MP 2,3,4
MP 2,3,4
MP 2,3,4
system. After that, a timer was used to control the same traffic system and finally, we learned about the method of
taking external inputs in Arduino by implementing a runway approach light. For this experiment Arduino and some
led was used.
Arduino: Arduino is an open-source platform used for creating interactive electronics projects. Arduino consists of
both a programmable microcontroller and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that
runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the microcontroller board. Arduino Uno also
doesn’t need a hardware circuit (programmer/ burner) to load a new code into the board. We can easily load a code
into the board just using a USB cable and the Arduino IDE (that uses an easier version of C++ to write a code).
Timer: Every electronic component of a sequential logic circuit works on a time base. This time base helps to keep all
the work synchronized. Without a time base, devices would have no idea as to when to perform particular actions.
Thus, timers is an important concept in the field of electronics.
A timer / counter is a piece of hardware built in the Arduino controller. It is like a clock, and can be used to measure
time events. Basically, a timer is a register whose value increases/decreases automatically.
#define RED1 4
#define RED2 6
#define RED3 7
#define RED4 8
#define RED5 9
#define RED6 12
#define LEDSWITCH 14
digitalWrite(RED4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RED4, LOW);
digitalWrite(RED5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RED5, LOW);
digitalWrite(RED3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RED3, LOW);
digitalWrite(RED4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RED4, LOW);
digitalWrite(RED5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RED5, LOW);
digitalWrite(RED6, HIGH);
digitalWrite (RED6, LOW);
Conclusion: After completing the experiment we learn about microprocessor, how to define pins in arudino and also
about timer function and delay function. We implemented three different circuit to test our skills and the result was
3) Jeremy Blue; Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry
4) AIUB Lab Manual Student Copy