"My Moments" An Android Based Diary Application
"My Moments" An Android Based Diary Application
"My Moments" An Android Based Diary Application
ABSTRACT: Android application has proved its importance in many aspects of human life and they are becoming one of the
reliable sources of getting information from the internet through application specific task. We all must have decide to write diary at
least once? What is new in it we may take our pen and book out and can write the diary but is it maintaining consistency? No. My
Moments is an application which allows you to write your personal as well as official diary in four ways you may write the text , add
audio sound or can capture video and can retrieve your memorable moment when you want to access the and can enjoy your happy
moment. This android application takes care that you must be consistent in writing you diary by scheduling timing according to your
choice. This diary application can also be used to write professional diary also some times in many work we need to maintain diary
of the work .This application will provide you the convenient way to maintain the work related information and can share this
information with the higher authority. It means this application will allows the bosses to keep track of their employee who are sent on
field duty and this application will provide the easiest way to capture your moment and also for official use.
Keywords: Android application, Personal diary, Work diary, tracking employee’s field work, sharing work diary, RAD model,
four way input..
writing diaries. Some jobs involve field duty and to take
The diary is the best way to note down your day to day note about your work and it needs to be shared with your
activity so that in future you may be able to have look at your organization. This application allows you to keep the work
achievement and happy moments. Diaries can be of two type related records.
personal diary and work diary (professional diary).Personal As Work Diary may essential to be shared with
diary is to be kept secret one where as private diary can be the organization so that your work will showed to the higher
shared with organization to which you are abounded. My authority. Diary will be helpful for the student as well as to the
Moments application will allow you to have your personal professionals also to take the notes about their life and that is
diary and Professional diary in the same case but with the important one.
different privacy menu and allow you to note down your
memories in your cell phones which is much secured than 2. RELATED WORK
traditional way i.e. book .User must write the diary on daily
basis for that proper scheduling in this Application we are The tradition methods to write diary is to take pen and
focusing on the same with help of reminders and notifications. paper and write down in a personal book and keep that book in
When it comes to write diary we thought about writing text safe place. Another method is the android application current
but it is not the efficient way or we can express our thoughts in system is having diaries with text input or with images and
more colorful way though the pictures and videos or through provide method to retrieve that. Play Store is having many
the audios that will make this application different from Diary application like Memoire:the diary, Journey Diary , My
others. In this application all the four methods i.e. text, image, Diary all these application provide same way to write the diary
audio, video will be implemented that will make the user more or daily diary.
easy to use and will not force user to type all the things in the Some Of The Apps On Play Store:
text. Android application is the way to make the life easy and Memoires :The Diary
convenient and to make your smart phone smarter this
application will help and keeping memories of your This Application from play store Application Memoires
memorable moments and to watch that moment will give and gives a way to quickly enter you’re moments, thought,
different filling as a person. This diary will be an audiovisual memories or notes, capture photos, audio or insert images
diary and you may enjoy your joyful from gallery. It also accepts text and images from other
moments in future whenever you want. My Moments will apps[3]. Journey Diary:Capture life moments, from everyday
change the current scenario from old way to the digital in thoughts to useful travel logs, Journey helps you to re-
experience the fun of journaling through the warmth and of starting from scratch we start building our project with
humanity of the interface. Journey Application you’re your existing module and to use the existing open source code and
moments beautiful mounted in calendar, photo and atlas view, to implement the ideas in the beginners mind.
allowing you to recall the greatest moments anytime, All the modules can be built within a week and
anywhere. Online and Wear app[3]. only thing that is needed is the idea to implement the and as
[2] RAD model is most convenient as all the business logics
Diary application are available and no need to create or develop new one.
Diary is a simple application which lets you write Comparison of this model with the traditional model is shown
daily memories with a simple user edge. Add a visual touch to in figure 2.
your memories attaching a photo[3]
3. Methodology
Capture Capture
Audio Audio Figure 3: Hardware permission in Android Manifest file
Capture Capture [1].
Image Image
Then we may write code to access the camera
through java code. The method dispatchTakeVideoIntent()is
used to capture the video or to record the video. This can be
done by applying code as shown in figure 4.
Work Diary:
10. Two diaries one for the personal use and
other for the work.
11. Data sharing in work diary to the
12. Allow to capture images and attach to the
13. Swipe to navigate between pages.
Figure 8: Work diary Activity.
Figure 8 shows the work Diary activity in which user can [1]https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media.
enter data related to the work same as the personal diary [2]Paper on Model Based Rapid Application Development
methods to input the data are same. by Netta M. Shanil ,Shiri Davidson IBM Haifa Research
5. FEATURES [3]https://play.google.com/store/apps.
In the market there are many applications available for the
same purpose but My Moments Application stands different 8. AUTHOR PROFILE
from the others in many ways. We have all four types of Chetan Vijayrao Patil.
methods to input the data and to make the diary audio Perceiving the 3rd year
visual. Many applications provide feature to take note while B.E. in Information And
attending the meeting these can be done by using Work Technology at Shri Sant
Diary and notes can be note down by using audio recorder Gajanan Maharaj College
or in the text also. of Engineering, Shegaon,
Dist. Bhuldhana.
Some of the feature is listed below Maharashtra , India.
1. Provide four ways to input the data audio,
video, text, Images. Miss. Kavita Ashok
2. Password protected. Chaudhari.
3. Audio recordings as attachments. Perceiving the 3rd year
4. Video Recording as attachments. B.E. in Information And
5. Configurable fonts and font size. Technology at Shri Sant
6. Rich text editor. Gajanan Maharaj College
7. Time scheduling. of Engineering, Shegaon,
8. Retrieve data as per the date and time. Dist. Bhuldhana.
9. Direct access to any moment in your life by Maharashtra , India
searching date and time.
Amitkumar S Manekar
working as assistant
Professor in IT
Department SSGMCE,
His research area is Big
Data analysis and High
performance Computing.
He has guided many
Under Graduate and Post
Graduate Students.