Diseño Metodo Gauvin
Diseño Metodo Gauvin
Diseño Metodo Gauvin
Among the many drying methods available, spray dry- they begin to be freely entrained by the drying gas) and
ing has gained a unique and important position in indus- in the free-entrainment zone (where the droplets are
trial applications where low particle temperatures and freely conveyed by the drying gas) of an experimental
short residence times are specially advantageous, such as spray dryer, using solutions of calcium lignosulfonate
in the drying of foods, drugs, and temperature-sensitive (trade-mark LIGNOSOL) as the model material. Predic-
materials in general. Prediction of droplet trajectories tions of drop size distribution (DSD) and of the size of
and residence times is essential for the sound design and the largest droplet generated by the nozzle were also
efficient operation of spray dryers. Such knowledge can developed, as this knowledge is vital for the calculation
also be applied in the design of a number of other equip- of the trajectories. The three-dimensional equations of
ment involving the contacting of a dispersed phase of motion of the droplets, along with the equations for
droplets or particles with a conveying gas, such as spray particulate heat transfer, for the mass transfer of water
coolers, gas scrubbers and absorbers, cyclone evaporators, vapor and for the changes in the properties of the drying
pneumatic transport reactors, and combustion devices gas were solved numerically and simultaneously on a
involving fuel sprays. Many attempts were made in the computer.
past to predict droplet trajectories in spray dryers, but To test these theoretical predictions, the effect of a
these were based on unrealistic or oversimplified models, number of operating variables such as the temperature
which failed to take into account the many complex inter- and flow rate of the drying gas, the position of the atom-
izing nozzle in the chamber, and the concentration of
dependencies between the transport phenomena occumng the feed on the evaporative capacity and the thermal
during the drying process and thus generally resulted in efficiency of the spray-drying chamber have been studied
poor agreement between theoretical predictions and the experimentally. These experimental results were inter-
actual performance of the system. preted in terms of the dronlet trajectories obtained under
The objective of the present study was to predict the the various operating condihons used.
trajectories of droplets both in the nozzle zone (the region In an earlier paper, Gauvin et al. (1974) predicted
traversed by the rapidly-decelerating droplets between droplet trajectories for the evaporation of water sprays
the exit of the atomizing device and the point at which in the same equipment as was used in the present study.
For the present investigation, solutions of calcium lignosul-
fonate (trade-mark LIGNOSOL) of 5, 7.5, and 10% concentra-
tion by weight were used as feed. For each set of operating
conditions, the maximum evaporative capacity of the chamber
was determined according to the criterion that no incompletely
dried particle should hit the walls of the chamber. This could
be easily observed experimentally through the windows pro-
vided for that purpose since even slightly wet particles would
stick to the glass. The maximum capacity (above which sticky
particles would collect on the windows) was easily defined and
quite reproducible. Although more demanding, this criterion
was found to be experimentally preferable to its alternative,
namely, that no wet particles should be present in the exit gas. AIR
The equipment consisted briefly of a gas-heated furnace, fol-
lowed by a blower, to provide the drying air; the spray-drying 0
chamber, a concurrent downflow type with tangential air entry; PRODUCT
a pneumatic nozzle assembly and a multicone-type cyclone col- Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of spray dryer.
lector. The chamber was constructed of 0.015-em thick gal-
vanized steel and consisted of a 1.22-m I.D. x 0.61-m high
upper jacketed cylindrical section and a 1.22-m high lower
conical section.
The hot air from the blower was introduced tangentially into
a 5.08-cm wide annular jacket surrounding the cylindrical sec-
d,, = -
(-; + 597 (-)'"' ( 1000
)0'5 Qi )'.5
tion and then distributed to the chamber through six slots (3.81- Vrel Qa
cm x 15.2-an) cut in the inside wall at an angle of 45". The
metal was not cut out, but merely bent back along a 90-degree
edge to produce a fairly tight spiral flow. The entire chamber The above equation was verified by several experimenters.
and entering ducts were coated internally with a high-tempera- Nukiyama and Tanasawa presented a second empirical
ture aluminum paint and heavily insulated with 'Tartan' cement. equation to express the size distribution as follows:
Greater details were provided in the earlier paper (Gauvin
et al., 1974). %/Ad = a di2 exp ( - bdiq) (2)
An internal-mixing pneumatic nozzle ( Spraying Systems Co. Lewis et al. (1948) showed that q is a constant for a
type 22-B, orifice diameter = 0.356 em) was used exclusively.
The pressure of the atomizing air was precisely controlled by given nozzle over a wide range of operating conditions and
a needle valvc and its flow rate was measured by an orifice. The must be determined experimentally.
nozzle position could be adjusted at any desired level in the Kim and Marshall (1971) proposed correlations for ob-
chamber. A schematic diagram of the spray dryer is given in taining a n average droplet size and size distribution from
Figure 1. A sketch of the above nozzle was given by Masters a n experimental study, employing a novel technique of
(1972). spraying a molten wax and melts of wax-polyethylene mix-
tures. It is not clear from the literature how these correla-
tions compare with those of Nukiyama and Tanasawa.
The maximum capacity of the chamber at steady state, for The controlling influence of the largest droplet in many
given operating conditions, was determined by gradually in- spray-drying operations is quite apparent. Mugele and
creasing the feed rate until the particles of calcium lignosul-
fonate started to adhere to the observation windows, located in Evans (1951) proposed a method which utilizes a special
the conical section. As the chamber was flushed out after each upper-limit function to obtain the size of the largest drop-
set of runs, wet particles of solids adhering to the windows let. This method will be explained in detail later. Gwyn
could easily be detected. Dry particles, on the other hand, did et a]. (1965), from particle-size analysis by the count
not adhere at all, but were carried out by the gas stream. All method, found that the largest observed size fell in the
the temperatures, pressures, and flow rates were recorded when vicinity of the 0.9986 level within the cumulative distri-
the maximum capacity was reached. bution of the parent population.
The experimental data obtained on drop size distribution
DROP SIZE DISTRIBUTION with water as the feed will now be treated in order to
determine the characteristics of the atomizing nozzle used
The important characteristics of a spray are the average in this study. A plot of log [ n i / ( d 2A d ) ] vs. d?, as shown
droplet diameter, the droplet size distribution and the larg- in Figure 2, yielded a straight line showing that the value
est droplet size. These will now be discussed in turn. Nuki- of q in Equation ( 2 ) is 2. Hence, the equation to represent
yama and Tanasawa (1938) presented the following em- the drop size distribution for the atomizing nozzle em-
pirical correlation to predict t h e average droplet size in the ployed in this study is
case of pneumatic atomization from an extensive experi-
mental study: ni/Ad = adi2 exp ( - bdi2) (3)
AlChE Journal (Vol. 21, No. 1) January, 1975 Page 145
data, that the ratio of &/dvs varies from 1.8 to 3.0 de-
pending on the operating conditions.
Prediction of droplet trajectories requires the solution of
a set of simultaneous equations to express (1) the three-
dimensional motion of the droplets; ( 2 ) their instantaneous
evaporation rate; ( 3 ) the three-dimensional flow pattern of
the drying gas, and ( 4 ) the instantaneous properties of
the latter. These will now be treated in turn.
The equation of motion of a droplet in centrifugal and
gravitational fields can be expressed as
dVf/dt = g + rw2 + VtV,/r - C~Vf2p,A,/2m+ FL/m
Resolving this equation in the three dimensions, the drop-
let velocities can be written as follows:
dVt/dt = - VtVr/T - 3cDpa Vf (Vt - v a t ) /4& (7)
,f (Vr - var)
dVr/dt = Vt2/r - 3 C ~ p v /44p + FL/m
dVJdt = g - 3cDpa V f (Vu - Vav)/4d$ (9)
where V f , the velocity of the droplet relative to the fluid,
is given by
V f z= (Vt - Vat)2 + (Vu - Vau)' + (Vr - Var)'
agrees with the experimental observation for a given set of
operating conditions can now be ascertained from a nu- AXIAL DISTANCE FROM NOZZLE, CM
merical solution of the equations of motion for the various 2: 4: 6; 8: 19" 12\450
For the purpose of illustration, the results of calculations 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
carried out for a specific set of operating conditions are TIME, seconds
presented here. The operating conditions for this experi- Fig. 6. Variation of droplet concentration and temperature of drying
mental run were as given below: air.
In /I \ A lzoo
- 160
10. Variation of angular position of droplet with time,
- 120
gas (but at constant inlet temperature of
the case of 10% calcium lignosulfonate solution, is shown
420 K), in
A 5.9 M ~ M I N 50
0 7.4 "
0 8.7 "
o\" 40
0 30
400 450 500 550
NOZZLE DEPTH, CM Fig. 13. Effect of temperature of drying air on efficiency for different
Fig. 11. Effect of nozzle position on evaporative capacity and effici- concentrations of calcium lignosulfonate solutions a t optimum
ency for different flow rates of drying air (constant temperarure of nozzle position and volumetric flow rate.
490 K) for 10% solution.
V "t P 1'"
- 0.8 g
a, b = parameters in Equation (2)
Y C1, C2 = constants
-0.6 9F Ap = projected area of droplet on a plane normal to
mean flow, m2
C = droplet concentration, %
L CD = drag coefficient
-0.4 2
0 C p = heat capacity, J/kg*K
a Csl, Cs2= heat capacity of inlet and outlet humid air, J/
- 0.2 d, = diameter of largest droplet, pm
di = diameter of each class of droplets, pm
Do = diameter of nozzle, cm
d,, = mean Sauter diameter, Y~i&~/3/tnidi~, pm
0 4 8 12 E = rate of evaporation, kg/hr
CONCENTRATION, WT O/o FL = lift force, N
Fig. 15. Effect of concentration of calcium lignosulfonate solutions g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
on optimum nozzle position and product yield. h = heat transfer coefficient, J/m2*s-K
AlChE Journal (Vol. 21, No. 1) January, 1975 Page 151
HI, Hz = absolute humidities of entering and leaving air, in = at initial conditions
respectively, gm of water vapor/gm of dry air o = at nozzle exit
ka = thermal conductivity of air, J/m*s*K x = at a vertical distance x below the nozzle
K = curl of fluid velocity, s-l w = a t wet bulb temperature of the air
m = mass of droplet, kg z = a t a position z along the droplet path
Me = mass flow rate of entrainment, kg/hr.
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Subscripts Schowalter, W. R., and H. F. Johnstone, “Characteristics of the
1 = a t the inlet conditions of spray dryer Mean Flow Patterns and Structure of Turbulence in Spiral
2 = a t the outlet conditions of spray dryer Gas Streams,” AZChE J., 6,648 ( 1960).
a = of drying air Manuscript receiued August 26, 1974; revision received and accepted
d = at datum temperature October 23, 1974.