Tarea 22-04 PDF
Tarea 22-04 PDF
Tarea 22-04 PDF
Possessive adjectives tell us to whom something belongs. The possessive adjectives are , :\
my, your, her, his, its , our, and their.
Log aq_jetivog pogegivog nog dicen a quién ertenece al o. Log ad·etivog ogegivog gon m!:J, !:JOUr, her, hig, itg, our !:l gu!:JO.
Book 1 my
3 you your
its book
he his
she her
it its
we our
1. My mother is pretty.
2. Sit down at your desk.
3. Tom plays soccer with his brother.
4. Please take her coat.
5. The dog lost its ball.
Mira el ejemplo. -
This is classroom.
This is snake.
6. Thisflowerisfor you.
This is flower.
1 nricll: Going Deeper
Book3 p53
Color the box with the correct answer.
colorea la caja con la respuesta correcta
1. Why does Bobby have a package?
1 his friends
11 his mom and dad
11 the mailman
4. What is the weather like?
1 lt is a cloudy day.
11 lt is a windy day.
11 lt is a rainy day.
t m ate ria Is do Bobby, Su sy , an d Max use to make their kites?
5. Wha
1 Bobby's
1 Max's Susy's
mailman milkman
1 mages hel p me identify words. ' 1 J
1 can remember words more easily if I copy them.
1 can read short sentences.
1. ¿ Qué es un koala y cómo se llama el protagonista del cuento?
Kiosco ____________________________________________________
Kimono ___________________________________________________
3. Rodea cada frase del cuento desde su comienzo hasta el punto en que
termina de un color diferente hasta completar cada frase del cuento.
1. Completa las siguientes series numéricas. Observa bien cada una para
saber que número corresponde.