity distal struct stiffness changes and evenly dis-
metacarpal joints, together with bone graft to the elbow joint. tribute forces through the screws, minimiz-
incorporation. Scant bridging callus was ing the risk of implant loosening and frac-
noted at the level of the medial ulnocarpal ture (13, 19). This may be of specific im-
joint. The accessorioulnar and carpometa- portance with radial agenesis due to altered
carpal I and II joint spaces were appreciable, Discussion load transmission from the lack of an intact
probably because the articular cartilage of paired bone system. Treatment of radial
these joints had not been debrided. Scant We selected ulnocarpal arthrodesis in this agenesis in a dog by ulnocarpal arthrodesis
bridging callus was noted between the ulnar case in an attempt to achieve acute, rigid fix- with a dorsal bone plate application, in com-
carpal bone and metacarpal bone V on the ation of the carpus with potentially more bination with humeroulnar arthrodesis, has
palmar aspect of the joint. The implants rapid healing and return to function, when been recently reported (9). In that report,
were unchanged in appearance. A radio- compared to prior treatment methods. One complications similar to those reported with
graphic diagnosis of progressive healing of of the problems of attempting ulnar leng- dorsal pancarpal arthrodesis were experi-
the arthrodesis was made. thening is that residual shortening or angu- enced. These complications included screw
At the sixteen week re-evaluation, the lar discrepancies may require additional loosening and wound formation over the
owners reported that the dog had become oprtations, and also ankylosis may develop bone plate, which necessitated implant re-
progressively more weight bearing on the despite attempts to preserve the ulnocarpal moval and stabilization with an acrylic ex-
limb and had resumed a full level of activity. joint (1). Therefore, we believe that unless ternal fixator (9).
On examination, we observed a mild, inter- lengthening is being considered, then one- The residual lameness observed in this
mittent weight bearing lameness when the stage ulnocarpal arthrodesis should be per- case was likely due to humeroulnar joint
dog was walked on a leash, which was im- formed. However, ulnocarpal arthrodesis subluxation, ulnar shortening and the ulnoc-
proved from the eight week re-evaluation. with a bone plate requires precise intra-op- arpal arthrodesis, since the latter can result
The left humeroulnar joint range of motion erative correction and it does not allow for in mechanical lameness (20, 21). Approxi-
(78° of flexion and 137° of extension) was progressive correction of shortening or mately 50 to 60% of people afflicted with
less than that of the contralateral, unaffected angular deformity, as with circular external radial agenesis also have ulnar shortening,
forelimb (48° of flexion and 155° of exten- fixation (16). but the mechanism for this is unknown (10).
sion). There was not any pain on antebra- The arthrodesis bone plate used in this One explanation is that the absence of the
chial palpation. The muscle mass of the case has been specifically designed with re- radius from the paired bone system predis-
forelimbs was bilaterally symmetrical. gard to screw hole size and orientation, and poses to distal ulnar physeal damage with
Radiographs of the left antebrachium re- also plate width and thickness, to address subsequent ulnar shortening and recur-
vealed complete union of the ulnocarpal, concerns of metacarpal bone implant over- vatum. Despite different times of radio-
middle carpal, and carpometacarpal joints sizing and soft tissue closure (17). Although graphic evaluation, our comparison should
(Fig. 3). The distal radial remnant was dorsal, palmar, and medial bone plate appli- be valid because the dog was skeletally ma-
united with the radial carpal bone. The pre- cations have been described for pancarpal ture with closed growth plates at the time of
viously noted bridging callus between the arthrodesis, there are not any previous re- initial examination.
ulnar carpal bone and metacarpal bone V on ports of dorsolateral bone plate application Pancarpal arthrodesis angles of less than
the palmar aspect of the joint had resorbed. for carpal arthrodesis (12, 13, 18, 19). Due 10° are preferred due to the fact that hyper-
The accessorioulnar and carpometacarpal I to the inherent morphology of the distal extension results in limb circumduction and
and II joint spaces were unchanged in com- antebrachium and manus, in this case we stress riser formation at the distal aspect of
parison to the eight week re-evaluation. The elected to apply the arthrodesis bone plate the bone plate (13). The arthrodesis bone
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Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 3/2007 For personal or educational use only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.
Ulnocarpal arthrodesis in radial agenesis
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