5 601a Assignment 6 PDF
5 601a Assignment 6 PDF
5 601a Assignment 6 PDF
Group 5:
Indian Accounting Standards don’t have any standard for Depriciation Accounting as in IAS 4.
However, IAS 4 was also withdrawn from, International Standards in 1999.
IAS 6 which was superceded by IAS 15, stating principle for “Information Reflecting Changing
Prices” is also absent from Indian Accounting Standards. However, it was covered by a
Guidance note of ICAI.
IAS 9, which accounts for Research and Development activities is missing from Indian AS.
However, IAS 9 was superceded by IAS 38 (Intangible Assets), which is there in Indian AS as
well (Ind AS 26).
IAS 13, “Representation of Current Assets and Liabilities” was initially a different International
Standard, which was later incorporated in IAS 1, “Presentation of Financial Statements”, and
therefore is not a separate standard in Indian Accounting Standards.
IAS 29, “Financial Reporting in Hyper-inflated Economies” is missing from Indian Accounting
IAS 30, “Disclosures in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial
Institutions” is missing from Indian Accounting Standards
IAS 32, “Financial Instruments: Presentation” is missing from Indian Accounting Standards.
Although, Indian AS 13, “Accounting for Investments”, might contain some provisions for IAS
30 and 32.
IAS 41, “Agriculture” is missing from Ind AS as per ICAI.