Apr 23

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Online Learning Day 53 – Thursday, April 23rd, 2020


A reminder that this week, you are working on creating your own commercial for a
product of your choice, or a product that you invent.

You will prepare and practice your commercial and then record it on video. The
final version of your commercial will be submitted this Friday, April 24th. This
commercial will be assessed and the grade will be recorded on your Term 2 Report
Card. You will be assessed on your ability to successfully use one of the persuasive
advertising techniques that you have learned about:

Humour: the piece of media shows something funny happening, or makes people
laugh, so the audience feels enjoyment and remembers the product.

Emotional Appeal: the piece of media makes the audience feel a certain emotion,
so they remember the product.

Celebrity Endorsement: the piece of media uses a famous person to advertise the
product. The creators of this type of media will use a celebrity or famous person,
popular with the audience, to try to convince people to buy the product.
Bandwagon Appeal: the piece of media uses the argument that “Everyone else is
doing it, so you should too!”, and this makes people want to buy a product.

Today, I would like you to continue practicing your commercial. Let’s review the
success criteria for creating a good commercial:

• I show the product (item) I am selling in my commercial. This can be the

actual product, a picture of the product, or if you invented your own product,
it can be something you have made.
• I mention my product’s name.
• I explain why people should buy my product (What is special about your
product? Why is it good?)
• I clearly use a persuasive advertising technique in my commercial. For
example, if you have chosen to use “humour,” you need to make sure that
your commercial is funny and will make people laugh. If you have chosen to
use “celebrity endorsement,” a celebrity needs to be included in your
commercial. Maybe you will mention a celebrity who uses your product or
you can pretend to be a certain celebrity (Make sure to mention the
celebrity’s name!)

Other things to consider:

§ Will you wear a costume in your commercial?
§ Consider telling people where they can buy your product and how much it

Review the success criteria for the commercial listed above. Make sure you have
written down what you plan to say in your commercial, making sure you included
all the important information. Then, continue to practice your commercial.

Remember, this will be a lot like a Drama performance. It’s best to memorize what
you want to say. You will upload the final version of your commercial to Seesaw on
Friday, but if you would like to upload a practice video to Seesaw for me to see
before then, you can do that and I will provide you with some feedback (e.g., two
stars and a wish).


Today, you will review what you have learned about perimeter and area in
preparation for an assessment on Monday, April 27, 2020.

Please log into your student account on Seesaw and complete the “Perimeter and
Area Review” activity that has been assigned to you. You will need to click on the
“Activities” tab (look for the lightbulb icon) and then tap +Add Response to
complete the activity.

Answers to the review will be posted tomorrow, so that you are able to correct
your work.


A reminder that this week in Drama, you are taking some time to reflect on your
plant monologue. Go back to your Seesaw journal page and watch the video of the
plant monologue that you posted. Then, please log into your student account on
Seesaw and complete the “Plant Monologue Reflection” activity that has been
assigned to you. You will need to click on the “Activities” tab (look for the lightbulb
icon) and then tap +Add Response to complete the activity. Before responding to
the question about the Elements of Drama, I encourage you to go back and review
your notes and work from the beginning of Term 2. Remember, the 5 Elements of
Drama are:

1. Role/character – the thoughts and feelings of the fictional people, animals,

or creatures in a drama
2. Relationship – how the characters in a drama listen and respond to each
3. Time and place – the setting of a drama (where and when it takes place)
4. Tension – mystery or moments of excitement in a drama
5. Focus and emphasis – the main idea or problem in a drama

Social Studies

We have been learning about the lives of settlers who arrived in Canada mostly
from European countries between 1780 and 1850. Today, we are going to begin to
study a specific group of these settlers, the Scottish Newcomers in Glengarry

To help us with this lesson, we are going to use our e-textbooks. To access your
Social Studies textbook online, follow the steps below:

1. Visit this website:

2. On the first page, click on:
• “Student”
• “Ontario”
• “Grade 3-8”
3. Then click: “myNelson” and enter the following username and password:
• Username: ontario48
• Password: NelsonON123
4. Scroll down the page and click on the following icon:
5. On the next page, click on “ebooks” and then “Communities in the Past” and
finally click on “open file.”
6. Once you have opened your e-textbook, click on “Chapter 3: Scottish
Newcomers in Glengarry County” on the left in the table of contents.


Today, I would like you to read and examine the pictures on pages 45-47 (use the
arrow buttons at the bottom of the website to flip pages). Today’s reading will
focus on the jobs and activities Scottish newcomers in Glengarry County
completed throughout a regular day on the farm.

After you have completed the reading, please log into your student account on
Seesaw and complete the “A Day in the Life of a Scottish Newcomer in Glengarry
County” activity that has been assigned to you. You will need to click on the
“Activities” tab (look for the lightbulb icon) and then tap +Add Response to
complete the activity.

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