Z13 Voyage Repairs and Maintenance Z13
Z13 Voyage Repairs and Maintenance Z13
Z13 Voyage Repairs and Maintenance Z13
The above is not intended to include maintenance and overhaul to hull, machinery and
equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s recommended procedures and established
marine practice and which does not require the Classification Society’s approval; however,
any repair as a result of such maintenance and overhauls which affects or may affect
classification is to be noted in the ship’s log and submitted to the attending Surveyor for use
in determining further survey requirements.
Annexed “Guidelines for the Survey of Voyage Repairs” is a recommendation and is not a
mandatory requirement under this UR Z13.
The purpose of these notes is to provide guidance to the field Surveyors in dealing with
voyage hull repairs and is to be considered in addition to the Rules of the Classification
Society; no part of this guide is intended to conflict with Rules of the Classification Society.
A. A meeting is to be held with the owners prior to commencement of hull repairs during a
vessel’s voyage to discuss and confirm the following:
10. Review of intended working conditions, i.e. staging, lighting, ventilation, etc.
12. Completed repairs are to be examined and tested as required to the satisfaction
of the attending Surveyor.
All details and results of subject meeting to be covered by a memorandum. A copy of this
memorandum is to be placed on board and to be provided to the attending Surveyor
examining repairs. In addition, a copy is to be sent/faxed to the arrival port where
completed repairs will be examined.
B. Any contemplated repairs to primary hull structures, i.e. main longitudinal and transverse
Z13 members and their attachments, are to be submitted to the Classification Society for
(cont) review prior to commencing voyage repairs.
Riding repairs to primary hull structures should not be permitted except in extreme
Any repairs to primary hull structures shall require attendance by a Surveyor riding-ship
survey or at regular intervals to confirm fit-up, alignment, general workmanship and
compliance with recommendations.
Repairs to other hull structural parts may be accepted based on examination upon
completion of repairs.
1. The initial meeting had been carried out and conditions found satisfactory.
End of