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Telecommun Syst

DOI 10.1007/s11235-013-9850-7

Modern analog and digital communication systems development

using GNU Radio with USRP
R. Gandhiraj · K.P. Soman

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract In this modern world many communication de- Digital video broadcasting (DVB) · GStreamer · OFDM
vices are highly intelligent and interconnected between each based data communication
other. Any up-gradation of the hardware in the existing com-
munication devices is not easier one. Compatibility of the
new hardware with existing hardware is highly essential. But 1 Introduction
the new protocols may or may not support the older one. The
solution for these problems can be provided by using the re- A software radio [9] is a radio system which performs the
configurable hardware design. The hardware can be repro- required signal processing in software instead of using ded-
grammed according to the new change in technology up- icated integrated circuits in hardware. The benefit is that
gradation. The cost of commercially available hardware and since software can be easily replaced in the radio system, the
software requirements for setting up such a module is very same hardware can be used to create many kinds of radios
high. This can be solved by using Open source hardware for many different transmission standards; thus, one soft-
and software such as Universal Software Radio Peripheral ware radio can used for a variety of applications.
(USRP) and GNU Radio. This work demonstrates how the GNU Radio is an open-source and free development tool
modern analog communication system like Community Ra- which provide signal processing modules to implement ra-
dio Schemes and Radio Data System (RDS) and digital com- dio communication system. It consists of two modules one
munication systems such as Simple Digital Video Broad- can do the simulation of system model; other can do the
casting (DVB) and OFDM based data communication can real-time implementation of the system using RF hardware.
be developed using the Open source hardware USRP1. This It can be used in academic, research and commercial ap-
work will be helpful even for first year level of engineering plication development with real-world solutions. GNU Ra-
students to easily implement any communication and con- dio applications are created using Python language and crit-
trol applications with cheaper cost. ical signal processing modules were written using C++. An-
other advantage of this tool is, it can read recorded signal file
Keywords Software defined radio (SDR) · Community as data for further signal processing with file write facility,
radio · Radio data system (RDS) · without using real RF hardware. This is tool is licensed un-
der GNU General Public License with copyright from Free
Software Foundation (FSS).
R. Gandhiraj (B)
Communication Engineering Research Group,
1.1 Role of GNU Radio in software radio
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India
e-mail: [email protected] GNU Radio performs all the signal processing. It can be
used to write applications to receive data out of digital
K.P. Soman
streams or to push data into digital streams, which are then
Center for Excellence in Computational Engineering and
Networking, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India transmitted using hardware. GNU Radio has filters, chan-
e-mail: [email protected] nel codes, synchronization elements, equalizers, demodu-
R. Gandhiraj, K.P. Soman

lators, vocoders, decoders, and many other which are typ- having three major parts. Left one is called as Radio Fre-
ically found in radio systems. More importantly, it includes quency (RF) front end which will Transmit (Tx) or Receive
a method of connecting these blocks and then manages how (Rx) real analog signals. The second block will act as bridge
data is passed from one block to another. Extending GNU between analog block and digital block. The third block is
Radio is also quite easy; if we find a specific block that is designed for all type of signal processing as software form.
missing, we can quickly create and add it. Antenna can transmit and receive the RF signal. It can be
Since this tool is software, it is capable of handling connected using Sub Miniature Version A (SMA) connec-
the digital data. For input from receiver and output to the tors with RF frontend (daughter board). Both paths can func-
transmitter data types by default will be in complex base- tion separately. USRP has many available daughterboard’s
band form. The analog front end of the hardware module which vary from each other on the basis of their operat-
will translate this baseband signals into the corresponding ing frequency. Daughterboard’s acts as the RF frontend of
pass band carrier frequency. Other data types such as bits, USRP and are connected to the USRP motherboard.
bytes, vectors, etc. also can be used in intermediate process- On USRP motherboard, the analog signals are converted
ing stage. High level programming language is Python and to digital samples and mixed down to baseband within the
highly level signals processing blocks can be created by the FPGA. Sample rate is also reduced by doing decimation.
C++. These modules can be called from Python using SWIG Looking into the Fig. 2, data sampled by the FPGA are sent
to the host by USB. Further signal processing is controlled
by the GNU Radio framework connecting to the host com-
puter (right block in Fig. 2). GNU Radio is providing various
1.2 SDR block diagram
pre-assembled signal processing blocks for waveform cre-
ation and analysis in software radio development. GNU Ra-
Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) is a universal dio Companion (GRC) is acting as Integrated Development
hardware which can be accessed via GNU Radio software Environment (IDE) for application development. The de-
on Linux platform as shown in Figs. 1, 2. SDR hardware is tailed description of each block is given in the later sections.

1.3 GNU Radio

GNU (GNU’s not UNIX) radio is a free/open-source soft-

ware toolkit for building software radios, in which transmit-
ted waveforms and demodulation of the received waveforms
is done by the software. It changes radio hardware prob-
lems into software problems. GNU Radio provides functions
to support for implementing spectrum analyzer, an oscillo-
scope, concurrent multichannel receiver and a collection of
modulators and demodulators. The fundamental characteris-
tic of software radio is that software defines the transmitted
Fig. 1 Generalized structure of SDR (a) receiving end of software ra- waveforms, and software demodulates the received wave-
dio, (b) transmitting end of software radio forms. While in most of the radios the processing is done

Fig. 2 Block diagram of

software defined radio [15]
Modern analog and digital communication systems development using GNU Radio with USRP

Fig. 3 Hierarchy of Software and hardware interface

with either analog circuit or analog circuit combined with

digital part. Software radio is a revolution in radio design
due to its ability to create radios that change easily, creating
new options for users. Software radios can do pretty much
anything a traditional radio can do.
Instead of a bunch of fixed circuits, everything has been
bought into a single and easily alterable canopy called the
software. GNU Radio is an open source software toolkit
which provides a library of signal processing blocks and the
Fig. 4 Top view of Universal Software Radio Peripheral kit with four
glue to tie these blocks together for building and deploying daughter boards connected [10]
software defined radios. Using GNU Radio, a radio can be
built by creating a flow graph where the main components
are signal processing blocks and the connection between shown in Fig. 4. Each fully populated USRP motherboard
these blocks represent the data flow between them. The sig- supports four daughter boards, two for receiving and two for
transmitting. RF front ends are implemented on the daughter
nal processing blocks are implemented in C++ and the flow
boards. One USRP can simultaneously receive and transmit
graphs are constructed and run in Python [5]. A block con-
on two antennas in real time.
tains various parameters which include the number of input
All sampling clocks and local oscillators are fully coher-
and output ports it has as well as the type of data that flows
ent, thus allowing the creation of multiple input, multiple
through each. All these parameters can be changed accord-
output (MIMO) systems [14]. In the USRP, high sampling
ing to demand of the applications some blocks have only
rate processing takes place in the FPGA, while lower sam-
output ports or input ports. Input and output ports serve as
pling rate processing occurs in the host computer. The two
data sources and sinks in the graph. The hierarchy of Soft-
onboard digital down converters (DDCs) mix, filter, and dec-
ware and hardware interface is given in Fig. 3 [1–3].
imate (from 64 M Samples/s) incoming signals in the FPGA.
Two digital up converters (DUCs) interpolate baseband sig-
1.4 USRP (universal software radio peripheral)
nals to 128 MS/s before translating them to the selected out-
put frequency. The DDCs and DUCs combined with the high
The Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) is a de-
sampling rates also greatly simplify analog filtering require-
vice which allows the creation of a software defined radio ments.
using any computer with an USB 2.0 port. Variety of daugh- Daughter boards mounted on the USRP provide flexible,
ter boards allows the USRP to be used on different radio fully integrated RF front-ends. The USRP accommodates up
frequency ranges. The system design of the USRP is open to two RF transceiver daughter boards (or two transmit and
source. A typical setup of the USRP board [16, 17] con- two receive) for RF I/O. The comparison between two ver-
sists of one mother board and up to four daughter boards, as sions of USRP can be seen in Table 1.
shown in Fig. 4.
The USRP consists of a motherboard containing up to 1.5 GNU Radio companion
four 12-bit, 64 M sample/sec ADCs, four 14-bit, and 128 M
sample/sec DACs, a million gates, Field Programmable Gate GNU Radio programming [10] has a steep learning curve,
Array (FPGA) and a programmable USB 2.0 controller as due to its command line interface. To aid beginners, Josh
R. Gandhiraj, K.P. Soman

Table 1 Comparison between


Manufacturer Ettus Research

ADCs 64 MS/s 12-bit 100 MS/s 14-bit
DACs 128 MS/s 14-bit 400 MS/s 16-bit
Mixer Programmable decimation- and interpolation factors
Max. BW 16 MHz 50 MHz
PC connection USB 2.0 (32 MB/s half duplex) Gigabit Ethernet (1000 MBit/s)
RF range DC - 5.9 GHz, defined trough RF daughterboards

Blum of Johns Hopkins University, has developed a graph- educational institutions who can serve the regional people
ical user interface (GUI) for GNU Radio. This GUI termed through community radio schemes. The actual cost to estab-
GNU Radio Companion (GRC) allows users to interact with lish this system can be reduced by order ten because of the
GNU Radio signal blocks in a manner similar to LabVIEW Open source hardware and software.
or Matlab Simulink. The entire interface is completely de-
signed with GNU Radio in mind, and encompasses over 150 2.1.1 Frequency modulation (FM)
blocks from the GNU radio project. Blocks are manually in-
tegrated into GRC via descriptive python definitions. The Angle-modulation schemes, which include frequency mod-
definitions are very flexible, and allow multiple GNU Radio ulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM) belong to the
blocks to be grouped into a single GRC super-block. class of nonlinear modulation schemes [13]. This fam-
ily of modulation schemes is characterized by their high-
1.6 Python programming language bandwidth requirements and good performance in the pres-
ence of noise. These schemes can be visualized as modu-
Python is back bone for the GNU Radio programming [6]. lation techniques that trade-off bandwidth for power and,
GNU Radio offers a framework for building signal process- therefore are used in situations where bandwidth is not
ing applications blocks using Python language. Highly crit- the major concern and as high SNR required. Frequency
ical signal processing blocks were written in C++ codes. modulation is widely used in high-fidelity FM broad-
Graphical User Interface (GUI) GNU Radio Companion casting, TV audio broadcasting, microwave carrier mod-
(GRC) created using Python language and it will support de- ulation, and point-to-point communication systems. The
signer to create the Python program. GNU Radio provides time-domain representation of angle-modulated signals,
a data flow abstraction. Signal processing block written in when the carrier is c(t) = Ac cos(2fc t) and the mes-
C++ can be accessed from Python through SWIG interface. sage signal is m(t), is given by u(t) = Ac cos(2πfc t +
2πkf −∞ m(t)dt), where, kf represent the deviation con-
stants of FM. The frequency-domain representation of
2 Analog communication systems implementation angle-modulated signals is, in general is very complex
due to the nonlinearity of these modulation schemes. As-
This section covers the implementation of Analog modu- sume m(t) = a cos(2πfm t) and the modulated signal is
lation schemes such as Community Radio implementation of the form u(t) = Ac cos(2πfc t + βf cos(2πfm t)), where
using Frequency Modulation (FM) and Radio Data Sys-
βf = kf a/fm = Modulation index. In the case of sinusoidal
tems implementation using GNU Radio and USRP hard-
message signal, the modulated signal can be represented by
ware [19]. 
u(t) = ∞ n=−∞ Ac Jn (β) cos(2πfc + nfm )t, where Jn (β) is
the Bessel function of the first kind and of order n and β. In
2.1 Community Radio scheme
the frequency domain,
In addition to commercial and public broadcasting, Com- ∞ 
Ac Jn (β)  
munity radio is a service oriented broadcasting model. It U (f ) = δ f − (fc + nfm )
will serve for the certain geographical communities and for n=−∞

their interest. It cannot compete with the commercial broad- Ac Jn (β)  
cast service; in other words it is purposely made for sharing + δ f + (fc + nfm )
daily information for the farmers, daily prices all cultivated
and produced goods within the region. In India, Ministry of Obviously, the bandwidth of the modulated signal is not
Information and Broadcasting, provides seed fund for the finite. However, the effective bandwidth of the signal as the
Modern analog and digital communication systems development using GNU Radio with USRP

Fig. 5 Community Radio FM broadcast using USRP hardware

Fig. 6 FM transmission and reception using same USRP1 hardware

bandwidth is containing 98 % to 99 % of the modulated FM signal connected to the USRP1 Sink for the broadcast-
signal power. This bandwidth is given by Carson’s rule as ing the programme.
BT = 2(β + 1)W , where β is the modulation index; W is
the bandwidth of the message and BT is the bandwidth of 2.1.3 Specification
the modulated signal.
Input Signal: File Source, Sampling Frequency = 32 kHz.
2.1.2 Implementation of FM using GRC Wide Band FM: Sensitivity = 75 µ, Frequency Deviation =
75 kHz, Carrier Frequency: 100 MHz, Gain = 50.
The implementation of the FM broadcasting using gnu-radio Figure 5 depicts the setup for the FM transmission us-
companion was done. The signal source taken from the ing USRP1 kit and Fig. 6 is structure for the FM transmis-
file source which contains recorded programme sampled at sion and reception using the same USRP1 hardware kit. This
32 kHz. Source connected to type converter and was given as hardware setup can be used for any Community Radio setup
input to the Wide Band FM modulator. Digitally amplified within the specific region, like Education institution, rural
R. Gandhiraj, K.P. Soman

Fig. 7 FM broadcasting time

domain plot

Fig. 8 FM broadcasting
spectral plot

area and for service activities for the Non Governmental Or- applications of RDS are to update the traffic status and radio
ganization (NGOs). station name as text form in display of digital radio. This
system is manly in famous in Europe. First deployment was
2.1.4 Output screen done at Germany onto FM using 57 kHz subcarrier [9].
Data can be added to the baseband signal and modulated
See Figs. 7 and 8.
using RF carrier. The baseband signal contains mono audio
2.2 Radio data system (RDS) [18] consisting of the left and right (L + R) component and is
transmitted audio frequencies up to 15 kHz. The L − R com-
Radio Data system is device which can receive radio signal ponent is then frequency translated as a double side band
with data. RDS is built on Frequency Modulation (FM) ra- suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) at 38 kHz. A 19 kHz single
dio broadcast transmission with many facilities. The main tone signal used as pilot is also added with above mixture.
Modern analog and digital communication systems development using GNU Radio with USRP

Fig. 9 The structure of the baseband signal spectrum including the

RDS subcarrier
Fig. 10 RDS data format
The pilot tone will be used as to enable the receiver demod-
ulator to regenerate 38 kHz. The L − R component of stereo
signal is placed above the hearing range to avoid the inter-
ference with mono signal. The Data component is in 57 kHz
subcarrier which is above the stereo difference L − R com-
ponent. This value is equal to the three times of pilot tone
The data is modulated using Quadrature Phase Shift Key-
ing (QPSK). Phase modulation gives good immunity to data
corruption caused by noise maintaining with actual trans-
mitted data rate. The subcarrier frequency placed at the har-
monic of pilot tone, it also minimizes the interference to au-
dio signals.

2.2.1 RDS baseband coding

The data rate for text information is 1187.5 bits per sec-
ond. Data rate is equal to RDS sub carrier divided by 48
Fig. 11 RDS reception using FM enabled mobile phone
to maintain the synchronous decoding with minimum data
error. Data format consists four blocks. Each block consist
10 bit check word and 16 bit information. Approximately acronyms are widely used in view of the fact that within
11.4 groups will be transmitted with the data rate of 1187.5 countries that have adopted the system, most car radios to-
bits per second. There are 16 different group structures avail- day incorporate RDS as standard. The table provides infor-
able for different stations which will transmit different data mation about the various possible services along with the
at arbitrary times. Mixing of different data kept as minimum FM transmission (Table 2).
within groups. The first block of a group always consist the
PI code and PTY and TP will be in block 2, as shown in 2.2.4 Hardware and software specification
Fig. 10.
To simplify the decoding process, first four bits of sec- Mother Board: USRP1
ond block will be used to identify the type of group. The Daughter Board: WBX Board
data was differentially encoded at the subcarrier level. As Input data: Wave File, Sampled at 32000 Hz
per the differential coding scheme if the input data level is GNU Radio version: 3.4.2
“0” the output remains same and when a “1” at input the
output changes its state. The power density close to 57 kHz 2.2.5 GNU Radio block diagram
is limited by encoding each binary digit as bi-phase signal.
The encoded data is passed through the low pass filter. See block representation in Fig. 12 and output in Fig. 13.
2.2.2 Hardware setup

See Fig. 11. 3 Digital communication systems implementation

2.2.3 Acronyms for RDS Radio data system In this section implementation of the modern digital com-
munication such as Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) and
The common RDS acronyms and abbreviations relate to OFDM based data communication systems setup using
the various operational modes and facilities. These RDS USRP1 will be discussed.
Fig. 12 GRC block for RDS FM transmitter using USRP1. (Source file uploaded at: or
R. Gandhiraj, K.P. Soman
Modern analog and digital communication systems development using GNU Radio with USRP

Table 2 Acronyms for the RDS

AF Alternative frequencies A list of a station’s frequencies in adjacent transmitter areas

CT Clock time and date Data containing time and date information so that the receiver can
display. Using this signal has the advantage over a self-contained clock
in the radio that it adjusts itself to changes between BST and GMT
(UTC) and it does not loose or gain time.
DI Decoder information This signal allows for miscellaneous function in the radio to be
EON Enhanced other networks Information transmitted giving the radio a cross-reference to other
stations for Travel service and other features.
MS Music/speech This allows for the relative levels of speech and music to be altered.
PI Programme identification This is a station code used in conjunction with AF data to provide
automatic tuning to the best signal for a chosen service.
PIN Programme identification number This signal identifies a given programme and allows the radio to turn
itself (and possibly a recorder) on for that programme.
PTY Programme type selection A signal which allows for the selection of listening by one of 15 types
of programme rather than by the station.
PS Programme service name A signal which enables the name of the station to be displayed.
RT Radio text This allows information about the programme to be displayed by the
TDC Transparent data channel This allows for data to downloaded via RDS.
TP/TA Travel service These signals enable the travel information to be heard, regardless of
the choice of listening.

3.1 Simple DVB with GNU Radio 3.1.2 Conceptual prototype

This setup uses the video to MPEG-TS/H.264 and uses

It is a simple video broadcasting setup based on Gstreamer,
GMSK modulation schemes. No error correction schemes
GNU Radio and the Universal Software Radio Peripheral
used. GNU Radio and Gstreamer are interlinked using the
(USRP) [20]. It is not the standard of DVB-T/DVB-S and named pipes. This setup is robust and functional, even it suf-
is simple web camera stream on the air. An UVC compliant fers by MPEG-TS muxer don’t support the CBR, which ac-
webcam is used as a cheap but efficient video source. Cur- tually needed by USRP with GNU Radio, Figs. 14, 15. This
rent webcams can provide video at HD resolutions, though tool freezes every half the second and it will be buffered in
the image quality is not as good as with a good High Defini- memory temporarily.
tion camcorder.
3.1.3 Procedure to execute the setup
3.1.1 Gstreamer
1. To install the Gstreamer librarier in the computer, type
Gstreamer is software framework written in C for the video
following command
processing. This tool will capture the video frames, adding
$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer-tools
text overlay, source coding (compressing) and channel cod- 2. To install the video player “mplayer”, type in terminal
ing and multiplexing with transport stream. It is pipeline- $ sudo apt-get install mplayer
based multimedia frame work by C language based on GOb- 3. Procedure to Run Application
ject. It will help programmer to do audio playback, com- 3.1 Open the ‘gnuradio-companion” in on terminal and
bined audio and video playback, streaming, editing and open “gmsk_sim.grc”
recording of video captured by any digital camera. The 3.2 Open Terminal in Linux
pipelining concept is the backbone for the video editing, % Removing Existing txfifo.ts and rxfifo.ts
media players and stream media broadcasters. It is cross $ rm txfifo.ts
platform tool, can work on Linux, Macintosh, Solaris, Mi- $ rm rxfifo.ts
crosoft Windows and OpenBSD. Many programming lan- 3.3 Manually create txfifo.ts and rxfifo.ts
guages like Python, Perl, C++ and Ruby can also interact $ mkfifo txfifo.ts
with framework. $ mkfifo rxfifo.ts
R. Gandhiraj, K.P. Soman

Fig. 13 Time domain and spectrum plot of RDS

Fig. 14 Experimental setup


Fig. 15 Conceptual block

diagram of DVB setup
Modern analog and digital communication systems development using GNU Radio with USRP

Fig. 16 Internally generated video and captured signal

Fig. 17 Video capturing by web camera reception using PC

R. Gandhiraj, K.P. Soman

4. If default video stream to be generated means, in terminal $ gst-launch -e videotestsrc ! video/x-raw-yuv,

type following, framerate = 25/1, width = 640, height = 360 !
$ gst-launch -e videotestsrc ! video/x-raw-yuv, fram- timeoverlay halign = left valign = bottom shaded-
erate = 25/1, width =640, height = 360 ! timeoverlay background = true ! textoverlay text = “Amrita
halign=left valign = bottom shaded-background = true Vishwa Vidyapeetham:: CEN” halign = center
! textoverlay text = “Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham:: valign = top shaded-background = true ! x264enc
CEN” halign = center valign = top shaded-background bitrate = 498 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location = tx-
= true ! x264enc bitrate = 498 ! mpegtsmux ! filesink fifo.ts
location = txfifo.ts 5. Open another terminal and type following
4.1 To capture the video stream from WEB CAM, in ter- $ mplayer rxfifo.ts
minal type following, 6. Now run the “gmsk_sim.grc”. In the screen txed video
stream will be captured and will be played using

3.1.4 Simulator GRC block

See result in Fig. 16 and experimental setup in Figs. 17, 18.

3.2 OFDM based data communication using USRP1

For the high data rate communication one of the efficient

multi carrier communication techniques OFDM can be used.
In this work, the data communication done using OFDM
based communication systems using USRP1.

3.2.1 Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

OFDM is a multi-carrier modulation technique where data

Fig. 18 Experimental lab setup symbols modulate a parallel collection of regularly spaced

Fig. 19 Fundamental block diagram of OFDM communication systems [12]

Modern analog and digital communication systems development using GNU Radio with USRP

Fig. 20 GRC implementation of basic OFDM based communication

Fig. 21 OFDM spectrum plot

sub-carriers [24]. The sub-carriers have the minimum fre- 3.2.2 Specification
quency separation required to maintain orthogonality of
their corresponding time domain waveforms, yet the sig- Mother Board: USRP1
nal spectra corresponding to the different sub-carriers over- Daughter Board: WBX Board
lap in frequency, Fig. 19. The spectral overlap results in a Input data: Text file (∗.txt format)
waveform that uses the available bandwidth with very high GNU Radio version: 3.4.2
bandwidth efficiency. OFDM is simple to use on channels Since this software is open source, applications develop-
that exhibit time delay spread or, equivalently, frequency se- ment is highly depend on versions of GNU Radio tool.
lectivity. Frequency selective channels are characterized by
3.2.3 GRC block diagram of OFDM communication
either their delay spread or their channel coherence band-
width which measures the channel de-correlation in fre- See Figs. 20, 21, 22.
quency. The coherence bandwidth is inversely proportional
to the root-mean-square (rms) delay spread. By choosing the
sub-carrier spacing properly in relation to the channel coher- 4 Conclusions
ence bandwidth, OFDM can be used to convert a frequency
selective channel into a parallel collection of frequency flat This work will provide the insight about the modern analog
sub channels. Techniques that are appropriate for flat fading and digital communication system such as Community Ra-
channels can then be applied in a straight forward fashion dio, RDS, Simple DVB and OFDM based data communica-
[7, 8, 11]. tion with the real time implementation using USRP1. The
R. Gandhiraj, K.P. Soman

Fig. 22 Received data using


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7. Fuxjäger, P., Costantini, A., Valerio, D., Castiglione, P., Zacheo,
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sources and Development (MHRD), Government of India, funded re- nication Systems. doi:10.1007/s11235-011-9636-8.
search project. We wish to thank Mr. Rakesh Peter and Mr. Senthil 9. GNU radio introduction.
Murugan for their kind support. gnuradio/wiki/WhatIsGR.
10. GNU radio companion.
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Modern analog and digital communication systems development using GNU Radio with USRP

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18. RDS fundamentals. Member of Communication Engi-
broadcast/rds/radio-data-system-technology-operation.php. neering and Research Group, Am-
19. Ranjini, R., Gandhiraj, R., & Soman, K. P. (2011). Analog and dig- rita School of Engineering, Am-
ital modulation toolkit for software defined radio. In International rita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coim-
conference on communication technology and system design 2011, batore, Tamil Nadu, India. He did
Elsevier-Procedia engineering, Dec 7–9. his B.E. (1995–1999) in ECE in
20. Simple DVB Experimental Setup. Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
index.php/Simple_DVB_with_Gstreamer_and_GNU_Radio. He completed his M.Tech. (2004–
21. Prasad, S. S., Gandhiraj, R., & Soman, K. P. (2011). Multi- 2006) in Digital Systems and Com-
user spectrum sensing based on multitaper method for cogni- munication at National Institute of
tive environments, In International Journal of Computer Appli- Technology Calicut (NITC), Ker-
cations (IJCA). New York: Foundation of Computer Science. ala. He is having totally 12 years
doi:10.5120/2613-1093. of teaching and research experience with 15 International and National
22. Prasad, S. S., Gandhiraj, R., & Soman, K. P. (2010). Efficient spec- Journals, Conferences publications. Currently, he is pursuing Ph.D.
tral estimation with Slepian tapers in cognitive environment: a re- on Cognitive Radio under the guidance of Dr. K.P. Soman, Head,
view. In Second national conference on recent trends in communi- Center for Excellence in Computational Engineering and Network-
cation, computation and signal processing, March 26–27. ing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. Personal Web Link:
23. Prasad, S. S., Gandhiraj, R., & Soman, K. P. (2010). Cogni-
tive radio as a background for spectrum sensing—a review. In
National conference on recent innovation in technology 2010 K.P. Soman is Professor and Head,
(NCRIT 2010), Kottayam, Kerala, March 04–06. Organized by Ra- Center for Excellence in Compu-
jiv Gandhi Institute of Technology (Govt. Engineering College). tational Engineering and Network-
24. Li, Y., & Stuber, G. L. (2006). Orthogonal frequency division mul- ing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
tiplexing for wireless communication. Berlin: Springer. Coimbatore. He has published over
125 papers in International journals
and conferences. His areas of inter-
est include high performance com-
puting, Machine Learning, wavelet
transform, Computational Linear
Algebra, Theory of Convex opti-
mization and Software Defined Ra-
dio (SDR). He has authored many
famous books, Insight into Wavelets,
Insight into Data Mining: Theory
and Practice, Machine Learning with SVM and other kernel meth-
ods and Digital Signal Processing—The Sparse way. Web Link:

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